What is the best acne scar removal treatment? Acne is a serious condition that affects many persons the world over. Acne scars result mainly from the popping of pimples and until recently, there were no acne scar removers available on the market. However, there is no 'one size fits all' acne scar removal treatment out there on the market. All the same, the quickest, easiest, and cheapest type of acne scar remover is a chemical peel. For most mild acne scars, a chemical peel will do the job; the results will be visible within a few weeks. To deal with more severe scars, have this process done by a doctor or skin care technician. However, that is generally harsher and more costly than the at-home products. But what really is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel uses a chemical to smooth the texture of acne scarred skin by getting rid of damaged outer layers. Alphahydroxy acids, like glycolic, lactic, or fruit acids are the mildest of the peel solutions and give light peels. Trichloroacetic acids are used in many concentrations, but most of the time for medium-depth peeling. Phenol is the most potent of the chemical solutions and produces a deep peel, best for severe acne scars. After a peel, it is normal to observe some temporary flaking or scaling, redness and dryness of the skin. But there is hope, as these conditions will disappear as your skin adjusts to it. You will also be required to use sun block after treatment, as the peel hinders the face's pigment creation.
A chemical peel 'may' not work for everyone and for them, there is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is recognized as an effective treatment for some acne scars. While under anesthetic, a high-speed brush is used to discard of surface skin and smooth the contour of scars. Dermabrasion is not for every sufferer of acne scars; it may cause ice-pick scars to become more visible, if the scars are wider under the skin than on the surface. If you are darker skinned, dermabrasion 'may' bring with it new pigmentation that would need further treatment.
What is the best acne scar removal treatment? The answer to that question depends on the type of acne scar you have. A mild chemical peel will normally work for less severe acne scars. The strength of the chemical peel depends on the severity of the acne scars. For others, a dermabrasion procedure should work. Keep up the acne fight!
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