Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Acne Scar Removal - The Solution to Your Acne Scars Problem

Being the largest organ, the skin is most noticeable part of the body. This is why beauty is sometimes equated to flawless skin. But what happens when this organ becomes blemished with acne? In this article, you will learn about early acne and how to remove them.

Didn't you know that almost eighty percent of young adults and five percent of older adults are affected by acne? This skin condition is treatable. However, there are still a number of people who are marked with acne scars.

The earlier, the better

Have you noticed that when a lesion is healed, it leaves a hyperpigmented spot on the skin? Contrary to what most people think, this is not a scar. This is actually a post-inflammatory diversion that becomes noticeable as the skin undergoes the healing process for about six to twelve months. The skin is normally treated when lesion no longer develop in the certain area. Nonetheless, the skin defect that remains after one year is already permanent scar.


Listed below are ways and medications to help expedite the healing process attributed by post-inflammatory changes.

- Use tretinoin to hasten the remodeling process of the skin and to assist in the post-inflammatory change.

- Keep your skin protected from too much sun exposure. Wear an effective sunscreen.

- Apply AHA or Alpha-Hydroxy Acid and BHA or Beta-Hydroxy Acid with the right pH level.

- Avoid pulling the scabs off because they are intended to protect the remodeling process. Pulling it off only interferes with and delays the healing process.

What's your next step?

Take a few minutes to read about acne scar removal. In no time, you shall get rid of your unwanted acne scars.

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