Curing acne does not only involve putting treatment lotions and creams on your face. It is important that you take time to understand the root cause of the problem and what causes it. Without knowing this information how do you ever hope to battle the problem and find a cure or treatment that works. One of the many reasons why people endure long years trying to cure their acne is because they tend to focus more in curing and removing their acne without understanding where it actually came from. As a matter of fact, acne comes in different forms and in order to treat acne properly, let's discuss the reasons why people get acne and who are susceptible to acne diseases.
A lot of people are aware that acne is caused by excess oil in your skin. What most people do not know, however, is the fact that this excess oil is called sebum. Huge amounts of sebum present in your skin can clog your pores and when it does, it creates an anaerobic environment which Propionibacteria Acnes bacteria deems conducive for its growth. With the propagation of the acne bacteria, inflammation in the pores occurs which then causes acne.
Other than sebum, there are also other factors that affect your chances of getting acne. For instance, certain make up products can clog your pores and cause acne. There are also some medications that can increase your hormone levels and when it does, can boost oil production in your skin. Birth control pills are just some of these medications as these particular pills affect your hormones. Pregnant women and those who are in the pre-menopausal stage are also undergoing changes in their hormone levels which in turn can lead to acne. When a woman is having her period, her hormones also change so chances of getting acne are also high.
It is a common conviction that what you eat affects oil production in your skin and thus, can increase or decrease your chances of getting acne. Accordingly, chocolates, peanuts and other greasy foods can cause acne but this is not entirely true. A lot of scientific studies prove that diet does not affect acne in any way.
There are also people who have inherited their acne from their family. Yes, it may sound far-fetched but acne is hereditary. If there are certain members from your family who have acne, then there is probably nothing that you can do about it. You would need to treat the symptoms immediately before acne starts. What you have to remember is that when you attack the cause of acne, then you can rid yourself of it.
Feel free to check out some alternative cures for acne on our home remedy page at the Rid Acne Scars website.
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