Thursday, January 31, 2013

Solutions to Your Acne Problem

Effective Acne Treatment

If you want to know if there is a legitimate acne treatment method out there, let me be the first to assure you that there is. Discovering the type of acne you are dealing with is a good first step.

But, ultimately, no matter what type of acne, you still want to get rid of it, and the embarrassment acne it brings. Believe me, I know first hand, as you, the emotional stress acne breakouts can bring. This stress comes with more outbreak of acne as well. When it comes to acne treatment, it really is good to understand how serious your acne problem is. Do I have just whitehead and blackhead acne? Or, do I have more cystic, and inflammatory acne?

Seeing a Dermatologist is a great choice, that is why they are there. They can provide for you some immediate suggestions and knowledge that will make you feel like there is light at the end of the acne tunnel. Prescription medications, physical methods, such as light therapy, topical medications, or other natural fruit applications to the exterior skin are methods to consider. I went to one and obtained some good out of it, even though it was not the end of the line. To avoid scarring, treat your acne problem as quickly as possible. Also, consider this; treat acne not only from the exterior, but the interior. We are battling a condition that manifests itself on the outward, but is caused primarily from inside us, whether it be hormonal imbalance, allergic reaction, stress, diet, or plain old over oily skin. Remember a proverb from Proverbs in the Bible,

"Pro 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

Why a scripture of all things? How do you feel after and during a break out of acne? How does your emotions feel, your self esteem? Does the fear, anxiety, embarrassment make it worse or better? We must add to our battle, the positive confidence, that we are going to win against our acne condition!

You have seen the best ideas for acne treatment here, or you will as we continue to post them. But, if it is scars that you have developed as a result of your acne condition that you want taken care of, there are other options that you are going to need to consider. After an acne lesion has healed it can leave a red pocketed mark on your skin.

The best way to prevent post-inflammatory changes caused by acne is to prevent acne lesions from occurring, but this is not always possible and so once you do have scars, there are products available that you can use to lighten them or even completely remove them. Vitamin C is by far one of the best things that you can do to treat acne scars. Vitamin C is obtainable in tablet, fruit, juices. etc. Crushed tomato pulp on your skin can also be a good source of acids which will help treat the scars, and you want to just apply some lightly onto the scars on your face and then wash off after a few


These are all natural options but there are also prescription topical creams and ointments available that contain medicine and which will work to remove your acne scars. Like I said, I use a particular solution, that has wonderful applications that have helped eliminate many of my acne scars. It is clear to see from this that acne treatment is out there, and no matter how serious your condition is you will be able to deal with it properly. There are many options for treating the effects of acne scarring, consider them, and hopefully you will find what works best!

written by Joseph Young creator of

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