Imagine answering the question of how do I get rid of old acne scars and answering it by applying a chemical to your skin that removes the top layer of your skin leaving the skin underneath smooth and soft. Your acne scars are reduced or gone and your active acne more prone to clearing up more quickly. Read on and learn about a treatment that is becoming more and more popular for treating acne and acne scars.
Chemical peels for acne can drastically improve a patients acne condition and the overall appearance of their skin. Most peels for acne work by removing the surface layers of the skin in order to expose the fresh and unaffected skin layers below. The best choices for chemical peels are those patients who have superficial acne or acne scars alone. Patients who have severe or very active acne may not be the best choice for a chemical peel. These treatments can also improve skin pigmentation and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
You probably already know that chemical peels are used on the face, hands and neck. Peels are used to remove the fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. Peels can reduced wrinkles and improve the appearance of scars left behind by acne. Chemical peels will clear up age spots or the dark patches on the skin that are caused by being pregnant or from taking birth control pills. If your skin is dull or the skin texture is rough a peel may be right for you.
Chemical peels can fix skin that is damage from the sun and remove the scaly spots on the skin that could be pre-cancerous. After a peel the scaly spots are gone and not likely to reappear and your damaged skin will be smooth and softer. There are limits to what a peel can do, a chemical peel will not fix sags or bulges of the skin nor can a peel remove really bad wrinkles.
If you are fair skin you are a good choice for a chemical peel. If your skin is dark a chemical peel will work but the peel can not be used to treat all the problems that can be treated on a person with fair skin.
When a chemical peel is used the skin is cleaned of all dirt and oils. The chemical, of which there are many types, is applied to small areas of the skin a little at a time. The chemical causes the skin to blister and the blistered skin is than removed. The skin that is uncovered is smooth and pink and shows improvement, wrinkles are gone and acne scars are reduced or gone depending on how bad the scars were and how strong the chemical peel was.
So how do I get rid of old acne scars and improve the appearance of my skin you ask, well the answer may be only a chemical peel away. Chemical peels are becoming more popular as a treatment for acne and acne scars because there is little risk of complications and usually you have good result with only one peel.
When it comes to getting a peel always seek the advice of a cosmetic surgeon. They can determine if a peel is right for you. Make sure the person who is going to do the peel for you is a specialist and be aware that in some states a medical degree is not required for a person to administer a chemical peel.
When it comes to a peel there are many things to take into consideration. When thinking about getting a chemical peel you need to decide on the strength of the peel. The chemicals used for a peel can range from mild to strong. The stronger the peel the longer the down time and if you have a mild peel you will need to repeat the peel every 6 weeks.
A light or mild peel as opposed to a a strong peel refers to the thickness of the skin that is to be blistered. The stronger the peel the deeper the chemical goes into the skin the more skin that is removed. The deeper the peel the greater the side effects like mild redness, irritation, and sensitivity of the skin is to the sun.
Chemical peels for acne work only on certain types of acne and the peel may be combined with microdermabrasion, laser and dermal fillers. If you think a chemical peel is for you check with a specialist and look at all the pros and cons before getting one.
Chemical peels work well for removing mild wrinkles, acne and old acne scars. They can fix skin discoloration from acne and age spots. After a peel the skin is smoother, soft and pink. Depending on the strength of the peel there could be some kind of side effects and the skin will be sensitive to strong sun light. but all in all a chemical peel is a proven way to clear up acne scars and help to get rid of acne pimples and blemishes.
A chemical peel is a good answer to the problem of how do I get rid of old acne scars, but if scars are not your only problem and you have active acne pimples and blemishes than a peel will only help you with today's pimples and zits. A peel is not the answer to the on going problem that is acne. Treating the symptoms will not clear up the problem of acne for good. There is a way to clear up your acne for good, but you need to be serious about wanting to be rid of acne.
Of course you could keep taking the over the counter medicines and spending your hard earn monies on peels and harmful drugs, waiting for the time you are old enough not to have to worry about acne. However there is one approach to dealing with acne that works to get rid of your acne by treating the symptoms and the causes of acne.
Treating the root causes, the diet, stress, physical, sleep patterns and other factors that make acne possible will insure you of being able to get rid of your acne for good cure. So what are you going to do? Live with it or deal with it?
Do you know the difference between an acne treatment and a cure for acne? Your skin can clear up naturally-and stay clear-if you address the root causes of your acne. Click this link and learn why a holistic approach to curing acne is the only way to get rid acne for good. How good will it feel to be free from acne?