Saturday, September 14, 2013

Acne Scar Treatment - 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scar Right Now

Want to learn how to get rid of your acne scar quickly and easily using home remedies? Alright then, let me show you the best home remedies you can use to remove those acne scar right away!

First off, acne scar is hard to remove and does not takes days, but usually more than a week to completely remove it using home remedies. If you're good with that, then read on. Remember that medication and surgery is not a wise choice because it's harmful and usually expensive.

Here are 3 home remedies you can use to prevent and remove acne scar:

1. Drink more water. It may sound too simple but it really does work. By drinking water, you are keep your skin moist and that prevent the acne scar in many ways. Simply drink more water each day and try not to drink any other kind of liquid.

2. Apply a little honey onto your scar. This one is very easy to do and the result is amazing. Just try it for a week and most of your acne should fade away very quick. Honey is also great for curing colds and sleeping problem.

3. Apply a little lemon juice onto your acne. Just squeeze out some lemon juice and dab onto your acne scar. Lemon juice will fade away your scarring in less than 2 weeks.

All these remedies are very doable, but the best way to prevent acne scar is to never get acne right? I recommend you download a copy of Acne Free in 3 Days if you want to know the best home remedy to prevent acne for life - literally.

Acne Free In 3 Days is a very popular e-book that you can download today. It has information on how you can remove acne and acne scar right now. Click here : to download acne free in 3 days and learn everything there is to know about removing acne and having beautiful skin. Expect result in only 3 days!

The Best Treatment For Acne Scarring - Easy Acne Scar Removal

Often times, it makes sense to try and cure skin conditions and bodily illnesses with natural remedies. After all, many of the conventional medications available for our conditions utilize the properties of natural resources. Having said that, when trying to find a natural treatment for acne scarring, why not use the ingredients directly (while in their purest form) instead of indirectly (taking highly expensive prescription medication)?

Take a look at some of the common treatments for acne scarring that many people have gotten great results from.

- Healing Effects of Olive Oil - Olive oil is one of those natural remedies for just about any condition you can think of. It is a heart healthy product that also happens to be very good at getting rid of acne scars. All you would really need to do is massage the olive oil on to the areas of the skin damaged by acne scarring and allow it to do the rest. After a short period of time, you'll start noticing significant decreases in the visibility of your acne.

- Use Natural Products that Exfoliate - There are so many products out there that exfoliate the skin and put over the counter acne products to shame. One such item is oatmeal, which because of its fiber-rich properties, serves as a very good treatment for acne scarring. When cooked and cooled, oatmeal is used as a mask. It effectively exfoliates the layers of the skin and removes (layer by later) the acne scars which have appeared.

- Stock Up on Antioxidants - Do a little research to find out what kinds of foods are rich in antioxidants (Bright fruits & veggies for the most part). Antioxidants are very helpful at rebuilding & strengthening skin cells as well as repairing any damage caused by acne -- which in this case is scarring.

Try out one natural treatment for acne above -- try 2 if you really want to see fast results -- and then watch with your very own eyes as all of your acne scarring begins to fade away.

For more in-depth information about these and other acne scar remover treatments OR to just learn how you can test-drive the best acne scar removers for free, try visiting, one of the most popular & informative acne treatment websites on the web.

Body Acne Products For Treating Body Acne

Body acne can sometimes be hard to cure as the skin on the body is thicker then that on the face. It can also be difficult to look for a product to cure body acne as most of the products available in the market today focus on removing facial acne.

In some mild cases, the products which are effective on the face can work well on the body. There are however, a few products which are specially formulated for treating body acne. Since the skin on the body is not as sensitive as the skin on the face, you can always combine products and treatments. The main idea is to find a product which is more concentrated.

Mild cases of body acne can be treated with proper cleansing products. A very good option is to use a cleanser containing salicylic acid. It is important to repeat the use two times a day to achieve proper results. Pads containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid can be used to treat smaller affected areas. They can be used to get relief.

Body acne scar removal products contain alpha hydroxyl acids which exfoliate skin removing the dead skin cells. They also help to recover the clogged pores and promote cell growth.

Another product that is usually prescribed by doctors is Accutane. This method is used when all the other methods have failed to show results. Accutane has produced excellent results but it is not highly recommended. There are side effects associated with this product and these can be long term. You should be really prepared for the consequences if you are willing to take this option of acne scar removal.

It is impossible to achieve results in a few days time. All products need time to show results and you have to be very patient. You can always experiment different treatments and combine treatments to see which one works best for you.

Riaz J is a freelance writer who has written thousands of articles on various niches. He likes to share his knowledge with his readers and provide them with the best information on various topics. He also likes to write about Central Air Conditioning and Window Air Conditioning.

Warning! The Key to How to Remove Acne Scars

Removing acne scars is a major issue for many acne sufferers. Many people who have suffered from pimples have struggled with scars long after their blackheads or whiteheads have disappeared.

In fact, the problem of acne scarring is one of the fast-growing areas of 'acne treatment' - an area that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are spending a huge amount on treatment, plastic surgery and medication.

But is there a natural way to get rid of acne scars? How to you remove acne scars naturally?

First, you need to stop popping your pimples. This is absolutely the worst thing you could do, particularly if you have fingers that are unclean. The very best way to get rid of acne scarring is to let your own body work from within, which means you have to do some things that might not appear to have anything to do with how to get rid of acne scars at all.

You should ensure that your skin is moisturized or hydrated. You need to use oil-free moisturizers and test carefully what you're using to make sure they are not making your condition worse. You must also ensure that you are taking plenty of water because water is one of the very best things to prevent acne breaking out and to keep your skin in top condition.

Laser treatment has become very popular and it is an affordable way to deal with acne scarring because you 'resurface' the skin by using a special light that can reduce and eliminate scars and wrinkles. This is something that is used for general cosmetic treatment, but can be very effective for scarring too.

Similarly, there are dermabrasion techniques that are used which take off the top skin layer and then leaves the skin in a 'new' and better condition.

However, you should take care with dermabrasion and ensure that you are doing everything possible to avoid any heavy and intrusive surgical treatment of your acne scars. Often they can lead to increased susceptibility to acne if you are not doing the key thing required to properly ensure you do not suffer badly from pimples again - and that is to treat your acne properly internally.

Sure, you can use antibiotic ointments and creams, but isn't it better to look at an entirely natural treatment for your skin condition so that you are treating the problem naturally and safely? For instance, you can use rosehip oil to treat acne scarring, something that has been done very effectively. This can help the skin to redevelop and shrink wrinkles as well. You just need to gently rub the seed oil into the skin once or twice a day.

Diet is always a vital tool in the battle against acne and you should be eating good nutritious food so that you build up the skin cells' resilience and ability to heal scars and resist breakouts.

There are a variety of natural treatments that you can be using and should be using before you rush to the dermatologist or pharmacist. Make sure you do your research on the natural acne scar treatment methods out there.

Helen Barnes is a contributor to the [] and writes on the latest acne treatments being published online. You can see the best acne treatment reviews here: Best Acne Cures [].

Do Not Let Acne Destroy Your Beauty

Acne is a typical skin condition that causes one or more of the following:

o Black Heads

o White heads

o red or yellow spots

o greasy skin

o Scars

Acne typically affects the skin of the face, back, neck, chest and the arms. People mostly affected by acne are usually wit ages of 12 and 25. Man and women of ages between 30s and 40s can also suffer. There are treatments available to help deal with the condition.

Laser treatment of acne is generally used to kill the micro organism like bacteria causing acne. Glands that produce oil are shrunk. Such treatments are not very lengthy. It can take 15 minutes to an hour. There is no pain also. Laser uses a lot of heat to dye the glands thus, reducing sebum production.

Acne scar removal becomes necessary when acne leaves behind scars that never fade off. Acne scar treatment is similar to the procedure involved in wrinkle and pigmentation cure. Doctor's advice is the best cure to such treatments.

o One among the finest ways to cure the scars left by acne is biological treatment. Here, new tissues are restored on tissues that are old.

o Dermabrasion is a way where the top part of the skin is extracted by sanding. Thus, reducing the scars left. This method can be hurting.

o Microdermabrsion is a more mild procedure.

o Laser therapy is also used to reduce acne scars.

o Chemical therapy is used to remove the dead cells from the skin thus leaving the skin glowing without marks.

Acne medication is best suitable when taken under professional advice. The following are certain medicines which are dermatologically tested and approved by doctors.

o Isotretinoin

o Interlesional corticosteroid injection

o Oral contraceptives

o Topical retinoid like tazarotene, adapalene, tretinoin etc.

o Topical antimicrobials like benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, azelaic acid, sodium sulfacetamide.

o Oral antibiotics like tetracycline derivatives, erythromycin etc.

Rosacea is a type of acne which can be identified because of the redness in the skin. Rosacea treatment may include use of bezoyl peroxide, erythromycin, azelaic acid, lotions that contain sulfur etc.

Spectra clear pulsed light hair removal is a machine that uses pulsed light intensely. This has Pro+ and Acne+ LUA. This machine is developed to produce oxygen botanicals. It is advisable to use it along with pro care skin line. This is a very useful machine which is mobile and has seen beneficial effects in acne treatment and hair removal.

Spider vein removal is used on people having problems with varicose veins. There are creams and other products available to cure this vein problem. There are also natural ingredients available like extract of grape seeds. There is a therapy called as sclertherapy where they use small needles to inject the medicine into the veins directly.

Blackhead removal treatment can be done by taking steam and using your hands to remove the black head. There are other methods also like tissue extraction, comedone extractor etc.

Whitehead removal is also quite an easy technique. The best tool for this a comedone remover. Never try to pull out the white head forcefully.

Acne removal cost cannot be precisely told. It may vary from which product the person uses to what type of cure they opt for. Home remedies will be relatively cheaper than laser or light treatments.

Acne removal treatments are always effective when taken under the care of a professional. So it is advisable to take proper care when selecting the kind of products or the type of treatment that you would like to take.

For further Reading, Please visit Asian Women Magazines

What Every Parent Should Know About Acne Scars and Their Impact on Teenagers

Acne scars can have deep impact on a young person's life. A teenage with acne scar can become anti-social and can become more self aware leading to self isolation. If you are a parent, it is important that you educate your children on how they can avoid acne scars. You will not only save money by avoiding expensive treatments needed to reduce acne scars but you will ensure that your child doesn't get impacted by acne scars. The effect on a teenagers personality can be long term and very harmful.

Clean your skin and get rid of dead skin cells:

Clean your skin with mild cleanser like Aveeno acne bar. You don't have to wash your face too often, just every night is fine. Excess washing can irritate your skin and can be harmful to your skin.

Remove dead skin cells by exfoliating, you can do that with a facial scrub couple of times a week. By keeping your skin clean and getting rid of dead skin cells, you will promote healthy growth your skin.

The makeups you use are very important:

Makeups that contain oil can clog pores. So look for makeup and sunscreen that don't contain oil and are hypoallergenic. Also, you want use sunscreen when you are out in the sun. You want to use sunscreen that is specifically made for face care. Neutrogena carries good skin care products.

Number one medication for treating acne:

One of the best over the counter medication that has minimal side effects is Benzoyl Peroxide. It helps by healing acne pimples by killing bacteria and opening oil ducts.

Like any medication you don't want to use more than necessary. So consider starting with more diluted solution, like 5 percent lotion. You want apply it on your pimple acne after washing your face and going to bed. If this doesn't work you can consider applying it twice a day or a 10 percent solution.

Like any medication talk to pharmacist to get more information about the usage and be careful about reactions if you are using other medications or if you are skin is irritated. It is always good to see a dermatologist for your skin care needs.

Nancy Yelen

If you want to learn more about skin care and how you can avoid acne related problems, visit us online at acne redness solutions. If you have serious acne cyst issues and need help then find us at acne cyst.

This content is copyrighted by Skin Care Network and should not be reproduced without explicit written permission.

Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Acne Clear Tips

Are you an extrovert that has become withdrawn because of your unsightly skin? Has your bedroom begun to resemble a pharmacy as you have tried every cream on the market? Here are acne clear tips that are guaranteed to work even if you are a pessimist.


Have you even given up your favourite chocolate in the hope of improving your skin? With no results to show for it? Then keep reading. Acne starts when the sebaceous glands overproduce oil or sebum secreted through the pores.


The overproduction blocks the pores with a sticky mass of oil and dead cells. The bacteria normally present in skin convert the mass into compounds that irritate and rupture small glands. This causes inflammation and unattractive pustules.


Some people are genetically disposed to it. A bad complexion or dull looking skin may have more to do with what you do not eat than with what you do.


5 Acne Clear Tips

Follow a diet high in zinc. Healthy sources include shellfish, nuts, poultry and lean meat. Research has suggested that many sufferers are deficient in this mineral. Yoghurt and skimmed milk supply the mineral in smaller amounts.
Eat lots of liver and eggs for vitamin A which helps to maintain a healthy skin.
Have five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables like dark green or orange vegetables such as spinach, carrots, orange fruits including apricots and mangoes for beta carotene and vitamin C. A lack of this vitamin will make you more prone to infection.
Your diet should have a moderate intake of polyunsaturated fats and you should cut down on refined carbohydrates found in sugary foods, fatty and fried foods such as burgers and chips, highly salted snacks, soft drinks and confectionery.
Avoid iodine containing supplements.

These are home remedies to heal acne quick so you can regain your confidence. Click here for More Acne Clear Tips and Be Acne Free in 3 Days!

Chemical Peel For Acne Scars

This treatment is a mild approach to acne lesions; it remove the outermost skin layers to revealing the newer, unaffected skin. You can drastically improve the appearance of your skin but if your acne is still very active or you is pregnant, the chemical peels is not for you.

Peels are divided into three types: superficial, medium-depth, and deep.

- Superficial peels are used for superficial scar using Alpha hydroxyacids / Glycolic.

Depending on skin sensitivity, the strength of each acne chemical peel scar ranges from 20 - 70%.

Eyes, ears, lips and clothing are covered for protection. AHA is applied for several minutes depending on the desired depth of the peel.

Water is applied to neutralize and end the chemical process. The solution is then wiped off. There are no after-effects, and you can go back to normal daily life.

Usually you have to repeat the treatment every six weeks or so, for best results.

- The medium-depth peel is used for severe acne scars. Medium chemical peel penetrate the skin more deeply than superficial peel and are usually made from tricholoracetic acid (TCA).

Medium peels are performed as office procedures and require 15-60 minutes. Your surgeon may offer you pain pills or sedatives to help you tolerate intense burning during the peeling agent application.In the five to six days after treatment, the skin may turn dark brown, with white streaks. The newly skin may initially appear reddish, but the discoloration disappear within a week to reveal skin with improved texture and appearance.

Unlike deep peels, medium peels may be performed safely on people with olive and light brown skin. They may also be used in some people with dark brown skin, although the risk of discoloration is higher.

When compared to all simple and serious treatment options, medium chemical peels provide an intermediate level of improvement in skin appearance and they are ideal for the woman who wants more than a superficial peel, but cannot afford the expense or recovery time of a deeper treatment.

- Deep chemical peels for acne scars , including trichloroacetic acid and phenol treatments, act on deeper layers of skin tissue. Just one treatment is required. Because phenol peels are more aggressive peels, they offer some striking advantages, but also impose some striking disadvantages Click here to see a Video

A deep chemical peel on face and neck can be extremely painful. Some physicians prefer general anesthesia or local anesthetics combined with intravenous sedatives.

The main disadvantage of phenol is permanent skin pallor; therefore, Deep peel is not recommended for darker skinned individuals such Hispanics, East Indians, Asians and African Americans.

The initial recovery period with a Deep Peel is approximately 10 days to two weeks. Some patients experience discomfort after a deep chemical peel, but this can be controlled with medication.

A few days after the procedure, new skin with a bright pink color will emerge; the pinkness will fade within a few days. Patients should avoid exposure to sunlight and continue to use sun block.

You will be presentable in 2 weeks with makeup.

Cost of a treatment of chemical peel varies between $800 to $1200 depending on the size of the affected area. Time for recovery may vary between 2-4 weeks. The number of treatments and their spacing depends on the patient's goals, the condition of the patient's skin, and other factors.

I recommend you to speak to a qualified cosmetic surgeon who can evaluate your skin condition and a variety of other factors to determine what chemical peels for acne would work best for you.

Please consider the recovery period, cost, complexion type, and possible acne scarring home treatments as alternative to an office procedure. Click Here for a complete guide to Acne Scar Removal

Raffaella Ducoli suffered from severe acne for many years. Read about Raffaella Guide to acne scars treatments at

Acne - Home Remedies For Acne

Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). Acne occurs on the face, as well as the neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. Although most teenagers get some form of acne, adults in their 20's, 30's, 40's, or even older, can develop acne. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Acne can be disfiguring and upsetting to the patient. Untreated acne can leave permanent scars; these may be treated by your dermatologist in the future. To avoid acne scarring, treating acne is important.

No one knows exactly what causes acne. Hormone changes, such as those during the teenage years and pregnancy, probably play a role. There are many myths about what causes acne. Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed, but there is little evidence that foods have much effect on acne in most people. Another common myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and pimples are not caused by dirt. Stress doesn't cause acne, but stress can make it worse.

Home Remedies for Acne

Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball, leave for half an hour and wash. Repeat for 15-20 days.

Mix lemon juice with rose water. One lemon with same proportion of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and rinse it only after 30 mins. Constantly doing so will not only get rid of acne and pimples, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream ( 0% fat for oily face), 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of grind oatmeal and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply on face, leave for 10 minutes and wash off.

Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste.

Cleaning your face by washing it in warm salty water will leave it oil-free without aggravating the acne. Cotton dipped in rose water maybe used for cleaning the skin and to remove the makeup, especially the oil-based one, since it's responsible for acne outbreaks.

Zinc may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium and iron from food and supplements. It can interfere with the absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics and penicillamine. There is also some concern that a particular diuretic, amiloride, can reduce zinc excretion and lead to a toxic build-up in the body.

Try not to touch your face. It causes trauma to acne, just like picking pimples does. Tight sweatbands and chin straps from baseball caps and sports equipment can have the same effect.

Apply lime juice and rose water on the acne affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your face profusely with lukewarm water to get perfect cure for acne.

Make a paste of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks for permanently clearing acne.

Tomato can also be used for the treatment of blackheads and to open the pores of the skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is good particularly for oily skin.

Read about Herbal Treatment Natural Remedies Cures. Also read about Breast Enhancement and Breast Enlargement and Health Questions Answers Discussion Forum

Finding a Good Dermatologist

Choosing to clean up your skin is a smart pick. Not only will you look better, but you will also be feel good and have good resistance to disease. Whether you want a tattoo removal, acne scar removal, wrinkle removal or something else, dermatologists can do anything you want. You should look towards a dermatologist, one who can get you sublime care for your skin. Before you choose one, you need to settle on who to pick.

The first way to go is to look through referrals. Question your friends and family if they have doctors they can supply for your skin. They should be able to give you information about their procedures, how content they were with them, and how much they cost. You can also find details in newspaper and magazine advertisements for dermatologists. Another choice is to look over the internet, search advancements let you Google for your city and then dermatology, and it should give you a list of the best dermatologists in your area.

Before making a decision, check out the center for on your own. Ask for an opinion, and get an evaluation from several centers. Compare costs, your evaluation of the centers and details of their websites. Evaluate them from head to toe, you can never be too in depth when dealing with someone that could be messing with your skin.

Once you've done all the evaluations, you are ready to make a decision. Think about which one does the most excellent job on your given procedure, and move forward. Don't feel taken aback and locked in wherever you are, as long as you haven't picked a contract or paid a dime, you can always go in a different direction. Its never too late! You are expending a lot of money and risking your own body, so there's no reason you shouldn't pull out at any given moment.

Ross works for Celibre. Celibre is a Los Angeles Dermatologist, with a specialty in tattoo removal Los Angeles.

Cure Acne Fast - Using Acne Skin Care Solution

Expensive cosmetic products are flooding the market with the latest ways to cure acne fast. But there are less expensive acne skin care solutions that are milder and easy to use and can make you completely free from acne.

The best home remedies to get rid of acne scars are to treat all the causes of the problem. What causes acne? They are excess oil on the skin, inflammation of the skin, bacteria, and blocked skin pores. These listed factors should be kept in mind to efficiently find the way to stop acne and other causes are low self esteem, depression and so on.

Salicylic Acid - this effectively unblocks the skin pores to avoid skin diseases like pimples, acne and scars. Be very cautious when using this solution because over applying it can lead to negative side effects on your skin. Salicylic acid is present mostly in facial pads or facial washes.

Extract from Olive Leaf - the extracted powder from olive leaf eradicate viruses within the cell and it works together with their amino acid producing disease. This prevents detaching of viruses inside the cell. The powerful powder extracted from this olive leaf has anti-fungal and antiviral properties that kill micro-organisms thus it prevents the assembly of myco-toxins that are harmful to both hormonal balance and toxin removal. This extracted powder is one of the latest ways that will surely help you get rid of acne fast, it totally destroys the external lining of acne bacteria and this will stop the spread of this disease.

Acne Skin Care Solution like Benzoyl peroxide - benzoyl peroxide is a solution that is present in most creams, bars soaps and face washes today. Use it with caution to avoid skin dryness.

Note that when trying home remedies to get rid of acne scars, the response may differ from one person to another. You have to be patient to see positive results and keep on using the prescribed home cures for acne consistently. In contrast be wary when using this home acne skin care solutions because it can do you more harm than good. Make sure you consult your dermatologist on using homemade acne remedies, not only to guide you on home cures for acne but to also advice you.

Paul Christopher is an expert in bringing quick home made acne remedies. So to completely get rid of your acne get some unbiased information at acne no more it will help you attain free skin in less than 25 days.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - Do Not Leave a Single Loop Hole

Are you in search of the latest acne scar laser treatment? What is your major concern regarding acne scar removal? What is hindering you to go to the local medical spa? Is this the cost, which is stopping you to dish out the cash to get did of ugly scars?

If yes then read on to have a fair idea.

The cost depends upon the type of the patient's skin and the degree of acne scarring. The individuals with acne scars have to go through a Fraxel treatment once a month for consecutive three months and then 6 months after the last acne scar laser treatment.

After three months of treatment 50%~75% improvement is seen in 90% patients. Side effects of this treatment include redness and swelling in many patients. No patient experience wounds, skin discoloration or scarring due to laser. The size of the scarred area also influences the cost of treatment. Obviously larger area requires more time for the treatment and the cost goes up.

Still a rough idea is that for minor scar a person should be ready to pay around US$600~US $1500. More severe scar may even require US $3000 - US $ 6000. The credentials of physicians and the geographic location also affects the cost.

Important Pre-Laser Acne Treatment Tip

There are some acne scar laser treatment tips which you should take into consideration before starting the treatment

Ask the doctor which laser treatment he is going to use for your scarring.
Check from various sources the patients that have used this type of laser treatment.
Ask the doctors that how many treatments will be require.

To have a detailed picture of types of laser acne treatment and steps of the procedure check Acne Scar Laser Treatment.

Here you will also find wonderful natural formulas that work instantly on acne scars. Apply the techniques and enjoy a more confident life.

Effective Ways of Getting Rid of Acne Scars

Obviously there is no doubt that you must have searched for this article because you are either desperately looking for useful information on how to cure or prevent acne.

I have put together this article that will educate and enlighten you on how to deal with the troublesome after effect of an acne attack including the undesirable dreadful scars. The initial victory on the 'war against acne' is simply knowing how to prevent acne in the first place. There is nothing as distressing and embarrassing as having acne scars especially on your face. Study has shown that acne scars affect different people in different ways including their personality and self esteem. Most people suffering from acne always distance themselves from people and usually not at ease when dealing with the public.

Acne scars typically occur in very visible parts of the face like the nose and cheeks region. Getting rid of acne scars can be a very daunting task. Sufferers of this ailment can corroborate the fact that it can be a pain to eliminate acne scars. Theoretically, it is far easier to heal acne itself than the scars left behind.

The big dilemma is that acne aftermath scars are difficult to disguised even with the help of makeup or other facial cosmetics. Although it may seem unachievable eliminating acne scars, there has been many success stories of people who have succeeded in doing just that. I implore you to read this article in full to find efficient ways or means of eradicating these horrible and dreadful marks from your body.

There are several techniques of getting rid of acne and you will be finding out couple of the methods here. Method one involves the use of olive oil. Applying olive oil in the affected parts four times a day or more will help the scars in fading away or reducing. This is one of the most effective methods. There are unique properties contained in olive oil that can naturally improve the skin and this helps tremendously in tackling acne scars and burns.

Because Olive oil is a natural product, it has various valuable resources which of course are very safe to use. Additionally, applying Vitamin E oil on the parts affected by acne can also help in eliminating the scars. There are so many recognised skin moisturizers out there. Undoubtedly, Vitamin E is a renowned brand that is also very helpful towards clearing acne scars and reliable in maintaining the skin.

Vitamin E oil is commonly found around but should you fail to find one, then you may think of using alternative Vitamin E supplement. Gently apply the oil and rub on the affected areas. Believe it or not, the third method i am going to show you is the use of common Lemons. Lemon juice can be very effective in the removal of acne scars.

simply get some lemons and cut them up. Either crush them or basically squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Get a portion of cotton wool and gradually dab the affected areas. Everyone of the techniques outlined above is very safe to use and harmless to the body or skin. Try one or all of them in your search to clear blemishes from acne. Good luck and thanks for reading.

Knowing more about early acne signs or symptoms can greatly help in Getting Rid of Acne. Whatever your interest is, be it improving your acne condition or trying to be Acne Free, please visit my site for more effective tips on acne prevention.

Scar Reduction Using Homemade Natural Scar Treatments!

If you're looking for a natural and inexpensive way of reducing scars, I have good news for you. There are business people who would have you believe that such thing can only be achieved through laser theraphy or expensive creams... but that's essentially marketing hype if you ask me.

Reducing scars is something that can be done at home, but you need to understand what you're doing, and use the right procedures. Furthermore, the sooner you being treating a scar, the likeliest you'll manage to get rid of it permanently.

Understand your scars before trying to remove them.

A scar is your body's natural response to a wound. In fact, you can think of your scars as natural band-aids: they're a different type of skin that is formed over a wound, as to help protect the flesh underneath.

The problem with this "natural band-aid" is that it can't easily be removed. In fact, the older a scar gets, the harder it will be fading it. This is why rule number one for reducing scars is taking care of them as soon as possible: preferrably, just as soon as you get wounded.

Other aspects of efficient scar removal.

If you think that reducing scars is something that can be achieved simply by rubbing in some kind of special cream in your scar tissue... think again!

There are some shortcuts towards scar removal, but they invariably call for a multi-layered approach. Besides rubbing in the appropriate topical ointment, you need to learn about some important massage techniques, as well as making a little adjustments in your diet... such as drinking lots of water to help your skin regenerate quicker.

How long will reducing scars take?

It depends on the type of scars you're dealing with, where they are located and how old they happen to be. But it will usually take from a few weeks to a few months, before the day comes when you can no longer point out where your scar used to be.

Is natural scar removal too expensive?

Not really! There are several natural products that work like a charm in helping your skin regenerate as your scars fade. Some examples include honey, cucumber and aloe vera, which work nicely in removing stretch marks and scrapes. Lemon juice is also great if you're dealing with acne scars!

But remember, you need to use the right product for each type of scars... and doing so is only part of a good scar treatment.

Looking for free advice on scar reduction? Make sure to visit my blog!

You may also want to read this review about the best way of reducing scars I know of.

Where to Find the Best Acne Scar Removal Cream

Every person suffering from acne is on the regular lookout for the best acne scar removal cream. The very best cream will not just assist you during your insistent battle against acne in your face skin, back and other areas of your body, but the most effective removal creams will also deeply decrease the frequency of upcoming acne breakouts.

Though, when starting out using an scar cream you need to be aware of the correct way utilizing a scar removal cream.

So the question is Where To Find The Best Acne Scar Removal Creams? It is simply easy to locate some quality creams. You will have a option of chemically loaded creams or more natural creams, the choice is yours.

I suggest you consider the next things when looking for acne creams.

Do research on the product. Is there any testimonials about the creams product or perhaps can you just simply find people who have complaining about how ineffective the product was? Make sure that it has a good reputation.

Check for the guarantee. Does the corporation have a money back guarantee? Most acne scar products that produce results are comfortable offering this because they are confident they will not lose money. Their products work and they will put their money anywhere their mouth is.

Read the formula. Does the cream include micro dermabrasion if you have deep acne scars? You should really exfoliate and the only way to achieve near clinic results is through the use of something that essentially strips the top layer of skin. Make sure the product you are interested in has this.

The last, Maybe you suffer more from latest acne and you have the dark spots that seem like scars. When you are looking for an acne scar removal creams that reduces this, make sure that it consists of a bleaching agent. This is very different than the icepick type scars, so be sure you are matched accordingly.

For more information about acne scar removals please visit

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatment

Microdermabrasion treatments work by polishing away impurities and dead skin cells. This progressive skin re-surfacing technique can be used to target wrinkles, lines, superficial scarring, stretch marks, acne, and sun damage. Microdermabrasion is much less harsh than the dermabrasion technique that it replaces. Dermabrasion involves scraping off the outer skin layer with an abrasive, metal attachment. While this is highly effective in treating severe scarring, it also requires anaesthesia to counteract the pain and a relatively lengthy recovery time. Microdermabrasion is a safe and equally effective alternative to many surgical and laser skin-enhancing procedures.

Microdermabrasion activates circulation, deeply exfoliates the skin's surface, and effectively cleans the pores of trapped oil deposits and other contaminants while diminishing acne scars. The removal of the oil and dead skin cells makes it much less likely for the acne to reoccur.

Microdermabrasion peels avoid the use of harsh chemicals and utilize the power of debris leeching micro-crystals. Microdermabrasion peels are not painful and can be performed as a hospital outpatient, at a health spa, or even at home. Skin treatment regimens usually consist of a series of 4 - 6 peels spaced at one to two week intervals followed by maintenance peels every six weeks or as necessary.

Microdermabrasion acne treatments involve a mechanical exfoliating effect together with mild and soothing cleansers, which combine to clear the skin of debris without aggravating sensitive skin. These Microdermabrasion acne treatments can be used daily to clear the skin of impurities, leaving it refreshed and revitalised, allowing acne to heal and preventing new outbreaks from occurring.

Microdermabrasion is much less harsh than chemical peels. The skin is gently polished and renewed with the aid of micro-crystals which are circulated onto the skin with a hand-held cleaning device that extracts debris, unclogs pores and leaves a fresh skin surface that is supple and free of dead skin cells and other contaminants. It also stimulates blood flow and rejuvenation of skin cells through its therapeutic tissue massage. The amazing thing about micro-crystal creams is how effectively they polish the skin while being so gentle and non-damaging.

Microdermabrasion equipment ranges from expensive machines used in medical surgeries and salons to inexpensive do-it-yourself packages that can be used safely in your own home. This acne treatment is certainly much more convenient than surgical procedures, laser therapy and harsh chemical treatments, and presents far fewer risks.

Major distributors of home Microdermabrasion kits are Neutrogena, Mary Kay and Loreal.

Neutrogena Microdermabrasion Systems are designed for professional level results at home. They offer a 3-component treatment package that includes a 2-speed System Applicator, Soft Foam Sponge Head and a Micro-Oxide Crystalline Cream. The method is simple:

o Ensure that your face is clean and pat-dried

o Dab a small amount of cream onto the applicator's sponge head

o Apply to your target acne areas

o Massage the skin's surface for 1 - 2 minutes

o Rinse the crystal residue with warm water

o Marvel at the new layer of velvety, healthy skin that emerges.

Mary Kay's TimeWise Microdermabrasion set is a two-step process that provides the exfoliating, micro-crystal Refine Cream and a Replenishing Serum.

o No re-surfacing tool is required just your finger tips!

o Massage your skin in a circular motion with the Refine Cream,

o Cleanse with warm water and pat dry

o Apply the vitamin and antioxidant rich Replenish Serum

o Your new skin is now protected and nurtured

Loreal Microdermabrasion consists of the Gentle Micro-Dermabrasion Exfoliator and the Post-Treatment SPF 15 Sunscreen Moisturizer. This system is simple, just;

o Massage the exfoliating micro-crystal cream into target areas

o Rinse and pat dry

o Hydrate the fresh skin surface with the Post-Treatment Moisturizer.

o Notice the brighter, fresher skin tone

o Enables flawless makeup application.

John Cusworth is a Biochemist and Health Crusader from Melbourne, Australia.

Effective Scar Removal Treatment Options

Scar removal treatment, of all the dermatological treatments, is the most sought after one. Although scar removal is a part of our skin's natural healing process, but demand of removing them either cosmetically or surgically is high. If you are suffering from an indented, thick scar that makes you self-conscious every time you go out, then try out these treatments. However, in order to choose the right kind of treatment for you, you have to be informed about:

The possible causes of scars.
The kinds of treatments available for them.

Scars are caused basically due to damages incurred on the skin. The more severe the damage is, the longer it stays and the more noticeable it becomes. It can be anything from Chicken Pox to surgeries and injuries. Another common cause is acne. An acne scar lasts really long and is difficult to get rid of.

There are two types of scar removal treatment available in the market. They are:

Laser Scar treatment
Cosmetic scar treatment
Natural Scar treatment

Laser scar removal can potentially minimize the appearance of your scar just by using a light of high energy. It can also reshape the areas of your skin that has been affected by the scar tissues. There are different kinds of laser treatments, optimized for different types of scars, namely, pulsed dye laser, laser skin resurfacing, etc. The latter is best fitted for acne scar removal.

Some other clinical methods of scar removal treatments are collagen injections, fat transfer, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, etc.

Cosmetic scar removal treatment involves application of gels, creams or bandages that claim to reduce or remove scars. There is a wide range of anti-mark creams available over the counter. Application of them for a longer while may help in the reduction of the intensity of the scar.

There are some natural ingredients that remove scars successfully. Our lack of knowledge is the only factor that turns us towards costly clinical, surgical or cosmetic scar treatment options. In fact many people including doctors declare that it is impossible to completely remove scars of any kinds.

But let me tell you emphatically that removal of all kinds of scars including both new as well as old ones is quite possible. And the important point to remember is that your treatment should start immediately after the wound has healed to prevent any scarring.

Now This Is Really Important

In the next few minutes you will find some amazing information that is going to change your life. This information is very crucial for effective scar removal. Read the following article on scar removal treatment which tells you step by step about a very powerful and effective way to remove any kind of scar.

Here you will find an easy to follow guide on scar removal treatment that is going to change the way you look for ever within a short period. I strongly urge you to read everything on this page to get back your pristine beauty before it is too late.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Acne Scars - Natural Treatment Versus Cosmetic Surgery

If you have moderate to severe acne, chances are that you will experience some scarring once the blemishes heal. Acne scars can leave your skin looking and feeling rough, making you appear older than your true age. Fortunately, with all of the advances in dermatology, you do not have to endure severe acne scarring forever. Depending on the severity of your scars and your personal preference, we can help you decide whether to opt for cosmetic surgery or a more natural acne scar treatment.

What are the options for natural acne scar treatment?

For mild acne scarring, topical medications containing all-natural ingredients are a good place to start. You can purchase natural exfoliating cleansers from your local pharmacy or discount store to gently scrub away the outer layers of skin, leaving you with a smoother, more even complexion.

You can also create your own natural acne scar treatment from household items; apple cider vinegar, for example, is an excellent exfoliant. Try diluting vinegar with water and dab the solution on the affected area with a cotton ball; a poultice made from a combination of fresh lavender and chamomile can also reduce the appearance of scarring.

How can surgery help eliminate the appearance of acne scars?

There are a number of different options for treating scars using a cosmetic procedure:

With filler injections, your dermatologist can insert a collagen-like substance under your scars, plumping out the skin and giving it a more even appearance;
Laser resurfacing can remove the damaged skin and stimulate the growth of healthy tissue;
Dermabrasion uses a special machine to shear away the affected tissue, allowing new, healthy skin to grow in its place.

How do I know which option is best for me?

If you have severe scarring, or you have tried natural treatments without success, you may want to consider a cosmetic procedure. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist; he or she can help you determine which procedure is best for your condition. Keep in mind that surgery can be somewhat expensive; it can also entail a moderate amount of down time while you recover, and you may need to schedule several sessions to achieve the desired results.

Where can I learn more about treating my acne scars?

With our free acne newsletter, you can learn how to reduce the appearance of acne scars and enjoy the clear, smooth skin you have been wishing for. Find out the latest methods for treating pimples, and discover how you can treat and prevent these unattractive blemishes with proven home remedies that bring out the natural beauty in your skin. Visit us today at

Acne Scar Removal at Home Remedies - Healthy Ways to Manage Scarring

There are some wonderful acne scar removal at home remedies. Such remedies work toward softening the skin area and promoting proper cellular healing.These treatments can sometimes work extremely quickly.

Some good remedies include the use of:

A Marigold Salve
Berberis Aquifolia

Homemade Marigold Salve

A homemade Marigold salve can be used to remove scar formations caused by acne. This treatment is good for face acne scars and body acne scars.

Marigold helps the body to generate healthy tissues; it promotes speedy healing and is commonly used on wounds. You will need a pound of lard and marigold leaves and petals for this salve.

Boil the lard until it is liquefied. Add two handfuls of Marigold leaves and stems. Let the mixture simmer for about ten minutes. Allow the concoction to cool completely. Bring to a boil again. Once completed, keep the mixture in the refrigerator to encourage freshness. Apply the salve to scars daily to soften the scar tissue and to promote skin repair.

Berberis Aquifolia

This all natural herb can be taken at home to deal with pitted skin, pitted skin prevention and acne scar healing. This herb is sometimes called Oregon Grape.

You can add five to thirty drops to a cup of warm water to make an Oregon Grape tea concoction. You can use this remedy up to three times daily to promote healthy liver functioning and healthy skin cell production. You can also find this herb combined with other healing herbs like Echinacea which offers immune system boosting properties.

To discover even more effective methods for getting rid of acne scars and acne in general visit:

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars - The Honest Truth

Treatments on how to get rid of acne scars are very useful, but it depends on what skin type you have. Treating acne scars can be done through natural inexpensive ways and dermatological procedures that would probably cost much. However, the treatment of the scar still depends on the sweetness and the severity of the scar.

Removing the surface layer removes some shallow scarring at the surface, which lessens the depth of scarring. Micro-dermabrasion, a similar technique, removes the surface skin by using crystals of aluminum oxide that pass through a vacuum. Removes dead cells, unclogs sebum canals and dissolves scar tissues by enzymatic hydrolysis, without peeling. 

 Dermabrasion is a great way to remove the acne scars. Doctors use a machine with diamond edged wheels that rotates very fast. Dermabrasion, which is a procedure done in salons and dermatology clinics peels off the outer layer of the skin, so the scars are removed.

Other anti-scar treatments include laser resurfacing and the chemical peel procedure. Dermabrasion has been around for quite some time, but has given way to newer techniques to get rid of acne scars. This involves a rotating metal wheel for removing acne scar tissue and skin layers.

 Here is a tip that will benefit you with you acne..

Lemon juice naturally and smoothly bleaches the skin, and this makes it efficient for certain types of scars that are essentially darkened or discolored spots. Picking at scabs must be avoided at all costs. Lemon juice has the properties of natural bleaching, which helps to lighten up the scars. Cucumber juice also works well with acne related scars. This special home remedy will definitely help you on how to get rid of acne scars.

To vanish the deep scars [] on your face go to [] for a beautiful clear face from acne and acne scars.

Hi, I'm Rico Grier and I love to write about health and give tips regarding to acne problems.

Acne Laser Skin Treatment - Put an End to Your Acne Scarring Once and For All

Those who suffer from acne know how depressing it can be.  Acne scarring can be especially frustrating because it lingers long after the initial acne recedes. Fortunately, acne laser skin treatments have grown in popularity and effectiveness. Here, we take a look at this issue in more detail.

Lasers can be used for a variety of reasons

Lasers have been used for a number of purposes such as removing pigmentation, unwanted hair, wrinkle removal and lots more on the face.  In even the recent past, lasers were considered problematic by dermatologist when used for acne scarring. However, with an advancement in technology, it has become a preferred choice for acne scar removal from the face.  Acne laser skin treatments have been fine tuned and can now be used by teenagers and adults from various ethnic backgrounds with ease.

Those who have active lesions have found that the laser treatments can provide significant improvements. Along with the scars, there is a sharp decline in the acne, blackheads and the pimples on the face. Those with severe acne find it quite beneficial. Dermatologists have also found that facial acne can be best be treated by these treatments which is directly reversal from several years ago. 

How Laser Acne Treatments Work

The laser penetrates deep into the skin tissues and helps to bring back to life the dormant cells. This helps the scarred region and its surrounding area by creating a smooth texture for healing. Laser resurfacing is also a part of any acne laser skin treatment. It is used to smooth out wrinkles, pits, or other rigged areas on the face.  It was used first by celebrities who were worried about their true age; however, its popularity has spread to people from all walks of life.  The acne laser skin treatment can also be an alternative to those who have become immune to antibiotics. 

By keeping this information in mind, it is easy to see why more and more people are turning to an acne laser skin treatment. Their growing list of users speaks to its effectiveness. However, no treatment should be done without a complete knowledge of laser treatments.

For more information and tips on Acne Laser Skin Treatment, try visiting - it is a website offering solid tips and information on different acne home remedies and conventional treatments.

Hypertrophic and Other Scars - Think of That Scar As a Living Patch

A hypertrophic scar is one that is larger than expected. Before going into what makes a scar larger that expected, what is a scar?

When we sustain an injury, there is a graduated bio-cellular response that takes place in our bodies. The type of reaction largely depends on the site where the injury occurs, the strength and type of the injury and the individual. For example, when we sustain a cut, the body tries to close the laceration as completely as possible. Most of the time, those cuts and scrapes close completely.

If the injury is over a larger area or is deeper, the tissue reaction may not be able to fully restore the skin to its original shape and condition. At some point, the graduated bio-cellular response begins to form a living patch that bridges the deeper and wider deficits in the skin. We call this patch a scar.

Scars are mostly composed of fiber-making cells in a sea of collagen. These patches can have different shapes and sizes. Most of the time the scar is confined within the borders of the wound. In some individuals, the scar grows up and out of the borders of the wound. This is observed in the case of keloid formation. Characteristically, keloids have much more substance than is needed to patch the wound.

Hypertrophic scarring is another variety of scar. These patches have larger than usual fiber cells in their substance. There may be more bulk than expected but the hypertrophic tissue stays withing the borders of the wound.

Skin scars mature over time. That is why the wound in the form of a scar may contract and often change color from red to white. Scars are made of living tissue and will try to defend themselves if they are traumatized. Scars will re-grow, grow deeper and wider and resist physical removal in a variety of ways. The younger the scar, the more likely it is to react to attempts to remove it. This characteristic of any scar has important implications when attempts are made to remove the scar. Scar removal attempts can make the scarring worse.

There are many techniques available to remove scars. Recent laser and cream therapy have brought new and more promising strategies for scar removal. One of the drawbacks to laser scar removal is the discomfort which can be appreciable. Also, there is the cost. Laser removal along with dermabrasion can be very expensive.

Up until recently, skin creams worked by re-vitalizing the skin. Common methods include watering or oiling the skin. In the last few years, we have gone beyond skin revitalization to the next level. Now we can regenerate the skin. As the word implies, regeneration makes the scar more like normal skin. Regeneration stimulates and alters the scar cells to behave more like skin cells. This is how the scar is modified. No expensive peels or laser burnings.

Do you have an unsightly scar? You can do something reasonable and sensible that will remove that scar and save you a lot of money. get rid of scars

Take advantage of this new safe and natural scar removal technique. It is guaranteed.

Take the next simple and sensible step. All you have to do is click on this link right now and find out more. remove any scar

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - Vanish Acne Scars For Good

Acne scars are tough to live with, specially because a lot of times, they stay forever. If you are reading this, it shows that you are looking for a great solution to get rid of them. This option currently is called "acne scar laser treatment".

Currently there are different types of lasers used for this procedure and it will depend on what your doctor determines. However one of the aspect that most people seek when looking for this option is the cost of the treatment. This treatment is known as the most expensive treatment to get rid of acne marks.

First off, it is important to state that the costs of the full treatment will depend on your type of skin and the severity of the scarring. Usually, patients need to good a Fraxel treatment for 3 consecutive months, and then this same treatment period must be repeated 6 months later to get the full effective results.

After the first period of treatment, a lot of improvement is observed in around %90 of patients. This improvement is obviously not complete. In some cases, you should know that acne scar laser treatment could bring side effects; they include swelling and redness, these side effects are treatable and do not include discoloration problems that other scar removal treatments could bring.

Another factor to keep in mind in this type of treatment is the shape and size of the scars. The larger the scar, the more treatment needed. Also, some doctors consider laser not so effective to treat with laser, this is something you should discuss in your personal appointment.

Having considered all these factors, it has been estimated that in the case of severe deep acne scarring, the cost for acne scar laser treatment can go up to $6000, while a treatment for minor scars can cost up to $1700; these are average costs. Know that the cost of this treatment is not covered by insurance companies.

Laser acne scar removal treatments are the best way to get rid of scars, however there are other methods used for the same purpose that have also shown great results.

If you are interested in their costs, here is a a list of acne removal costs with different methods.

Eliminate Acne Scars With Clarisonic - Review of the Clarisonic Skin Care Brush

Acne scars can be incredibly difficult to get rid of. Depending on the severity of the acne scars, it can leave you feeling very self conscious. Let's face it, a smooth and even skin tone does wonders for self esteem. Thankfully, it is not impossible to eliminate acne scars. Following a healthy diet and skin care regimen is a great start but sometimes you need a helping hand. The Clarisonic Skin Care Brush can be a fantastic addition to your skin care regimen to speed up the process of fading acne scars and revealing beautiful, clear skin.

The Clarisonic Skin Care Brush can be used on the face or body and oscillates 300 times per second to exfoliate your skin and removes up to six times more makeup than normal cleansing. The makers of the Clarisonic promise that you will see a reduction in oily and dry patches and your products will be better absorbed meaning you can use a lot less of your products and get great results.

Blemishes will also be reduced so if you suffer from acne scars or dark marks on your face, the oscillating brush will remove dead skin and help to fade those marks as well as giving you generally clearer skin.

The Clarisonic skin care brush comes with some sample cleansers but it can be used with your favourite cleanser as long as it is not a scrub and does not contain exfoliating beads because that would be too harsh for your skin. Once fully charged, you can use your Clarisonic for about 2 weeks until you need to charge it again.

Is it Worth It?

You will begin to notice a difference in your skin in just a week. Your skin will be brighter as dead skin cells are removed and you will see that your acne scars fading. Some consumers have reported breaking out in the first week or two but after 4 weeks, most Clarisonic users report that their skin has made a complete turnaround.

The only downside is the price at $195(£150) for the Classic model and $225(£175) for the Clarisonic Plus but if you ask any Clarisonic user that has suffered with acne and acne scars and they will agree that it is totally worth it. For the cost of getting two facials at a high end spa, you can treat yourself to a daily mini facial, kiss goodbye to your acne scars and say hello to flawless skin.

You don't have to live with skin blemishes or dark marks a day longer! For more tips on how to quickly and effectively fade dark marks with skin lightening products, visit us today at Skin Lightening Treatment.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Simple Natural Remedies to Reduce Acne Scars

It is quite difficult to remove acne scars completely at home without any surgical processes. However, it can be reduced through natural remedies and nutrients. This article discusses some natural remedies to reduce acne scars.

1. Mix a fresh limejuice in a glass of boiled milk and apply on the face as a face wash for acne, blackheads, and cracked skin.

2. Prepare a paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, acne, blackheads and whiteheads.

3. Wheatgrass is one of the best natural source of healthy nutrients. Drinking wheatgrass juice will help to reduce acne scars.

4. Eat fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C. You can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree ¼ cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapple contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help reduce acne scars.

5. Your skin needs water to keep the skin plump, to remove toxins, and the build new skin cells. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to give your skin enough water it needs to reveal healthier, fresher skin.

6. The last but most important thing you need to reduce acne scars is consistency. Acne scars form over a series of weeks, layer by layer. To remove the acne scarring, you need to use acne home treatment on a daily basis to remove the damaged scar tissue layer by layer.

Devote time to remove the damaged skin and give yourself the nutrients you need to build healthier skin. Note: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it.

Copyright ? Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Here are excellent Acne skin care products that will give you acne free skin you were longing for. Also read Home remedies for acne at Natural cures website - a health guide to make you and your family fit and healthy.

Types of Acne Treatments

Acne has been a persistent problem among humans for centuries. While acne is mostly the problem of teens, it can also develop on the skin of older people. Because of this, humans have been looking for effective treatments for as long as acne has been a problem.

Today, there are numerous types of acne treatments available in the market. They are so many that choosing the one that fits you can be pretty daunting. Don't worry, though, because we will help you decide what treatments are available to you in the following paragraphs. Read on if you're ready to learn more.

First of these acne treatments are the over the counter acne solutions. As the name suggests, these are acne treatments that you can easily buy from your local pharmacy or even from the internet. This is a great benefit to those who simply want a quick and effective way of getting rid of their acne. Another benefit is that over the counter acne solutions don't require you to present a prescription when buying them. So if you're after convenience, then over the counter acne solutions work.

Examples of these over the counter acne treatments include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and antibacterial solutions.

However, over the counter acne solutions are typically ineffective against more serious and more persistent forms of acne, such as nodules and pustules. If you need a stronger solution, you will have to consult with your dermatologist. Your dermatologist would then prescribe an acne solution that's right for your condition.

Some of these prescription acne solutions include retinoids, which help in unclogging your pores, and even oral contraceptive pills, which help regulate the hormone levels in women. Since these medications require a prescription, you won't be able to easily acquire them, unlike over the counter solutions. On the plus side, however, prescription drugs are more effective against more persistent acne.

Surgery may be required for those with even more serious cases of acne, such as cystic acne. There are a variety of surgical options available, and thus, it is required that you seek your dermatologist's advice which among these options would suit you.

The surgical option isn't just for those who want to get rid of their acne, it may also be recommended to those who want to have their acne-related scars removed. While surgery is effective against more serious forms of acne, as well as removing acne scars, they are obviously costlier than over the counter and prescription acne effective treatments. Surgery will easily cost you several thousands of dollars, while other cheaper options cost around a hundred dollars per session.

So what type of acne treatment is for you? The answer would of course depend on the type of acne that you have. If you're just having problems with whiteheads and blackheads, over the counter acne solutions would suit you just fine. However for more serious acne problems, seek your dermatologist's help. He/she would then recommend a more effective acne solutions for you.

Dr. Albert Coley, MD, dermatologist provides down to earth, practical tips and advices on the best treatment for acne. For more Details please visit: Acne Solutions.

Ew! My Acne is Driving Me Crazy! How Can I Make it Go Away Forever?

In today's society, the spotlight is always on! No longer are famous movie stars and celebrities the only people to be singled out for minor imperfections. Walk into any high school in the country and you'll quickly learn a little bit about teenage politics.

Nowadays, its almost impossible not to be confined to some sort of clique in high school. Regardless of your interest in teenage popularity, it happens. Those who choose not to define themselves are seen as losers. Those who define themselves as popular are seen as snobs.

So what does this have to do with my acne?

A lot believe it or not... Acne is one of the biggest factors in determining your high school popularity. It's such a shame that the world has come to this. What ever happened to everyone being equal? What ever happened to "Don't judge a book by it's cover"?

I hate to say it, but those days are over. We can sit here and live in our past for the next decade, or we can do something about it. I don't know about you, but I'm all for getting rid of my acne forever!

With that being said, I hope you're on board. Let's run through the most effective treatments for acne that you can do at home.

Wash your face every night with a cleaner developed for treating acne. (An example of this would be almost any face wash in the Neutrogena product line). Whatever you do, DO NOT wash your face with plain hand soap. This will dry out your face, and make treating your acne even harder in the future!

If you have long bangs, clip them up at night. I don't know why this simple tip hasn't received more coverage. Everyone that I know who has acne hates the acne on their forehead the most. It's the hardest place to treat acne and long bangs do nothing but marinate your forehead in your own oil at night. Clipping your bangs up every night will yield significant results, I guarantee it!

Don't overuse medicated treatments like Clearasil, Proactiv, etc. These treatments contain harsh acids that dry out your skin as fast as possible. While you might think this is a good thing, it actually isn't. When your face gets too dry, your body's natural reaction is to secrete more of it's own oil -- Yielding adverse results.

"But wait, I've already tried these tips and nothing seems to work for me!"

If you're truly serious about getting rid of acne and nothing else has worked, [] has reviewed the top 5 acne treatments on the internet. These treatments really work and they come with a 100% money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose!

Don't let acne take away from your natural beauty. Get rid of it today!

Treat Your Scar in Various Ways

Acne is caused when pores are blocked by oil and dead skin cells and acne can leave scars on the skin. Acne Scar removal is a surgical process to help fade or remove carious degrees of acne scare with lasers, topical medications, manual abrasion or excision and also the depressions are filled with various medications. It is recommended to consult a Dermatologist before one goes in for Acne Scar Removal Treatment. However, scar removal treatment is very heavy on the purse. The process is very complex as a very long period of pre - post treatment maintenance with too many sessions with the dermatologist.

Acne scars are caused by the inflammation at a cellular level, which causes darkening or lightens the pigmented areas, disruption fibers and overproduction of scar tissue. This also alters the collagen structure which creates a pock mark or other scar. This may even damage the melanin production in the skin. Acne scar can also be called atrophic scars. The more inflammation that occurs on the skin the more scarring will be there. Whenever you squeeze or pick a pimple you cause the possibility of the scarring to spread as the fluid spreads.

There are several treatments such as home and medical treatments which help you fade or remove the acne scare. Treatments may include home treatments such as tropical medications and weak to medium chemical peels and in - office treatments like micro-dermabrasion, laser, intense pulsed light, injections, dermabrasion or demaplaning.

Some of the treatments have some risks and complications involved but it also depends on person to person. The one's which are more ablative are riskier and include effects like additional scarring, skin thinning and some kind of infection. Injectable fillers can lead to granuloma formation, over - correction and infection. Low level laser and radio- frequency can also lead to hypo - hyper pigmentation depending on the skin, facial loss and contour irregularities.

The recovery of the treatment depends upon the option you choose. If light or non-ablative options are chosen then the recovery would be shorter. Lasers and dermabrasion have an extensive recovery. Injection fillers have the least impact and not fully eradicate the skin irregularities.

For more information, visit one of the links in this paragraph. They offer the best acne treatment secrets, as well as natural acne cures.

Laser Scar Removal Information

Laser scar removal is one of the treatments currently available for removing unsightly blemishes and scars. It can benefit many people with different types of scars such as surgery scars, injury scars, acne scars, and many more.  

Scars can affect the self-esteem and confidence of people depending on the severity and the location.  However, prices can vary and sometimes the treatment can be cost prohibitive to some seeking treatment. 

There are different types of laser scar removal depending on the scar. Pulsed dye lasers are best for raised, red scars, and laser skin resurfacing can help acne or chicken pox scars. Fractionated infrared lasers may work for treating acne scars on African American skin.  

After the scar removal, you need to take care of the area by keeping it clean and applying an antibiotic ointment. Sometimes the doctor will prescribe a medicated cream to help the scar fade. There might be some pain and discomfort after the treatment.  

It will take some time for the skin to regenerate and it will vary according to the individual and the treatment. The most common problem or risk with laser scar removal is hyper pigmentation or hypo pigmentation, which can usually be avoided by avoiding excess sun exposure.  

Laser scar removal is not covered by insurance if it is a cosmetic procedure but often doctor's offices can provide financing. The cost is different for each procedure, depending on the time it takes, anesthesia fees, facility fees and physician fees. The best way to get an estimate is to talk to a doctor about the procedure.

For more information on this subject please review the following articles: Laser Scar Removal Information Laser Scar Removal Guide

Monday, September 9, 2013

Acne Remedies - Home Acne Scars Remedies

There are many acne scars' medications available, but not all people are keen on using synthetic ingredients and products on regular basic. They use home remedies for acne scars as they are concerned that the skin may be affected.

Natural remedies can reduce the acne scars' intensity and improve the tone and the texture of the skin, but they may take time to work. They may take between three and six months before noticing that acne scars are reduced markedly. Natural remedy may work effectively for you, but be ineffective on someone else. You need to try another natural remedy, until you find one, which works for your skin.

One common home remedy for acne removal that many patients find effective is to apply a face mask of tomato juice and cucumber mixture. Tomatoes help prevent the skin from damaging, and they are anti oxidants. Tomatoes also improve your skin tone and help strengthen your immune system. The mixture is very effective at tightening up your skin pores.

You need to wash your face with water to make sure there isn't any trace of ointment or make up left on the face. Apply the mixture in a form of a mask. Then keep it for half hour before removing it.

Another home remedy for acne is a paste of black gram and sandalwood. You can use rose water or milk as a base for this paste. You can apply it in the affected area or over your whole face. Wash your face with water after leaving the paste overnight. Sandalwood reduces skin irritation and inflammation as it has a cooling effect.

There are other useful acne remedies such as Indian neem paste and Australian tea tree. They prevent acne infection and treat acne scars because of their bactericidal properties.

Get more article about acne treatment

Easy Treatment of Acne Scars

Acne scars can make your skin look like it has pits and craters scattered all over it. This can make you feel very embarrassed when you go in front of a crowd and it will also lower your self-confidence drastically. The occurrence of these scars is due to the presence of collagen and also the damage of the epidermal layer of the skin. It is not possible to get rid of these scars without any kind of acne scar treatment.

Acne scars leave almost a permanent mark on the surface of the skin and also on the self-confidence and self esteem of the person. But the latest discoveries in the field of science and technology have lead to the finding of new acne scar treatment in order to remove the scars, which are present on your skin.

There are many different ways of treating acne scar, which are present on your skin. You can make use of collagen injections, Dermabrasion and also laser treatment.

Dermabrasion helps in scar treatment by making use of a brush in the shape of a diamond, which will help in removing the outermost layers of the skin. This is similar to using sandpaper, which will help in making surfaces smoother. The skin could turn red for a certain time period and it could also become sensitive to the rays of the sun.

Microdermabrasion is a more advanced version of this method of the treatment. A brush is substituted by a mild abrasive, which will help in smoothing out the roughest layers of the skin.

Laser treatment is also used in order to treat scar by refreshing the skin and making the innermost layers of the skin produce collagen. There are many different kinds of lasers, which can be used. Skin grafting will also have to be done in certain cases and this dependent on the condition of the acne scars. Surgery should be done in order to set the skin right through grafting or some other procedures will have to be followed in order to remove the scars.

Some of the normal and conventional methods can also be used in acne scar treatment, which are present on the skin. There are many kinds of natural remedies, which can be tried out at home in order to remove the acne scars, which are present on the skin. Make sure that you drink a lot of water in order to keep your skin well hydrated and you can also apply lemon juice, honey or aloe Vera gel on your face and keep it through the night and you can find your face glowing the next morning in the mirror. Garlic juice can also be applied on the acne.

But an acne scar cream is the best acne scar treatment for the permanent removal of acne scar. Revitol produces some of the best acne scar creams. This cream will help in cleaning the pores of the skin and it will make your skin look very smooth. This product also comes with money back guarantee.

Acne scar is not a lot of fun. Stop wasting your time being fooled by false information. Visit the Get rid of scars blog and you can find out helpful tips about Acne Scar Treatment.

Worried About Your Ugly Scars? Go For A Chemical Treatment For Acne Scars!

The scars caused due to cystic acne can be entirely removed and a wide variety of methods is available for the chemical treatment for acne scars. A scar is developed when acne is scratched or forcibly pricked. This is a common mistake committed by teenagers due to lack of knowledge. They are much worried about their appearance and they try to prick and squeeze it out to get rid of it. They end up with ugly scars on their face. It is always rightly said that "prevention is better that cure". By avoiding scratching or squeezing in the initial stages, you can prevent the scar formation. When you squeeze a pustule, the infected substance gets deeper into the skin that causes more inflammation and scarring.

Types Of Chemical Treatments For Acne Scars

Many types of treatments are available for the removal of acne scars and you can choose the one that is suitable to you with the help of a dermatologist. These are some of the ways you can approach your chemical treatment for acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a method used to scrape out the damaged skin. It is suitable and best works on shallow scars. A machine with diamond edged rotating wheels is used for scraping which replaces the traditional way of sandpaper scraping.

If you want to go for a newer technique then Laser resurfacing is an option available for you. The effects are same, as in case of Dermabrasion but with the help of laser the penetration is made deeper into the skin.

There is also another method called Punch technique available to treat deep acne scars. This method involves cutting the scar loose so that it floats up to the level of the skin surface. It is a best treatment for pitted scars.

Subscision is a similar type of treatment in which the scar tissue is broken under the surface of the skin. A pool of blood is formed at that place and the blood clot helps to level the surface by forming connective tissues under the scar.

A method known as Dermal fillers is also used to treat deep scars. This method is not long lasting and it lasts only for about six months. Injections like a collagen or fat is injected under the scar for the leveling of the skin surface.

All the above methods can effectively treat deep and severe acne scars. If yours are lighter ones then chemical peels are available for light cases. Different types of acids are applied to the skin to remove the top outer layer and the surface becomes smooth with the disappearance of the scars.

Disadvantages Of An Acne Scar Treatment

Even though all types of scars are entirely treatable, an acne scar treatment also carries some side effects. The actual treatment will be done within a short period but the recovery may take a longer period. Most of the cases it lasts for many months. You may face some post treatment effects like swelling, dryness, redness, uneven skin etc. Moreover, an acne scar treatment is a costly affair and it may cost around $50 to $3000.

It would be most advisable to consult an expert dermatologist before going for any type of acne treatment. It will be better to choose the right treatment initially to avoid further remedies to correct the previous one. After all, it is your precious skin and you cannot afford to experiment on it!

To discover many helpful tips, secrets and articles on topics such as acne problems and how to choose effective acne creams, please go to:

How To Clear Acne Scars

Acne is often an embarrassing skin condition that afflicts millions of teenagers and causes them to be self-conscious about their appearance. Acne scarring is nearly as embarrassing as the actual imperfections that caused it.

Scarring is most like to happen if you pick at the acne, irritate it, or actually tear your skin. Acne scars typically last from around four months to a year and they will gradually disappear as old skin is replaced by new skin. But this isn't what happens all the time, though. In some cases, acne leaves the skin indented or discolored. If you have this kind of acne scarring, you need to start looking for ways on how to clear acne scars.

Wait at least a year before you start looking for and using acne scar solutions. This is because your skin is constantly changing and trying to repair itself. Wait what your skin will do to any of the acne scars you get as a result of a recent acne outbreak. What you need to do at this time is try to get your current acne breakout under control, as well as try to prevent or minimize future ones. If you continue to have acne breakouts, you'll continue to experience acne scarring. Thus, it's necessary that you eliminate the acne breakouts before you try to eliminate the scarring.

There are a wide range of acne solutions available today that are designed to reduce or eliminate the appearance of acne scars. A chemical peel is one of these treatments available. This is a good solution for minor scarring because it involves peeling away the skin's outermost layer using chemicals. Traditionally, dermatologists do chemical peels, but there are now home chemical peels available so that you may do them yourself. If you have mild enough scars, you could probably treat them with home chemical peels.

Laser resurfacing is another solution for acne scarring. Unlike a chemical peel, only a doctor can and should perform this treatment. Laser resurfacing involves removing several layers of the skin using a high-energy light. The result is skin that has smoother appearance. Laser resurfacing is a scar solution that works great with more defined scarring.

Laser resurfacing, however, may not be effective in removing acne scarring if your scars are deeply pitted. For this kind of acne scarring, punch excision or grafting is recommended. This procedure removes the pits with surgical instruments called a punch. The procedure involves closing the pit and then grafting the top layer of skin together for a much smooth appearance. This procedure is followed by a chemical peel in case there are any red marks that were not corrected by the punch.

If your scarring is only a few depressed regions over your face, another usable solution may be collagen injections. Collagen is injected under the areas that are depressed causing these areas to rise so that they are level with the rest of the skin.

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Removing Acne Scars an Impossibility?

Very much like removing acne, removing acne scars can get quite troublesome the longer you hold them off. With the thought in mind that nothing, and nothing at all in the world Is impossible, even removing acme scars is also very much possible, however, the sooner you remove them the better.

Acme is a sort of infection most usually caused on the skins of the adolescent, in fact all the people have, at one time or another been affected by acme. However when you tweak it too much unnecessarily, there is bound to be some skin tissue damage. And since acme is more than skin deep, the damage can also go deep to its roots and though the acme heals in time, the damage is left off even in time, unable to b healed.

Unless you make arrangements to heal these scars that represent skin damage, they will stay there for as long you finally change your mind. And although it is very much easier to remove these scars as early on as possible, these scars can get pretty huge and the bigger they are the harder it is to remove them.

Although some people believe that after a certain amount of time or after a scar has outgrown a certain limit, it is unable to be removed ever, there is little fact behind that suggestion. Although there are some procedures that really do not work for the bigger and more serious of the acne scars, other techniques can effectively heal these scars.

Remember that the best way to heal or re-grow a natural skin is further natural nourishment, not artificial medication that may also bring a side effect along. There are quite a lot of tropical and natural products in the market that can slowly but gradually heal most of the acne scars. However make sure you consult a doctor if the scar does not seem to be healing even a little with treatment.

We provides detailed information on Yeast Infection, Cure Yeast Infection, Yeast Infection Creams and more.

Acne Blackhead Remedy - How to Remove Blackheads - Blackheads Home Remedies That Really Work!

Are you looking for an acne blackhead remedy? Many people do not know how to remove blackheads and are in need of blackheads home remedies that really work. This article will explain the cause of blackheads, how to get rid of them and what you need to do for blackhead control.

What are blackheads?

Blackheads are the first stage of acne, before bacteria invades the pore which results in infection and inflammation. These lesions typically occur around puberty when hormones begin to increase. The excess hormones result in stimulation of the oil gland, called sebaceous glands. This results in excess oil production in the pores, causing the formation of blackheads. When blackheads form, they are tiny dark spots caused by a small plug in the opening pore of the skin. They are usually yellowish or blackish in color and can not only appear on the face, but on your back, on your neck as well as other areas that are rich in sebaceous glands.

Tip for Removing Blackheads

Well, actually this is a tip for how NOT to remove blackheads. But it is an important one. You should avoid squeezing, pressing, picking and otherwise manipulating your blackheads in any way. This will help you reduce acne scarring and infection.

How To Remove Blackheads

The following blackhead removal treatment should be done no more than once per week. You will need a large towel, a large bowl of boiling water and a blackhead cleanser or wash. You can choose an over the counter blackhead remover for this or you can make your own using baking soda and water. Put boiling water into the bowl and put your face over it. Now cover your head with the towel and stay there for about five minutes. After your pores have opened up from the steam, gently use your OTC blackhead remover or your baking soda and water treatment. Be gentle whenever you are cleansing your face to avoid irritation. Then splash your face with warm water to rinse and finish by splashing very cold water on your face to close your pores. If you continue this process once a week, you should see an improvement in your blackheads. Don't forget to wash your face with a mild cleanser twice each day to avoid oily face skin and more blackheads.

So, you can stop looking for an acne blackhead remedy. Now you know how to remove blackheads and about blackheads home remedies that really work. If you follow this regimen once per week and remember to use an acne wash or cleanser twice a day to avoid too much oil on your skin, you shouldn't have to worry about blackheads ruining your face or your life any more. Visit for more helpful acne tips and advice acne scars, acne home remedies, acne products, blackhead removal and natural acne treatments.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

Skin resurfacing has gained in popularity over the course of last several years, and has helped intervals seeking aesthetic enhancement in regards to the removal of the signs of aging like sun spots, or wrinkles or to assist in the removal of blackheads, acne scars, or other skin blemishes. Dermabrasion has always been an alternative to laser skin treatments, but the use of abrasive wire brushes or a rough wheel has received some less than favorable reviews and has proved to be more damaging to the skin than laser treatments.

The two most popular laser skin treatment devices are either the erbium YAG laser or the Carbon dioxide laser. The results of these two types of laser are very similar but most agree that the YAG laser seems to be less abrasive to the skin and tends to leave less long-term redness or swelling to the skin. The flip side to this is that the YAG is also considered to be less effective and more expensive treatments may be required to reach a desired result.

Everybody has unique and with some skin types, laser acne scar removal runs a small risk of loss of permanent pigmentation for darker skinned individuals, and the opposite reaction to those with lighter skin types.

Laser acne scar removal is gaining wide popularity, due to the fact that it's virtually painless, requires only a numbing cream as anesthesia, and requires zero down-time of time off work. Pricing varies form practice to practice so it's important that you do your due diligence and make sure you do your research before you make an educated decision.

Mark Bakr is a consultant for a top laser hair removal Los Angeles treatment center, and has been writing about laser skin treatments for several years.

Acne Scar Treatment - 4 Natural Home Remedies

All acne sufferers are left with scars either in the form of red or deep purple superficial spots or in worst cases, deeply embedded scars. The severe scars such as ice-pick scars, boxcar scars and keloid scars can only be removed professionally. However, the superficial scars usually fade with time, but the fading can be accelerated with a few simple home remedies.

Lemon - Lemon is a natural skin lightening and exfoliation agent that helps remove scars and reduces uneven skin tone. It is acidic in nature which helps kill bacteria and remove excess oil. Take the juice of half a lemon and apply it to the affected areas with a cotton dab. Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse off. If your skin stings, then dilute the lemon juice in equal amount of water and apply to the affected areas.

Yogurt - Yogurt contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) which is well known for its skin rejuvenation properties. Apply full fat natural yogurt directly onto your skin to form a mask. Leave it till it dries and rinse off with water. You will see a difference instantly.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is known to be the best available natural scar treatment. Vitamin E is known as the skin vitamin due to its healing properties and its richness in anti-oxidants. It can be taken orally or applied topically. Take a vitamin E supplement capsule and put it in hot water till its soft. Take it out of water and break the capsule with a safety pin and apply it to the affected areas. You are advised not to use vitamin E if u still has active acne as it may cause you to break out.

Potato Juice - Potato juice is very effective in lightening skin. Peel a potato, cut it into small cubes and process it in a blender. Drain it to collect all the juice. Apply the juice directly onto the affected area with a clean cotton dab, wait for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Apply only to the affected area to prevent uneven skin lightening.

All the above natural remedies are effective in lightening scars. However, it is best to test them on a small patch of your inner arm and wait to see if there is an allergic reaction before you apply it on your face.