Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Real Fast? Here Are the Ultimate Answers You Truly Need

Acne when not treated in time can lead to ugly scars. Scars can really get troublesome and leave you looking sick. Acne scars can be dealt with the help of various techniques. A consultation with a dermatologist is of great help before trying out any cures. Depending on your skin type and the depth of acne scars, one has to take measures to get rid of them.

There are various types of acne; the black and white heads are normal and common. The serious acne is one that gets red and severe spots can form on the face.

Here are 7 best tips to remove acne scars.

For fast results, you can try the chemical peel off. This is a mild treatment in which a chemical is applied on the affected areas. The chemical is known to peel of the scars gradually.

Laser resurfacing is yet another effective treatment for scars. You need an expert doctor to do this for you. The laser treatment helps to remove the destroyed skin and firms up the other layer beneath.

Another effective way of removing the scars is Dermabrasion. In this treatment there is a wire brush used on the skin. The brush is used on the surface of skin, allowing a new layer to come up. The healing process takes a while in this method.

The latest form of cure for acne scars is fractional laser therapy. For severe acne scars this is the best treatment. Along with the surface of the skin, it also works on layers within.

Avoid using unknown products as it can worsen the scars. Protecting your skin with sunscreen will help to remove mild scars. Always use lotions as prescribed by the dermatologist.

For black- and white-heads steam is the best form of treatment. Following a cleansing process regularly will keep acne at bay.

Keep a close watch on your diet. Eat adequate fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits rich in citric acid help in fading the scars.

Effects of the above treatments will differ from person to person. It also depends on how well you treat your skin.

What you don't know yet- I know that what I am about to reveal to you can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know what you can cure any sort of acne within 3 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself follow this link- Click Here

DIY Scar Removing Cream - 100% Natural!

Dealing with scars can be quite frustrating, especially if you try doing it like most people do: by purchasing expensive scar creams. There's actually a simple reason why those creams aren't so good: they're sold as some kind of one-in-all miracle ointment. Well, the trouble is that different types of scars respond to different treatments.

You can make your own scar removing cream, using mostly ingredients you can find in a regular grocery. This homemade scar cream can be highly efficient, just as long as you use it properly. Let's go over some ingredients you can use, to begin with:

Ingredients you can use to make your own scar removing cream

- cocoa butter

- aloe vera

- manuka honey

- lemon juice

- Vitamin E

There are many other ingredients as well. Now, before you go ahead and mix everything together, let me remind you... that's not how it works! You don't even have to mix the ingredients, you just used them in different times of the day. Most importantly, you use each ingredient for dealing with different types of scars.

For example, lemon juice is great for dealing with acne scars, while honey is great for burn wounds... but if you mix it up and use honey for zit scars and lemon juic for burns... that will likely cause trouble!

Also, keep in mind the actual trick is not just the cream you're using, but rather how you're using it. Besides applying a natural scar removing cream, you should:

- learn proper massage techniques to increase the effectiveness of the natural ingredients.

- make some changes to your diet, in order to increase your body's regenerative abilities.

If you want to know all there is to know about homemade natural scar removing creams, you should read the Scar Solution!

Check out this scar solution review, if you don't know what I'm talking about.

You might also want to consider visiting my blog on getting rid of scars. All the best!

Acne Scar Treatment - The Unknown Trick Exposed

Have you been suffering from bouts of acne of late? Are the blemishes leaving behind ugly scars? The scars usually occur if you tend to pick on your pimples but the good news is most acne responds favorably to treatments and leaves the effected area spot-free. There could be exceptions too as sometimes healed acne does leave behind the ugly marks. If your acne is severe and inflamed then there are high chances the scars will be the there even after acne is cured. So what is the best acne scar treatment that you can count on? There are several kinds of scar removal treatment but before jumping the gun you need to act wise.

You will be mistaken if you think these treatments only removes the acne zits- they actually help in skin rejuvenation too. Before you start any kind of acne scar treatment it is critical you have a thorough discussion with your dermatologist and know about the expected outcome.

The most common acne scar treatment involves chemical peel that is used to treat small, depressed scars. It is also effective in removing the existing acne by getting rid of the comedones like the blackheads and whiteheads. If you have deep scars you may need to resort to repeated peeling to improve your skin. However if your scars are ice-pick or deep fibrotic it is better to go for other kinds of treatments as chemical peeling may not be that effective in most of the cases. Laser treatment to remove acne scars is also a good option. It is a relatively new technology that uses energy and the tissue penetrating power of different kinds of lasers to treat scars that are deep and complex. If you have irregular scarring the YAG laser is the best bet but if you want to tighten the collagen fibers of your skin the infrared beam of the carbon dioxide laser will be put to use.

Another very good acne scar treatment is dermabrasion. This is one of the most popular treatments capable of reaching the deeper layers. If you are suffering from hypertrophic scars this treatment is the best way out. Earlier ice pick scars were not treated with dermabrasion because when the top layer of the skin gets removed, wider scars of the deeper layers open up. The situation has changed and now ice pick scars are treated quite effectively with a combination of punch excision and dermabrasion.

Soft tissue augmentation is a very good acne scar treatment option if you are suffering from atrophic scars. Are you wondering how this method works? The scars will be subjected to Collagen or subcutaneous injections and this will make the scars go off making it even with your surrounding skin. If you have keloid scars then steroid injections can be a great help. So the trick lies in identifying the type of the scars- type determines the treatment.

For more information about acne scar treatment, visit now.

Acne Scar Removal - Everything You Need to Know About Chemical Peels

If you've suffered from acne at some point in the past, then there's quite a large chance that you now have acne scars. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to avoid getting the scars after you've had acne. Some get it, and some don't. There's no reason answer to why it's like that.

But fortunately there are a number of scar removal treatments on the market. There's even some over the counter treatments. But the most effective treatments usually cost quite a lot of money, and involve medical professionals.

One of the professional methods of removing acne scars is the chemical peel. Now these treatment doesn't work for everyone. It's more suited for mild scars than anything else. It can also be quite expensive (above $500 in most situations), and many people will require several treatments for it to remove the scars completely.

However, it's still much cheaper than some other options out there, particularly the laser resurfacing options.

But chemical peels do have their drawbacks. Firstly, there are some cheap kits that allow you to do a basic chemical peel in your own home. Now obviously they aren't as powerful as a professional chemical peel, but I still recommend you stay away from them. You don't know how it will effect your skin, or your acne scars. It can easily make things worse, and you could be in quite a bit of pain.

So it's best to consult your dermatologist before trying ANY do-it-yourself type of chemical peel, okay? Even if it's just to consult with them about using a DIY kit. Get a professional opinion first, otherwise you may end up regretting your decision.

Now I know many people worry about going to the dermatologist. They seem to try every other method first. But the truth is, the dermatologist is going to be nice and friendly, and have the BEST possible treatment for you in most cases.

If you have a professional chemical peel, the process only takes around 15 minutes. So it's over before you know it. But the recovery time takes longer, and you'll likely have some swelling and soreness while the top layer of your skin is flaking off. This process takes from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the individual, and depending on the type of chemical peel you had.

I hope I have been able to shred some light on this aspect of acne scar removal, and I hope you realise that you must see your dermatologist before trying anything yourself, if only to be on the safe side.

If you want to learn more about how to get rid of acne, you should take a look through my impressive range of free articles on my website. I'll show you cheap and easy ways to get rid of pimples overnight, how to cure your acne permanently (faster than you think!), real homemade remedies that actually work and much more. Click here to go there now.

How to Best Treat Acne Effectively

Acne is one of the biggest issues that teenagers and young adults suffer from. It's even an annoying problem for older adults that suffer from unexpected acne breakouts. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that the biggest distress in acne treatment is the acne scars that oftentimes result from moderate and severe acne.

How do you get rid of them? Is it seriously a good idea to spend so much money on the so-called solutions some websites claim to have discovered? Do you really have to live with those scars for the rest of your life?

There are several acne cures that have no true affect on your skin. However, I'd like to focus on the ones that will actually help you.

Tips for Preventing Acne Scars

*Do not pick at your pimples or bumps. Of course it is a hard thing to avoid, but in the long run you will avoid damaging your skin and producing scar tissue.

*Adopt an appropriate skin care routine. Cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize your skin daily. By making a habit out of this it will rapidly become second nature to you, making it easier to keep a healthy skin care routine for a longer period of time. Keep in mind that every type of skin requires cleaning and moisturizing.

*If you suffer from severe acne, then you should consult a specialist before undergoing any type of scar treatment. It is unnecessary to suffer from acne problems if your doctor can simply prescribe the appropriate medication. Secondly, find the most suitable acne scar treatment for your skin and acne type. Here is a short list of 5 different treatment options that you can look into.

*Salicylic Acid Peel: This option is good if your acne scars are new. This treatment helps the healing process by replenishing the supply of oxygen to the affected area. However, people with sensitive skin should be warned that a salicylic acid peel may be too harsh for their skin.

*Rosehip Seed Oil: Because of the benefits obtained from rose hip oil, it has been used for centuries in face care products. This product is a great moisturizer and helps restore damaged skin and aid in the scar removal process. Since it does contain retinol, avoid using it if you are going outside as sun exposure can produce discoloration.

* Microdermbrasion Treatment: This treatment works by getting rid of dead skin cells and debris on the surface of the skin and by revealing the healthy skin underneath. Some microdermabrasion treatments may seem harsh on your skin, but there are natural products that combine the benefits of a microdermabrasion treatment with natural ingredients that regenerate damaged tissue. This creates a beneficial home microdermabrasion treatment that reduces hypertrophic scars and also incorporates natural skin renewal activators into the microdermabrasion process. By doing so the result is a coordinated biological regulation of the skin renewal process and thus advanced skin rejuvenation.

*Laser Therapy: This treatment is ideal for severe scarring. It does not affect the top layer of the skin and can heal scars in a short period of time. This is ideal for people with unsightly scarring.

*Collagen Injections: collagen injections can be used to treat both wrinkles and acne scars. It helps improve the appearance of atrophic scars by filling them in.

Acne scars are an unfortunate consequence that scar most people for life. Aside from the acne scar removal treatments mentioned before, BIOSKINCARE is a natural product that contains ingredients that help prevent scars, while BIOSKINEXFOL is an acne scars treatment that minimizes a scar's appearance and restores damaged tissue.

Acne Solutions Through Healthy Living

The way people see you is also the same way they treat you. It may sound superficial, but it's true. People judge others mainly based on their physical appearance, and one major area of concern is your skin.

Acne can ruin just about every occasion, whether that be at the workplace, in school, or a social function such as a date. However, there are plenty of acne solutions to help you get the skin you want.

There are plenty of commercial products that guarantee results, but you should be weary. Make sure, when considering any product, to properly and thoroughly research each product, regardless of how well known the product is or if your friends have used it. Each product works differently on each user. There are an almost uncountable number of products that will help you with your acne, but in fact most of these products simply do not work.

One of the most well known acne solutions product is ProActiv, made famous by a slew of television commercials, infomercials and magazine advertisements. They seem to satisfy many of their customers with very few complaints. A great benefit of this product is that it does not require a prescription. But this may be a hindrance rather than a benefit, depending on your point of view. By not requiring a prescription, this product may have negative effects, such as an allergic reaction or worse. So, to stay on the safe side, you should always consult with your doctor prior to using any.

Aside from the host of commercial products on the market, you may find natural acne solutions to be more effective. Simple lifestyle changes can help prevent and remove your problematic acne. Firstly, your diet can have a large impact on the quality of your skin. Since acne is caused not only by hormones but by clogged pores and oily skin, many believe that simply changing to a natural diet will help with your acne. The first thing you should do is to try eliminating fatty foods or food with a high concentration of sugar. Fatty foods and sugar can directly cause problematic acne. While you're at it, try your best not to eat too much. A large diet forces your body to create more fat, hence increasing your chances of getting troublesome acne.

Your acne solutions begin with a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, eat in modest portions, and most importantly, do your best to live stress free, for stress will inadvertently create all types of health problems, including the dreadful acne.

If you want to learn more about acne solutions, you should visit this new blog! There, you will find everything there is to know about the different types of natural acne solutions.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Top Five Ways On How to Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast

Here are five great ways on how to get rid of acne scars fast:

1. Chemical Peels

This solution is becoming more popular by the day and is known to remove deep scars. The top layers of the skin are affected by the chemical peel treatment and causes them to peel off. Fresh skin appears after the process has been completed. A Dermatologist will look at your skin and then determine the correct chemical peel treatment that should be applied. There are tons of products also available on the internet but be careful.

2. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is the process of rubbing the skins surface with an abrasive object to help remove the top layers of skin, and thus to also remove any small scars that may exist. In some cases, you can use Dermabrasion products which are available over-the-counter at pharmacies.

3. Drink Water

Drinking lots of water is one of the simplest ways of getting rid of acne scars. Due to its ability to rejuvenate and revitalise sad and pitted skin. Drinking a lot of water can help to heal one's scars naturally according to doctors. New skin cells are able to grow faster when there is enough water in your body and older cells are also much easier to shed.

4. Lemon Juice

Here is one for all those people who are trying to find out how to get rid of acne scars naturally. Apparently you can lighten dark spots on your skin through the use of Lemon juice. Using a cotton ball apply the juice, after it has been well and truly soaked in lemon juice. Apply the swab to the scarred area and leave it for at most ten minutes on your skin, and then wash your face thoroughly whilst also giving it a soft scrubber. Rinse gently and be sure to wash your face daily, and thoroughly while using Lemon Juice.

5. Oils

The use of common oils you have around the home are another simple way of reducing acne scars with a popular choice being olive oil. Make sure to massage the oil into the affected scar area and keep repeat daily until the scars fade away. These oils also has moisturising properties that will also improve the texture of your skin and make it softer and more supple.

Mark Robins has done extensive research on how to get rid of acne scars and is an authority on general skin care.

10 Tips to Remove Acne and Acne Scars in 5 Days

Are you, like many others, suffering from acne? Have you taken many steps to cure it? If yes! Then do not worry. It is a common issue of most of the people. In the teenage nearly every girl and boy suffers from this acne issue. Though acne is not a serious issue, but if become persistent it can create major problems. These problems lead to deterioration of self-confidence. So it is better to take care of the skin daily.

1.      The first important thing we should do is to softly clean the skin, specially the face at least twice a day. It is better to apply a soft cleanser and thoroughly wash of the skin with lukewarm water. It is good to consult a dermatologist to know which cleanser is good for your skin type.

2.      One can use proper skin care or acne products. Prefer the ones recommended by dermatologists. It is better not to apply the products that cause itching or rashes as it can damage the skin and can lead to permanent scars.

3.      It is better to use the product that contains Benzyl peroxide. Benzyl peroxide has the tendency of drying the acne within 2 to 3 hours.

4.      One should use a face wash that contains either little or no oil content. Since that cleansers and face wash with excessive oils leads to acne formation.

5.      It is good to try a face wash that contains salicylic acid. This acids aids in preventing the acne spread and dries out the acne quickly.

6.      One should refrain from touching the acne. Back side of hand should be used for itching. Acne should never be contacted with nails. This can lead to intense scarring. A cream that contains glycolic acids can be used. These creams increase the brightness of skin and lessen scarring.

7.      It is better to protect the body especially the face from sun. Exposure to sun leads to pigmentation. Sun also acts as catalyst for acne formation. It is better to use sunscreen while going out.

8.      Face should be properly washed before going to bed. Makeup and traces of other cosmetics must be washed off thoroughly; otherwise the acne pores can get infection and it will lead to acne inflammation. It is better to use natural and herbal makeup.

9.      Antimicrobial soap should be used to prevent acne formation. It is good to avoid soap that contains oil extracts. Better keep a separate towel for each person in home.

10. Refrain from consuming junk food. The consumption of oil and other fatty acids leads to immense formation of acne. Green leafy vegetables are good for the healthy skin.

These tips will dry out the acne and fade away the acne scars if followed properly  in not more than 5 days.

If you want to know easy and simple natural formulas to treat acne and acne scarring check - Acne Natural Remedies and see the guaranteed results yourself.

A to Z About Acne

Acne is a skin disease that is prevalent among adolescent men and women who are at the stages of puberty. Some people who are grown up adults also suffer from problems of acne. In the adolescent age acne will never be a major problem. But if you find acne persistent even at the later ages then it is time to take necessary treatments. Otherwise, your whole face will be damaged.

Preventing acne

The skin is the most sensitive and the most exposed organ in the body. You need to take proper care of the skin to prevent acne. Wash your face regularly with a good quality face wash to remove the dirt due to the exposure of skin. You can wash your skin with plain water from time to time to wipe the sweat. Use creams that will moisturize your skin. Following a balanced diet will also help you to prevent acne. When you are healthy from inside the body your skin will also remain healthy. The nourishment for the skin is supplied by the external creams you apply and the internal food you take.

Acne is caused by bacteria that develop when the oil and the dirt combines. Sebaceous glands that are present in the outer dermis layer of the skin produce sebum that is oily in nature. The dirt that block the skin pores combine with the sebum and provides an environment for the bacteria to multiply which causes rupture of the dermis layer leading to the formation of pimples.

Seek the help of a dermatologist

Many home remedies are suggested for acne treatments. They are effective for mild problems. If your problem is intense you need to consult a dermatologist to treat acne. If you don't take proper treatment you will end up with an unhealthy skin with marks and scars that will make the face look ugly.

A dermatologist can give you the right prescription for your acne. The prescription that works for your friend may not work for you. Because each of us has different skin types and the treatments are different. Acne can be cured only if the treatment is appropriate for a skin type and also the cause if the acne is identified. Many creams, gels and ointments are available for treating acne. Your skin doctor will prescribe the right medicine for your problem.

The decision of visiting a doctor is crucial. If you have mild acne you need not spend a lot of money to a dermatologist. Whereas if you have developed sever acne and your pustules give you pain you must visit a doctor and take the appropriate treatment. Severe acne when not treated properly will spoil the skin and will result in a horrible skin.

For mild acne, wash your face twice a day and wipe water by rubbing against a soft towel. If you rub harshly you will break the pimples and it will result in the spreading of infection. Also you may be left with acne scars. After gently rubbing your face, apply an ointment that contains benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These creams are available in common medical stores without prescription. These creams will kill the infection causing bacteria so that the pimples are cured. Use of lotions with vitamins is also recommended as vitamins will supplement the health of the skin.

For people who have blackheads, whiteheads and comedones, consulting a dermatologist will only solve the problem. These are symptoms of moderate acne and you have to vast a doctor in this case. He will be able to cure your disease as modern treatments are available for cuing acne. Even if you have developed scars you can find treatments that can regain your beauty. Your doctor many suggest you more than one therapy so that you recover faster from your disease. Sometimes oral medicines are also provided to fight against the bacterial infection.

Acne can be cured easily when treatment is taken at the appropriate time. if you don't care for your acne at the moderate stage you will end up with severe acne where the pimples will become a cyst with infection causing fluids inside. You will have pain and irritation in your cysts and the color of the skin will change. Even fair complexion girls may look ugly with acne spots and pale color. With the latest advancements in the medical field, acne can be cured even if you visit your doctor in a serious condition. Aggressive therapies and treatments are suggested for people with sever acne. However consulting a doctor at the early stages will save you money and the sufferings.

If your problem is not mild you must immediately consult a dermatologist. Acne treatments will not provide you immediate cure. It will take some time to cure the acne completely. With modern therapies even acne scars can be removed easily. Once you have chances of developing acne you have to take care of your skin for about 8 months so that you get complete cure from acne.

Acne cure

Many cosmetic products are now available in the market and they claim to cure acne completely. Before buying one such product you must know what the product contains and how effective will it be in curing acne. Read the labels of the product and understand what substances are contained in the product. When you come across a product branded as natural product don't get deceived as they are actually made from processed extracts from certain natural sources. Better choose the organic products so that you don't risk the health of your skin. The organic products will be certified with a logo and they will contain 95% of organic substances and 5% of water. Don't expect the product to do some magic with your acne. If you come across any product that says it includes certain vitamins and can do magic better avoid that one.

Prevention is always better than cure. Reduce the intake of fat substances and always protect your skin when you are exposed to sunlight. Washing your face often will also help you prevent acne.

Visit Acne Articles to know about Acne Home Remedies.

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Basis Ways on How to Remove an Acne Scar

Knowing the reasons why acne appears could be helpful to you; it helps you prevent it in the nearest future and helps you know which it could be cured. This article will enlighten you on ways you can treat your scar.

Why acne scars appear

When acne occurs, it immediately after acne is gone; a black spot will appear on your skin this black spot is called a scar.

Acne Scar types

There are two major types of scars, the low a high scars. The low scars are caused when the tissues in the skin are lost due to acne; while the high scars are caused if the tissues are damaged require repairs.

Ways to treat acne scars

Scars can be treated through the laser treatment, collagen method, and dermabrasion and so on. The kind of treatment you will undergo depends on the degree of the scar. Some people prefer treating deeper and more serious scars than them shallow ones because they feel the shallow scars can heal in no time. This is a good idea because it saves time and money.

The Available Types of Treatments for Scars

In our every day life there are so many things places we go to and during this process there so many pollutants that have come in contact wit our faces and this causes acne The skin is a very sensitive organ, when acne symptoms appear and are not treated properly it could lead to severe breakout and eventually scar.

Scars could be treated either by home method or medical methods. Note that the fact someone else reacted well to this treatment does not guarantee that you will react well with the treatment. So the best thing you do is carefully choose the kind of treatment you want to remove your scar.

The most common way to treat acne scar is through the topical method. These methods could be found in hospitals, health stores and so on. These topical methods could come in form of creams and moisturizers. There are other types of topical methods that are very strong and would need a doctor's prescription on how they are to be used. The doctor will also tell you the type of creams that contain harmful chemicals.

Natural methods are also available, these natural treatments are herbal that contain strong antibiotics, and this treatment helps the skin look healthier and fresher than before. Note that this type of treatment could have side effects on people but it s really a safe way to treat your scar.

It's always good to prevent a scar from happening than treating as a saying goes "prevention is better than cure".

If you want acne to be a thing of the past for you: just click this link

Remove Brown Marks and Scars Naturally

Anyone with acne issues will tell you infected cystic acne is the most difficult form of acne to live with. An acne cyst is full of pus and can often swell to the size of a dime. They can be painful, swollen, and scarring is normal. Popping an acne cyst may cause a deeper mark which will last much longer than if you had just not touched it. Keeping skin clear and free of acne cysts is a concern to every person.

Acne cysts are a common skin response to bacteria and microbes. Bacteria (propionibacterium acnes) find their way into pores and infect healthy cells living inside. The mixture of bacteria, dead cells, and oil becomes clogged in the pore and evolves into an acne cyst. Popping a lesion can lead to depressed acne scars and a loss of skin tissue. Homemade remedies for acne can be productive in eliminating the redness from acne but most will not help kill bacteria and pathogens.

The problem is that most natural acne products do not contain any anti bacterial characteristics and therefore strong antibiotics are prescribed. Don't give up all stock in natural acne products. Thanks to the finding of a biological skin care ingredient, you can naturally halt cystic acne and eliminate bacteria living on skin, resulting in a fresh, clean appearance.

Skin Remedies for Acne

Isotretinoin is a regularly prescribed treatment for acne cysts and severe acne lesions. Isotretinoin is prescribed only after all other acne treatments failed to provide results. What it does in a nutshell is cease the synthesis of sebum and other natural substances in the skin. It aims to oversee skin oil with the intention of eliminating the chances of the oils getting obstructed in the pores and causing cysts. Clearing acne lesions is not quite so easy.

Common side effects of isotretinoin include skin peeling, itching, nose bleeds, nausea, and thinning of hair. More infrequently side effects can include fatigue, menstrual problems, bowel problems, pancreatitis, and severe anxiety. This is harsh because many people just want to clear up their complexion and have acne free skin but end up with a worse affliction.

An acne cyst treatment with hydrogen peroxide is a common choice because of the antibacterial characteristics contained in the compound. An acne hydrogen peroxide cream will destroy bacteria and therefore help clear up skin conditions by making the skin an unpleasant place for dangerous bacteria.

The negative side is that hydrogen peroxide is a strong synthetic chemical. Concentrated levels are corrosive and if accidentally digested, can cause internal bleeding and lung problems. Lower concentrations in skin treatments can cause hyperpigmentation and a burning feeling. Since acne cysts are agonizing and inflamed, no one wants to experience an additional burning feeling while trying to cure the lesions. People desire natural acne remedies that help the skin in a mild manner.

How to Clear Acne

You can now eradicate bacteria and avoid cystic acne using an all natural acne cyst treatment. There is no serious chemical compound in the cream, only natural elements that incite skin renewal and biologically clear out acne breakouts and scars. The same ingredient can help you fill in sunken acne scars and eliminate brown acne marks.

When applied to fresh, clean skin consistently for a period of at least two months, the biological skin care element will fuse with your own cells and:

* make skin into a bacteria free environment. The ingredient rouses the constant development of natural antimicrobial peptides on your skin to keep pathogens at bay.

* corrode pore plugs and damaged tissues while triggering the production of new, healthy ones. This guarantees the natural flow of sebum oils to the skin surface.

* help flush the parts of the dissolved tissues back into the body in order to promote new cellular growth. This helps in the natural elimination of acne scars and skin blemishes by regenerating healthy cells in place of dead ones.

* fill in sunken acne scars by promoting the production of more collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Collagen and elastin parts are sent into the area and the area is renewed with flawless components.

There are no facial washes or pills that can treat nodular acne spots like this complete and balanced skin treatment. We invite you to go right now to our informative website and read more about how our acne scars treatment penetrates into the skin and stimulate new cellular proliferation in areas of damage. You can prevent acne cysts and other skin conditions with our skin remodeling cream. Go right now to our site and learn more about how you can prevent cysts and have the complexion you so badly desire.

Learn How to Get Rid of Scars Naturally

Suffering from scars can be more difficult to bear than the injury or wound that caused the scar. Fortunately, your scars do not need to become a permanent part of your skin. You can get of them easily and cheaply using natural remedies.

There are, of course, over the counter and commercial treatments that promise scar removal. There are several problems with these options. First, they are expensive and most must be used quite frequently to be effective. After only a few uses, the costs can become quite high. Secondly, most of these treatments are based on natural options that are not only healthier, but cheaper. Finally, many over the counter treatments do not work or make unreal promises.

As you read earlier, many of the commercial treatments are based on natural ingredients. For example, a very popular commercial scar treatment is made from onion extract. Onion extract is an excellent natural scar remedy. However, as it is processed commercially it becomes less effective. By the time you buy the tube of scar treatment, the cream is not any more beneficial than any other ointment or lotion.

On the other hand, you can use real onion extract as a more potent, more effective way to get rid of scars. Simply slicing an onion and rubbing it on the scar three times a day will help lighten and soften your skin. This technique is dramatically cheaper, healthier, and more effective than the commercial counterpart. This is just one example of why natural remedies are superior to other scar therapies.

Sandalwood powder has also shown some effectiveness in getting rid of acne scars and other types of scars. Mix sandalwood powder with rose water until it forms a paste. Then add a few drops of lime juice. This mask should be applied and left on until it dries completely. After you wash it off with cool water, you will feel that your skin is more conditioned while the lime juice lightened the scars.

Lavender oil is often referred to as an "essential oil". This is because it provides nutrients that the body needs to thrive but cannot produce itself. People studying how to get rid of scars have found it has a remarkable healing effect. It can help restore your skin and remove your scars. A drop or two applied to a cotton ball should be rubbed on the scar at least three times a day for the best results.

There are also other essential oils that have proven to be quite effective at getting rid of acne scars and other scars. Frankincense oil has been used since ancient Egyptian times to restore the skin and eliminate scars. If you prefer an oil without a scent, you can use diluted jojoba oil.

If you have acne or other scars, there is no need to spend a lot of money to get rid of them. You can easily get rid of scars using natural means. In fact, natural treatments can give you better results than any of those expensive remedies you can buy over the counter.

To learn more about how to treat scars, click here: How To Get Rid of Scars
To find out more about acne scars, click here: Getting Rid of Acne Scars

Popular Acne Treatments - 3 Treatments Offered by Medical Experts Today

Acne is a very devious skin disorder. Your face can stay clear and blemish free for a certain period but without warning, pimples, cysts and pustules can pop out. For people who have been suffering from the effects of long-term acne (some acne starting as early as nine years old), it can be very traumatic, often resulting to withdrawal from social activities. Relationships can be affected as well as routine and social interaction. It is a deep-seated physical as well as emotional disease that can literally and figuratively scar a person for life.

Because of this, some people resort to more drastic solutions to reducing acne. Some acne treatments that are offered by medical experts today include laser treatment, cosmetic procedures and some experimental procedures like detoxification therapy.

1. Laser Treatments

Laser treatment is considered to be one of the more popular skin care treatment. There are many types of laser and light-based treatments but the following are the most common:

a) Blue-light therapy
This has already been approved by the FDA and the most popular type of acne laser treatment. It works by destroying P. acnes, the bacteria responsible for causing acne. It is also used as an alternative to treat acne which has proven stubborn against other forms of treatment. Blue-light therapy is considered a breakthrough because it does not make use of ultraviolet light which has been discovered to damage skin and at sum, promote skin cancer.

b) Pulsed light and heat energy therapy
This involves mixing light pulses and heat to destroy P. acnes. Pulsed light and heat energy therapy also reduces the skin's ability to produce oil or sebum. It works by shrinking the sebaceous glands and is used to treating moderate acne.

c) Pulsed dye laser treatment
As yet, there have been no consistent results with this type of laser treatment to date. In this treatment, a low-energy pulsed light is used to treat acne as well as acne scars. However, random healing of subjects with mild to moderate acne has been reported but no definitive results have yet been determined from the experiments.

2. Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures have long been resorted to by the rich and famous for erasing wrinkles and other fine lines. Studies have shown that when used with other treatments, it can effectively reduce the effects of acne. Chemical peels using salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help unclog pores that give rise to acne. It also removes whiteheads and blackheads and clear away dead skin cells. Another method that is gaining popularity is microdermabrasion which uses crystals to exfoliate the skin, unclogging the pores and reducing the appearance of acne.

3. Detoxification

This is one of the experimental forms of getting rid of acne. This, however, is based on sound medical philosophy. The body, due to internal problems and accumulated toxins in the body often manifests its physical symptoms in skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and acne. Detoxification can be simply done through fasting. You must be careful and ease slowly into the detoxification process by careful apportioning of food. A vegetable, fruit and nut diet can be followed during this period. If you need protein in your diet, you can start the first few days of the diet with lean white meat like turkey and slowly eliminate it in your dietary intake.

For more information about Acne Treatment, visit now.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Is There A Home Remedy For Acne Scar Removal?

While there are several acne medications available on the commercial market, both prescription and non-prescription, not everyone is sold on using synthetic products and ingredients to help them treat their acne scarring. Many are concerned about the effect such treatment might have on their skin. So rather than use commercial synthetic products, they have turned toward finding a home remedy for acne scar removal.

It's important to consider when seeking a home remedy for acne scar removal that these treatments generally work best when applied to mild cases of acne scarring. Yet, if combined in the right way and applied for the right amount of time they can address any level of severity of scarring. Remember that when using a home remedy treatment you may need to apply it for three to six months to fully remove the scars, as these methods work with the natural healing propensities of the body, assisting the skin to repair and maintain itself.

One of the first things to consider when looking into a remedy for acne scar removal is the PH balance of your skin. Improving the PH balance of the skin has proven to lead to healthier skin. Luckily, there is a fairly common household item that can be used for this treatment which is also a natural PH balancer. Baking soda puts the skin back into proper PH balance.

The best way to use baking soda is to make a paste by mixing it with water. Apply to the skin and rub it in gently, letting it dry. Leave on the skin for about fifteen minutes (or even over night), and remove with warm water. Once removed, use a small amount of moisturizer on the skin as this treatment will tend to dry the skin. Doing this several times a week will help the skin to remain clear while supporting its natural radiance.

Another easily found ingredient in the home which works well on acne scars is lemon juice. Lemon juice is a citric acid that is part of the Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) group. The AHAs slough off dead skin cells, help new cells grow underneath, and give elasticity to the skin. However, if you have sensitive skin, you may wish to forego treatment with lemon juice. Lemon juice, because of its acidic nature, stings. If your skin can stand the stinging then this treatment may hasten the fading of acne scars which according to some reports seem to fade twice as fast when used. It can be left on over night or used under makeup in the mornings.

Another plant substance known for its curative effect is aloe vera juice or gel. Aloe vera is known for its healing ability to assist in fading and preventing scarring. It actually works to cleanse and purify the skin pores while reducing the size, redness, and soreness of existing acne. One brand sold over the counter has found many who swear by its curative effects. Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel is not only inexpensive to use, but helps transform skin to a more even colored look while soothing the inflamation caused by acne. The only drawback to its application is that it stings the eyes for about five minutes when it is first applied. But other than this it works very well to promote healthy skin while fading scarring.

One other popular remedy is to mix fresh cucumber and tomato juice. This remedy tightens up the pores and reduces redness. Apply the juice evenly to your face, and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. If this sounds like too much work to prepare, another method involves cutting a tomato in half and rubbing the cut side gently over the face.

To learn about a more natural acne treatment regimen, see the following article Natural Acne Treatment Tips [] to obtain more information about how you can treat this condition yourself.

Acne Scar Removal For Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is one of the hardest skin types to treat. If you add acne to the mix, you got problems. Here are a few tips to help you take care of your sensitive skin while acne problems are being experienced. If you have developed acne scars, then you should be wary of the scar treatments you choose. Always check the labels to make sure that you are choosing the best skin product for your problem.

Treatment for Acne Scars

What you should first consider is acne treatment. Always begin with a basic skin care routine that is applicable to all skin types. So, cleanse, tone and moisturize. There are a lot of products out on the market that are especially targeted to treat this particular skin condition. These products are generally alcohol free and fragrance free. This is due to the fact that both of these ingredients can cause irritation and dryness, so keep away from them and prefer natural products.

If you have extremely sensitive skin, I suggest you choose a liquid cream cleanser instead of a soapy one. This type of product will help eliminate dead skin cells, excess sebum and debris from your face while keeping it moisturized. Before you decide to try a new product on your skin, do a test on a small patch of skin. By doing so you can ensure that your skin will not have an allergic reaction to the ingredients contained in the new product.

When acne is not controlled or is very severe, there is a big chance that you will develop scar tissue. In all actuality, if you only have an occasional pimple, but have the bad habit of picking at your blemish then you are literally picking your way to a localized acne scar. Wherefore, the first real step in acne treatment is prevention.

If prevention did not work, the scar treatment you choose should also be tailored to sensitive skin. There are different types of methods and techniques that are generally used to treat acne scarring. Among them are laser therapy, microdermabrasion and acne scars creams.

Even though laser therapy has shown some very effective results in the reduction of scar tissue, it has also shown signs of irritation in people with sensitive skin. Microdermabrasion, for example, is a type of treatment that should be avoided by people with sensitive skin. This is mainly due to the fact that it is a treatment based on mechanical abrasion. The abrasion is no friend to sensitive skin and can cause irritation and damage.

Acne scars creams are very popular among people with sensitive skin. Depending on their composition, they can help "dissolve" scar tissue and moisturize skin at the same time. One especially effective ingredient is Helix aspersa muller extract.

This natural ingredient contains enzymes and nutrients that help nourish the skin and reduce scar tissue, respectively. Helix aspersa muller extract is also a great moisturizer. Sensitive skin problems can be treated with the gentle touch of natural skin care products.

Acne scar removal is a big concern for everyone searching for an effective acne scar removal cream, even for people with sensitive skin. BIO SKIN FORTE and BIO SKIN EXFOL are two natural acne scar creams that can help you treat your acne scars.

Reduce Acne Scars - 3 Acne Scar Treatments That Work

If you want to know how to reduce acne scars then read this article to discover which methods of acne scar reduction work. An unfortunate side-effect of acne is that it can result in a scarred appearance. The scars can be lifelong and damage your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Acne scarring can be socially inhibiting. It is not something that you need to suffer from permanently as there are some effective methods to reduce acne scars available.

After reading this article you should have a good idea of the effective methods available of reducing scarring from acne. In this article we are going to look at using vitamins to reduce scars, laser resurfacing and punch grafting.

The best way to reduce acne scars is not to get them in the first place. Try to avoid picking at your spots as this can result in making them worse and the chances of developing a scar are increased.

Vitamins can be used to fade scars caused by acne. The vitamin that you need to use is vitamin E. This vitamin E needs to be obtained in liquid form. It can be purchased in a liquid form but if you are unable to find any in the shops then you can buy capsules and cut them open to obtain the liquid vitamin E inside. This liquid vitamin E should be applied to the scarred area. It will fade scars over time although it will not completely eliminate them.

Another method that you can use topically is to apply virgin olive oil onto acne scars which can also help to fade them.

Laser resurfacing is an extremely effective method of acne scar removal. The top layer of your skin is removed with a laser. This procedure needs to be carried out by a doctor or dermatologist. The fresh layer of skin underneath is free from scarring provided that the scars are not too deep. This method is very effective although it is also expensive.

If you have deep acne scars they cannot always be removed using laser resurfacing. In this case there is a procedure called punch grafting which can be used to treat deep acne scarred areas. A skin graft is taken from another part of your body and grafted to the severely scarred area in order to replace the damaged skin.

In conclusion, these three acne scar treatment methods are effective and are proven to work. Laser resurfacing is expensive but it does work. Vitamins E is effective, but it will only fade scars and will not completely remove them. Punch grafting is often the only solution to deep acne scarring.

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If You Ever Wanted to Treat Acne Scars

If you are suffering from severe or cystic acne, particularly if your acne has resulted in

scarring, you may be a very good candidate for laser acne treatment or alternatives to

laser acne treatment. The reason for this is while acne medications can be very effective

at preventing and treating existing pimples, they may not necessarily treat the mild,

moderate, or severe scarring that can result from large, deep pimples that have ruptured

and burst.

There are several types of scars caused by acne. The first type is ice pick scars, which is

the most common type of acne scarring. Ice pick scars are deep pits in the skin that look

like they have been caused by a sharp instrument - like an ice pick. The second type is

box car scars, angular scars most commonly found on the cheeks and temples, and can be

either superficial or deep. They tend to resemble chicken pox scars. The third type is

rolling scars, scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance. Finally, the fourth type is

hypertrophic scars, which are thickened, or keloid scars.

Treatment for scars that have not necessarily been caused by acne include petroleum jelly

and cocoa butter, but these products are not suitable for people with acne. If your scarring

is mild, you may not feel the need to take advantage of surgical treatment such as laser

acne treatment. Non-surgical alternatives to laser acne treatment include skin camouflage

with non-comedegenic and non-acnegenic products, and tretinoin topical creams that

improve fine scars by causing gentle exfoliation and encouraging collagen production.

Another non-surgical alternative to laser acne treatment is the use of injectable skin

fillers, where materials are injected into the depressed area of the scar in order to elevate

it to the level of the normal surrounding skin.

In addition to non-surgical alternatives to laser acne treatment, there are surgical

alternatives to laser acne treatment as well. One alternative is microdermabrasion, a

procedure that uses fine aluminum crystals to exfoliate your skin. It is most effective on

mild scarring if you have at least six sessions spaced apart by one or two weeks. Another

alternative is dermabrasion. This is a procedure where the practitioner uses a rapidly

rotating wire or brush to remove the surface irregularities of your skin. A third alternative

is the surgical removal, or excision, of acne scars. This treatment is most effective for ice

pick scars and box car scars. The excision generally takes the form of a punch that is

closed with sutures, which are then removed a week later.

If you and your dermatologist decide that laser acne treatment is the best treatment for

you, take the time to understand what this procedure involves. Laser acne treatment

makes use of one of two different types of lasers, a carbon dioxide laser and an

erbium:YAG laser. The carbon dioxide laser is the stronger of the two. Laser acne

treatment works by damaging sebaceous glands, the glands that produce the oil that clogs

your pores and forms plugs. It also targets the bacteria that trigger inflammation and

infections, as well as stimulates the growth of collagen, which softens the appearance of


Laser acne treatment generally requires four to five visits to your doctor, with two to

three weeks in between each visit. While you are receiving laser acne treatment, you may

experience redness and tenderness on the areas that have been treated. Therefore, you

will want to limit your sun exposure by applying sun screen and wearing something on

your head that shields your face. If your laser acne treatment is successful, you will

probably not need additional treatments for another six months to a year.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as

medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.

To learn more, visit [], if you are looking for a laser acne treatment [].

Acne Scarring Treatments - The Choice is Yours

The effect of acne scars on people is profound. Some have difficulty in facing other people, ashamed of what they look like. Still others lose their self-esteem and withdraw into their own worlds. The advent of technological breakthroughs in acne scarring treatments has given hope to acne sufferers. There are many procedures available now for someone who has suffered through a bout of acne.

Several dermatological procedures can be employed to help treat acne scars. However, these procedures are determined by your physician based on some personal medical factors such as age, health, severity of the scars etc. Some of these acne scarring treatments are:

Dermabrasion. The most popular treatment for acne scars which involves removing the top layers of the skin by using an abrasive machine and gel. When the skin heals from the procedure it appears smoother and evenly toned.

Laser Resurfacing. It uses a microscopic pulse of light that burns away the scarred and damaged skin. It leaves the skin reddened that heals over time. This procedure can also be used to minimize wrinkles.

Chemical Peels. It is often used to reduce the effect of sun damage on the skin as well as pigmentation and superficial scars. Using a chemical solution which causes the skin to peel off, it removes the top layers of the skin to reveal an improved skin texture and appearance.

Punch Grafts. For large and deep scars punch grafts are used to replace a hole punched in the skin with unscarred skin usually from the back of the earlobes.

Collagen Injections. Collagen that is derived from a special cow is injected into the skin to replace lost collagen. It is generally used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, facial lines and scars.

Dermal Filling. It is used to raise depressed scars by using fat that is taken from other parts of your body. Because fat can be reabsorbed into your body, this procedure may be repeated.

The results from these methods are fast than natural ways of treating scars and therefore are often preferred especially for those afflicted with deep scars. For milder cases of acne scarring, like discoloration of the scar, topical medications are enough to help clear the problem.

Whichever method or surgical procedure you chose these acne scarring treatments are here to help you improve the texture and appearance of your skin. They are proven to work for most people although there have also been cases where it didn't. They are expensive but it is your choice whether to undergo these treatments or not.

Milos Pesic is a professional dermatologist and an expert in the field of Acne Treatment []. He has helped thousands of acne sufferers remove acne, blemishes and acne scars. For more articles and resources on acne treatment, acne scar removal, natural skin care products and much more visit his site at: []

Treating Your Skin Condition With Acne Laser Removal

Acne can be a very serious and painful condition, physically and mentally. From teenage years even throughout adulthood, almost 100% of the population has suffered from some sort of acne, mild to severe in nature. Severe acne can lead to permanent scarring, whereas mild acne will allow for a quick recovery with little to no lasting visible effects. Those who have endured considerable severe acne will want to consider laser acne removal as a valid option to solving their facial condition.

Since there are a number of different lasers available for treatment, it is important to understand the differences between them and choosing one that will most effectively help the condition. Only a few lasers have proven to successfully treat acne, called the pulsed-dye laser and the 1450 nm infrared laser. Both showed noticeable signs of improvements and helped diminish signs of lesions by over 80%. That is not possible however, without undergoing some sort of pain and discomfort, displayed by redness,pain and swelling which are seen in most patients. This is why laser acne removal for some people is not the ideal solution to their skin problem. It requires a decent amount of time to recover, eliminating the option for any hope of a quick turn around and going back to normal activities. Side effects from laser acne removal are different with each person and need to be discussed with the consulting physician.

Acne scarring is permanent but can be treated, although never 100% effective. What patients need to shoot for is improvement, not perfection. Treating acne scars can be very costly and not be covered by insurance. Different people require different needs, with some needing more treatment than others. Finding the right solution for skin care can be very difficult and frustrating but does offer optimism with proven results and testimonials. Depending on how severe the scarring is, a patient will be able to weigh his or her options before making an educated decision on what treatment or procedure best suits their immediate needs. The face is a delicate and important feature, and for that reason is treated very carefully. Acne does not have to ruin anyone's life, and along with laser acne removal and other treatments, it never will. is a leading provider of laser acne removal information and resources. Find a local skin care professional today.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Acne Scar Removal - Learn How to Look Hot Again

When acne is cured, it mostly vanishes without any trace. But there are certain types of acne that leave your skin scarred. Scars on the face, especially on girls, affect them psychologically and often lead to depression. But thanks to nature and science, these scars can be removed with ease and can make your skin glow, just as new.

One of the most common treatments to acne is Dermabrsion, which covers the scarred portion of skin and lets new skin grow on top of it. This is a simple treatment and can be done in less than an hour. Laser surfacing is one of the latest methods of acne scar removal, where the upper layer of skin is removed using laser treatments. Chemical peeling is one of the quickest ways of removing scar where the top layer of the skin is removed by acid. Often blemishes and swelling is associated with this method, but it takes just 15 minutes.

Subcision is another treatment method involving removal of scar from deep tissues, allowing blood to form under the scar and leveling the scar with the skin. This kind of treatment needs at least two to three sitting. If you are looking for an economic way to remove your scar, then Punch replacement is the way to go. But keep in mind that this treatment is for the deep rooted scars only. This involves scar transplantation and skin grafting and might leave you in healing for several weeks. Always be sure to consult a doctor before you go in for any of these treatments. A practiced physician will be the best judge to decide on a treatment that would best suit your skin and age.

If you are looking for a proven way to cure acne fast just Click Here.

How to Fade Acne Scars Naturally

Clearing your acne prone skin is only the first step to a clearer complexion. Ridding yourself of the acne scars that are left behind can be a bigger problem. Fading acne scars naturally can be accomplished using two simple methods. Just remember, if one aggravates your skin, stop and try the second method.

The Lemon Juice Method Juice one whole lemon and mix in one cup of filtered water. Soak a clean washcloth in the lemon-water mixture and wring out. Press the washcloth on the area of treatment for a few minutes. You can also cover your entire face with the washcloth for a full facial treatment, but be sure to gently press down on the areas that you are targeting for acne scar removal to get the maximum benefit from the lemon-water mixture.

The Oils Method Using two different oils, apply to your face a different time during the day. First start with 100% Olive Oil and rub into acne scarred areas with clean finger tips up to five times per day, allow for skin absorption before applying any other treatment. Then puncture a Vitamin E capsule and squeeze small amount on clean finger tips and rub into acne scarred area in the morning and in the evening after washing your face with a mild soap.

Be patient, it can take up to a few weeks to see results and reoccurring acne can slow the process down. Preventing acne is the best way to eliminate the need for ways to fade acne scars.

Writer and skin care test subject. I provide information on treatments that work. Visit for a clear, detailed plan on how to cure your acne now and for home remedy treatments for your acne.

Acne Scar Removal - The Whole Truth

Do you avoid mirrors and hide your face because of ugly acne scars? Acne is a common problem among people of all ages, especially teenagers. Perhaps your skin has cleared up and you are left with embarrassing scars that you don't know how to get rid of. It could effect you psychologically as well as emotionally. Luckily for you, there are various treatments for acne scar removal.

The first step you should take in this process is to consult a dermatologist. Acne scar removal procedures have become very common. Remember when choosing a method of removal, consider the condition of your skin. If you have sensitive skin you should try the least abrasive procedure available. Acne scar removal is the key to regaining smooth and healthy looking skin.

Some acne scar removal options are dermabrasion, collagen injections, steroid injections, laser treatment, radiotherapy, or chemical peels. Some treatments may not completely remove all scars but the appearance of most of them will lessen dramatically. Your doctor's recommendation toward a certain procedure depends on the type and severity of the scarring.

Dermabrasion is a procedure done under local anesthetic in which the doctor will remove the top layers of skin with a sanding instrument. It is one of the most effective treatments available for facial scar removal. It is not recommended for people with darker skin because it could reveal lighter layers of skin, which could cause another problem with your appearance.

Collagen injections are a less permanent solution to acne scars. They generally last from 3-6 months and require future injections to maintain their effect.

Steroid injections are a long term treatment for acne scar removal. The side effects of this procedure are minimal, but there is a chance that the scars will still remain visible.

Laser treatment is still in an experimental phase. The use of a vasecular laser may fade the color of scars. A carbon dioxide laser may flatten scars and resurface the skin, however this effect is not definite. This procedure is not recommended due to the uncertainty in the safety of the treatment.

Radiotherapy is a controversial treatment and is only recommended for extreme cases. It is used to prevent the reoccurrence of severe scarring. The long-term side effects, even in the small doses of this treatment, is the risk of cancer induced by radiation.

A chemical peel is a minor form of surgery that can be done by a cosmetologist. This is usually the solution to getting rid of minor scarring. A layer of skin is removed by the application of chemicals. Afterwards, a new layer of skin can form and reduce your scars.

For some people, more than one type of treatment is necessary for the best outcome. Each person's face and skin are different and it is necessary to research these and other procedures available for you. Realistically, some people may not get rid of the appearance of scars completely.

Choosing the right dermatologist is as important as choosing your treatment. Qualifications and experience are key factors to look at. You can read about a dermatologist in any area online ( Acne scar removal can get expensive so you shouldn't rush to give your money to just anyone. A good doctor will work closely with you to get your skin appearing as clear and smooth as possible.

John Wellington is from which provides people who are suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

Acne Scarring - The Fastest Way to Clear Acne Scars

If you face acne scarring the best way that you can remove them is through a chemical peeling. It is very important to choose the best chemical peel product because there are some associated dangers. There are many chemical peels available in market.

If you have mild acne scaring your skin has the ability to heal. All this happens as the skin function shed cells and revealing new cells. Mild acne scars go away on their own time. Deeper scars do not go away if left not treated.

There are many acne scar treatments available for acne scar victims that are suffer from scarring. All these methods include skin peeling. They are designed to remove dead cells to allow fresh skin exposed.

There are many acne-scarring remedies in the market. If you do not know which acne scar treatment works best for you. Many acne scars sufferers require different acne treatment to know the best remedy to use can help you get clearer skin and save your time.

The chemical peeling is very popular and they will not get rid of acne scarring. In this situations a plastic surgery is really good method to treat acne. This therapy involves skin grafting. Consult with a surgeon would be he first step.

There are many acne scar victims that believe that chemical peeling is nothing more than a spa method. But this is not true. Always look for a good surgeon that knows how to apply the right amount of acid to skin. You have only one face and it is important to take the best care.

Chemical peeling is a very effective way of remove acne scaring. This method can also done at home. A dermatologist has the ability to use stronger peeling treatments, which may involve a hospital stay, and your recovery time can cost quite a bit.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at

Are Home Remedies For Acne Scars Effective?

Acne scars can be commonly found in teenagers and at times adults as well. Acne is the source of causing great embarrassment to the youngsters and often leads to inferiority complex as well. Even after treating acne, many a times acne scars are left for which one has to further go for medication, which could be harmful as well. The best way are the home remedies for acne scars which do not have any side effects unlike medication and antibiotics.

There is no doubt that the natural treatment is preferred over everything else and if you are suffering from not very severe acne, home remedies for acne scars are a great help to banish the scars.

The first and foremost thing to remember is that home remedies for acne scars lay emphasis upon eating healthy and exercising, which is believed to be the sole way of fighting any disorder. Other common home remedies are:

oAvoiding excess oil, sugar, starch and fatty acid in food you eat and going for a balanced diet full of liquids.

oTry to do hot fermentation to the pores which are open and after you squeeze off the waste, wash your skin with cold water. It's definitely one of the most effective home remedies for acne scars.

oTry to have as much of sun and air bath as you can. It's very beneficial for the skin.

oOrange peels, cucumber and turmeric powder are very effective if applied as a healing pack to the affected area.

oApplying a mixture of ginger and honey to the scar helps a lot.

oEating garlic and even rubbing it on the skin over the affected areas can be quite helpful owing to the medicinal value of garlic.

oTurmeric powder mixed with coriander juice is also a great remedy for treating acne scars.

Want to know more? Know everything about Home Remedies for Acne.

There is no end to knowledge. Increase your knowledge and to get even the minutest of details about Home Remedies for Acne Scars.

Acne Scars Surgery - What Are Your Options?

For those who have more severe acne scars or who want more dramatic results, it is often advisable to look into acne scars surgery after other methods have not worked sufficiently. Most home treatment methods are focused on slight improvements and the reduced appearance of scars, but that may not be enough to satisfy everyone. If you find that you want a more permanent and dramatic improvement in the reduction or even removal of your scars, you should consider some of the following surgery methods to remove them.

Laser surgery

Laser treatment is a rather popular type of acne scar surgery which uses a variety of lasers to provide a reshaping of acne scars and a permanent reduction in redness surrounding troublesome areas. The process uses lasers of a wide variety of intensity levels, based upon the areas being worked on, the severity of the acne scars, and your skin's overall condition.

While multiple treatments are sometimes needed, most will find that a single laser treatment gives them the results they desire. This is all relatively free of side effects, with the only post-surgical nuisance being slight skin redness from the lasers themselves, which lasts a few months.

Punch excisions and skin grafting

If you suffer from more severe acne scars that are deeper and more pronounced, punch excisions and skin grafting are better options. Punch excisions are used for deeper scars, like "boxcar scars", and are used to individually remove each scar. After the removal, the skin is sutured around the area, or if skin grafting is used, skin is inserted after being grafted from a different location.

Then, the skin simply must heal for the process to complete. If you use skin grafts instead of sutures, you may see a certain amount of mismatched tone for a little while, but this disappears with treatment.

Collagen injections

If your acne scars are more superficial in nature, you may be able to get the changes you're looking for from collagen injections. They can treat smaller scars by filling areas that require it, and collagen is a natural substance that will not give you any nasty side effects. The only drawbacks is that collagen injections only give temporary results that last for months at a time.

There are also other acne scars surgery methods that you can look into, if you want. Really, it is best to talk to an experienced dermatologist to determine the type of surgery that best fits your needs.

There's no reason you should sit there and be embarrassed about your acne scars any longer when you can try any one of these acne scars surgery treatments to zap those scars once and for all and take back your beautiful, clear skin. And for more tips, advice and reviews of products to get rid of your acne scars fast, visit: and be sure to download your FREE copy of my "Ultimate Acne Scar Guide."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Five Easy Fixes for Acne Blemishes and Scars

Acne is never welcomed no matter one's age. From teenagers to adults, those suffering from acne, whether mild, moderate or severe, often look for ways to get rid of it. Many turn to store-bought products or prescriptions, and many have found success through these treatment methods, but others have found success through various treatments and procedures available at a local clinic.

Skin care is a priority for many individuals and the cosmetic and skin care industry has met those demands with various procedures. The following are five treatment options to help patients overcome acne blemishes and scars.

1. Chemical peels: This treatment involves the application of a chemical solution that produces a controlled damage to the patient's skin. There are various peels available and the depth used will depend on the desired results. Generally, the deeper the peel, the more drastic the results, although deep peels often require a longer recovery period.

2. Photodynamic therapy, or PDT: This procedure involves the combination of a drug, which is called a photosensitizer, and a light source to destroy targeted cells. Blue light, red light or intense pulse light may be used. The photosensitizer is first applied to the skin and left on for a certain period of time. The light source is then applied and the photosensitizer removed.

3. Laser procedures: Laser scar removal procedures may be helpful in reducing the appearance of acne scarring, as well as keloid scarring, hypertrophic scarring and atrophic scarring. Individuals using medications including isotretinoin for acne must stop using the medicine six months before undergoing the procedure, however.

4. Dermabrasion: This is a mechanical resurfacing of the skin that uses an abrasive tool to remove the outer layers for an improved appearance. This may be an effective treatment to remove acne scarring.

5. Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers are used to add volume to the skin and may be a good treatment for acne scars. This treatment helps to flatten the scar, although the effect of dermal fillers is temporary and repeat treatments may be required to maintain results.

To maintain the results of any of the above-mentioned treatments, patients may require repeat treatments or may be encouraged to adopt certain lifestyle adjustments to help reduce the appearance of acne, although for some, it may be difficult to prevent acne from appearing. In some cases, a doctor may recommend taking certain prescription drugs, and patients should seek consultation to discuss all possible side effects of these and other drugs, as well as any procedures.

Visit a Laser Acne Treatment clinic for procedures, a consultation and questions for a Dermatologist on Laser skin rejuvenation.

Acne Scars Treatment

In the present world, external appearance is what matters the most and it has been noticed that nowadays a person is judged simply on the basis of his physical features. Therefore under such conditions every individual has grown conscious about their looks and invest heavily in order to beautify oneself. The skin is one among the most exposed parts of the body and a beautiful and clear skin is always attractive.

Acnes or pimples are the ugly blemishes that cause swellings on the skin and are the result of excess sebaceous gland secretion which cause these inflammations. Moreover, acne formations may also result from stress related factors and hormonal imbalances. Acnes often leave behind ugly scars which remain on the skin like a mark and give a dull appearance to the skin. While at present there are several scores of acne scar removal treatment available, it is necessary to point out in this case that not all treatments are suitable for everyone. This is because different individuals possess different kinds of skin type and their acne conditions may also differ considerably. Therefore it is extremely important for the medical practitioner to ensure that the acne treatment is suitable for the individual to whom it is assigned. There are various forms of treatment procedures available for the removal of acne scars. These include subcision, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, augmentation and dermabrasion.

Subcision is one of the procedures of acne scar removal treatment which is applied extensively in order to ensure the eradication of acne and it is suitable to almost everyone and it aids in separating the scar form the deeper tissues. In case of light acne scars, the most effective mode of treatment is through chemical peels. The process of chemical peeling takes about 15 minutes and makes use of various acid and acne alternative treatment modes for removing scars. Laser resurfacing is one of the latest innovations to have entered the field of acne scar treatment and it is to be noted here that this mode though effective needs to be repeated form time to time. Since it removes the old skin layer, people with darker skin tones have the risk of having irregular skin tones due to this process. Punch techniques are ideal in dealing with scars like those resulting due to chicken pox. The process of augmentation is perfect in treating acne scars in people who have deeper scars and usually follows the process of subcision. Dermabrasion is also ideal for removal of acne scars.

Find the best natural acne treatment online.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne sufferers would love to treat acne scars. It is the terrible after effect that most people don't speak about. It can be just as devastating as the original acne outbreak. Some people suffer from scars from an acne outbreak. There are many acne medications and scar removal products available. The scars can be treated and the pain can end.

The type and severity of the scars determines your treatments. Mild acne scars can be treated with a few home remedies and procedures. A Dermatologist may perform a dermabrasion. Manufacturers are producing creams and scrubs that mimic the results of these procedures. Dermabrasions and chemical peels can be used in combination with retinal or alpha hydroxyl acid lotions.

Mederma is a cream medication that is available in most pharmacies. Mederma softens the appearance of scar tissue. Mederma is grease less and invisible. It is less expensive and discreet.

Aloe Vera gels work to regenerate the skin tissue. Some studies suggest that it also boosts immunity. It is available at most pharmacies.

Professional treatments may be required for moderate to severe acne scars. Dermatologists can suggest a few solutions. A Dermatologist may suggest laser resurfacing which removes skin so that new skin can form. Patients find that the treatment area may be red and swollen for several weeks. The full results can be seen in six months.

Dermabrasion was adapted from the use of sandpaper to remove damaged skin. A rotating machine abrades the top layers of skin off the face. The doctor numbs the skin first. Scabs will form after the procedure. The skin will heal in a week and remain reddish for several weeks. After a month, you will see the final results.

Augmentation is another option. Collagen is injected under the scar in your face. These treatments are temporary and last around six months.

Subcision is a another procedure. A dermatologist detaches the acne scar from deeper tissue. It allows a pool of blood to form under the scar. This procedure in combination with dermabrasion is very successful.

Home remedies are another option. Acne scar treatments at home are less costly and less painful.It is a personal decision. Cosmetics can do a good job. Others find that the benefits outweigh the costs. It is your choice. The most important fact is that you have options. It does not matter if it is mild or severe there are options. It can be very expensive or reasonably priced. Explore your options and enjoy your happiness.

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Acne Scars Treatments - The Super and Inexpensive Home Remedies

The battle with acne and subsequent scarring can be turbulent and leave you feeling like there is no way out but I am here to tell you that there is hope. Often times people are looking for expensive treatments when right under their noses are home remedies to try. This article will focus on super and inexpensive acne scars treatments using simple everyday home remedies.

Has your scarring ever left you feeling inadequate around people who have clear skin? I understand how that feels as someone who battled and wrestled with hair loss. I hated to look in the mirror everyday and not see the reflection I wanted to see. Much like hair loss, acne scarring has many treatments out there and I want to share with you five acne scar treatments using simple home remedies.

These remedies are just the tip of the iceberg but nonetheless here is what I found.

Soda, no not the soda you drink which is exactly what I thought when I read it the first time but rather baking soda.

Exfoliate your skin with baking soda. Often times a version of baking soda is used in cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments which I thought was very interesting. What you want to do is mix one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water and then gently rub the mixture on your problem areas for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

Next Remedy is using olive oil and thanks to the food network most of us know where to get it if we don't have some in our pantry already.

After exfoliating your skin with baking soda, massage a small amount of olive oil onto your face. This helps with increasing the elasticity of the skin which breaks down because of scarring. Olive oil works great for moisturizing.

Fresh fruits are key to fighting acne scarring. Eating fresh fruits will supply your skin with much needed vitamin C and check this out you can actually puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. That's right you heard it here first. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minuets and since the pineapples contain ascorbic acid, it will help to brighten up the face.

My last remedy is to suggest consistency. No matter what you try you have to be consistent at your approach. Acne scars form over a series of weeks, layer by layer. To remove them, you need to use your acne home remedy on a daily basis to remove the damaged scar tissue layer by layer.

I really hope that you enjoyed this article on acne scars treatments using simple home remedies. I really wanted to write an article that can help those of you who are suffering from acne scarring but at the same time try and put a lighter tone to it. I hope I succeeded and in addition check this website out for more information. Thank you for reading and I wish you nothing but the best in your search.

Dealing With Back Acne - Why Do People Get It?

Just like facial acne, back acne is caused by an imbalance of hormones. To some extent it is hereditary. In addition, sweating and clothes that are too tight can lead to this type of acne. This is why physically active people tend to experience this problem more often. Clothes that are too tight prevent sweat from evaporating. Trapped sweat combined with oil on the back leads to clogged pores. This creates acne. Taking a shower when you're done exercising can prevent acne.

Treatment of Back Acne

If you have stubborn back acne, your doctor might prescribe an oral antibiotic such as minocycline or tetracycline. In comparison to the face, skin on the back is very tough. This is why a more aggressive treatment is prescribed. Treatments include products such as ten-percent benzoyl peroxide wash and Retin A cream. Some severe sufferers are prescribed Accutane in doses higher than those used on the face.

Mild back acne can be treated with personal care. After sweating, wash the area daily with a salicylic-acid-based cleanser. Wipe the area a pad containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. This kills bacteria found in the sweat. Finish with an alpha hydroxy acid-based body moisturizer to exfoliate without drying out the skin. Use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid overnight to treat pimples.

Prevent Back Acne

Can be prevented by wearing cotton clothes and applying powder to the skin to keep it dry. Antiperspirants can also help prevent sweat during mild activities. Overheating can be dangerous, so, sweating helps to cool the body. Keep bacteria at bay by maintaining cleanliness while working and sleeping. Have a shower after you sweat. Get into the habit of changing shirts two times per day. This will help keep away bacteria. Acne is one of the most devastating problems affecting people today. If you are one of them and want immediate relief go right now to Effective Acne Treatments and get the life alternating information that will get you back to the life you deserve.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Little Known Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scarring

If you suffer from acne, you are probably concerned about scarring. There are some steps you can take in an effort to reduce the impact of it. One thing that you need to do is to make certain that you never pop any of your pimples. This can lead to unnecessary scarring. Try to include plenty of Zinc and Vitamin A in your diet as these nutrients can help to heal your skin.

Do not let your spots get out of hand. If you have severe pimples (including cystic acne), you should consult a doctor for treatment options. Treating it before it gets worse or continues too long can help to reduce the affects of scarring. You should also talk to your doctor if you have had acne for an extended period of time and it does not seem to ever get any better. Again, treating this condition can help to limit the long term damage to your skin.

There are times when the long term damage to your skin cannot be prevented or avoided. You might suffer mild scars that fade over time. Your doctor can recommend some topical creams that can be used to help reduce the appearance of mild to moderate scars.

If your condition is very serious, you might want to talk to your doctor about alternative treatment options. There are surgical type treatments that can be used to help remove the layers of skin associated with this condition. Keep in mind that these treatments can be very expensive. It is entirely possible that your health insurance will not cover such treatments. You need to decide it scar removal is worth the investment to you.

Some people do not respond well to scar treatment. If you have very sensitive skin, the treatments could actually cause more damage. You could even find that you have long term skin damage from the treatments! If you do not mind the marks all that much, you might want to just leave them alone and see if they begin to fade over time. Of course, you can also try some topical treatments to help clear them up.

Your doctor will answer questions that you have regarding potential treatments. It will most likely be a dermatologist who will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision as to whether or not you wish to try to have them lightened or removed through medical intervention.

Visit the link below for more information on treating acne naturally starting today.

For more information on one of the best Acne Treatments, and to find out more about causes of Acne visit Preventing Acne today!

Acne Products - What You Must Know

Acne seems to be most common in the adolescent but it might affect both the sexes between the age groups of 10 and 40 years. Not only is the problem very common but it is also detrimental to regular social interaction as it takes a toll on the self confidence and also, sometimes, subjects him to ridicule.


There are several reasons and the causes, but the immediate cause is when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life, stimulated mainly by male hormones secreting from adrenal glands of both sexes. Under certain circumstances, cells close to the surface tend to block the openings of sebaceous glands causing a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria (which live on everyone's skin and generally cause no problems) to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed.

Products for the Prevention and Cure of Acne

Anyone who suffers from acne prays for a miracle acne product which will take care of their problem, but before selecting a product, one should consider the following:

a) Going through the product reviews carefully is a must.

b) One should not be hesitant to ask about any doubts regarding the product.

c) For unbiased reviews, there are several acne support sites available.

d) One should be conscious about one's own skin type before choosing any product.

Ayurveda for a Natural Treatment

Ayurveda, believes in the balance of the tridoshas ( pitta, vata and kapha) for the solution of most health problems, offers a natural and side-effect free remedy for acne. Several plants like the ones mentioned below help cure acne:

? Haritaki (terminalia chebula)

? Amalaki (embelica officinalis)

? Lajjalu (sensitive plant)

? Gokshura (tribulus terrestris L)

? Guduchi (tinospora cardifolia)

? Kumari (aloe vera)

? Ikshu (saccharumofficinarum)

Other products that promise to take care of the zits are:

a) Dermajuv: This miracle process offers a range of products like:

1. Detoxifying Acne Cleanser

2. Acne Scare Reduction System and Acne Scar Fading Cream

3. Clarifying cream

This product not only helps cure acne but also takes care of the ugly scars after acne has subsided.

b) OTC acne treatment: Benzoyl peroxide is the commonest over the counter acne treatment. A few products with benzoyle peroxide are:

? Proactive

? Glyton 10% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment gel

? Benzaderm gel

? MD formulation benzoyl peroxide 10

? Benzoyl peroxide creams

There are several kinds of products available in the market that promises a cure. These are mostly creams, gels and also purifying masks and spot removal creams which work overnight. Besides, there is also laser treatment for acne which offers a complete removal in only a few sessions.


a) One should always consult a dermatologist for accurate detection of the cause of acne and its cure.

b) Although a product may claim to act like magic, one should keep in mind that any kind of treatment takes time.

c) Sometimes it also happens that the results vary from person to person as a particular product may not suit everybody.

Thus, the choice of products becomes extremely important for acne treatment.

For more information about how to choose the best acne product for your skin type, visit now.

7 Real Acne Questions and Answers - From Real Acne Sufferers - Issue 2

As an author of an acne newsletter, I recieve all kinds of questions about acne and skin conditions.

So here I am, answering real questions from real acne sufferers, Issue 2.

-> Question 1

How many times a day should I wash my face?

-> Answer 1

You should wash your face 2 times daily (3 maximum). Once in the morning, and once at night before you go to bed. When washing your face, use your bare hands (wash them first), and be gentle and careful, especially around existing acne. You do not want to aggrevate your acne by applying too much pressure or by scrubbing too hard, that will only make things worse.

I recommend using a mild cleanser, such as Cetaphil, followed by an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer, such as Cetaphil Moisturizer or Neutrogena oil-free moisturizer with SPF.

Example Face Washing Routine:

Step 1:

-Wash your hands thoroughly.

Step 2:

-Rinse your face with hot water to open up your pores.

Step 3:

-Apply your mild cleanser in circular motions, very gently.

Step 4:

-Rinse the cleanser off with cold water, to close your now clean pores.

Step 5:

-Pat dry with a clean towel (do not scrub dry).

Step 6:

-Apply a moisturizer if your skin is prone to dryness.

Step 7:

-Girls, you can now apply your non-comedogenic makeup (you can skip moisturizing usually if applying makeup).

-> Question 2

I have very bad habit of picking my acne...Is that really bad for the pimples?

-> Answer 2

Yes, picking at your skin is definitely bad for the pimples. It slows down the healing process (meaning your acne and red spots will last longer), and it also spreads the infection of the p. acne bacteria.

Also, your hands contain lots of oils and bacteria which can lead to even more acne on your face.

Picking can also lead to scarring when otherwise there would have been no scarring.

I know it's hard to avoid picking your skin all the time, but try to make a concious effort to avoid picking your skin. The less you pick at it the better.

-> Question 3

I was just wondering when i wash the baking soda mask (see Issue 1) off what do i put on like is it okay if i put a moisturizer on or would it cause more break outs or irritate my skin or wait a while to apply moisturizer?

-> Answer 3

Some people like to use Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it to the face after the baking soda mask. It helps to balance the skins PH (acidity) and also helps to even the skin tone.

To use Apple Cider Vinegar, mix 1 part with 2 parts water and apply it to your skin, wait for it to dry, then rinse off and pat try.

Other then that, you can go ahead and use a moisturizer afterwards if you want. Make sure your moisturizer is oil-free and is non-comedogenic (won't block pores).

-> Question 4

Do you have any idea about BIOKORIUM and if it's helpful for acne or for the skin?

-> Answer 4

Biokorium is just a specific brand of glycolic acid peels. Glycolic acid peels work to exfoliate layers of the skin and to promote regeneration and rejuvenation of skin cells. Generally speaking, glycolic acid peels help to even your skin tone and texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores. The strongest concentrations of glycolic acid peels can also have some positive effects on acne scars and red marks.

With that said, I don't recommend using glycolic acid peels until your acne is gone, and only scars/red spots remain. Glycolic acid peels won't do anything to prevent acne breakouts and won't help with existing active acne. So for now, unless your acne is under control, your money is best spent elsewhere.

-> Question 5

Please let me know if the Baking Soda has any side effects and also can we use the same baking soda that is put in cakes etc...... the ingredients are Sodium Bicarbonate, Aluminiuim Sulaphate and edible starch.

-> Answer 5

The baking soda mask is entirely safe, you will probably notice some peeling of skin though if you have some dry patches (a good thing).

Other then that, the one drawback of the baking soda mask is it tends to alter the skins Ph balance. However, you can easily restore the Ph balance by applying a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water immediately after (let it dry, then rinse off). In fact, that is the best way to go about it.

The "cake baking soda" your referring to is actually baking powder, which is similar, but not the right choice. You should use just plain baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate). If you have some tea tree oil, you can add a few drops of that in the mixture if you want too.

-> Question 6

What can we do to remove the scars for fresh Minor Burns. What we have been using here is extensive usage of coconut oil.

-> Answer 6

For minor burns, coconut oil is a good choice, but pure aloe vera in my opinion is your best option. Run the burn under cold water,then create a cold compress with aloe vera dabbed on the side facing the burn. That's worked well for me (and others) in the past.

Some people also use egg-membrane applied to the burn area, I havn't tried this myself so I can't comment, but if you do give it a go let me know how it works.

I also highly recommend tea tree oil for burns, it will help disinfect and speed up the healing process, and can have soothing aspects as well. It can be used in combination with aloe vera if you wish.

You can also try a compress of bayberry, black or green tea, blackberry leaves, sumac leaves or white oak. They all contain tannic acid, which is used in many burn clinics.

-> Question 7

Does soda effect acne?

-> Answer 7

Soda drinks will not cause acne on it's own but if you are already prone to breaking out, then they can definitely aggrevate acne or lead to further breakouts. Some studies have shown chocolate and soft drinks etc. not to cause acne, but in my opinion these studies are flawed as they do not take the many factors of acne into account.

Soft drinks/soda they are full of refined sugars. Refined sugars are useless for the body and often cause a surge of androgenic hormones. Which if your body s unable to deal with, can lead to a hormonal imbalance, which can then lead to acne. So they are best avoided for the most part.

Ryan Bombard is the author of the free "77 Crazy Yet Effective Alernative Acne Tips" [] newsletter. A newsletter that focuses on natural acne treatments [] and natural acne prevention.

You don't have to suffer from acne, find out how to treat your acne naturally and permenantly by signing up for his free acne newsletter [].