Acne scars can be commonly found in teenagers and at times adults as well. Acne is the source of causing great embarrassment to the youngsters and often leads to inferiority complex as well. Even after treating acne, many a times acne scars are left for which one has to further go for medication, which could be harmful as well. The best way are the home remedies for acne scars which do not have any side effects unlike medication and antibiotics.
There is no doubt that the natural treatment is preferred over everything else and if you are suffering from not very severe acne, home remedies for acne scars are a great help to banish the scars.
The first and foremost thing to remember is that home remedies for acne scars lay emphasis upon eating healthy and exercising, which is believed to be the sole way of fighting any disorder. Other common home remedies are:
oAvoiding excess oil, sugar, starch and fatty acid in food you eat and going for a balanced diet full of liquids.
oTry to do hot fermentation to the pores which are open and after you squeeze off the waste, wash your skin with cold water. It's definitely one of the most effective home remedies for acne scars.
oTry to have as much of sun and air bath as you can. It's very beneficial for the skin.
oOrange peels, cucumber and turmeric powder are very effective if applied as a healing pack to the affected area.
oApplying a mixture of ginger and honey to the scar helps a lot.
oEating garlic and even rubbing it on the skin over the affected areas can be quite helpful owing to the medicinal value of garlic.
oTurmeric powder mixed with coriander juice is also a great remedy for treating acne scars.
Want to know more? Know everything about Home Remedies for Acne.
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