If you want to know how to reduce acne scars then read this article to discover which methods of acne scar reduction work. An unfortunate side-effect of acne is that it can result in a scarred appearance. The scars can be lifelong and damage your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Acne scarring can be socially inhibiting. It is not something that you need to suffer from permanently as there are some effective methods to reduce acne scars available.
After reading this article you should have a good idea of the effective methods available of reducing scarring from acne. In this article we are going to look at using vitamins to reduce scars, laser resurfacing and punch grafting.
The best way to reduce acne scars is not to get them in the first place. Try to avoid picking at your spots as this can result in making them worse and the chances of developing a scar are increased.
Vitamins can be used to fade scars caused by acne. The vitamin that you need to use is vitamin E. This vitamin E needs to be obtained in liquid form. It can be purchased in a liquid form but if you are unable to find any in the shops then you can buy capsules and cut them open to obtain the liquid vitamin E inside. This liquid vitamin E should be applied to the scarred area. It will fade scars over time although it will not completely eliminate them.
Another method that you can use topically is to apply virgin olive oil onto acne scars which can also help to fade them.
Laser resurfacing is an extremely effective method of acne scar removal. The top layer of your skin is removed with a laser. This procedure needs to be carried out by a doctor or dermatologist. The fresh layer of skin underneath is free from scarring provided that the scars are not too deep. This method is very effective although it is also expensive.
If you have deep acne scars they cannot always be removed using laser resurfacing. In this case there is a procedure called punch grafting which can be used to treat deep acne scarred areas. A skin graft is taken from another part of your body and grafted to the severely scarred area in order to replace the damaged skin.
In conclusion, these three acne scar treatment methods are effective and are proven to work. Laser resurfacing is expensive but it does work. Vitamins E is effective, but it will only fade scars and will not completely remove them. Punch grafting is often the only solution to deep acne scarring.
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