Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lightening Acne Scars - How to Fade Your Scars on a Tight Budget

Lightening acne scars may be synonymous to a few hundred dollars of chemical bleaching at the dermatologist's office. Then again, if you believe in the power of natural ingredients then you might just be able to do so by spending a couple of bucks. And there is no need to even go outside of your house-except if you'd be heading to a grocery store to buy what you need for this project.

Massage does not only feel good on a tired body, it is also does well in reducing the visibility of acne marks. Massage extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil on your face and gently massage the oil over the acne scars. This will stimulate blood circulation while moisturizing the facial skin. And both contribute in lightening acne scars.

Another acne lightener that can be found in your home is honey. Besides putting it on your pancakes every morning, set aside a small amount of honey and apply it on your face twice a day. The moisturizing effect will sooth the face and reduces the appearance of acne marks.

Finally, lavender oil has more uses aside from dropping it on potpourri or using it as massage oil: it is also a great post-acne medication. A few drops of the lavender oil in lightening acne scars with continuous use. Thrice-a-day application is recommended.

These three ingredients will cost less than a regular whitening or bleaching session with a derma. And rest assured that the skin will not be irritated by these natural ingredients.

Do you want to quickly remove your scars and finally have that Scar-Free skin you've always wanted to have? If yes, then I suggest you use the procedures recommended in the: Scar Solution Program.

Click here ==> Scar Solution Book, to read more about this Natural Scar Elimination Manual and see how it has been helping 1000s of people round the world, to effectively treat all their scars enabling them to have a clear skin tone.

Acne Treatments That Work Effectively to Clear Your Skin

With all the hype surrounding acne treatments that work the quickest and most effectively it gets harder and harder to identify which are the best.

It's frustrating because you desperately want to rid yourself of this condition. The damage that unsightly acne does to your self esteem is just one other factor that affects you. Anyone you come into contact with realizes your condition. People who know you are aware that you want to do something about it. Obviously it affects first impressions with people you meet for the first time. Unfortunately it affects your attractiveness with the opposite sex. Not only the unhealthy look of you face but how it affects you internally, they notice that too. Not good.

I used store bought over the counter treatments for almost 20 years. Some helped when pimples would flare up but by then you already have acne. I was constantly fighting to keep the acne in check. Once the acne appears it's too late. I wanted a solution that prevented it from appearing in the first place. After years of this I finally got so tired I placed an order online from a recommendation I was given. I noticed the difference after a few days and now, almost a year and a half later, I've still got my acne under control and am enjoying clear healthy looking skin for the first time since my early teens.

Don't do what I did and wait for so long. I have cleared my acne but still have and will always have the scars and pits and pock marks from my acne and I'll have them for the rest of my life. So do yourself a favor and don't put this off. You will regret it later. I speak from personal experience.

So let's talk about fixing your situation. Since everyone is going to say their products are acne treatments that work better than every one else what's the best way to make a decision? The most effective treatments are ones that combine both internal and external methods to fight your acne. These two work together to give you the strongest ability to fight acne and clear your skin. With an internal treatment like a pill, it helps fix the cause of the acne and prevents it from forming in the first place. The cream or outer treatment is there to catch pimples that might still flare up.

Lastly look for solutions from companies that stand behind their products with a free trial and money back guarantee.

For high quality acne treatments that work and include all the advantages and benefits discussed above, including proven results, click this link

How Long Does Acne Red Marks Stay - The Eternal Question

The fact that pimples are an indispensable part for the teenager and the adult years has been accepted, though grudgingly. But what is unacceptable and literally non-erasable are the hideous marks they leave behind. So the first question that comes to the mind once one gets the zits is how long does acne red marks stay?

Statistics show that around 25% of all people who have had acne will suffer from the spots and scars left behind by the pimples. The figure stands at an amazing 20 million Americans who will be afflicted by the pimple caused scars. The red marks that are caused by acne are often than not a result of the infection and curing progression. However, the length of time they will stay and when they will disappear is a question that even doctors would hesitate to answer, simply because they do not know.

The Mystery behind Acne scar

How long an acne scar will stay on your face is largely determined by two main factors. Firstly it depends on how severe your acne really is, as the scars from severe acne refuse to go as easily as a scar from mild acne. The second reason that decides on how long the acne scar will stay is the healing process of your body. The faster your body is able to recover and heal itself the faster the marks will vanish. Though the red marks usually last from anything between four and twelve weeks the exact period depends on these factors.

Though pimple scars are inevitable they can be controlled if you follow a few steps. Instead of starting the treatment after the scars have occurred you should start as soon as the pimples appear. The best way for taking care of the scars are home remedies, and remember that these are more useful as they will help remove the scars, will help your skin otherwise and also does not have any side effects.

However, if the scar left by your pimples is already untreatable, you still need not worry, for modern scientific progression has devised many ways to counter them. A dermatological surgery should be the answer to all your problems, which can be done on the surface of the skin or surgically needing incision. The different treatment methods are Dermabrasion, Autologous fat transfer, Skin grafting, treatment of Keloids, Microdermabrasion, Skin surgery, Collagen injection or Laser treatment.

Finally, before deciding on any treatment methods do make sure you consult your dermatologist. If your skin is scar prone, these treatments may end up causing bad than any good. Other things that you should keep in mind while taking your decision is the amount of expenditure you are ready to sponsor for your treatment and your skin type, the best person to do that with is naturally your doctor.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at

Acne Scar And Plastic Surgery - Drastic But Sometimes Necessary

In the past plastic surgery was only for the rich, however, recently it has become more affordable. Here are some facts about acne scarring and the benefits of plastic surgery.

There is'nt anything as unpleasant as the ugly acne scars that disfigure a persons skin and it is something that affects acne sufferers everywhere. there are Some people that are fortunate in that their acne scars melt away with the over time, unfortunately others are less fortunate and the residual marks are there till something is done about them. The deep scars that are caused by acne will need specialist treatment and could possibly even warrant plastic surgery, this of course depends on the advice given by your specialist and the type of scar left by the acne condition.

A serious alternative to ineffective treatments

Disfigurement of the person's face is something that many unfortunate people suffer from and the extreme scarring often results in seeking them advice about plastic surgery as other normal methods are inadequate . For some people, the only course of action open to them would be considering acne scar and plastic surgery, which although is a drastic alternative, is one which should definitely be explored. Acne scar and plastic surgery is a viable option for those wishing to permanently remove all evidence of their scars, and should always be considered only as a last resort when other avenues have been exhausted or deemed to be inadequate.

There are obviously risks associated with acne scar and plastic surgery and patients may even find that the scars may return in spite of having had plastic surgery. this can happen when , the layers of skin at the affected area are below the surface and a are subsequently too deep for surgery.

It is also be noted that it is expensive to have acne scar and plastic surgery which may deter many people from exploring this form of treatment. However, people should think hard as plastic surgery may be your only option because you may find that some of the other procedures are not able to remove the scars. Contrary to what the advertising slogans may say there is also no cure-all for acne scars. You should also exercise caution when believing claims of the non-invasive procedures and take care when purchasing over-the-counter- remedies that claim to instantly work on acne scar removal.

some deep acne scars like the "poc" marks and 'ice pick' scarring is particularly difficult to erase and will more than likely take a considerable length of time using home treatment before there are any noticeable results. Plastic surgery, on the other hand, will almost certainly remove them and will vastly improve the area of scarring. You can then follow this up with skin conditioners and topical medications as prescribed by your doctor. It should be noted that anyone considering acne scar and plastic surgery, must ensure that they are in good health and not be suffering from any active disease or pre-existing and serious medical condition, and also not have any unrealistic expectations of the outcome of the surgical procedure.

Armed with this information, you can know make plastic surgery as away of dealing with acne a possibility.

Arnold Hexden, reviews and writes articles on the subject of acne and and various other conditions check out his other articles at

Laser Acne Treatment - First Line of Defense or Last Resort?

Acne is one of those embarrassing problems that most of us face at some point, either as teens or, for some people, even as adults. And understandably, given the impact that acne can have on one's self esteem and personal image, it's not surprise that we all want the fastest cure possible to rid ourselves of this problem. Some people decide to resort to laser acne treatment as a way to cure acne development, but is this a good first option or should it be considered only when nothing else seems to work?

There are several acne treatments available, either over the counter medications or treatments from your doctor such as prescription drugs or medical procedures to treat acne. One of the procedures that has come about in the last several years is laser acne treatment. With the increased use of laser technology in other areas of medicine, like LASIK eye surgery for instance, it's no shock that this same technology would be adapted to help treat skin problems. Initially, lasers were used as an anti-aging remedy, but now they have been adapted as a viable option for acne treatment also.

Acne laser treatment is used to help reduce (or remove) scarring that develops as a result of sever acne outbreaks on the face, neck, chest, or other areas of the skin. It can also be used to treat acne that is currently present on the skin or beginning to develop.

Given the intended results, including reducing acne and acne scarring, many people are seeking out laser acne treatment as a way to rid themselves of this embarrassing problem. However, most people try other, less costly and less severe forms of acne treatment first before restoring to laser treatment. However, when people find that their acne is resistant to more conventional forms of treatment, more aggressive measures such as laser treatment are usually considered.

Laser acne treatment can be used in a couple of ways. First, it can be used to kill the bacteria that causes acne in the first place. In addition, laser treatment can be used to destroy the sebaceous glands that produce oil on the skin (usually excess oil for most acne patients). Your dermatologist can advise you about which option is best for you based on your particular situation. However, many contend that the second use for laser acne treatment is often times more effective.

Depending on the severity of your acne and your budget, you might want to consider laser acne treatment as a first option. Often times, this can be a quicker and easier way to rid yourself of acne. In addition, you might want to consider combining laser treatment with other, more traditional treatments after the fact. By doing so, you could get rid of acne quickly right now using laser treatment and help prevent future acne development down the road with the other remedies.

FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Find out more about acne treatment and discover other quick and easy remedies for acne by visiting

Dermatologist Acne Treatments

Acne is a wide term encasing blemishes, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Even though, it is more associated with teen age but this condition can strike at later phase too. While there are many preventative measures you can take to avoid it, here's how to treat acne.

How to get rid of acne

We should know that zits treatment has no short cut solution than medical treatment; although, there are home remedies for scar treatment that could be helpful to some extent. Majority of the people who have suffered during their adolescence are more likely to undergo in their maturity. First to make clear things that there is no quick fix for scar treatment.

First thing; in every beauty forum visited, I am not sure about the differences but one common thing that I really wondered, irrespective of so many of websites and blogs giving free advice for scar, treatment or home remedies for it, however, the population of pimple sufferers is increasing and I doubt the quality of the advices provided on the blogs and same time question the authenticity of the authors. Don't know how long but people have been raving a lot about how to get rid of pimple acne and scar.

Watching the misery of the people looking for natural acne scar treatment; I finally decided to take the matter in my hand, Getting further on that issue of zits treatment, if you are not satisfied with the initial over the counter and home remedies for acne treatment better seek the advice of dermatologists to get rid of acne.

To start with, you will have to avoid oil based or greasy makeup, hair product or cosmetics' of similar kind. Oil accumulation is the major cause of pimples; it would be wise to do away with any such product that could increase the accumulation of oil on the face. Meanwhile, avoid eating fast foods having lots of fatty oils. In order to get rid of acne one needs to alter his eating habits and lifestyle a bit.

Harsh soaps to get rid of excessive oil on the face is certainly not advisable, avoid hard soaps and facial scrubs to get rid of the acne faster. Although, there are many cheap products available in the market overstating that it would gently exfoliate the skin and remove the excessive oil and dirt from the face, but, I doubt dependability on these products. As long as you could avoid external oil and dirt you won't really need any hard face wash, your simple face wash will be able do the trick. Most of acne treatment and harsh soaps or facial scrubs available in the market are not worth. Intense use will exasperate the skin, damage your sebaceous gland, and eventually, result into even worse acne breakout.

Dermatologists will advice you regular showers and gentle face wash for mild zits treatment. Considering the fact that it would be impossible to keep away from contaminants and synthetic oils; a sound advice is to take shower twice in a day to get rid of excessive oil to prevent pimple breakouts.

While you try everything to get rid of pimple scars, you start to do everything and anything, as fist measure of preventing the breakout, stop experimenting, Because that won't help you get rid of it faster but worsen the condition. Because of that deterioration, any other skin remedy or treatment will take more than usual time to heal it.

See a dermatologist and strictly follow the medical advice for effective zits treatment, avoid using homemade zits treatment after it hasn't gone the way you expected initially. And yes! Don't just grab a bottle of lotion or a quick fix face wash from the store nearby. Make an appointment and see your dermatologist and work on the recommendations for medical acne treatments.

A visit to Dermatologist will eventually reveal all the cause of acne and accordingly "medical diagnosis will help you get rid of zits completely. Most over- the- counter acne treatment products and remedies are vitamin A extracts or synthesis. Vitamin A promotes sloughing of lifeless skin; treatment involves usually combination of vitamin together with mild antibiotic to keep check on moderate to server cases of zits. laser acne treatment

Friday, July 5, 2013

Do Not Use Dermabrasion to Clear Acne Scars

If you have facial scarring from acne, you might be considering ways to clear things up. There are a number of ways to remove the scars caused by zits, including acne cleansing solutions, chemical peels, and dermabrasion (the removal of the top layer of the skin). All of them, when done by trained medical professionals, can successfully remove pimple scars, but dermabrasion is probably the least recommended.

The best way to get rid of acne scars is to avoid them in the first place. Frequently washing your face with mild soap and water and limiting intake of fatty foods will go a long way to reducing your problem with pimples. If, however, you do suffer from acne and it has left scarring, here are the reasons you should not use dermabrasion to get rid of those scars.

First, dermabrasion is the manual removal of the epidermis, and a portion of the dermis. The skin then regenerates, and if the process is successful, is smoother than that which was removed. The key phrase here, though, is "if the process is successful." Not all skins react in the same way to dermabrasion.

Darker skins can be permanently discolored in the areas of abrasion. People who scar easily can suffer even worse scarring after dermabrasion. Freckles are also often lost after this type of skin treatment, and this can be as devastating as scars for some. After all, with time, scarring will clear up on its own, but if your personality has been established based upon that cute dusting of freckles, permanent loss can be quite a blow.

Because the outer protective layer of skin is removed during dermabrasion, the patient becomes susceptible to infection. A person who has active acne along with the scars, can easily become further infected during the process. If you're prone to cold sores, or have other types of allergies, it is also not a good idea to have dermabrasion.

The final argument against this procedure is the discomfort and cost. Dermabrasion, which should always be done by a doctor who has experience in the procedure, usually requires two or more visits, and it takes two to three weeks for the skin to fully heal. Because the new skin is sensitive for a long period, you must avoid exposure to sunlight for three to six months, and you have to be on guard against infection during this period as well. The average cost of dermabrasion is $1,000, which is not small potatoes; especially when you compare that to the $5.00 to $10.00 you pay for most pimple solutions that are available over the counter at your local drug store.

Giovanni is an online researcher on the subject of acne scars dermabrasion. You can find more insight and articles into how people deal with this issue and learn about the best acne treatments.

Adult Acne Solutions

Acne is a common skin infection that affects mostly teenagers. However, not only teens suffer from acne, Adults too are also affected by this problem. A complete understanding of acne continues to baffle experts. What really precipitates acne? Why does it disappear without apparent reason in some adults and persist in others? What we do know is that a hormonal imbalance triggers a sequence of physiological changes in the skin leading to the onset of acne. These events include an excessive production of oil, clogging of hair follicles and bacterial infection.

Acne can cause severe damage to the skin and to a person's psyche. Acne scars often disfigure the face, causing embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. An early cure is therefore essential. About 5% of adults suffer from acne. This figure does not include women who suffer from transient attacks of acne during menstrual cycles and in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Although the acne eventually disappears in such cases, it could cause scarring if treatment is delayed or ignored. Adults with acne need a two-fold remedial approach - eradication of acne and surgical procedure to remove acne scars. The following tips could help control adult acne and prevent permanent skin damage.

Early Action: Begin medications as soon as a fresh outbreak of acne occurs. This will help control its spread.

Keep skin clean and moist: Wash face regularly with warm water, and a mild soap. Cleansing solutions containing antibacterial agents like Chloroxylenol are useful in eliminating skin bacteria.

Avoid squeezing pimples: Squeezing spreads the infection and should be avoided. Handle affected areas gently and use soft and clean tissues to dry affected areas after washing.

Use skin lotions containing combinations of salicylic acid and lactic acids: These agents are effective in de-clogging hair follicles and stimulate growth of new skin. Lotions containing combinations of lactic acid with lanolin or similar compounds are also useful in keeping the skin healthy and moist.

Drugs like OrthoTrycyclen have proved useful in controlling acne in pre-menstrual women. If lesions containing pus persist after using topical antibiotics, consult your physician about oral antibiotics.

Nowadays several surgical procedures such as dermal fillers, punch excision, punch excision with skin graft replacement, punch elevation, subcutaneous incision and laser resurfacing are used in removing effects of acne scars. The important thing is to control acne before it controls the way you feel about yourself. Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

Using Natural Remedies to Remove Acne Scars

Avoid the expense and pain of commercial methods to remove acne scars. Why not look at some natural alternatives?

There are a number of commercial methods to remove acne scars. They all work basically the same way, the top layer of skin is removed and, as the tissue heals, the skin will have a smoother appearance.

In dermabrasion the top layers of skin are removed with a machine. Laser resurfacing is probably one of the most popular treatments. A laser is used to remove the scars. With chemical peels, different chemicals are used to remove the top layer of skin.

Wouldn't you rather use non-invasive methods to remove your acne scars?

Here are some natural alternatives to scar removal. Whereas they don't work overnight, many people have seen great results with them. One thing to remember, though, no one treatment will work for everybody. What works great for one person may not work at all for another. Just give them a try and see for yourself.

Apple cider vinegar is excellent for treating both acne and reducing scars. Dilute one part vinegar to two parts water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball.

Lemon juice can be put on a cotton ball with and applied to your face. Leave on for 15 minutes then rinse off. This has been effective for many people in reducing scars.

Almonds are also great for your skin. Put one-third cup almonds in a blender and grind very fine. Add enough water to make a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for thirty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Then mix one-quarter cup apple cider vinegar with one-quarter cup water and apply it to your face. This will help tighten the pores.

This remedy should help with really large pores. Wash your face, then soak a cotton ball in buttermilk and dab it over your face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Use every night.

Essential oils also are outstanding in reducing scars. Helichrysum oil is without a doubt the best oil (and the most expensive). One thing to remember with essential oils is that they are NEVER to be applied to the skin full strength. They can irritate the skin and can even result in severe reactions. They are always mixed with 'carrier' oils. Also, before any essential oil is applied to the skin, always do a test to see if you may be allergic to the oil - just dab a small amount of the mixture on your skin. And do NOT use if you currently have acne.

Sage oil is an excellent oil for old scars. Used in combination with helichrysum oil this is a hard combination to beat!

Helichrysum oil - 1 ml

Sage oil - 1 ml

Hazelnut oil - 1 oz

Rose hip seed oil - 1 oz

To apply, just massage the mixture on your face.

And when using essential oils, just remember that less is more. A small amount of oil goes a long way! They're wonderful when used correctly, but don't use them in large amounts and don't use if you're pregnant.

Jenny Francoeur
I have been interested in natural remedies for 30 years and have cured a number of health problems using home remedies.

Finding the Best Acne Scar Remover For You

Nobody likes acne, let alone scarring left over from acne. The ugly, repugnant tissues that are on your face are just screaming for attention. You can't go anywhere without having someone look at your face can you? The embarrassment will always be there unless you take action fast. So how do you find the best acne scar remover for you?

That's an excellent question but a lot of it has to do with your own personality. If you are into over-the-counter or prescription remedies, a simple referral from your doctor or dermatologist can definitely help you find what you need. Make sure that you understand exactly what you are putting on your face so you don't do more harm than good.

You may want to take a natural approach to finding an acne remover. This is a great option especially if you have sensitive skin that cannot be used with harsh chemicals or solutions. You can find many products for your scarring in natural health stores or on health ecommerce stores. If you also take a look on the internet you may even find a home remedy or two that will help clear that acne scarring. Many of these products you may have in your home already. Items like aloe vera, rosehip, and vitamin E capsules can definitely be a good start for your skin.

However you go about finding the best acne scar remover for you make sure that you ask plenty of questions and look for reviews on what works and what doesn't. Hopefully you will find the product that you need to get rid of that acne scarring quickly.

What's the best acne scar remover on the market? Get the inside scoop on America's #1 acne solution when you compare and contrast the most effective acne scar remedies.

Various Acne Treatment Options

There are quite a few people who can successfully treat their acne problem using over the counter applications and drugs. However there are also some who are not so lucky. They need something stronger to treat their acne treatment, like laser removal.

Try lasers at the start of your infection

Laser treated not only effectively removes it, it also removes the scars. This is why some dermatologists also suggest using laser procedure before it starts.

They consider it better to directly treat acne using lasers instead of waiting for a severe attack and acne scars start developing. They know that once acne is rooted into the skin, it is difficult to find the right acne treatment.

If you are thinking of using laser mainly to get rid of acne scars, and not for curing your problem, you should specifically use erbium laser treatment. This laser treatment effectively heals the scars that acne leaves behind.

Patience gives results

An alternative removal that many people to treat acne is aluminum hydroxide crystals. These crystals are abrasive in action that remove damaged and dead skin layers. The removal of this dead skin helps prevent the spreading of acne.

Aluminum hydroxide crystals are best for treating on the neck and back as they are harder to reach areas that require fast treatment. They are also better for treating shallow scars but not deep acne scars.

Whichever acne removal you opt to use for treating your problem, you have to remember that you need a lot of time and patience to see its results.

There are various acne treatment options for you to choose from for treating your acne problem. However if you suffer from an extreme case of acne, laser acne treatment helps give you beautiful skin once again. The ideal place for any Houston Acne treatment is found in Bella Rosa Clinic Houston Texas.

Acne Scar Treatment the Easy Way

Acne is a common condition which affects many people all both genders and all ages, young and old. Although more widespread throughout puberty and teen years, acne can and does last into your 20s or 30s and above. The problem with acne is that if untreated or if treated improperly, it can leave scars in affected areas.

Acne scar treatment is a difficult science. There are several general approaches which have varying degrees of success.

#1 - home remedies: rubbing sandlwood paste or ice cubes over the scars, applying cucumber juice or various other fruits and vegetables directly to the scar area. These types of acne scar treatment should generally be avoided - if it were that easy to solve acne scars, nobody would have them. Wiping fruit and veg on your face isn't going to change your skin!

#2 - laser: laser acne scar treatments are the first arm of a technique known as "dermabrasion", where the top layers of skin are removed to allow new skin to regrow in it's place. This new skin will be scar free, assuming that the dermabrasion is performed correctly. If the top skin is removed poorly or burned by the laser, it can lead to more scarring.

#3 - surgery: skin grafts and other surgical techniques are also used to treat acne scars. With this technique, healthy unscarred skin from other parts of the body is sliced off and moved over the scarred areas, much the same way as burn or crash victims have their skin replaced. While this can work well, you may be left with lines around the edges of the affected areas, and it can be expensive and time consuming.

#4 - chemical peels: the last type of acne scar treatment I'll cover here, and probably the most widespread and easily available. You can buy peel creams over the counter and use them at home, but do always read the label and be very careful. The principle is the same as some of the techniques above - remove the top layers of skin, gradually and slowly, and allow new skin to grow back.

Chemical peels or any of the other acne scar treatments will struggle to make deeply pocked or marked skin perfect again, but you can have some beneficial impact with a little patience and proper information. Be sure to talk to your doctor and dermatologist before you embark on any skin resurfacing scar treatment programme.

There's a great book about how you can cure your acne [] naturally, including the author's experiences with chemical skin peels to successfully treat his scarring. It's called "Acne Free In 3 Days", and it tells the story of how a chronic acne sufferer learned to keep his acne under control, permanently.

Learn more about natural acne treatments - and discover how you can permanently cure your acne in 3 days - at [].

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Acne Vitamins All In One Source

Since time immemorial, people have been asking, "How am I going to cure this breakout?" They have resolved to use all kinds of treatments, disregarding any skin nutrients like the so-called acne vitamins not only for nourishment for treatment but also for prevention. Some have even resorted to getting very expensive treatments such as scar removal treatments after giving in to the temptations of popping their pimples. Still, they envy people with smooth, clear skin. They still think that the results they're getting are not enough, aren't smooth and clear enough.

You may be one of these pimple-ridden people. The answer to your problems, straight to the core, reducing the likelihood of it ever coming back, and much more is the need to supply the body with immune boosting and skin defending nutrients such as in Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton! Proven very effective, this supplemental ocean food will do great wonders to your body, mind and skin!

First, let us get to know the micro-algae called Phytoplankton. Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton has been sought for a very long time. Doctors, scientists and nutritionists have been looking for the "Elixir of Life" in the terrains of the modern world; little did they know it was hidden in the ocean.

A special species of Phytoplankton has surfaced and has been experimented on by scientists. They found out that this special specie of Phytoplankton has the perfect nutritional profile for overall health in the human body. It improves brain health, cardiovascular and circulatory health, the immune and nervous systems, and everything you can think of. It has also been long sought for the unbelievable skin benefits it gives, working as well as pencil erasers on the face, removing those unwanted acne and acne scars. It contains the acne vitamins E, A and B5 that works deep beneath the skin, correcting the hormonal imbalances and body problems associated with acne breakouts. Aside from the multitudinous acne vitamins it supplies, it also has minerals and other skin nutrients that help in beautifying the skin. Serine works directly on the skin cells making it whiter, clearer and smoother in a matter of days. Silicon on the other hand, tightens the skin pores and shuts out acne-causing bacteria. Zinc helps correct the hormones that are the direct causes of acne breakouts.

The vitamins for acne present in this supplement are potent only in a non-toxic form and only in exact amounts vital for skin repair and health. With the Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton side effects are null and benefits are the only things you'll get. Get the acne vitamins you need and much more when you take this modern "Elixir of Life."

Are you tired of trying so many different supplements to help correct your issue with acne? It's important that you understand the need for synergistic nutrients to aid in the treatment and prevention of your acne. No more do you have to worry or be indecisive of what really works! Check out the links below for a clearer picture of what Marine Phytoplankton can do for you. Marine Phytoplankton Benefits Acne Vitamins

How to Get Rid of Acne Marks - 3 Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal

If you are one of the many who are troubled by the marks left behind by your acne, then here is some good news for you. Acne scar marks can be removed and you have every right to return back to the beautiful you.

Here are some home remedies for acne scar removal:

1) Vitamin E oil - This is one of the easiest solution on how to get rid of acne marks. Simply apply some vitamin E oil onto your marks everyday and overtime, these marks will be minimize. The only thing you will need to take note is that these solution takes time.

2) Lavender Oil - One of the best home remedies for acne scar removal is lavender oil. It is high in fatty acids and is extremely effective in reducing the appearance of any signs of scarring. Simply apply the essential oils onto your the scarring area and the area around it.

3) Apple & Honey Mix - This mixture is extremely useful for tightening your pores and keeping your complexion light. What you will need to do is to blend and mix the apple and 4 drops of honey together to form a paste. Apply them onto your face and wash off after 20 mins. This is one of the most popular ways to get rid of acne marks.

Although these home remedies for acne scar removal works, the best solution to prevent acne scarring however, is not to aggravate the acne. Treating it early can prevent such incident from happening.

If you are serious in curing your acne, one of the best ways to get rid of acne is a book by Dr Nathan Johnson. It is by far the most comprehensive book that reveals the secret on both acne cure and how to get rid of acne marks naturally.

Check it out:

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How Do You Get Rid of Acne Scars?

This article is about how to get rid of acne scars, but first of all you should avoid getting scars at all. If you try to take good care of your skin and follow acne treatments as required, this will reduce the chance of getting any scarring. Some people will have acne worse than others due to genetics and environment for example and will have trouble not developing any scars.

Laser resurfacing is used to burn the top layer of skin over a scar. As the burned skin heals there is a smoother surface and will look better than before. Dermabrasion is done like laser resurfacing but instead uses a tool that scrapes away the top layer of skin removing the scar. When healed there should be a notable improvement.

Chemical peels are used to remove top layers of skin over the scar. This is like using an exfoliating scrub but more aggressive. The healing time is much quicker than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, a burning sensation may be felt for a day or two.

There are surgical methods that can be used on really bad acne scars. It is basically removing the scar from the tissue, when this area heals the new scar is a lot less noticeable than the original. A surgical punch, much like a cookie cutter is used to remove the scar. With some procedures the incision is stitched together, sometimes a plug of tissue from behind an ear is used to graft in place or the incision is left to heal as is.

If the scars are mild maybe some natural treatments may work. Vitamin E helps to fade scars, just break open a Vitamin E capsule and rub the oil on the scars. Check the drug stores for any of the over the counter scar removal creams. Some are designed for acne scars and some are for any type.

Go to Treat Your Acne to discover more information on how to prevent and treat acne and pimples.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Without Surgery - Cost Effective Ways for Treating Scars

How to get rid acne scars without surgery is a common problem among teenagers and adults. Usually, pimple outbreaks begin during puberty, when the oil glands and hormones are at their highest activity. Then, they leave the face with ugly scars. If you want to remove them but you do not want to spend much on surgeries, there are natural and cost effective ways for you.

Before starting, everyone must know that many natural methods on pimple removal have no scientific proof. Nonetheless, many people testify to their effectiveness. They may also complement other medical treatments of acne scars.

The first aid and easiest way is to use ice. Rub ice gently on the newly irritated pimple. This can prevent skin inflammation and lower the severity of scarring. It will also make the skin look tamer and more even. However, this is just for first-aid and concealing.

A technique on how to get rid acne scars without surgery is to use natural oils to massage your face. Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer which can make your skin look even. This will make the scars appear less prominent. Tomato extract, on the other hand, controls the production of sebum on the skin. Sebum is a skin secretion, which causes quick scarring and pimple growth.

You can also increase intake of citrus fruit extracts. Drink plenty of lemon juice since it has nutrients that help in renewing skin cells. Hence, dead skin cells are shed faster. Lastly, Vitamin E can help in how to get rid acne scars without surgery. You can take it orally or directly apply it as topical solution to affected areas.

Do you want to quickly fade your scars and finally have that Scar-Free skin you've always wanted to have? If yes, then I suggest you use the techniques recommended in the: Scar Solution Guide.

Click here ==> Scar Solution Book, to read more about this Natural Scar Fading Manual and see how it's been helping thousands of people round the world, to successfully take away all their scars enabling them to have a clear skin tone.

Acne Scar Laser Treatment - The Effective Solution For Your Acne Scarring

Laser treatments can get rid of not only your active acne, but also scars from previous breakouts. Many people choose to use lasers that work on both types at the same time, or undergo laser scar treatment after they've undergone laser treatment for their active acne.

Acne scars, although a natural effect of the body's attempts to heal itself can be unsightly and make you self-conscious. The good news is that you don't have to live with your spots and scars forever. Lasers used for acne scar treatments and active acne treatment will both give you a boost of self-confidence. The real you can shine once your face is no longer hidden behind layers of makeup. If you are considering laser treatments for your blemishes, also consider treating your acne scars with lasers as well.

Acne scar laser treatment can minimize the scars left by spots whether you no longer have skin problems or are still experiencing breakouts. If you've tried everything to get rid of your spots and scars, from topical creams to medications, consider laser treatments. Doctors usually recommend laser treatments to those who have tried other remedies in the past but are still looking for an effective solution for their skin issues.

There are several different types of lasers used for acne scar laser treatment. Many treat both active acne and scars at the same time. For example, pulsed dye lasers are used to treat current breakouts, as well as scars that are pink or red. They are attracted to the hemoglobin in blood. Most lasers currently used for scar treatment work through carefully removing a very thin layer of skin, exposing newer and healthier skin underneath your scars. The way these lasers work is often compared to sanding a tabletop to reveal the smoother surface underneath. Other lasers, like Carbon Dioxide lasers, work against scars that are indented into the skin, rather than raised. They work by stimulating collagen growth, filling in the scar from inside your skin.

Laser treatment for acne scars is about the same as treatment for active acne. The only difference is how, exactly, the lasers work. During both treatments, the doctor will hold a handheld laser device to your skin, sending laser pulses in to minimize your spots and scars. This noninvasive procedure has a very fast recovery time. Afterwards your skin may be a little red and swollen, but it is not a painful procedure. Most patients describe it as a rubber band snapping against the skin. Afterwards, you will be left with healthier and more beautiful skin.

Acne scar laser treatment can help old scars caused by spots to fade, giving you a boost of self-confidence. Along with laser acne treatment, combined with laser scar treatment you will given a clearer complexion.

Mark Bradford is the author of the Laser Acne Treatment Guide. Discover much more information and advice about this amazing acne treatment; including how you can get rid yourself of acne scars using acne scar laser treatment, how laser acne treatment works, how to choose the best laser acne treatment clinic, and the many benefits of this effective acne solution.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Acne Facial Treatment - Better Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Acne occurs at a time of life when the teenager is especially concerned over his appearance. To avoid if possible the acne occurs, acne facial treatment should be prompt. If not this condition might be worst. Acne-prone skin or a blemished skin causes one's skin young to be sensitive and embarrassed.

There may be 2 phases of facial treatment for acne that you will consider. First, the patient himself should build up his general health so as to become resistant to all kinds of illness. That involves on how to take care properly your skin. It also includes the development of the physical development of the patient. It should be observed that skin of your face must be cleanse twice daily. It is appropriate to use warm water and a non-irritating soap. Using of cosmetics are big NO,NO, if necessary. If you like to apply it, just make sure of not letting it stay overnight on your face. Cosmetics should be removed. After cleansing, apply moisturizers according to your type of skin.

It is also important not to touch your face if your hands are dirty. Or it is better to avoid mechanical pressure on the skin, like resting chin in your hands. It is highly recommended also to obtain adequate rest and sleep at least 8 hours each night. Practice and eat of a well-balanced and wholesome diet. Avoid between-meal snacks including sweetened drinks. Avoid also eating chocolates with nuts and cola drinks. Do not prick also o\if you have zits or pimples already because it might worsen the condition and might have add harmful germs.

The second phase is the experts' part. The dermatologist must evaluate each case or condition of the acne. The condition of the acne also varies what kind of advisable facial treatment should be given. The condition may be from mild to moderate or from moderate to severe.

The experts may advise the topical facial treatment or any medications appropriate to the acne-affected type of skin. In terms of topical treatment, the dermatologists will mostly ask the acne-affected patient to take any necessary oral pills. It may include taking of topical retinoids, anti-androgens, and topical antibiotics or may be birth control pills. Skin experts will also advised to try the application of moisturizers, creams, lotions or gels according to the type of skin. Oily type of skin does not highly recommend applying moisturizers already. It is better that moisturizers, creams, lotions or gel to have at least 2.5% content of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. It helps to penetrate oxygen to skin pores or follicles to unclog.

Another, the dermatologist even introduced the some effective acne facial treatments. It includes the application of chemical peel, applying acid mask on face and upon peeling new skin appears; dermabrasion, a simple surgical procedure that helps to remove skin blemishes or imperfections as acne scars by rubbing or scraping of the surface layer of the cells; and Photodynamic Therapy or PDT, use of light and chemical solution medication to eliminate the bacteria responsible for the painful lesions. One of the common PDT is the Blue Light Therapy.

Here are just some of the common treatments like acne facial treatment that help to rid off one of the disastrous skin problem, acne. With this information, these acne facial treatments will help the skin on your face looks fresh, flawless and acne-free again.

Are you looking for acne facial treatment? Click through the link to grab your free acne control kit today!

Discover how to achieve a clean face without any acne through this Acne No More Book by Mike Walden. He is a best selling author, former acne sufferer, medical researcher, certified nutritionist and health consultant so do check out his book if you really want to clear off your acne problems.

Smoothbeam Acne Laser Treatment - Smoothbeams For Success

Many dreamed of having smooth clear skin and many though they are; only few find that their dreams come true. Acne has been a universal problem and has caused not only physical, but also emotional and economical hardships. Acne can be very painful and irritating, as well as emotionally stressful. You get depressed by simply looking at your red swollen acne in the mirror. Many search for solutions by trying over the counter medicines and yet, they found them ineffective. It can be costly at times, but you don't mind as long as you achieve that dream of having smooth and clear skin.

At some point in our lives, everyone has experienced acne breakouts. Scientists have done their research and found a different solution to treat acne. From natural treatment to oral antibiotics and topical creams, further studies show that laser treatment is effective.

Collagen is an essential part of the skin. It maintains the elasticity of your skin and slows down the aging process. Smoothbeam Acne Laser Treatment is a non-ablative treatment that does not cause any burns or cuts. Acne patients will never experience peeling, because it only works on the surface of the skin. Redness of the skin may appear, but will be gone in a matter of hours. Smoothbeam is an effective procedure in reducing the visibility of scars and wrinkles on the face and back.

Before you can undergo this kind of treatment, patients should stop using acne medications such as accutane or isotretinoin for six months to a year. Exposure to sunlight should also be avoided four to six weeks before the treatment is scheduled. An anti-viral medication is given to patients with a history of cold sores before and after the procedure. All necessary chemicals should be removed before the session starts as it may react with the smoothbeam. An anesthetic cream is then applied for about 30 minutes. A cooling device is then applied before exposure to the laser pulses. It is needed to protect the surface of your skin. The session usually ranges from around 20-30 minutes. Smoothbeam is safe as long as it is performed by licensed dermatologists and studies show that it is the safest way of acne and acne scar removal.

Patients who underwent such treatments reported that a sting, similar to snap of a small rubber band, can be felt. The application of anesthetic cream helps in reducing this discomfort. Smoothbeam may cause lightening or darkening of the affected area but scarring in acne patients is rarely reported.

Since its concentration is on the outer layer of the skin, results can be seen in two to six sessions of Smootheam. Collagen starts forming after the first treatment and the skin will visibly improve. Undergoing such treatment is expensive, but the promise of clear skin by forming new collagen is great. It may cost you in the range of $300 -$500 per session depending on the skin care professional.

Having clear skin brings confidence and confidence brings success in life. It may cost a lot to treat your unwanted acne and scarring, but the success it brings cannot be compared to its cost.

Visit our website and learn more about all things related to acne and laser light acne treatment.

Can the Use of Laser on Acne Produce Permanent Results?

The use of a laser on acne is one of the most advanced modes of treatment for this skin problem. These lasers are starting to become very popular nowadays and this is because a lot of people find it more convenient and effective than the conventional treatments used on acne. This treatment is usually able to remove around 80 to 90% of existing acne after a series of sessions using it. The usual length of an acne laser treatment would be four to five weeks with at least 5 sessions that last less than an hour at minimum.

These acne lasers work by using intense pulsated light that penetrates the deep layers of your skin and eliminate the acne causing processes that happen there. Factors like bacteria that live way below on the dermis and cause problems such as over secretion of oil are easily neutralized with the use of these lasers. The heat from the pulsated light that the lasers emit can also stimulate the secretion of beneficial acids that are able to neutralize any acne causing bacteria that are living on the external surface of the skin. So basically, you are getting a treatment that is able to address skin acne in the external as well as the deep internal layers of the skin.

A lot of people are now speculating that using a laser on acne would be powerful enough to get rid of it permanently, and this is not true at all. Acne lasers are not able to clear you of acne permanently, even though there are some cases that they did get to that, but on the average it just can't. It is a fact however that the effects of acne laser treatments on acne last much longer than those of topical solutions and antibiotics as well. You can get clear from acne permanently however by using this method with other methods that deal with the internal factors that cause acne such as overload of toxins in the body and stress.

The only problem that you may encounter with this method is that it is very expensive to undergo. Since this is such a technologically advanced type of treatment the resources or materials used for it comes with a high price. Even though there are now a lot of home use lasers available in the market they are still quite costly on the wallet. This being said, it is very important that you remember to take full advantage of this treatment if you do decide to undergo it or are undergoing it already.

If you are still planning on taking on the idea of using a laser on acne, it is very important that you are able to conduct thorough research about the procedures that are being used in this treatment. You can find a lot of sites in the internet that would be able to provide you with the information that you need about it. One site that you can go to for this valuable information is, this is a small site that is dedicated to helping acne sufferers all over the world overcome the trials that they are experiencing with acne.

Isabella Peterson have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Best Acne Medicine and great passion and knowledge for Best Acne Scar Treatment and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Fast Removal of Acne Scars - How to Get Rid of Acne Marks and Scars

When you deal with acne you likely also deal with the permanence of acne scars and while there is no absolute way to remove acne scars, there are many forms of treatment to help reduce the appearance of acne scarring to help you feel more confident and beautiful. You are bombarded everyday with advertisements offering you perfect skin free of acne and scarring, but the reality is no one can guarantee this to you. There are as many forms of acne and types of skin as there are acne sufferers and therefore can be no one quick solution. The treatments and methods you see advertised are often expensive; the treatments can be painful and embarrassing to have performed. Instead, consider one of the many natural remedies for acne scars that can be done in the privacy of your own home, by you at little or no cost.

One such way to quickly "remove" acne scars is to treat the area with a paste made of salt and vinegar. Considering the ingredients are likely in your kitchen right now, this is free for you to try with no worry of failure. If it doesn't work for you specifically, you simply move on to another natural treatment remedy. Take the paste and apply it to the affected areas and leave for ten to twenty minutes. Since these items are slightly abrasive, they may sting a little on super sensitive or broke out skin. Rinse with warm water and continue with your daily skin care routine of toner and moisturizer. Whenever you are working with products, over the counter or natural, to change your skin it's important to protect it from the sun and other damaging environmental factors. A good moisturizer with a high SPF can go a long way in protecting your skin.

Another natural remedy for this purpose is a mixture of Rosewater and Sandalwood which can be used in place of your normal cleanser and toner used during each of your skin care routines. These items can both be found at most natural and health product stores as well as in many pharmacies now. Once the mixture is created you can store it in the refrigerator for several weeks for the ultimate in convenience.

There are many different ways you can work to treat and soften the appearance of acne scarring without harsh chemicals, expensive treatments and embarrassing procedures. You can work with a few simple products in your own home to achieve the results you are looking for and can feel confident about.

Everyone wants beautiful skin-- However, not everyone is naturally blessed with a clear complexion. Luckily, there are some easy acne treatments [] that will quickly get rid of those zits and increase your confidence. Learn about the best acne treatments at: []

Acne Scars

Scarring is an inevitable outcome of significant skin inflammation. The deeper the scars, the longer it takes to completely remove them. Acne scars are caused by either increased tissue formation or loss of tissue. The best possible means for prevention of acne scars can be its early and complete treatment.

The selection of the method for acne scar treatment depends mainly on the morphology of the scar. Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, punch excision, subcision, skin grafting, dermal filler, and chemical peels are the commonly used scar treatment methods.

Dermabrasion involves the cutting down of the normal skin with a power-driven hand piece to make the scar look less pitted. Its use has decreased because of the associated risk of blood-borne diseases with it. Also, it fails as a therapy for all kinds of scars. Microdermabrasion is a new technique which achieves surface skin removal for acne treatment by making use of aluminum oxide crystals passing through a vacuum tube. This option for acne treatment holds the advantage of causing no additional wounds.

The technique of laser resurfacing holds the benefit of being more precise, safer, controlled and less operator dependent than dermabrasion technique. Lasers of various wavelength and intensity may be used depending upon the desired results. The carbon dioxide laser that emits light at a wavelength of 10,600 nanometer (nm) may be used to actually remove the tissue. The laser treatment has the requirement of a local or general anesthetic and potential of causing both bacterial and viral infection. The other disadvantages are its possible inability to remove very-deep scarring and causing further scarring (rare). This procedure cannot be used for hypertrophic and keloid scars.

The punch excision method makes use of a punch tool to excise the scar and thereby remove ice-pick scars. The procedure of subcision makes use of a surgical probe to detach the scar from deeper tissues and thereby elevate a depressed scar.

The method of skin grafting which implants a small piece of skin into the scar site helps treat pitted scar. Dermal fillers, a non-surgical procedure, are a means of supplementing the skin's collagen to help treat scars.

During the chemical peel procedure, the top layers of the skin are treated with a chemical solution, most commonly alpha-hydroxy acids, such as glycolic, salicylic, or lactic acid. Chemical peel solutions help to unblock the pores, open the blackheads and whiteheads, and stimulate dermal regeneration. Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products [].

Dermabrasion Can Diminish the Appearance of Deep Acne Scars

Dermabrasion is a mild cosmetic procedure that helps remove facial blemishes such as severe acne, scarring, and other irregularities that deflect from the overall aesthetics of the face.

Sometimes confused with microdermabrasion, a similar but less intensive treatment, dermabrasion is usually performed by a plastic surgeon and requires anesthesia to put the patient to sleep or under partial consciousness. A dermabrader is used to remove the top layers of damaged skin, allowing the smooth, unblemished layers to rise to the surface. The process can be performed in a variety of ways, and generally takes between thirty minutes and an hour.

Sometimes plastic surgeons choose to use the traditional wand device that has an abrasive rotating disc attached at one end or a dermatome, which has a blade that gradually peels away the layers of skin. Today, it is more common for different lasers to be used in order to achieve safer, even, and more effective results.

Many people find this method uncomfortable and painful, but often not unbearable. Immediately following the procedure, treated areas will be discolored, tender, and sore. Your face may feel strange and normal activities such as talking or washing may cause aches.

Swelling and pain subsides with a few days after the process, but a protective scab will begin to develop. It is important to allow the scab to grow and eventually fall off in its own time to prevent potential scarring on the new skin that lies beneath. A topical treatment that can sooth any itch or surface pain is often prescribed after the procedure.

Although a very safe way, it has some risks and potential complications that may occur. Many of these complications are minor and heal themselves within a few days or weeks. Problems such as increased sensitivity to sun, temporary discoloration or blotchiness, and whiteheads will generally disappear with proper care and patience.

More serious but rare risks include permanent pigmentation discoloration, scarring, and infection. If you are prone to keloid scarring you will want to carefully consider undergoing this process and discuss possibilities with your plastic surgeon. Report any abnormalities to a plastic surgeon immediately to avoid long term damage.

This is well suited for those with deep acne scars that are resistant to topical treatments. Not only will dermabrasion help smooth the skin's surface, but it can help eliminate, or at the very least, greatly diminish the appearance of flat scars, even those that are in deep layers.

Pit-like scars may require additional treatments or a combination of procedures in order to effectively smooth them away. It is recommended that those seeking acne scar treatment wait until any breakouts have largely cleared in order to achieve maximum results.

Although dermabrasion is popular for those seeking acne scar treatment, the process can also help address other facial scarring, such as from a previous facial procedure or from an accident, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. This will not only result in healthier, fresher looking skin, but can give you back your confidence as well.

In New Jersey, dermabrasion [] has helped many to look younger, smoother and radiant in just a matter of minutes. Relax, restore and rejuvenate to feel better and look better. To know more, visit

Acne Scar Home Remedies That Will Make Your Blemishes Vanish in a Jiffy

One of the biggest problems left by acne is ugly unsightly scars which are either keloids or big craters and crevices on the cheeks. Chemical acne scar removal creams can cause more harm than good. It is best to stick to natural grandmother's recipes. In this article I shall discuss a few potent acne scar home remedies that will improve the appearance of spots and marks and lighten blemishes.

One of the age old acne scar home remedies that grandmothers always suggest is dabbing your face with fresh coconut water several times a day and applying the powder of conch shells on the scars. This method really yields results over a period of time but you have to do it regularly and religiously. Other acne scar home remedies include the application of lime juice or lemon juice on the affected portion after cleansing the skin, with the help of wet cotton balls.

Smooth the lime juice on gently over the scars and rinse off after ten or fifteen minutes. There will be a burning and tingling sensation. Don't use this recipe on sensitive skin or photosensitive skin. Sunscreens are a must when you venture out into the sun. Among acne scar home remedies that are effective are exfoliants like baking soda. Gently rub a paste of baking soda and pure rose water or coconut water on the affected portion for a minute or two everyday in upward rotating movements and then wash off.

Green pea powder and rice powder paste when applied on the scars regularly can help lighten the marks and blemishes dramatically. When dry, dab with cold milk and scrub off gently in rotating movements. You can apply the juice of pineapple or pineapple puree on the acne scars. Leave it on for around quarter of an hour and wash off. The ascorbic acid in pineapples will make the blemishes fade.

Even the juice or pulp of tomato can help lighten the marks but it is not suitable for sensitive skin. Along with this you have to exfoliate your skin regularly with a good herbal strawberry scrub, rub mango or papaya cubes or dab cucumber or watermelon juices, vitamin E and rosehip seed oil over the affected area.

STOP wasting money on over-priced, over-hyped, chemicals-filled skin products. Let me show you how you can make your own acne scar home remedies. Get rid of acne scars with acne scar home remedies now.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Home Remedies For Acne Scars - Remove Pimple Scars Safely

Even after the cure of the acne the marks of the acne like acne scars and acne pores still remain. When the acne is in severe condition then it causes cysts under the skin which is known us nodules and it result into scarring. Acne of this type is more likely to leave permanent scars in comparison to other acne. Especially women get concerned about these scars as these scars are often prominently visible on the face.

Acne scars can be successfully treated by the help of home remedies. You can try these popular home remedies -

1. Apply the freshly squeezed juice of fresh lemons or limes directly to your acne scars with the help of cotton ball. Leave it for sometime so that skin may soak up the lemon juice and then wash it off. This home remedy of lemon juice will reduce the appearance of the pimple scars and blemishes by lightening them.

2. Tomatoes are also very effective in reducing the effect of acne scars as tomatoes are rich in vitamin A which hinders the overproduction of sebum that result into acne. Vitamin A also consists of antioxidants qualities which refreshes and renews the damaged and scarred skin.

3. A facial mask made from the paste of sandalwood and the rosewater can be applied directly on the scarred area. Leave this paste for one or two hours or if you wish you can wear it for whole night. Wash it properly and completely with water. Sandalwood gives soothing and cooling effect on the skin. It is an effective method to treat the acne scar.

4. Honey is also very effective in treating the acne scars. It acts as a natural moisturizer which helps in treating the acne scars. Honey can be used as a face mask or it may be taken orally. It is formulated especially for honey pimple scar treatment.

5. Cucumber is also very effective for treating pimple scar. It refreshes the skin, soothes inflammation and also pimple scars.

6. Make a paste out of fenugreek leaves and use it as a facial mask. You can also boil fenugreek seeds in water and use the solution on pimple scars when it cools down.

7. Make a mixture by mixing 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and also a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture onto acne scars. Leave it for 8-10 minutes and then wash it off.

Read more Acne Home Remedies. Know how Erectile Dysfunction Treatment works.

Acne Scar Laser Treatments - Types of Acne Scar Removal

One of the most advanced techniques today in removing acne scars is acne scar laser treatments. Two types of laser treatments prominently followed by doctors are laser resurfacing and fractional laser therapy. Since these treatments come under beauty conscious, the insurance coverage is not provided.

You will need to foot the medical bill yourself. Therefore, you should consider carefully before opting for the surgical procedure.

Laser Resurfacing Technique

This is the popular treatment for many skin defects. The dermatologist or the cosmetic surgeon can apply this method to cure acne scars. The laser light is beamed through the rough and affected areas of the face and is gently vaporized to reveal smooth, fresh skin underneath. A local anesthesia is often needed during the operation to lessen the pain.

The result of the treatment vary from patients in some it may be progressive but some people require multiple treatments. About 80% of the scar damage is cured in the process and the wounds will be healed usually under 10 days.

Fractional Method

This also comes under laser treatment for acne scars but it is very expensive. Well trained physicians of this technique promises that the healing time is very less than the resurfacing. The laser is used to treat the deeper scars underneath and smoother the skin.

Only one treatment is just enough for quick remedy. This surgery is done under administration of local anesthetics.

The laser machines used for acne scar laser treatment are marketed in full swing for their popularity. The TotalFX or Fraxel is the most familiar names found in the internet. It is essential that before choosing the treatment for acne scar, you must consult your dermatologist first so he/she can advise which type of treatment is suitable for you.

The above treatments require only a few days for the scars to be removed and to enhance the results of the treatments, acne skin care creams and painkillers are recommended by doctors.

Discover more about the best acne scar laser treatment available. If you do not want to opt for expensive laser acne scar treatment, check out my recommendation for acne scar natural treatment.

Makeup and Acne: Tricks, Tips, and What to Avoid

Having acne is never a joy, and as most acne sufferers can attest to, it is tempting to use make-up to camouflage the blemishes and scars caused by breakouts. The trouble with applying makeup to hide acne is that it exposes the skin to several new substances, some of which can aggravate existing acne or even trigger an acne breakout themselves. The trick to using makeup is to ensure that the products going onto your skin have no known acne-causing ingredients. Non-comedogenic makeup contains products that don't plug the skin pores or contribute to pre-existing acne, and are thus safe to wear even on skin that is prone to breakouts. So whether you're applying foundation, eye makeup, or any other makeup product, the first trick is to buy non-comedogenic products. The rest of this article provides other suggestions to help you choose makeup that will be healthy for your skin while providing you with the look you want.

Foundation is commonly used by even makeup minimalists to protect the skin and smooth the texture of the face. There are hundreds of different foundation colors, but choosing makeup simply by skin tone may not be enough. Depending on one's skin type, there are specific recommendations for the type of foundation that one should use. For instance, those with oily skin would do well to use an oil-free or matte foundation in order to avoid putting additional oil on their faces. Also, since oil-free foundations tend to rub off more easily than those containing oil, a loose powder should be applied over the foundation, reducing hourly wear-and-tear and minimizing shine.

Choosing a correct foundation for normal skin types is much simpler; semi-matte or moist products shouldn't cause acne problems providing they say on the label that they are non-comedogenic. For those with dry skin, however, foundation should have an oil or water base to help lock in moisture and prevent further moisture loss through sun and wind. Although these products are unlikely to cause acne for people with dry skin, shine control may be necessary, and a loose, transparent powder could easily solve that problem.

Of course, many of us don't fit into a single skin type, so for those with combination skin, proper skin preparation before applying foundation can make all the difference. Use a gentle astringent on the oily parts of the face, and moisturize the dry areas, giving the face time to dry properly before putting on foundation.

Some foundations have taken skin care to a whole new level by using ingredients that actually work to prevent acne. Salicylic acid is one of the most common acne-prevention ingredients included in makeup. By slowing cellular shedding within skin pores and follicles, it helps prevent the clogging of pores. It is also rumored to help heal blocked pores that are newly formed, before they even become irritated.

While choosing the right foundation for your skin is undoubtedly important in preventing acne, there are other makeup products that could be contributing to breakouts. A large number of blushes contain ingredients to make them sparkle, adding a healthy-looking glow to cheeks. What isn't so healthy is the reported reason behind the sparkle; these shiny minerals are thought to have sharp, spiky edges that can irritate the skin's pores or even block them off entirely. Rather than cream blushes that are generally applied more thickly on the skin and may contain minerals, it might be better to use a powder blush and then a tiny amount of non-greasy moisturizer for a similar glowing effect.

Lip gloss can be another product that triggers acne. This is due to the greasy ingredients that give it its shine, especially in the areas immediately surrounding the lips. To keep lips trendy and fun, try a matte-finish lipstick for a different type of look. Finally, while acne due to eye-makeup is rare indeed, the products used to remove the eye-makeup at night could easily be causing problems. Water-proof mascara is generally wiped off using an oil-based cleanser. The oil from the cleanser can get on one's pillows or bedsheets at night or even be smudged onto another part of the face, causing acne there instead. To avoid this problem, remove eye-makeup before washing the face, and use a gentle cleanser to remove all excess oil from your face.

As you can see, when it comes to covering up acne, it isn't as simple as just slapping on a layer of cover-up. Nor are other make-up products an easy buy without a quick scan down the ingredients list. Your face is probably the most noticed part of your body, so it is only fair to treat it right. By choosing products carefully, you can use makeup safely to cover up blemishes and acne scars, and sometimes even to heal existing acne. Combine that with good skin care and effective acne products, and your acne game plan is complete. All it takes is a little bit of research and a little extra consideration, and your face can be acne-freeâEUR¦or at least look like it!

Author C. L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that's not the case! You'll find much more information on this topic at the author's website

Taking Care Of Your Skin - Dealing With Acne Scars

Although acne does not always cause scarring, there are cases when acne has a disastrous effect on your face's skin; Most of the times this will happen because you have forcibly picked or squeezed the 'pimples'.

While we are at the causes of scarring, let's remember the ancient Greek saying "The best cure is prevention". If you don't mess up with your skin in the first place then, later, you will have no reason to seek for methods that deal with scarring caused by acne. Having this thing in mind, the first rule that you should follow is not hard to figure: never put your hands on your skin and mess with your acne, it will only worsen things!

Okay, that was on the prevention part; what we really need here are some effective methods so we can battle with the scarring that is already existent.

The first thing that you can do is use a technique called "Dermabrasion". This technique is achieved by 'removing' the old skin using modern, diamond edged medical machinery. After the old, scared skin has been removed, your body will naturally replace it with fresh, new skin. Dermabrasion will work best for cases where there are shallow acne scars.

An alternative to Dermabrasion is laser resurfacing. Laser resurfacing uses the same principles as Dermabrasion but the whole process is achieved using a strong, accurate laser beam. Laser resurfacing is considered to be a more accurate method than Dermabrasion.

If your case is not 'serious', you can try using chemical substances. In this case, what you have to do is to apply various types of acid on your face's skin; naturally, those acids will remove the top layer of your skin and a new, smoother layer will surface.

Finally, contrary to the previous case, if you are having some deep scaring then your last resort are dermal filling techniques. Material which is acceptable by the organism (in most cases collagen or fat) is injected below the scar so that the scar will elevate and come to a natural level. This technique is very effective but it has a disadvantage; it will only last as long as 6 months!

Learn more about acne scar treatment [] and scar removal []

Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

The ubiquitous acne scars are the stuff nightmares are made of. These can really play havoc with a person's self esteem.

Considering this, it is only natural that dermatologists have made, getting rid of acne scars into a very lucrative business. I am not saying every doctor is a charlatan, but there is definitely a need for selecting you dermatologist with great care.

Beware of the doctors who try to make you commit to some form of acne scar treatment at the very first appointment. Do a thorough research on multiple doctors, compare one with another and insist on checking the before and after pictures of their previous patients. Taking all these pains does no guarantee a genuine doctor, but it at least makes the possibility of you being hoodwinked a little remote.

Once the doctor has been successfully selected, next comes the difficult decision of choosing the most suitable treatment for you from the multitude of them offered.

There are many different kinds of acne scars. It is very possible for a person to be having more than one kind; this makes the choice of treatments a little more challenging. However, with enough research and if one knows once physiology, this choice can be made effectively. Choosing the correct treatment goes a long way in effectively getting rid of your acne scars.

Most of the treatments remove scarring by damaging the affected skin and replacing it with new clear skin. This might be achieved by skin grafting or even by just stretching the skin in the surrounding area to heal the wound.

All these treatments are very expensive and at times painful. There are some like dermabrasion and laser resurfacing which are not permanent solutions. The scarring might return over time.

Acne scar creams available in the market can also be used to reduce scars, but they work only on mild scarring.

Should you spend a lot of money buying Acne Products? I'll show you in my Best Acne Products Blog what is the best acne products and treatments for your type of skin.

Acne Removal - Are Natural Methods Better Than Conventional Ones?

For those of us who find ourselves struggling with the woes of acne, the one thing we all have in common is that we want to find the most effective acne removal treatment.

As you may know, there are a plethora of treatment methods on the market today, some of which offer little results. Some of the more conventional methods can also be very expensive, and even then, aren't guaranteed to work.

Conventional Methods

One of the more common forms of acne removal is dermal fillers. This is composed of various compounds which are then injected under the skin. This is reported to help with pitted acne scarring. They are also reported to give immediate results, without much discomfort.

Another method is a chemical peel. This method reportedly removes acne, but also leaves behind a smoother skin surface. This process uses a solution made with chemicals that are applied to the skin. The skin surface is literally burned away. This method has been known to be very painful.

Rising in popularity is acne removal done by laser. These treatments use a laser which actually affects only the damaged area and destroys the acne and allows for new, healthy cell growth.

Also rising in popularity is microdermabrasion. This is a treatment that actually removes superficial layers of skin. This treatment uses a type of crystals in combination with a mechanical abrasion and literally scrapes away a layer of skin.

Many of these treatments show results, but is also extremely pricy and not to mention in some cases painful.

Natural Methods

Natural methods of acne removal include using all natural products which contain vitamins, minerals, salicylic acid, and other herbal extracts.

These methods of treatment have been known to reduce and even heal acne in many cases with regular use. In addition, natural methods are not painful, nor do they introduce chemicals which could prove to be toxic for the body.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best acne removal treatment, visit my website, where I share what products and methods I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Amy K. Sharp is a passionate researcher of how to heal acne naturally and effectively, to learn more about how you can start clearing your skin, visit her website at

Monday, July 1, 2013

Home Treatment For Acne - An Alternative Treatment Method You Can Consider

We cannot dispute the fact that most synthetic products for treating acne are not the best alternatives for curing acne. More often, these products are sold at an unreasonable price and yet they give weak results. And for some peoples, synthetic products provide not relief but more outbreaks and menace.

Instead of synthetic product, the best method to start curing acne is through home made treatment such as tea tree oil. Home made treatments are frequently sold at a reasonable price. A good example is tea tree oil. This oil is highly recommended because it has the ability to fight off bacteria on the skin and keeps the skin dry to delay oil secretion. Tea tree oil usually has long term effect and thus minimizing cost.

Another home made treatment is green tea extract. This extract can detoxify and cleanse the skin from pollutants. It can also help replenish the skin while giving a comforting effect. Green tea extract is applied on the affected area when warm and should be washed with cool fresh water.

Any traces of acnes can also be removed using garlic and oatmeal. Oatmeal mask can be considered as one of the safest and most effective home treatments to cure acne. It has the ability to soften the skin while removing the dirt, bacteria and excess oil in the pores. It should be cooked and spread on the face for more than ten minutes.

Conversely, garlic gloves are used when raw and left on the affected areas while sleeping. Alternatively, water with avocado paste can be used for acne treatment.

Healthy diet and good hygiene might also assist in acne treatment. Proper consumption of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, B, C and E can provide positive effect. Proper cleansing of the body also helps to clean out skin pores.

One of the most effective home treatments for inflamed acne is through lavender, cucumber or lemon juice application. Toothpaste should also be use as an alternative. However, it should be applied cautiously on the skin.

Sometimes, home treatment will not give a satisfactory result. In this case, you are encouraged to ask for advice from experts about other good options. Take note that natural treatments are much safer because they don't have potential side effects.

How to Get Rid of Pimples

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

To get more information about the different types of acne and the various options available for you, visit the site below. How to Stop Acne

Acne - The Teen Nightmare

Acne is the most common skin condition. Its sufferers can be left with scars and lowered self-esteem. The psychological effects of acne can sometimes be worse than the physical effects. Our skin is our largest and most visible organ, it's important that our outward appearance be acceptable to others.

Acne makes it almost unbearable to be seen by others and can cause years of emotional scarring. Although there are many acne treatment products available on the market today, it's difficult to know which one will work best for you.

treat acne is to change your pillowcase every night. Our faces secrete oils all the time. Throughout the day, our skin also collects dirt and bacteria. Overnight, these oils, dirt, and bacteria build up in the fibers of our pillowcases.

Switching your pillowcase with a fresh one each night is a good way to reduce the amount of oils and bacteria that are spread to our faces at night.

When our skin is pressed against this material for eight hours each night for several nights, the bacteria and oils build up and eventually cause our skin to break out. If you notice that your skin is especially bad in the morning, this is probably true for you. Switching your pillowcase with a fresh one each night is a good way to reduce the amount of oils

and bacteria that are spread to our faces at night.

It may seem tedious, but it's a small price to pay when it comes to acne treatment. It is also recommended that you replace your pillows every couple of months or so, as oil and bacteria will seep through your pillowcases and into the pillow eventually.

If that process doesn't work, try visiting a dermatologist or trying over-the-counter medications. A visit to the dermatologist's office will be time-consuming and expensive, but he or she will know how to best treat your specific skin type as well as prescribe stronger medications that are not available over-the counter.

Since everybody's skin is different and they each react to medications and treatments differently, it is possible that you will still have to try out several different prescriptions before you find the one that works best for you. Although the dermatologist can prescribe based on your specific skin type, there's no sure way to tell how your skin will react to a certain medication. In addition to topical creams, your dermatologist might also prescribe antibiotics, hormones, or anti-inflammatories, which can all be effective against acne.

With over-the-counter products, you will almost definitely need to try several before finding one that works best with you. Start with a simple, non-irritating soap that is designed to help treat acne. Perhaps all you need is a light soap, and it's better to use the simplest product possible.

If that doesn't work, try a product that contains either benzoyl peroxide or retinoids. Benzoyl peroxide can be found in creams and gels and is shown to be very effective in the treatment of acne. If you use a product with benzoyl peroxide, be sure to apply lotion or a light moisturizer after applying the gel or cream as it tends to dry out the skin. Retinoids contain vitamin A which has also been proven effective in some cases.

There are also medical procedures that may help treat acne. Dermabrasion is a procedure in which the skin is deeply exfoliated, removing dead skin cells and promoting the growth and emergence of new skin cells. It can take months to fully heal from this painful procedure, but it has been proven especially effective with removing acne scars. Phototherapy is also helpful as is kills the bacteria and burns the glands and follicles that become infected and cause acne. The downside of this treatment is that it must be performed regularly in order to be effective.

Whether you've been able to improve your acne, an excellent suggestion is to wear sunscreen every day and properly protect your skin. Depending on skin type, the sun can either dry out your skin or increase its oil production. This may irritate it or increase the likelihood of bacterial spreading. Also, sun exposure will prolong the red skin discoloration associated with acne.

Whether you have acne scars or active blemishes, sun exposure will exacerbate this discoloration, making your acne or scars even more noticeable. Daily sunscreen application will improve your acne in the long run.

Some Treatment Methods To Clear Acne Scars

Acne appears on the skin but disturbs people deeply. It has got more to do with the way it looks and the pain it brings along. For, it sometimes leaves behind severe scarring. The acne problem sometimes does not end with its disappearance, especially if one had been suffering from the inflammatory kind of acne. They tend to leave scars behind.

Normally, these scars heal by themselves over a period of time. However, sometimes they do not go away on their own. For such cases dermatologists have devised several methods to ensure that one doesn't have to carry the scars around for long.

One of the techniques to remove scars is called 'dermabrasion'. This treatment involves physical removal of the skin's top layer. This method requires some healing, which means you need to take some time off work to let the healing process finish.

Another method, which is much like dermabrasion, is 'micro-dermabrasion'. The physical scrapping is there in this method too but the layer of skin removed is very thin. Thus, one does not need to take time off from work for recovery.

Both of these methods are primarily based on the same principle of the removal of upper skin. They vary only in their intensity. Both of these methods have been found to be very effective in removing acne scars.

Acne scars are also removed through collagen injections. Collagen, being a part of natural human tissues, is easily accepted by the body when it is injected under the skin. It levels the skin and the scars are thus removed. The problem is that collagen breaks down with time and needs to be replaced periodically.

So, there are various ways to remove the scars. However, these treatments are advisable only after you have given a reasonable duration of time to the acne scars to heal on their own. Some of these treatments are quite expensive. So, it is important to consider your options keeping in mind the condition of your acne scars and the kind of skin you have. And last but never the least, the advice of your dermatologist matters a lot in deciding on the right method of acne scar removal for you.

To know more about acne scars cure and adult acne cure visit

The Acne Scar Removal

All women long to have clear, blemish free skin. Acne remains a serious concern for all women. Acne scar removal is a concern that is being addressed by skin care experts around the world. Many people have to deal with acne throughout their lives, and acne scar removal becomes a bigger concern after an outbreak. Unfortunately, it is not a condition seen only during puberty. Good skin is a blessing and the pollution, changing lifestyles and food habits, have continued to make life difficult and turn our skin into more of a mess than ever. In the midst of all this, not only does a person have to bear the painful and sometimes large acne on their skin, but also with the scars remaining from the acne, eventually. Scar removal is a process that is long drawn and involves a schematic and systematic change in the diet, habits and routines of a person.

Visible acne scars, continue to remain a concern for low self esteem, stress and increased self consciousness among men and women, particularly in the west. Thanks to continued advancements in science; dermatologists now offer many solutions and cures for acne and for dealing with these unsightly blemishes and scars. You can have a healthy glowing skin as always, and be the belle of the ball again!

How to remove this?

How to get rid of acne scars is one more question that haunts many. Acne scars may be depressed scars or raised ones, and based on this, there are different treatment methods. While laser treatment is also employed, it can do more harm than good, and can burn the skin badly, if not done by a well trained professional. The scar is removed by removing the damaged part of the skin, using surgical tools and then the depression is filled in with a skin graft, from another region. The acne scar removal through surgery requires careful treatment after the surgery, and immediate effects cannot be seen. Changing bandages at home and soaking the skin, to soothe the tiredness and soreness, is important to the eventual healing process.

Another method of acne scar removal is to use a chemical peel prescribed by a well authorized dermatologist. The chemical peel can go down to deeper layers of the skin, and some redness may also be experienced. All peels require follow up care, including protection from harmful exposure to the sun.

In addition to all this, it is essential to eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get good exercise. All these play key roles in giving a healthy and glowing skin to every one! Removing acne scars can be easier than you think with Acne No More System. It is a genuinely natural cure for Acne, and treats the cause of it. So do you want to end the breakouts and get rid of acne within 7 days? Follow this link to know better and try this working acne scars removal for yourself.