How do you get rid of acne scars? Acne scarring is a big concern for millions. Living in a superficial world where people notice the slightest imperfections, does not help to alleviate the problem any. Many are in search for a cure to this devastating problem. In order to eliminate this flaw there are a few steps you must take. First, you have to be able to categorize what kind of scar you are trying to diminish. Dermatologists have come up with a few common names that they use for particular kinds of acne scarring. Ice pick, boxcar, hypertrophic and rolling are a few basic terms that help dermatologist categorize what kind of scar they are dealing with.
An Ice Pick scar is a shallow or deep scar with steep sides and jagged edges, commonly found on the cheeks. Boxcar scars look like chicken pox scars in a sense, they can be deep or shallow. Boxcar scars are frequently found on the cheeks or temples. A rolling scar appears when there is tissue damage below the skin. Dermatologists deemed this name necessary for these types of scars because they appear like a rolling hillside. Hypertrophic scars are the less permanent of acne scarring; they appear as red bumps and fade over time.
We have now drawn a basic understanding of the different kinds of acne scarring. The next step is curing this imperfection. There are a few avenues to take in finding out what procedure suits your particular case. Visit a dermatologist to find out first, what kind of scar you have and what they suggest can be done. There are a few acne scar removal practices that may deem helpful on your search.
Punch replacement involves cutting out the scar and replacing it with a skin graft. Drastic step to take but has been shown to produce good results. You can also go for punch excision, which deals with the same concept as punch replacement except your own skin is stretched to the surrounding skin to close therefore eliminating the use of a skin graft.
Laser resurfacing has become a widely renowned scar removal technique. The procedure is a less painful tact to dermabrasion. With dermabrasion a rotating disk removes your top layer of skin and it is extremely painful. The laser resurfacing utilizes the same technique but utilizes a laser instead of a rough pad. The downside to this technique is the cost. Laser resurfacing can run anywhere from $2500.00 or more per treatment.
If your not one for going to the doctors, there is an alternative route you can pursue. Try creams and lotions that contain cocoa butter and vitamin E to help with your scars. Cocoa butter and vitamin e have been known to restore elasticity of your skin and allow scarring to dissipate on its own. You would be surprised what Mother Nature can do to help.
To find more ways to get rid of acne scars just click here.
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