Avoid the expense and pain of commercial methods to remove acne scars. Why not look at some natural alternatives?
There are a number of commercial methods to remove acne scars. They all work basically the same way, the top layer of skin is removed and, as the tissue heals, the skin will have a smoother appearance.
In dermabrasion the top layers of skin are removed with a machine. Laser resurfacing is probably one of the most popular treatments. A laser is used to remove the scars. With chemical peels, different chemicals are used to remove the top layer of skin.
Wouldn't you rather use non-invasive methods to remove your acne scars?
Here are some natural alternatives to scar removal. Whereas they don't work overnight, many people have seen great results with them. One thing to remember, though, no one treatment will work for everybody. What works great for one person may not work at all for another. Just give them a try and see for yourself.
Apple cider vinegar is excellent for treating both acne and reducing scars. Dilute one part vinegar to two parts water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball.
Lemon juice can be put on a cotton ball with and applied to your face. Leave on for 15 minutes then rinse off. This has been effective for many people in reducing scars.
Almonds are also great for your skin. Put one-third cup almonds in a blender and grind very fine. Add enough water to make a paste. Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for thirty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Then mix one-quarter cup apple cider vinegar with one-quarter cup water and apply it to your face. This will help tighten the pores.
This remedy should help with really large pores. Wash your face, then soak a cotton ball in buttermilk and dab it over your face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Use every night.
Essential oils also are outstanding in reducing scars. Helichrysum oil is without a doubt the best oil (and the most expensive). One thing to remember with essential oils is that they are NEVER to be applied to the skin full strength. They can irritate the skin and can even result in severe reactions. They are always mixed with 'carrier' oils. Also, before any essential oil is applied to the skin, always do a test to see if you may be allergic to the oil - just dab a small amount of the mixture on your skin. And do NOT use if you currently have acne.
Sage oil is an excellent oil for old scars. Used in combination with helichrysum oil this is a hard combination to beat!
Helichrysum oil - 1 ml
Sage oil - 1 ml
Hazelnut oil - 1 oz
Rose hip seed oil - 1 oz
To apply, just massage the mixture on your face.
And when using essential oils, just remember that less is more. A small amount of oil goes a long way! They're wonderful when used correctly, but don't use them in large amounts and don't use if you're pregnant.
Jenny Francoeur
www.acne-natural-remedies.com www.acne-natural-remedies.com
I have been interested in natural remedies for 30 years and have cured a number of health problems using home remedies.
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