Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tips to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Getting rid of acne is sometimes the worst problem even more than acne, as it requires a long time for the scars to go away. When you are suffering from acne and are left with the ugly and embarrassing scars, you are willing to try just about anything to get rid of those acne scars. The ways and methods of treatment to reduce and lessen the appearance of the scars will depend on the extent of the acne. Seeking advice from a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon is the recommended way to go to get rid of acne scars especially if your face has too many of them.

There are however natural treatments and home procedures to treat and reduce the appearance of small scars. It is absolutely essential for all individuals to have a daily facial routine including cleansing and moisturizing. Not only will this get rid of your scars, it will also make the skin beautiful. Exfoliating the skin once a week is important as well as it will remove dead skin; cleanse the pores of oil, dirt and blackheads. In order to help boost the effectiveness of the acne scar remedies you use, it is vital to maintain a clean face that can absorb products easily.

There are plenty of home remedies that can get rid of acne scars but be careful as everyone's skin reacts differently to various ingredients. Lemon juice is very effective to reduce the dark spots caused by acne. Cleanse the scar with water and dab a teaspoon of lemon juice onto a cotton swap and gently smooth it over the acne scar. Wash it out after a few minutes and you will notice your skin tone appears to be more balanced, keeping the color smoother. Aloe Vera juice and gels and lavender oils are other ingredients that are regarded to reduce acne scars. Another effective home remedy is Rosehip seed oil which will get rid of acne scars when it is applied and massaged on the affected areas of your face twice a day.

Professional treatments such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and augmentation also exist that can help to get rid of scars. In laser resurfacing, a laser is used to remove the skin to aid the formation of new skin. Dermabrasion involves a machine that rotates to remove the damaged skin whilst the skin is numbed first. In dermabrasion, the skin is first anesthetized and a rotating machine is used to remove the damaged skin. Augmentation is when material such as collagen or your own body fat is injected under the scar to make it surface. Several methods exist to get rid of acne scars although almost all of them will depend on the extent of acne present and the type of skin.

When it comes to acne, it's difficult to know what strategies, methods and natural acne cures [] actually work in regards to managing or removing acne, especially with so many misconceptions and ideas being circulated online.

It's important to understand what really works, and what doesn't.

Click on the following link and get the free report "The Most Common Myths In Regards To The Causes And Factors Related To Acne" ==> []

Acne Laser Surgery - Painless Solution To Acne Problems

Acne laser surgery is becoming popular today as an effective way of removing acne and acne scars. It involves the use of laser beams to dig the very core of acne in order to clear the clogged pores. It can effectively wash away bacteria and the specific glands that secrete excessive sebum, the oily substance that is responsible in making the skin oily.

Acne surgery is an outpatient procedure which means that it does not require patients to stay overnight following procedures. It starts with giving the patients a general or local anesthetic in addition to the soothing agents to avoid feeling any unnecessary pain during the surgery. Then, the doctor will use laser or light therapy if possible to target areas that are affected by acne or acne scarring. The laser treatment works by damaging the outer layers of the skin. Patients undergoing acne laser surgery describe the amount of pain they feel like "a snap of a rubber band". Patients can expect the laser session to last at about 30 to 90 minutes.

Acne can be problematic even after they are gone because they often leave behind ugly scars, which is actually a part of the natural healing process of the body. Laser treatment is considered one of the most efficient ways to make the acne scars disappear, mostly because this type of treatment is accurate and precise. There are two types of laser treatment that can be used, ablative and non ablative.

Ablative laser treatment or resurfacing removes the outer layer of skin to make the scar area smooth, unwrinkled, and even. Plus it does not only remove the layer of the skin, but the heat produced in the process also helps in tightening the inner layers of the skin as it stimulates collagen production. Since this method involves removing the outer layers of the skin and burning away of scar tissues, it is accounted as an ablative method.

The non-ablative laser treatment is a milder approach of laser treatment. This method relies on triggering changes within the dermis by heating the collagen. Thus, tightening the skin and making the scars less visible. This process does not cause any injury to the outer layer of the skin unlike the ablative laser treatment.

There are few side effects from acne laser treatment and they are usually painless. This is the reason why it became popular to many people, young individuals and adults who suffer from acne. Too many prescription medications might leave person with some serious side effects to content and may sometimes cause nausea and even depression. Acne laser surgery is highly effective in solving the problem in acne and acne scars. People concerned with their self esteem should try going for a laser surgery to remove acne and reduce the possibilities of permanent scars.

For more info about Acne Scar Laser Surgery visit us at

Great Solution - Use an Ayurveda Acne Scars Treatment

Ayurveda is a method of treating ailments through the use of herbs. These herbs have been in traditional use since centuries in various parts of the world, especially in countries like India, which is also the birthplace of the Ayurvedic form of medicine. Recently, Ayurveda acne scars treatment has become very popular in the western countries.

Various home-based methods are used in Ayurveda acne scars treatment. The following are some of these.

Methi - Methi is known in the English-speaking world as fenugreek, a bitter herb. Its seeds are taken, about a teaspoonful of them, and put into about 1,000 to 1,500 ml of water. This solution is then brought to a boil. It is then brought down to room temperature and smeared on the areas where acne has affected the skin. This needs to be done for about 7 days.

Pudina - Pudina is known as mint in English. Its leaves have an important place in Ayurveda acne scars treatment. About a dozen of mint leaves are taken and squeezed under pressure in order to extract their juices. This juice is then dabbed onto the scars directly for a quick and lasting healing effect.

Chandana - Chandana is sandalwood, a highly potent herb for treating skin-related disorders in Ayurveda. This is applied in the form of a paste. Sandalwood is kept submerged in water for a night, when it will partially dissolve and form a paste. The paste is then rubbed on the skin where acne is present. The paste will dessicate and stiffen and after sometime it is removed by washing with cold water.

Neem - The neem tree has been almost worshipped in Ayurveda for its vast number of health benefits to the human bodies, especially in terms of treating skin disorders. The leaves have about a thousand benefits and one of them is the Ayurveda acne scars treatment. The leaves are merely kept in contact with the acne scars by wetting them or with the help of a bandage to relieve the skin of them.

Copyright (c) 2009 Buddy Shearer

Do not put up with acne any longer, learn about Ayurveda Acne Scars or and be on your way to clear, healthy skin.

Biological Keloid Scar Removal

While a scar is a natural part of the healing process, it does emotionally affect humans. Not only does the coarse tissue disturb the actual skin after injury but it can also affect people's self confidence. Any damage, surgery, or other trauma can stimulate the formation of scar tissue that can be downright ugly. In order to feel better about themselves, people turn to products to eliminate scars.

Natural Removal of Burn Scars

Before you decide on one, it is important to realize there are flaws in almost every scar removal cream or product. Every human being on the planet would like to have scar-free skin. Fibrous tissue is not the same as the tissue which it replaces and is regularly of inferior functional quality. What annoys most individuals is the fact that is apparent to the naked eye and makes people feel awkward in their own skin.

Whether they are acne scars, post surgical scarring, or even burn scars, most people will tell you they believe everyone is gazing at their blemishes. Sometimes people want to eliminate scars in order to fully move on after a horrifying experience.

Scar removal is often dependant upon what form of scarring you have. If you want to heal acne scars, you are likely to choose the most skin friendly technique while if you want the surgical scar removed from your lower leg, you may choose a stronger treatment. It is important to understand what some products contain before buying a product.

Treating Scrapes on Face

Keloids are irregular scars that have grown over and beyond the original injury site. In extreme cases, they can grow to the size of a softball or maybe even bigger. People apply pressure garments as a keloid scar removal technique. Doctors assert that with consistent pressure to the blood vessels, the scars eventually flatten out over time.

In order to completely remove keloids, the garments should be worn 23 to 24 hours every day for up to one year. If you are annoyed with people scrutinizing you, would using a large wrap for a year make you feel any more comfortable?

Scar Removal Treatment

Cortisone scars creams are prominent products since they have been reported to help in the reduction of collagen fibers. When delivered in high levels, cortisone suppresses the immune system and make people more prone to serious allergy attacks. Common side effects include broken blood vessels, muscle sensitivity, and maybe even torn tendons in extreme cases.

Topical zinc does help scarring but excessive amounts of zinc can be harmful to the body. Excessive zinc suppresses the absorbtion of other important elements. It can also prompt bouts of dizziness and it can leave a metal taste in your mouth.

100 % All Natural Scar Removal

There is a new, milder way to heal scarring without inflicting extra injury upon your body. There is a new skin care ingredient that promotes the natural renewal processes of skin. When used in a cream for surgery scars or an acne scar smoothing cream, the all natural ingredient gently digests scar tissue and flushes the amino acid elements back in the skin for the rejuvenation of injured skin. It is the biologial removal of scars.

When used topically on scars, the biological ingredient fuses with your own skin cells and:

* renews the regenerative capability of damaged skin and helps the skin recover its normal structure and function.

* provide the messenger molecules needed for the body to distinguish what is scar tissue and what is not.

* enzymes digest old collagen growths and scars.The amino acids pieces of the scar are released back into the system which stimulates new cellular growth.

* promote fibroblast development. Collagen is flushed into an injury site in order to mend the wound and recover anatomic function.

This all natural scar removal product does take a few weeks to erode most scars, depending on the dimensions and age of the scar so patience is required. We would love to have you visit our page right now and see how you can remove burn scarring with our all natural scar removal cream. While you are on our site, you can learn about how the same biological ingredient can help with the treatment for acne breakouts, rosacea, stretch marks, and even the cumulative effects of radiation treatments for breast cancer. Going to our site right now and seeing our cream for the removal of burn scarring is the first step in removing your scar and loving your skin again.

Acne Removal Creams: 3 Ingredients You Want To Avoid

Acne Scar removal is a topic that many people find themselves trying to understand. There's so many myths, rumors, and products. Almost everyone who has had one pimple has found that the scar removal is quite difficult. There's really nothing you can do about it. It is important for you to know that you make the appearance of most scars lighten up if not completely disappear. This is why so many people are spending thousands of dollars on acne removal creams.

If you are like most, you will find that many people are skeptical about items that you can buy from a pharmacy. These acne removal creams may work but most do not. Not every product will work for every scar removal. There is a great possibility that natural removal products will not treat all acne scars. You will find with designer products that they have tons of unnecessary fillers. Fortunately, there are many highly effective products that can help greatly with acne scar reduction. There are however a few products that do not serve any purpose with regards to treating scar removal.

1) Vitamin E is probably the number 1 ingredient in the natural scar treatment. You will hear this from doctors, friends and strangers. Everyone swears by it. There are no medical trials to support its effectiveness against skin scars. Even the most popular product Mederma, has Vitamin E. A good tip is to massage the scar after you apply the acne removal creams. It keeps the blood flowing and reducing scarring. Vitamin E works great for skin damage like with stretch marks.

2) Onion Extract is also a useless ingredient. Although onion extract does not have a smell, it is most common in these type of products. This product also does not have any medical associated with tit. The only studies that were done were on a rabbit. This what we call a placebo effect. This is one of the most misconceptions of acne removal creams.

3) Hydroquinone is an awesome ingredient to have in your scar removal if you want your skin to be bleached. This is a very hazardous bleaching mechanism as it can damage the skin cells. This would not bring forth new cells and could cause future damage.

There has been medical research completed that says that natural scar removal is what does work. Again, it depends on the age of the scar and skin type. Not all scars are treatable. You should see great results with a combination of natural products and other techniques. It is recommended that you check the ingredients in the acne removal creams as you will see there are tons of fillers.

For free information on natural scar removal, visiting Acne Scar Removal. It's the most effective way to get rid of scars, guaranteed!

Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

The ubiquitous acne scars are the stuff nightmares are made of. These can really play havoc with a person's self esteem.

Considering this, it is only natural that dermatologists have made, getting rid of acne scars into a very lucrative business. I am not saying every doctor is a charlatan, but there is definitely a need for selecting you dermatologist with great care.

Beware of the doctors who try to make you commit to some form of acne scar treatment at the very first appointment. Do a thorough research on multiple doctors, compare one with another and insist on checking the before and after pictures of their previous patients. Taking all these pains does no guarantee a genuine doctor, but it at least makes the possibility of you being hoodwinked a little remote.

Once the doctor has been successfully selected, next comes the difficult decision of choosing the most suitable treatment for you from the multitude of them offered.

There are many different kinds of acne scars. It is very possible for a person to be having more than one kind; this makes the choice of treatments a little more challenging. However, with enough research and if one knows once physiology, this choice can be made effectively. Choosing the correct treatment goes a long way in effectively getting rid of your acne scars.

Most of the treatments remove scarring by damaging the affected skin and replacing it with new clear skin. This might be achieved by skin grafting or even by just stretching the skin in the surrounding area to heal the wound.

All these treatments are very expensive and at times painful. There are some like dermabrasion and laser resurfacing which are not permanent solutions. The scarring might return over time.

Acne scar creams available in the market can also be used to reduce scars, but they work only on mild scarring.

Should you spend a lot of money buying Acne Products? I'll show you in my Best Acne Products Blog what is the best acne products and treatments for your type of skin.

Get Rid of Acne Scars - Effective Treatment For Acne Scars

There are few who would question the benefit of information to get rid of acne scars. Face it, acne scarring goes a lot further than skin deep. Whether you are a teenager afraid to ask someone out or an adult afraid to go on a job interview, acne scarring affects just about everybody at some point in their lives.

This author will provide a general overview of some natural and professional intervention methods to get rid of acne scars. This article is informational only. Please research and consult a dermatologist before employing any regimen on your own.

Though it might sound general in knowledge, one must never pick at their acne. The skin is already replete with excess oil and bacteria. Picking or scratching at the affected area only serves to irritate already inflamed tissue resulting in wounds and scars.

Some natural methods acne sufferers might try are as follows: A mixture of equal parts of rosewater and sandalwood oil can be applied to the skin. Economic in price and easily found at your local health food store, this mixture can be applied directly to the skin with a cotton ball.

Make a scrub of radish seeds which have been ground and mixed with water. Apply the paste to the affected area and then rinse thoroughly with water. You can make a similar type mask with ground sesame seeds mixed with water. After applying to affected skin, remove with a damp cloth.

A good way to get rid of acne scars is by the use of lemon juice applied directly to the skin. Lemon juice will lighten the appearance of acne scars but must only be used when skin is not currently experiencing any acne eruptions as lemon juice would greatly aggravate the skin at this point.

To get rid of acne scars when home remedies fail, a dermatologist may recommend a more radical solution. Some methods performed in an office setting may include Dermal Filling. Pock marks or pits are actually filled with a substance that will smooth out the skin and bring the concave areas up flush to the rest of the non affected area. Subcision is a procedure where the scars are actually removed from the under lying deeper tissue. Dermabrasion consists of removing layers of skin with an abrading tool. As the skin heals and new tissue replaces the old, a smoother, healthier skin will emerge. All of these services performed in a dermatologist's office vary in pain and cost. To get rid of acne scars, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cons.

In this author's opinion, it is wise to start with the least invasive methods to get rid of acne scars. Give each home remedy a decent amount of time before starting with something new. Do your research and consult with a dermatologist on severe acne scar treatment.

Now listen carefully. I am about to share with you the top methods and techniques that have been proven over and over again to get rid of acne scars. If you came to this article looking to have clear skin once again, then visit where the secrets you need await you. It may well be the most important message you read on acne.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Simple Ways to Treat Acne Scars

Acne has been one of the major causes of concern for many. Acne is something that occurs perhaps due to many causes and it can be controlled to a large extent. However, for people whom acne has been a perpetual problem, the problem of acne scars is also prevalent. Acne scars are nothing but marks that are left behind in the skin due to the disappearance of the acne. These acne scars are further hard to get rid of and take a toll on the complexion and also the overall appeal of the face.

Of course there are a lot of expensive scar removal treatments which are certainly out of reach of many, but nevertheless highly effective. SO if you are one of those who want an incredible acne scar removal treatment, but not all that expensive, you have got to read on, because this article gives you an account of all the simple, yet effective ways in which you can completely get rid of acne scars.

? The first and foremost technique that a lot of people recommend is the oatmeal cleanser technique. We all know that oatmeal is a very good cleanser and helps close the pores on the skin, thereby cur the skin of all the scars. A simple mixture of oatmeal and rose water can be applied on the face and left for about fifteen minutes. After that, it can be cleaned off by using cold water. The cold water ensures that the existing pores on the skin close, thereby taking off the scars from the skin rather effectively. This process has to be done on a regular basis for results.

? The next known natural product that is known to help cure these scars is honey. Honey is the best known natural ant-bacterial agent. After extensive cleanup, you can apply honey on the affected parts and wash off. Honey helps take off the scares perfectly.

? Of course you can also use cosmetic products that are available in the market for this reason. These products are said to use chemical substances in portions to facilitate the cure of these acne scars. But you can always find out expert recommendations and then opt to use it. But you have got to be patient to see results.

? Another well known cure is the process of laser resurfacing. This is a process wherein they use laser treatment to kill the bacteria that causes such scars. This is an effective treatment and takes about a couple of days to a week for complete cure.

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Acne Scarring Is Not Necessarily Permanent

One of the biggest fears of many people suffering from acne is permanent scarring. Unfortunately, many people don't realize that scarring can be a result of improper skin care. Squeezing or picking at acne can damage the skin tissue around the acne. This can lead to the scarring that is such a concern for many people.

Temporary scars are a possibility as well - they usually take anywhere from six months to three years to fully heal and fade away. This is roughly the same amount of time that is necessary for the removal of "pseudo scars" known as macules. These are the flat reddish spots that often remain after acne inflammation goes down.

Sometimes these inflamed areas are left with a slight discoloration of the skin which can also last for several years in some cases. Exposure to sunlight can make these conditions worse.

Scars develop because of the loss of skin tissue due to acne outbreaks. These scars are often referred to as "ice pick" scars because of their appearance. They're small, although they can be deep, and the texture can vary.

If the scar tissue is soft enough, it can be stretched to remove the scars but if the tissue is harder it may not be possible to repair it. In these cases, over time the scars can become very firm and unyielding. In most cases the only way to reduce or eliminate these types of scars is through surgery.

Another type of scarring is a result of excess tissue forming around acne lesions. These scars are known as keloids or hypertrophic scars and are most often a result of an increased production of collagen.

There are a number of both cosmetic and dermatological procedures to minimize or eliminate these scars. The most basic is to simply inject additional collagen in the scarred area. This lifts the skin and helps to fill small depressions and softer scars. This form of treatment doesn't work particularly well for ice pick scars, however.

Before this collagen treatment is attempted, a person need to be tested for allergies. If they're found to have an allergic reaction to the collagen then alternative methods will need to be considered, such as dermabrasion or microdermabrasion.

Nathan James writes about effective acne scar treatment and other related topics for the Acne Squad website. Read more and sign up for our free newsletter at

Acne Scars Treatment - Probably the Best Acne Scars Treatment Available

Do you want scars to give your skin a crater-like or orange-peel appearance? Is it causing you embarrassments and lowering your self-confident? Are you tired of having to deal with acne scars?

These acne scars are a result of collagen and epidermal damage and do not go away without treatment. Acne scars leave their ugly mark not only on the skin but also on the person's confidence. Fortunately, with the advancement in technology, now acne scars can be treated.

There are a number of acne scar treatments available today, and these include procedures like collagen injections, dermabrasion and laser treatments. Dermabrasion is a treatment of removing scarring using a diamond brush-like instrument to scrape away the top layers of skin. It is similar to smoothing surfaces with sandpaper. The side effects are redness, sensitivity to the sun and scabbing. Microdermabrasion is a more recent variation of this approach. Instead of using a brush,the surface of the skin is polished with a mild abrasive and the top rough layer of skin is smoothened. The use of lasers is also done to resurface the skin and stimulate the underlying layers to produce collagen. Any one of several different lasers can be used. In extreme cases, skin grafting can also be done. In this, skin is surgically corrected with grafting or other procedures to remove some scars.

We can try some of the conventional methods also.Another way to get rid of acne scars is using effective home remedies. Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated, apply lemon juice or honey or aloe vera gel on your face and keep it over-night and surely, you will be happy to see your face, in the mirror, next morning. Rubbing garlic juice onto your acne will also do good.

Probably the best way to get rid of acne scars is using an acne scar cream. One of the best acne scar cream comes from Revitol. Their cream works from the inside out, cleansing your pours giving your skin a cleaner and smoother look. Revitol are so confident that their Acnezine Acne Treatment will work for anyone, that they back their product with a massive 90 day money back guarantee.

Interested in learning more about acne scar removal cream and kicking the issue to the curb? Visit The Best Acne Scars Treatment for more.

Surgery-Free Acne Scar Reduction

So you used to have acne, and after dozens of treatments and skin care regimens, you finally have clear skin. The only minor blip on your happiness radar could be the scars that so many acne breakouts leave behind. Since scars don't contain any of the pores or sweat glands of normal skin, they will always look slightly different than the surrounding skin. However, the color and height differences between scars and the natural skin around them can draw additional attention to this sensitive area. Many people know that there are surgical options for removing or reducing scars, but what about less drastic measures? Are there any over-the-counter solutions aimed at reducing or removing scars?

A scar forms when the deep connective tissue layer of the skin, the dermis, is injured. The body responds by making collagen to fill the gap, often overproducing collagen to give the area additional protection. Ideally, once collagen has sealed the wound and the injury has healed, cells in that area produce an enzyme called collagenase that takes apart the excess collagen, leaving a thin, flat layer. Two types of scars are common, depending on the amounts of collagenase produced. Hypertrophic scars are created when there is too little collagenase and the scar has a much thicker layer of collagen than necessary. These scars appear thicker than they should be, often bulging slightly above the normal surface of the skin. The other type of scar is sometimes referred to as an "icepick" or "pock mark" scar, and happens when too much collagen is removed from the area. These scars form a depression below the skin, and are the more common type of acne scar.

The good news about acne scars is that they do fade. Over time, the blood vessels under the scar that make new scars look pink will disappear, and the scar will begin to blend more easily into the surrounding skin. Sometimes, however, a little help is needed to speed the process up, or compensate for the collagen deficit or excess, and this is where acne scar removal creams and gels can help.

Silicone is a popular ingredient in scar removal products, as it has been found to lighten the colouring of the scar, and to flatten hypertrophic scars. Cortisone is thought to reduce inflammation in the skin surrounding the scar, and can also aid in calming scar-related discomfort. Vitamins A and C are also used frequently in topical treatments for scars. Vitamin A is meant to defend against free radical damage that can cause wrinkled scars, but it helps to smooth hypertrophic scars through exfoliation. Vitamin C works its magic deeper in the skin in the dermis layer, stimulating collagen formation to fill in depressed scars. Vitamin E is used in many scar reduction products, however its effectiveness in reducing scars is hotly debated, and it can actually irritate the skin.

It can seem like a long, difficult process to finally acquire clear, acne-free skin, and nothing is more discouraging than discovering some not-so-invisible scars from past breakouts on your newly beautiful skin. Acne scars, while often small, can take up to 2 years to significantly fade, and it can be hard to sit around and wait for them to disappear. Many surgical treatments are expensive and invasive, and can require significant healing time themselves. Fortunately, there are many topical products in the market aimed at reducing the appearance of scars, either through thickening a depressed scar, depressing a raised scar, or lightening a scar itself.

Author C. L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that?s not the case! You'll find much more information on this topic at the author's website

Treatment of Acne Scars

Acne is common these days and it is a skin problem. There is a false impression among people that acne attacks only teenagers and youngsters. Acne often leaves dark spots and causes pain. There is a systematic treatment to acne and there are many ways to prevent it.

Acne scars occur due to acne wounds on the skin. When the wound of the acne starts healing there is abundance of a chemical, collagen left behind in the pore. It forms a scar and thus, one's skin looks uneven. Acne leaves the scar, which often lowers the confidence level of the person.

There are mainly three types of scars caused by acne. First are ice pick scars. They are deep and have meager appearance. Secondly, boxcar scars, they are spherical, sharp and are vertical. They are comparatively wider than ice pick scars. The skin looks bumpy and gives a rough appearance. Thirdly, there are rolling scars. They cause rolling wrinkles on the skin.

Acne Treatments to Treat Acne Scars:

? By using lemon: Lemon is an effective way to reduce the spots and clear the skin. The properties of lemon help to clean the skin naturally and help in healing. One has to take few drops of lemon, dip in the cotton and gently apply on the face. It is also beneficial in reducing the redness on the face.

? Aloe Vera: It is one of the most effective ways to cure acne. It reduces acne and gives the skin a radiant look. Majority of acne control products contain Aloe Vera. There are no side effects and helps in reducing marks. One has to apply it twice on the affected part daily.

? Lavender oil: One has to apply this oil with cotton on the acne to eliminate the bacteria. Lavender oil is mild and has regenerative characteristics.

? Apple Cider Vinegar: It works efficiently in removing acne scars and helps to expel the toxins from the body.

The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Acne Guide and Acne No More.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast at Home - Effective and Quick Scar Removal Tips

Acne is one of the most embarrassing and depressing things that could ever plague any person. Acne disfigures an otherwise clear and beautiful face and smooth complexion. It makes you look ugly and unhygienic. And it does not only that, it won't just let you go even when you've gotten rid of acne already - it leaves ugly marks. So now you complain and keep buying all these products being advertised just to satisfy your need to be able to do something and do something fast.

There are actually alternative methods to remove acne scars without having to resort to the high technology used by other skin care manufacturers (coupled with the same high price). Not all of those products are actually effective anyway. But still, you want and you need to get rid of those scars really quick - and that is why you are reading this article. This article will teach you how to get rid of those acne scars fast at home without having to pay too much for high-end products.

Aloe vera is one of the most popular ingredients used in acne treatment. Its purposes are far-reaching because not only it treats acne, but it also smooths the skin and gets rid of acne scars in the process. It is also used to prevent acne pustules from erupting and causing more damage and marks. In ancient procedures, aloe vera was mixed along with other essential oils to treat acne and acne scars. Aloe vera is a natural remedy that has been around for so long and now you can use this for yourself as well.

Witch hazel is also a very effective exfoliant. It closes up and smooths large opened pores that result to acne. It is gentle and natural and compatible with most skin types. Making a homemade solution out of witch hazel is pretty easy and not as expensive compared to other products sold in the market, which also contain this among their ingredients.

Another effective way to get rid of scars quickly at home is to take antioxidants. Vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, C, and E are very effective in helping your skin heal faster. The faster your skin regenerates, the faster you'll get rid of your scars and you'll be flaunting clear skin in no time.

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge of how to get rid of acne scars fast at home, you can try these out for yourself and see if you are satisfied by the results.

Do you want to quickly treat your scars and eventually have that Scar-Free skin you have always desired to have? If yes, then I recommend you utilize the procedures recommended inside the: Scar Solution Guide.

Click here ==> Scar Solution Review, to read more about this Natural Scar Treatment Program and see how it has been helping 1000s of people round the world, to efficiently take away all their scars enabling them to have a clear skin tone.

Acne Problem and Sun

We use home remedies to get rid of acne, change our diet, transform our lifestyle and acquire the best products from the market for the cure. Most of the methods to cure acne are tried and tested. Even then, problems of acne persist and acne continues to bother us for longer periods of time. Acne problem is known to get aggravated with exposure to sun. Since the tissues are inflamed during breakouts, it gets more irritated when it is exposed. Inflamed tissues swell up and develop a cyst or uneven pitting in the skin.

Inflammation is our body's natural defence to get rid of acne. Skin detects the acne causing bacteria and tries to stop acne through its own defence mechanism, which is our immunity. Blood circulation increases and more and more numbers of white blood cells flow into the area to defend the skin. It also delivers nourishment in the process. This results in inflammation and the inflamed tissue is prone to environmental damage, which causes acne scars which are permanent and can only be removed surgically from the skin.

The ingredient which is most frequently used to treat acne is benzoyl peroxide. It produces free radicals when it is applied on the skin surface. Each time any cream with benzoyl peroxide is used, and you expose yourself to the sun, you are also exposing yourself to damage and acne scars. On the contrary if you use the alternative chemicals instead of benzoyl peroxide, there is much lesser risk. Get rid of acne the sure and safe way. Use Resveratrol which is more effective method to cure acne.

Resveratrol is anti acne and anti inflammatory ingredient. It performs two actions at once. It reduces the acne breakouts by acting on the surface layer of the skin. It lessens the redness and improves the tissue health much faster than any other chemicals which are used to cure acne. Dermatologists prefer resveratrol more than any other chemicals that are available in the market to cure acne.

Get rid of acne the sure and safe way. Avoid being in the sun for longer periods of time and reduce your outdoor activities in your day to day life. This is the most difficult proposition but a sure way to avoid scars. While acne medications can certainly help you out to have a clear skin, a prolonged exposure to the sun can cause scars which would remain with you forever. Allow your skin to heal faster and remove acne by using the best products that are available. Read the online reviews that are available on each product.

Consult with a doctor if you want to eliminate acne faster and in a surer way. If you want to try the age old natural methods of acne cure, you can use home remedies. Home remedies are the best way to reduce acne scars. These natural ingredients does not have any side effects and it also addresses the issues or the core cause of skin problems to get rid of acne much quicker. They improve the skin health and provide the skin with natural antioxidants and vitamins which they lack normally.

Use sunscreen all the time. Protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun which blacken the skin and cause the acne symptoms to aggravate. If possible also use an umbrella when you are going out in the sun. Always go for a sunscreen which has a high SPF (Sun Protecting factor). SPF 30 or up is the best.

There are a lot of resources available online that help conquering the acne problem. You don't need to be on your own. is one of the best that provides the rich resources for acne treatment and product information.

Skin Nutrition and Acne Solutions

Part Two - Causes, and Natural Prevention

Who Gets Acne? Nearly 50% of adults and more than 90% of all adolescents are affected by acne. It is one of the most wide spread medical conditions in the world.

Causes of Acne

The condition - Acne - is influenced by a variety of factors, many of them are simplely out of your control. There is no one cause of acne.

Acne usually begins at puberty, in both males and females, when the body begins to produce male hormones called androgens. These hormones cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge - a natural process of the body's development. With acne sufferers, the sebaceous glands are over stimulated by androgens - often continuing well into adulthood.

When the sebaceous glands are stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. During the journey up the hair follicle pore to the skin's surface, sebum mixes with natural skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the hair follicle. This process is normal, but the presence of the extra sebum in the pore increases the chances of clogging and can cause acne.

On your face there can be as many as 500,000 bacteria per square centimeter. This bacteria is present in all skin types and is part of the skin's natural environment. Once the pore is plugged however, the bacteria can multiply quickly in a closed space which fosters the development of acne.

The body sends white blood cells to attack the unwanted bacteria. This process is called chemotaxis. It results in pimples that become red, swollen, and painful.

Pollution has been proven to be one of the major causes of acne. This is because particles become trapped in pores and result in infections.


There are lots of ways to control acne. Cleanse your skin up to three times a day with products containing the mangosteen fruit that will not strip your skin of all its natural oils but will stimulate skin turnover and exfoliation. Change your pillow cases and bed sheets often. The buildup of dirt on your face after a long day adds to the toxins on your face. Also the moisture from sweaty or wet cloths can irritate your skin and cause blemishes. Many don't realize that some of the worst acne is not on your face.

The sun is not a cure for acne as believed by many people. Small amounts of UV light are essential for skin health, but getting a tan can cause unbalanced skin cell shedding which causes even more acne to appear and it can easily out weigh the benefits of UV light. Cosmetics are another common cause of acne. A lot of the products not only contain dangerous toxins but they plug the pores and most cleaning products are unable to remove the pore plugging debris of the makeup. Smoking is also harmful because it reduces collagen in your skin, this makes acne wore and scaring more likely.


The first step is to cleanse the skin with natural plant compounds which stimulate skin growth and help exfoliate old cells. If you have particularly oily skin you may need to cleanse three times a day (morning, afternoon and bedtime).

Using liquid compounds capable of penetrating deep into the pores of the skin to dissolve sebum and dislodge debris is the next step. A product having the mangosteen fruit as a main ingredient will have remarkable natural antibiotic compounds which have been laboratory tested and proven to control p-acne and staphylococcus aureus, - the two bacterial strains known to be involved with acne.

Also products with the mangosteen fruit contain large quantities of anti inflammatory phytochemicals which reduce the severity of acne skin lesions. If these phytochemicals can remain on the face over night in the form of a moisturizer it can be a further benefit. If possible acne sufferers should use a gel moisturizer and not a creamy moisturizer since the high secretion of sebum which is a natural moisturizer may be sufficient.


Acne can be very emotionally and socially damaging whether it is confined to adolescence or continues through adulthood. Studies have shown acne can leave people to feel ugly, dirty, angry and depressed.

Fortunately you do not have to live with acne. There is always something you can do to help the health of your skin. One of the newest plants to be incorporated into skin care products is the mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit has been shown to exhibit anti inflammatory properties, anti bacterial properties and is a potent anti oxidant which are ideal properties to have in the prevention of acne.

There is always something you can do to improve with the health of your skin. A brand new totally natural skin nutrition line utilizing the mangosteen fruit has been brought to market.

Your skin deserves to be healthy!

Acne Best Natural Treatment - Finding What Is Effective For You

Today acne is the most common skin disorder in the world. Nearly 85 percent of teenagers and 60 million people in the United States are affected by acne. Acne best natural treatment is one option that many skin experts agree upon for treating acne successfully. Consider some of the following good options.

The best preventative and treatment method for acne skin care is to cleanse your face twice daily with a cleanser that is both gentle and not-perfumed. Do not use soaps that have harsh chemicals since they will further damage your skin. You should also avoid touching your face with your bare hands.

The reason for this? Your hands normally carry a lot of bacteria which can lead to additional acne outbreaks. If you have an acne outbreak you should avoid picking or squeeze the pimples on your skin since this can cause the infection to spread deeper into the skin and lead to acne scarring.

Mild to moderate forms of acne can be treated through the use of any over the counter acne treatment that contains benzoyl peroxide acne, salicylic acid or azelaic acid. These ingredients can help to kill off the bacteria that causes acne and helps to reduce the production of oil.

How to get rid of blackhead? Use resorcinol, salicylic acid (salicylic acid acne) and sulfur can help break them down. Without this help you remove blackhead. The shedding of cells that line the oil glands can also be helped by salicylic acid.

NOTE: This blackhead treatment can also be applied to treat acne whitehead successfully.

Though some form of acne best natural treatment can include both chemical and natural ingredients, but the absolute best are those that are 100% made of herbal products. Several natural ingredients can help treat acne while also being less abrasive on the skin. So if you have sensitive skin, it is a good idea to consider natural treatment rather than chemical ingredients.

The truth is that with such products you're guaranteed sweet results and you feel the positive impact immediately while full effectiveness can occur within a few weeks to months. A good product that ensure I know that guarantee this is ClearPores []

Patrick Uban has put together an updated resource showcasing the absolute acne best natural treatment in the market today. A tremendous research effort, you'll also be given more FREE ideas, true-life stories about a wonder acne natural treatment that many are now using successfully. What's this amazing product? Click this link to find out: []

What Is Acne Laser Treatment?

Acne laser treatment is a method that has helped millions to get rid of acne. Each year, individuals find out that the over the counter medications that they get at their local drug store just do not provide enough help to them. They have likely tried several products and can not find method to get rid of acne. Acne laser treatment can actually help to stop acne once and for all for many individuals.

How Does It Work?

Acne laser treatment is just what it sounds like. The technician will use a very powerful and small laser to effectively trigger the acne. Usually, the procedure will be done because the acne is being caused, at least in part, by over producing oils in the skin. The laser will get to these glands that are under the skin and causing the oils and destroy them. While this seems harsh, laser acne treatment is virtually painless. There are no ramifications to having these glands destroyed either. Once the glands stop producing oils, the bacteria that cause acne will not have an optimal place to grow. This in turn effectively stops acne.

It is important to know that in most causes acne treatments will not necessary cure the acne that is already on your face or body. This will usually be done with antibiotics. Once the oils slow or stop though, there will be fewer outbreaks of acne on the face or body once these heal.

Scar Treatment

Another option for the use of acne laser treatment is that in which the acne scars can be removed. This very powerful laser can actually remove the top layers of your skin near and on the scar. When new skin grows back, it will be healthy and scars are either gone or they are not as visible. Acne scar laser treatment is fast becoming a way to get rid of acne scars that have been on a person's body for years.

In either treatment, laser acne treatment can be quite effective. In some cases, there will be the need for several treatments to be done, though. The only bad part of acne laser treatment is that it is not necessarily cheap. With the several treatments that may be necessary, it may be quite expensive. Yet, even with that said, the results for laser treatments are amazing for many.

Our experts have executed a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on The best natural acne treatments []. More valuable acne info on []

Acne Scar Solution

Acne scar is a skin condition where the visible remnants of pimples are left on the affected areas even after the problem subsides. It will indicate the infectious area by showing reddish spots or macules on the infected area.

Pimple scares on skin may be caused by a variety of reasons. If the cause behind the problem is sebum, the body may attempt to cure the problem by using white blood cells.

The tissues may take longer time to come back to its natural condition and in such cases you will find disturbing scars of pimples on your facial skin. All the spots or the leftovers of the pimples that you see on your face need not be scars. The spots or the marks that vanish within a few weeks cannot be termed as acne scares that require treatment.

These marks appear on skin can be categorized in two groups; hypertrophic scarring and atrophic scaring. Hypertrophic scaring may result in growth of tissues. It may even lead to over growth of tissues. Atrophic scarring on the other hand will lead to loss of facial tissues leaving small pit like condition on the infected areas of the skin.

All those who have suffered pimples need not experience the problem of acne scarring. It all depends on the peculiar skin conditions of the persons affected by acne. These marks can be treated effectively by using proper medications. It is always good to consult a doctor or a good dermatologist, if you want a permanent solution for the problem.

A large number of prescription and no prescription medicines are now available in the market for you to find a permanent acne scar solution. Make sure the acne scar solution you intend to use on facial skin is something that can find a remedy to your problem. It is always better not to use a product that offers miraculous remedy from acne scars without understanding the use of ingredients or the components used in it.

The acne scare solutions available in modern medicine include dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, chemical therapy and subcision.

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic skin scare procedure by which you can find a solution for your skin scars. It will help you to remove or lessen the signs of scars on facial skin. Microdermabrasion is more natural when compared to the other acne scare solution known as dermabrasion. It uses a gentle and less invasive technology to remove the marks on skin. Laser peeling and chemical peeling can also be used to find a permanent acne scar solution.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How Do I Get Rid of Old Acne Scars - Here is a Way to Remove Your Acne Scars That Works

How do I get rid of old acne scars like Boxcar, Ice Pick, Rolling, and Hypertrophic scars left behind after moderate or severe acne clears up. Mild and severe acne scars are not a very pretty sight. The question of how do I get rid of old acne scars is now on your mind a lot, is it not? When you look into the mirror do you shake your head when you see your scars? Well keep reading and I may have the answer to that question.

Collagen tissue fills out the scars and wrinkles in healthy skin. When you get old you lose collagen and your skin starts to show wrinkles. Any injury to the skin, including acne's pimples and blemishes, can result in the lost of collagen around the site of the injury.

Skin Needling has been used for many years, to soften and remove depressed acne scars.

The doctor will give you a topical anesthetic and than inserts a small needle into the scar. This new injury causes collagen to be produced filling in the depression and smoothing out the skin. One advantage of skin needling is that it can be applied to any skin type unlike lasers or chemical peels without worrying about skin discoloration.

The good news is only one session is necessary to produce new collagen and the procedure will last up to seven years when it is done by a professional. The downside is that one millimeter needles or longer are used so the patient will need to be sedated. If shorter needles are used than the patient will need their face to be numbed. Needles of up to 3 millimeter in length will result in a week of recovery, from the swelling and the discoloration resulting, from the treatment.

Micro-needling is performed with a small tool, similar to a roller brush, that contains many micro-needles. The procedure creates minor trauma to the top layer of skin that breaks some of the blood vessels directly below the surface of the skin. As the blood clots and the healing process begin, it creates an environment favorable for collagen.

If you want to do this at home you can and you can improve the condition of your scars. Of course you will not have the same results as if you had a professional do it. The main reason is that the needles for home treatment are only 0.13 millimeters long. The needles are short and cause very little bleeding or pain. The needles are short but long enough to make tiny channels in the skin, plenty deep enough to push any medication on your skin more deeply into the skin. The needles go in deep enough to cause collagen to be produced.

When you use a skin roller it produces hundreds of tiny holes in the skin. Each hole causes the skin to respond and triggers the healing process. The skin starts to produce new collagen depositing it in the area that was treated with the roller. Each time you use the roller new collagen is produced filling out the acne scars. This process of new collagen being produced can last for up to 12 months after the using the roller.

There are many number of skin rollers available for home use, and the needles come in different length and diameters. The number of needles in the roller are not as important as the thickness of the needles. Repeated rolling will take care of the low number of needles on the roller. If the needle is to thick,or to long you could cause additional scaring. So the needle you would want to use for home treatment would be about 0.25mm in diameter at the most.

The length of the needle for home use is very important. You want the needles to go deep enough,but not to deep to tear the skin,or you could cause scaring. The longer needles should be used by a professional, plus using the longer needles will require some kind of pain killer.

Skin needling works well for clearing up old acne scars. As you can see the procedure can be done by a professional or you can get a kit for doing it at home. Doing it at home will require you to repeat the procedure a number of times where as a trip to the doctor will only need to be done once and the body will continue to produce collagen for the next few years.

However the procedure will not help you if you continue to get acne outbreaks. Additional acne outbreaks can be contained by taking care of your body and treating your acne from both the inside as well as the outside. If you are serious about curing your acne instead of just getting rid of your acne symptoms you need to click this link to learn that there is more to curing acne than treating the symptoms of pimples and blemishes.

Get rid of acne scars are easier to get rid of if you don't have to deal with them.

Acne Scar Co2 Laser Treatment

The acne scar co2 laser treatment is performed with a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. It is considered state of the art technology for laser surgery and is revered by laser surgeons. Is ease of use and precision is unmatched. This laser treatment is best suited to atrophic scars or depressed scars that don't have deep pits. More surface or facial scars respond well to the treatment.

Scars that have already been treated will be more difficult to treat with the CO2 laser. If you are on Accutane (isotretinoin, roaccutane) or have taken Accutane, you should stop it for at least 6 months before using the co2 laser treatment. Do not go on this treatment if you have a skin infection or inflammatory disease.

What is acne scar co2 laser treatment?

A laser beam passes through a carbon dioxide (CO2)gas-filled chamber and performs collagen remodeling. The laser removes one layer of skin at a time, which can eliminate more surface scars. The heat from the laser also makes the skin tight and smoothes out scars.

The surgeon may give you some intravenous anesthesia before the procedure.

How long does it take to see results?

You likely will see results at about 18 months.

The best results occur when this type of laser resurfacing is used in combination with other treatments, like topical creams that help to speed the healing process.

Laser treatment is great for getting rid of more shallow boxcar scars, reducing wrinkles, and smoothing out and tightening existing scars.

Does acne scar co2 laser treatment have disadvantages?

This method for acne scar treatment does have its downsides. For one, healing is painful and takes a long time. Some people experience redness for many months, while others experience changes in skin color.

In darker skin, the acne scar co2 laser treatment can cause noticeable skin color changes.

Helpful healing tips after acne scar co2 laser treatment

Carbon dioxide or Er:YAG laser resurfacing of atrophic scars

-Work with your dermatologist to find a topical cream to help your healing process along.

-Use ice or a cooling mask if necessary.

-Always keep your skin clean.

-Make sure you see your surgeon or practitioner for follow-up.

-Treat any side effects or complications right away.

Alternative laser treatment - Erbium:YAG laser

The Erbium laser is not as harsh as the co2 laser. It produces less heat and therefore results in less redness and faster healing. However, it does not perform collagen remodeling as well as the co2 laser.

Yvette Chau is a freelance writer based in Edmonton, Canada specializing in the area of skincare and acne treatment. Ungoing failed treatments herself before finding a solution for her own skin problems, she offers information and advice to others on

Top 3 Treatments For Eliminating Acne Scars

We have probably all suffered from acne, to a greater or lesser extent, at some time in our lives and certainly, as much as 90% of young people seem to be particularly prone to its effects. Fortunately, despite its prevalence, relatively few sufferers are actually left with anything much in the way of acne scars, with even fewer scars being severe enough to warrant acne scar treatment.

For that unlucky minority there are a number of scar treatment options available, most of which are fairly effective, especially nowadays with our modern treatments such as microdermabrasion and acne scar laser treatment.

Different acne treatments call for different methods, with some more effective in one set of circumstances than they might be in another. Microdermabrasion, for instance, involves debrading the skin, with the top layers of the skin literally removed. Despite most people's skin acquiring a much smoother appearance following this procedure, microdermabrasion is not 100% successful in the case of acne scar removal.

Microdermabrasion can be carried out using a machine to literally peel off the skin or a similar effect can be achieved through the use of chemicals. Nevertheless, regardless of whether the procedure is undertaken with chemicals or machine, there is no guarantee that all acne scars will be permanently removed with this procedure.

Instead of actually removing scar tissue, a procedure has been developed that is quite effective at hiding the scars. This procedure involves collagen injections, similar to those used to eradicate lines and wrinkles. Collagen injections, or skin needling, are not a cheap option. They also need to be repeated on a regular basis. Nevertheless, the effect of hiding the acne scars is actually quite effective.

A form of plastic surgery is obviously the one of the best treatments. This can be through autologous fat transfer or through punch grafts. In the case of autologous fat transfer, fat is removed from a different location on the patient's body and then injected back beneath the skin in the location of the acne scars.

A punch graft is reserved for repairing those really deep gouges left by the most serious acne scars. It involves removing the scarred skin and replacing it with tiny skin grafts using skin taken from elsewhere on the patient's body. Punch grafting is a very effective, if somewhat drastic, method of removing scars.

Acne scar laser treatment is quite a new innovation and, of all the methods currently on offer, this is by far the best acne scar treatment so far available. The actual laser treatment involves smoothly vaporising the skin that has been damaged through acne scarring. This procedure, also known as laser skin resurfacing, is very effective indeed. Once healed the skin is completely unblemished. You would never know that you had ever suffered from acne scarring.

Did you know learning more about acne development, causes and triggers, will help you effectively treat your acne while preserving your self esteem. Our Experts at [] put together a FREE weekly newsletter filled with tips on dealing with and combating Acne issues. Sign up for your FREE Newsletter TODAY visit []

Microdermabrasion: A Non-Invasive Solution To Acne Problems

These days advanced technologies provide effective solutions to skin problems, including acne. Besides ointments and pills, there are procedures that give immediate results.

Microdermabrasion has become a popular choice for people who are desperately searching for an effective treatment for acne scars. Microdermabasion for acne scars is a cosmetic treatment wherein the face is sprayed with exfoliant crystals to remove epidermal cells. It's an advanced form of exfoliation that successfully removes all dead skin cells. It effectively helps get rid of acne scars within a dozen or so sessions.

Microdermabrasion not only aids in eliminating acne scars but also takes care of skin pigmentation issues, wrinkles, injury scars, and other skin imperfections. It gently removes scarring from acne, while at the same time it brightens and smoothens the skin surface in the process.

The treatment is aggressive enough to remove stubborn acne scars yet gentle enough for all skin types. It's also non-invasive, which means it will not change the overall symmetry of your face nor require any surgical procedures. This means that you can return to your normal daily activity right after the treatment.

Microdermabrasion systems come in different forms. Each one employs a different technology but guarantees same effective results.

Diamond Microdermabrasion. This method uses a diamond tipped head to abrade the skin and perform the exfoliation process.
Crystal Microdermabrasion. A more traditional treatment, this procedure executes the exfoliation process by blasting tiny crystals on to the skin.
Home Microdermabrasion. Though not as effective as salon or spa microdermabrasion for acne treatment, this remains a viable alternative and may be employed as a maintenance regimen to follow up on professional treatment. This usually comes in a kit containing the crystal cream and an applicator (a hand-held resurfacing wand or foam applicator that massages the cream onto your skin). The crystals exfoliate the skin to help remove dead skin cells, excess oils, and dust.

What To Expect On Your Microdermabrasion Session

Redness of the skin that may look irritated.
You are not allowed to use make up or other strong facial products within the next 24 hours.
Your skin will be extra sensitive to sunlight, so make sure that you apply a sunscreen with a high SPF. It's best to stay away from activities that require you to be under the sun.
It is generally recommended that you get a round of six treatments at a given time (treatments are usually performed every two weeks) for best results.

More Than Skin Deep

Microdermabrasion for acne, although effective, only cures the outermost layer of skin and has no effect on skin conditions that exist at deeper levels of your skin. If you have more serious acne problems that need to be cured, you need to consider other options. Find out more about acne and how to treat it at this acne treatment website.

The Healing of Scars Through Treatment?

If you have a scar, it often serves as a daily reminder of an injury or surgery. If the scar is very noticeable, you may feel self-conscious about it, and feel like that's all anyone sees. But can you heal a scar and get back to beautiful, smooth skin through treatments?

A scar is caused when the skin heals from some type of injury or incision. As the skin heals, the collagen that grows beneath the skin may make the appearance of the skin different from the healthy skin around it by growing too much. Basically, a scar occurs when the body exaggerates its response to the healing of the skin.

There are many procedures and products that claim to reduce or even eliminate the appearance of scars on your skin. Not all of these are effective for everyone, so if you're considering pursuing one of them, be sure to do your research and consult with your doctor before you make a final decision. After all, you don't want to do anything that could actually make your scar look worse!

One thing many people do to try and heal scarred skin is to apply vitamin E oil, or lotions or creams that contain vitamin E. Aloe vera is also often used because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera can help make the scar look less red as it heals.

Laser surgery, resurfacing, and scar revision surgery are options that people look into, as well. These methods are similar to cosmetic surgery procedures. Obviously, for these options, you would need to consult with a doctor who would give his or her opinion about whether or not it would work for your particular case. These options are also more expensive because of what's involved.

Dermabrasion is a procedure that removes the surface layer of skin in an office setting using special equipment. This is also often used to reduce the look of wrinkles. Once the top layer of skin is removed, the skin underneath is healthier and smoother. Collagen injections are also used. However, their effects are temporary, so the injections need to be repeated regularly.

Needling is a process that is less expensive, and can even be done at home if done properly. The area of the scar is continuously needled to promote the generation of collagen. After the area heals, the process is repeated, if necessary. However, this process should not be done in an area that's very sensitive or in an area where major nerves are found without medical supervision.

Radiotherapy is only used in extreme cases, but is effective. A low dose of radiotherapy is given to the patient. This method does come with a risk of long-term side effects. Unless this method is recommended by your doctor, it's probably not the best idea since there are other effective ways of reducing your scarring.

Fortunately, there are lots of options for anyone who wants to reduce or eliminate their scarring. As you research these, and other, options, though, it's important to remember that each person is different, and just as you are an individual, so is your scarring. You need to find what will work best for you to help make your skin look healthy and beautiful.

There are solutions to removing scars. For more information on Scar Treatment visit The leading authority in the Healing of Scars through Treatment.

What's New in Skin Whitening - Life After Hydroquinone

Have you tried to lighten your skin with over-the-counter lightening agents like hydroquinone but grew exasperated with waiting? Are you wondering what your options for removing age spots and acne scars will be if and when the Food and Drug Administration takes hydroquinone off the shelves? In that case, you may want to know about another skin whitener called mequinol (4-hydroxyanisole).

Even though the FDA approved the combination of mequinol and tretinoin to treat solar lentigines ("age spots" or "liver spots") back in December of 1999, it has taken almost seven years for this drug to prove its effectiveness at treating ethnic skin types.

Research conducted by dermatologist Zoe Draelos has established mequinol and tretinoin as an effective treatment for lightening age spots or sun spots in Asian, Latin/Hispanic, and African American ethnic groups.

The study involved 259 subjects and according to report in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, the majority of subjects experienced clinical level improvements in their skin discolorations four weeks after starting the mequinol treatment.

In addition to treating age spots, Dr. Susan Taylor of Columbia University, New York has told Skin and Allergy News that doctors should consider combination mequinol and tretinoin therapy for treating post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Taylor explains that PIH occurs in areas of the skin that become inflamed from a skin injury, a cosmetic or surgical procedure or from acne lesions.

Mequinol safety testing

While mequinol may soon displace hydroquinone as a trusted skin lightener, the question remains, "How safe is mequinol for human use?" Mequinol is actually a hydroquinone derivative, which makes one wonder about its possible toxicity.

However, members of the American Chemistry Council have administered oral dosages of mequinol to lab rats and rabbits. The animals did not die after exposure. Such experiments make mequinol seem non-threatening. However, the FDA does not recommend combination mequinol and tretinoin for pregnant women. Plus, women who are able to become pregnant should take effective birth control measures when using this pigment correcting treatment.

Potential side effects mequinol include redness, stinging, burning, irritation, peeling and itching. Moreover, you will need to exercise caution when using mequinol if you do facial waxing or use astringents that dry the skin. And, you can't forget to use a sunscreen when using any skin lightening agent.

In the United States, the 2.0% mequinol and 0.01% tretinoin skin whitening treatment is sold under the trademark name Solage. While mequinol may soon supplant hydroquinone as a skin lightener, you will still have to visit your doctor to get a prescription in order to benefit from this drug.


American Chemistry Council Hydroquinone Precursors and Derivatives Panel Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether Task Force. High Productive Volume (HPV) Challenge Program Hydroquinone Monomethyl Ether Category Test Plan 4-Hydroxyanisole. December 20, 2002.

Food and Drug Administration. Solage Consumer Information. http: //, January 6, 2006.

Draelos, Zoe Diana. The combination of 2% 4-hydroxyanisole (mequinol) and 0.01% tretinoin effectively improves the appearance of solar lentigines in ethnic groups. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology; September 2006, vol 5, no 3, pp. 239-244.

Muirhead, Greg. Combo Therapy May Be Hydroquinone Alternative.

Skin & Allergy News; April 2007, vol 38, no 4, pp 1,34.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars [] on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring [] can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What is the Difference Between Face Acne Marks and Face Acne Scars?

Acne is a disease that affects the skin. It is most commonly found on the face but it also affects other parts of the body such as the neck, back and chest. Many people think that acne is almost synonymous with puberty, but in fact it can affect people of all ages. Face acne especially comes in the form of pustules, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and cysts.

This article deals specifically with the after effects of acne, which are called acne scars and acne marks. Many believe that these two terms are synonymous but in fact they are not. Face Acne scars are the deep damaged tissue left after a pimple has flared up or a blackhead has partially healed, after being provoked. A Face Acne mark is slight residue under the first layer of skin, easily healed by gentle exfoliation and light moisturizing. These scars are the visible and permanent remains of acne inflictions. The marks are visible as well but can be easily removed with proper medication or skin treatment.

Most of the available remedies on the market deal specifically with face acne scars with laser treatment being most popular. While these treatments specialize in dealing with scars, they can also help with the marks since marks are less deeply embedded in the skin thus can easily be removed by scar cream or a treatment such as laser therapy.

Acne mark treatments on the other hand, do not have such power over scars. You might say that scars are out of the jurisdiction of the mark treatments. The reason why this is so, is partially embedded in the above paragraph - the difference in nature between acne marks and scars. Since acne marks are seen to be easier to get rid of than scars, products or other treatments that specialize in removing the marks will not be at the strength required to be effective on the scars, even though some may claim to be able to kill both birds with one stone.

We can conclude that though face acne marks and face acne scars are similar and are also considered to be the same by many. However, there is an important technical difference that we must acknowledge when purchasing products that claim to be efficient in getting rid of both, as we can get ripped off.

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Home Remedies For Scars - How to Get Rid of Scars Easily

This article is about how to get rid from scars by home remedies. Scars are also called as cicatrices means, the patches that is appeared on the skin after any cut or injuries and may be acne. Scars can be caused due to the biological process of any miss happening or injury repair in the skin and also other tissues of the body.

Acne scars are the one of the most common problem. There are some scars that can be cured but some scars remain permanent and also very difficult to cure. There are many possible treatments like many pills and artificial surgery to get rid from these scars but these treatments can cause you side effects. So always go for natural or home based remedies as they do not have any kind of side effects. This article helps you to reduce your scars from the skin.

Here are some of Home Based Remedies for Scars

Aloe Vera gel is very beneficial for wounds the fresh scars permanently.

You can also apply the sandalwood paste with rose water and apply this paste to the effected area for over night and wash your face in the morning. This will helps you to remove the scars and also this is one of the best treatments for scars.

Lemon is very beneficial and also very good for health. Take a lemon juice and apply onto the face this will helps you to lighten up your scars and provides the glowing skin.

You can also take a cucumber juice and apply on to the scars and after 15to 20 minutes wash your face with cold water. This method is also very effective to lighten up the scars.

Coconut oil is also one of the best remedy to deal with the old scars. Apply the coconut oil on to the old scars this will help you to lighten up your scars.

Also make the paste of sandalwood and black gram and keep this mixture for overnight and in the morning wash it with the cold water. This is one of the useful methods to remove the scars.

Olive oil is also very beneficial to remove the any type of scars. This is one of the best herbal remedy to reduce the scars. Apply olive oil on to the scars.

Honey is one of the best remedy to deal with the scars and many other health disorders. Apply honey on the scars many times in a day. This will provides you the natural glow to the skin.

You can also make the mixture of sour cream, yogurt, grind oatmeal and some drops of lemon. Apply this mixture on the scars for sometimes and wash, this mixture is also very effective remedy for acne scars.

Consume vitamin C supplements or vitamin oil is also available in the medical stores. Apply the oil on to the scars for some weeks and this will help you to remove scars completely and permanently.

Green tea is also very beneficial to apply on the scars with cotton balls. This is also known as the great remedy for scars.

Must read about home remedies for scars at home remedies.

Try Out the Best Remedies For Getting Rid of Acne Scars

Have you felt frustrated at the sight of seeing scars in your face? The frustration grows to a higher fever especially when you see the scars right before a party or some important occasion. Consulting a dermatologist, trying all the methods that would help getting rid of scars, would have all left you with nothing but a partial solution. You might have also tried out some make-up to hide your scars below the foundation, but to your dismay, they may show up and winkle at others.

Best Medical Remedies to Resolve Acne Scars

There are many medical technologies to remove your scars. Some of them are collagen injection, dermabrasion and chemical peel. There are a few surgical techniques like the laser treatment, skin surgery and skin grafting to help remove your marks. Such medical treatments and surgeries will be useful for those who are suffering from vulgar acne and aggressive scars.

Best Home Remedies for Acne Scars

The prime two remedies for acne scar clearing would be the lime and soda, which will be right in every kitchen.Lime acts as the best cleanser and lightens up the darken acne. While treating your scars with lime juice one must take caution as lemon might cause your skin to be photosensitive. Due to which your skin will suffer in sun. Get a small cotton ball and smooth them on the acne after dipping them in lime juice. This spread should remain for at least ten minutes and then, it should be washed off. Do not keep the lime juice for more minutes on your skin. Lime juice is acidic and it might cause irritation on your skin. After washing off the lime juice, it is a good practice to apply sunscreen lotion over the applied areas to avoid photo sensitiveness.

Soda is the next ingredient that is going to help in scar removal. Mix baking soda in water and then apply the mixture on your scar. This application should be abrasive resulting in a micro derma abrasion home treatment. This would be very effective when you do it every day or once in two days.

Without such home remedies for scar, getting rid of acne scar would not have been so easy. Yet, the importance of medical surgery is not to be ignored as they play a very important role in aggressive acne.

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Acne Scars - Treatments to Remove the Scars Caused by Acne

The scars caused by acne are the result of some degree of acne which took place in an infection and inflammation and was never properly healed.

Importantly, the severity of the scars depends largely on the ability of the skin to heal itself, obviously capacity ranging from person to person and depends on genes.

Some people by their skin type and genetic obviously have a natural ability to heal quickly and completely. Other people on the other hand have a sensitive skin that is easily irritated and creates more scars. These people should take more precautions to avoid the early formation of undesirable scars or to reduce them.

Today fortunately the scars caused by acne are treatable and there are several highly effective techniques to completely remove these odious marks annoy both women and men throughout the world.

It is also important to clarify that the black spots or white leaves no scar whatsoever.

As we explained in the first paragraph scars are caused when the shins or mud become infected and inflamed and there is no proper treatment in time.

That is why to prevent these infections and therefore you do not have to extract the mud or blackheads yourself. If no precautions are taken at the risk of these bacteria enter and infect the comedons and thus develop scars.

Types of Acne Scars

Overall we can say that there are two types of scars:

Calls pigmented scars and commonly called "holes" or "wells" in the skin.

The Scars Pigmented are stains pink coloring or coffee that persist once the grain or mud disappears. This is the result of the concentration of pigment on the grain when it is already healing.

Among the darker skin of a person with acne-like problems (although these types of skin are much less likely to suffer from acne) is easier to develop these kinds of scars.

The "hole" or "wells" They are literally small holes in the skin. They are most common in people with clear skin.

These scars are the result of grains severely swollen with pus. The best way to avoid these scars is to go to a dermatologist or cosmetology career because if you squeeze yourself grains with pus is almost certain that field will generate this kind of scar on your face.

Treatments to remove the scars caused by acne

Treatment for the scars caused by the skin in the affected area

Whitening creams: Some of these creams contain AHA (alpha-hydroxides acids or glycolic acid), retinol, hydroquinon or other similar ingredients.

The effectiveness of these creams depends on the concentration of acid or retinoic cream. Most cosmetics have low concentrations.

In most cases making 4 to 6 weeks to see the outcome of these products. If you do not look at results after three months is that you need a stronger treatment.

But it is important to note that in the case of scars caused by pigmentation the skin in the area where there was infection and inflammation of acne due to the absence of a specific treatment or extraction "unprofessional" grain of the doctors recommend that when there are many scars and it is necessary to resort to chemical exfoliation (chemical peelings).

These exfoliation can be made with several products including glycolic acid. Depending on the intensity can be made by a dermatologist or a beautician.

It is important to clarify that beauticians can do exfoliation using concentrations of up to 35% while dermatologists use up to 70%. Among the highest concentration of glycolic acid is the most powerful exfoliation.

Important: When do these treatments is needed to protect against the sun.

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Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Home remedies for acne scars exist for those who have embarrassing scarring following a breakout and do not want to deal with an expensive and painful surgical procedure. Although there is no foolproof way of completely eliminating the scars, there are ways to lessen the severity and create a more even-toned appearance.

Acne is a condition where the pores become clogged, preventing the natural oils from escaping to the surface of the skin the way they are supposed to. This buildup under the skin becomes infected as it mixes with bacteria that is naturally present beneath the skin's surface. Severe cases of cystic acne or less severe acne that has ruptured can cause scarring. The sensitive tissue and cells in your face become torn and the scar is formed as a part of the healing process.

If this happens you will want to know how to lighten red acne scars so that you can restore your skin to its normal condition. You might want to speak to your dermatologist first to see what your options are. Common methods for fading acne scars that they may recommend are: dermabrasion, collagen injections, and laser treatment. Dermabrasion is a painful procedure that is done under local anesthetic. The dermatologist will remove surface skin, which may leave your pigmentation uneven and require more than one treatment. Collagen injections may cause an allergic reaction and the results are only temporary. The most controversial option is laser treatment because it has yet to be determined what the long-term side effects will be.

Since all of these methods come with potential complications, many people like to try natural ways of fading acne scars before considering medical procedures.

There are existing home remedies for acne scars that are safe and effective. Collagen is a natural substance that is found within the body already. There are many different face washes that increase the amount of collagen to reduce wrinkles and make skin appear younger. These work effectively in reducing the appearance of acne scars as they make the tissues in the face fuller. If your concern is learning how to lighten red acne scars, you might want to try Vitamin E oil on your skin. For some people this has been effective method for fading acne scars over time.

Home remedies for acne scars are cheaper, safer, and in many cases just as effective as invasive procedures done in a doctor's office. It's just a matter of finding the one that works for you.

The best part about natural treatments is that because they are usually a mix of of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, herbal extracts and other nutrients, you don't have to be concerned about side effects as you would be with a surgical treatment or prescription medication.

Knowing how to lighten red acne scars with natural treatments can be helpful to those who were under the impression that a costly visit to the dermatologist was the only option. For severe acne scarring, you may just need a more powerful treatment, but for mild to moderate cases, home remedies for acne scars just may be the solution.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

How to Remove a Tattoo - Do it Yourself

That tattoo that seemed so cool when you were 18 now doesn't seem so cool and you want it removed. You want it to be removed quickly, you don't want any pain, you don't want it to cost a lot of money, and you want to do it yourself. Unfortunately, there isn't a "How to Remove a Tattoo" book, so what do you do?

The good news is you can do it yourself and it will be painless, beyond minor irritation like a sunburn. It will be relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to medical procedures. The bad news is it won't be quick.

How They Work

Home tattoo removal creams and gels work by penetrating the skin and dissolving the tattoo inks. Generally you should wait about six weeks between applications to give the body time to absorb the dissolved ink and to allow any skin irritation to heal.

TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is a liquid that is used for skin peels, such as acne scar removals, but it is also used for tattoo removing. When the liquid is applied, it removes a small layer of skin, and with it a small amount of tattoo ink. As with removal creams, you should wait about six weeks between applications to allow the skin irritation to fully heal.

When using any of the at home tattoo remover creams, gels, or liquids, expect to spend at least six months and as long as a year to get satisfactory results. Results will vary, depending on the size, complexity, types of colors, and depth of the tattoo. Skin type is also a factor in removal success. Some people never get the degree of fading they hoped for.

How to remove a tattoo yourself is not complicated. However, you should understand your potential for success before trying it yourself. Do you have the patience required to allow the creams time to work? Do you expect complete removal, or will you be satisfied with fading? Click Here for more free information on tattoo removal products and procedures.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Get Rid of Acne Scarring - Fast

Many people obsess over acne scars and would like to find a way to get rid of acne scarring for good. Some experts claim that all scars can be either faded or removed permanently. This article will address a couple of solutions available which you will likely find in your own home, which tend to the easiest.

A couple of facts

The majority of people have at least one scar caused by acne that they know about. This comes from the fact that 80% of people will have acne. These scars can lead to the skin looking older and because the skin becomes less elastic over time, the scars can become even bigger.There are different methods to fade or remove these scars. With tough cases, surgeries can be done. Other times people can use lasers, dermabrasion or chemicals peals to remove the top layer of the skin.

The Home Remedies


To speed up healing time and cause less scarring. You can also purchase Neosporin scar solution.


Another solution to heal scars faster is to apply yogurt twice a day. This will also purify and moisturize your skin.


Lemon can be applied on scars daily, but a moisturizer should be used before, as lemon can cause the skin to dry up. This is a great way to get rid of acne scarring.

Vitamin C

You can take vitamin C or drink lots of lemon juice. Vitamin C helps reproduce collagen at a faster rate.

The Sun

Scars will generally be more noticeable on pale skin, you can counteract this by getting a little tan, but making sure to not overdo it. This is another fun way to get rid of acne scarring.

To learn more about how to get rid of acne scars, please visit:

What Acne Scar Surgery Options Do You Have?

When it comes to getting rid of acne scars, many people find that topical creams or peels don't seem to make much of a difference. But there are many different options you need to consider and discuss with your doctor before deciding upon acne scar surgery. There are specific procedures that suited well to certain scars and not for others. So, first of all, it's important to identify the types of scars that you want to treat. Rolling scars are mildly indented; boxcar scars are indented and have a sharp border; icepick scars are small, narrow and deep; and hypertrophic or keloidal scars are raised and inflammed.

The Candela Smoothbeam laser involves the use of a combination of heating and cooling to selectively heat the middle layer (dermis) of the skin. This FDA-approved laser can treat wrinkles, acne and acne scars. Four treatments is a general recommendation with this type of scar surgery to be effective. Side effects are very minimal, with the most common being a mild redness in certain areas that can last a few hours. Rare side effects include blistering or color changes and scarring is possible but extremely rare.

Non-albative Fractional Resurfacing affects both the epidermis (outer layer) and dermis of the skin with microscopic laser beams. This type of surgery is characterized by extremely quick healing time (1-2 days of swelling, 2-4 days of redness, 4-7 days of peeling) as it is relatively gentle. Repeated sessions are necessary.

PDL laser is a good option for hypertrophic or keloidal scars. This type of laser destroys unwanted blood vessels that produce the pink appearance of these types of scars. PDL laser surgery can create a bruise which can remain for up to ten days.

Corticosteroid injections are also only Used only for hypertrophic scars or keloids. It involves a series of injections with medicinal steroids to reduce or shrink an inflamed raised scar. Subcision is another type of acne scar surgery which works well on rolling scars. In this procedure, the surgeon first numbs the area with an injection of anesthesia. Then, he/she breaks up the scar tissue underneath with a small needle. There is no recovery time needed after this surgery although bruising can last 1 to 2 weeks,or 3 weeks depend on the skin type.

Punch Excision works effectively on icepick scars. Here a "punch instrument" is used to remove the scar. The wound is then stitched up and the scar that remains is much smaller than the one that it replaces. Derma filler injections can be done to fill in scar holes as well. These can be done in just a few minutes and there is little or no recovery time necessary.

But the results of this procedure are not permanent so it must be repeated regularly. How often you must return to get derma fillers depends on the filler materials used and the condition of your skin. If you are not sure please see your local practitioner. The above information about acne scar surgery does not substitute medical advice given by a health professional.

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Home Remedies for Acne Scars - What Really Gets Rid Of Acne Scars?

What are the effective home remedies for acne scars? Sometimes, not all of these highly commercialized skin care products actually work to rid you of those acne scars you've been itching to peel off from your poor battered skin. Sometimes these products just get you to spend more and more in your desperation. It's embarrassing to have to carry around a face marked with acne scars, and now that the billion-dollar scam that is the beauty product industry has been exposed, where do you turn to?

It's back to the basics again, of course. This article shall give you the information you need on home remedies for acne scars.

One of the natural homemade ingredients for acne scar treatment is baking soda. Baking soda is known as a very efficient and useful way to get rid of dead skin. But aside from being a natural exfoliant, it is also highly valued as a natural PH balancing ingredient when used on the skin.

Another homemade solution for removal of acne is apple cider. To avoid too much of the smell, you can mix it with some parts water. Once you've achieved the right mixture, use it to wash the area for acne scar treatment before going to bed. You can see the effects after you have regularly done this for 2-3 weeks.

If you want something more effective, you can try making a more complicated homemade solution. There is a concoction for acne scars where you make a mixture out of sandalwood paste and you add black gram. After you've made it into a paste or cream, add some rose water. Use this solution on the area of treatment and leave it on before you go to bed. Wash it off with cold water the following morning. If skin drying occurs, you can wash it with milk.

To avoid spending too much on products that cannot give you the instant results, try making these for yourself.

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