That tattoo that seemed so cool when you were 18 now doesn't seem so cool and you want it removed. You want it to be removed quickly, you don't want any pain, you don't want it to cost a lot of money, and you want to do it yourself. Unfortunately, there isn't a "How to Remove a Tattoo" book, so what do you do?
The good news is you can do it yourself and it will be painless, beyond minor irritation like a sunburn. It will be relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to medical procedures. The bad news is it won't be quick.
How They Work
Home tattoo removal creams and gels work by penetrating the skin and dissolving the tattoo inks. Generally you should wait about six weeks between applications to give the body time to absorb the dissolved ink and to allow any skin irritation to heal.
TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is a liquid that is used for skin peels, such as acne scar removals, but it is also used for tattoo removing. When the liquid is applied, it removes a small layer of skin, and with it a small amount of tattoo ink. As with removal creams, you should wait about six weeks between applications to allow the skin irritation to fully heal.
When using any of the at home tattoo remover creams, gels, or liquids, expect to spend at least six months and as long as a year to get satisfactory results. Results will vary, depending on the size, complexity, types of colors, and depth of the tattoo. Skin type is also a factor in removal success. Some people never get the degree of fading they hoped for.
How to remove a tattoo yourself is not complicated. However, you should understand your potential for success before trying it yourself. Do you have the patience required to allow the creams time to work? Do you expect complete removal, or will you be satisfied with fading? Click Here for more free information on tattoo removal products and procedures.
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