Saturday, September 21, 2013

Acne Laser Surgery - Painless Solution To Acne Problems

Acne laser surgery is becoming popular today as an effective way of removing acne and acne scars. It involves the use of laser beams to dig the very core of acne in order to clear the clogged pores. It can effectively wash away bacteria and the specific glands that secrete excessive sebum, the oily substance that is responsible in making the skin oily.

Acne surgery is an outpatient procedure which means that it does not require patients to stay overnight following procedures. It starts with giving the patients a general or local anesthetic in addition to the soothing agents to avoid feeling any unnecessary pain during the surgery. Then, the doctor will use laser or light therapy if possible to target areas that are affected by acne or acne scarring. The laser treatment works by damaging the outer layers of the skin. Patients undergoing acne laser surgery describe the amount of pain they feel like "a snap of a rubber band". Patients can expect the laser session to last at about 30 to 90 minutes.

Acne can be problematic even after they are gone because they often leave behind ugly scars, which is actually a part of the natural healing process of the body. Laser treatment is considered one of the most efficient ways to make the acne scars disappear, mostly because this type of treatment is accurate and precise. There are two types of laser treatment that can be used, ablative and non ablative.

Ablative laser treatment or resurfacing removes the outer layer of skin to make the scar area smooth, unwrinkled, and even. Plus it does not only remove the layer of the skin, but the heat produced in the process also helps in tightening the inner layers of the skin as it stimulates collagen production. Since this method involves removing the outer layers of the skin and burning away of scar tissues, it is accounted as an ablative method.

The non-ablative laser treatment is a milder approach of laser treatment. This method relies on triggering changes within the dermis by heating the collagen. Thus, tightening the skin and making the scars less visible. This process does not cause any injury to the outer layer of the skin unlike the ablative laser treatment.

There are few side effects from acne laser treatment and they are usually painless. This is the reason why it became popular to many people, young individuals and adults who suffer from acne. Too many prescription medications might leave person with some serious side effects to content and may sometimes cause nausea and even depression. Acne laser surgery is highly effective in solving the problem in acne and acne scars. People concerned with their self esteem should try going for a laser surgery to remove acne and reduce the possibilities of permanent scars.

For more info about Acne Scar Laser Surgery visit us at

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