Saturday, October 19, 2013

Does Dermabrasion Work For Acne Scars?

Before, traditional laser techniques were used in removing scars from all parts of the body. A guided laser was used to uniformly remove the dead cells and scar tissue, eventually revealing a light-textured and more normal-looking skin.

Another approach to the removal of scars is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion has been around even before the use of guided lasers. Dermabrasion involves the removal of superficial layers of the skin, where the damage from scarring is most visible.

How Does Dermabrasion Work?

Originally, dermabrasion was designed to help burn victims recover from extensive body burns. It was also done to help renew the skin and to minimize infection.

Today, dermabrasion is done by machines with specialized diamond-tipped rotating burrs. The rotating burrs quickly and efficiently remove the unwanted layers of the skin. The new skin, when it grows in place of the removed layers, would be lighter and smoother.

The point of the procedure was to remove the small, irregular scars that had been left by the acne. The procedure was designed to help renew the skin. The natural re-formation of the skin may take months or years.

Usually, the body can repair damaged skin. However, it cannot fully reconstitute the skin before the damage. All it can do is to close the wounds and lesions, but not make it 'pretty' again. Scars are often lighter or darker than the surrounding tissues.

Scars, Scars

The scars left by acne may be the most discomfiting features of 'cured' acne sufferers. Once the lesions, pustules and nodular formations diminish, acne sufferers often have to contend with darkened pockmark-like scars on their faces.

Usually, large areas of the face have darkened, pitted scars that stay for years at a time. Since the affected area is the face, many former acne sufferers suffer from social stigma and undue psychological stress from the scars.

There are instances too, that acne scars are more prominent than normal scars. Notice that scarring from acne differs dramatically from scarring from cuts, etc. This is because the damage had been done inside and not from the outside.

Dermabrasion Has Been Phased Out?

Dermabrasion is no longer recommended by healthcare professionals as a first line of treatment for the removal of unwanted acne scars. With the birth of easier and less painful laser treatments, this approach has been put in the back burner for its unwieldy character.

However, it doesn't mean that it has been phased out completely. When you go to a certified healthcare professional for dermabrasion, the following will be used before the actual procedure:

• Skin anesthetic
• Sedative

This procedure can cost from $1,500 up to $4,500.

The Side Effects of Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion may cause negative effects in people with:

• Ice pick scars
• Fibrotic scars
• Hypertrophic scars
• Keloidal scars

The procedure may also cause irregularities in the skin pigment of people with darker hued skin.

In addition to this, dermabrasion is not recommended to patients whose scars are worse inside. If the scar tissue were wide inside, the scar would be more visible once the topmost layers of the skin are removed.

Monica C. is an online medical researcher on acne treatment and skin care. For more information about acne treatment, please visit her website now.

Natural Acne Treatment - 4 Effective and Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars

In this article, I am going to share with you some natural acne treatments that I have tried personally before. And hope these information will be helpful for you.

As you may already now, I used to be a acne-victim. The acne on my face made me feel horrible about myself and got me lost self-confidence. I spent a lot of money and efforts researching, buying and trying all difficult types of products and treatment methods. Some are natural acne treatments. Some are not. My conclusion is that, for short term effects, over-the-counter medicines like acne creams or antibiotics are effective and necessary. However, you should concurrently apply natural acne treatments for long term results.

Below are 4 effective tips I would like to recommend to you. Do these 4 things consistently and you will see long lasting effects.

Tip #1: Cut the Sugar intake.

You are what you eat. Too heavy sugar-intake actually harms your health, and your skin. The skins tends to produce more oil if you take too much sugars. The excess oils are the root cause of acne by forming whiteheads/blackheads and eventually develop into acne scars if not treated well. I know it's not easy to change your diet habit, especially for those who like eat deserts. But you should at least try to reduce the amount or frequency of sugar intakes. The good thing is that once you start doing that, you will feel the difference pretty fast - in weeks or even days.

Tip #2: Get Plenty Vitamin C & Water.

You should drink a lot of water to detox yourself and speed up the process of your skin regeneration. This is more important for girls than boys as generally girls skin needs more water. Taking enough Vitamin C is also crucial because it's a key component for skin repairing process. Vitamin C is available in fruits like oranges & apples. Eating more fruits on a daily basis will give you enough vitamin C and also help you cut sugar intake by eating less starch like rice or breads. Vitamin C tables are also recommended as a supplement,which are available in most convenient store.

Tip #3: Use Lemon on the Pimple

Rich in Vitamin C, Lemon is one of the most effective natural acne treatment. What you need is a fresh lemon. Slice it into small pieces and then rub a piece of lemon on the pimple. Leave the juice to soak in for around 20-30 minutes and wait for another 20-30 minutes for it to dry out on your skin (depends on your own skin condition, please be flexible). Then rinse it with warm water to remove the stickiness. Lemon is effective and natural acne treatment because it has citric acid - 100% natural, which when dried out can have an antibacterial effects. Lemon also helps tighten up your skin.

Tip #4: Use Tea Tree Oil

Not known by most of people, tea tree oil is one of the most effective and natural treatment for acne. Most of the time, you can find tea tree oil sold in small bottles in your nearby convenient store. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. To use tea tree oil, wash your faces thoroughly and patting it dry. Apply tea tree oil directly onto the skins where acnes are developed. It helps to reduce acne/pimple's size and speed up the healing process. Tea tree oil also help to keep you skin feel comfortable so feel free to apply it on other places of the skin.

Do bear in mind that, all above 4 natural acne treatments don't make your acne disappear over night. It takes some time for your to see effects. According to my personal experiences, if you do it persistently, you will see effects which are long lasting. While applying creams or simply eating antibiotics are more like short term solution. I suggest you use both long term and short term treatments for maximum results.

To get more tips and and proven techniques for natural acne treatment, visit Fade Acne Scar.

Archer Goodchap specializes in acne treatment and acne scar removal. He write articles constantly to review acne products and share experiences with readers worldwide. His personal website Fade Acne Scar is free for subscribers.

How to Remove Acne Scars

Are you searching for a way to remove acne scars? You'll be happy to discover that there are a number of methods which can be successful. There are two basic approaches; you could go for an all natural approach or choose the medical road which can involve cosmetic surgery or the application of chemical skin cleansers.

Most of us now prefer natural methods for dealing with minor problems such as skin conditions. Any of the following techniques can be practiced to reduce the extent of acne scars.

Vitamin E: It is known that vitamin E can have a positive effect in reducing skin blemishes and scarring. You can apply an ointment which contains vitamin E to the affected areas; it should also help to minimize future break outs of acne.

Sunlight: Any scars will be less visible if you can get a healthy tan. Being outdoors has immense benefits for the skin.

Rosehip Oil: Sometimes it is the traditional methods that are most effective. Rosehip would fall into this category. Its skin regeneration properties have been known for hundreds of years. It is simple to massage a little rosehip oil into the scars twice a day.

Water: It is hard for the skin to regain its past appearance without an adequate intake of water. Hydration is fundamental to getting rid of any blemishes on the skin. The amount you drink will depend upon your environment, if your urine is dark yellow then you know you are dehydrated.

Diet: For blood to effectively reach all the cells in your skin then you will need to have the right diet. Choose foods which improve your blood circulation, for example broccoli and garlic.

By choosing a natural approach to removing acne scars you will have a solution which though slower to work will bring about a more satisfactory result in the long run.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars: Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars Using Laser Technology

Scars left behind by acne can be a major facial blemish that can cause many an awkward moment. If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of acne scars, then you should know that these days, there are all kinds of procedures that experts can perform to remove the scars.

Way back, the main procedure used when it comes to getting rid of these ugly marks is called dermabrasion which is a method of scraping off the damaged top layer of the skin by way of sanding. This ancient method on how to get rid of acne scars is painful so local anesthesia is needed before the procedure is done. Even afterwards, the skin remains raw and painful and the patient still needs to wait a few months for new, unmarked skin to grow back.

Thankfully, modern procedures on how to get rid of acne scars that are being used today do not involve that much pain. There are chemicals now that are being used by experts to remove these unwanted marks and these chemicals cause the skin to blister and then simply peel off. Aside from these chemical peelers, other techniques being used now involve punch replacement grafting and soft tissue filling.

Laser techniques are also used in procedures on how to get rid of acne scars and experts can complete the operation without drawing blood and causing any pain. No wonder a lot of people prefer to go for this procedure though it is costlier than other methods.

Laser procedures on how to get rid of acne scars involve surgeons utilizing a laser hand piece burn off the scarred skin cells. This object is so precise that it enables the surgeon to work only on the affected tissues. He can also judge the depth of which the laser penetrates so that the whole affected area is burned off which will be replaced by new skin.

There are two kinds of laser being used in procedures on how to get rid of acne scars:

1. The carbon dioxide (CO2) laser which can vaporize damaged skin layer by layer with its high-energy and highly focused light. Methods on how to get rid of acne scars using this type of laser have very few side effects.

2. The erbium laser which has a very precise wavelength that when used to penetrate the skin, moisture on the skin absorbs its energy making the heat from the laser scatter without affecting normal skin.

If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of acne, there are many products available in the market these days that you can choose from. However, the most expensive treatments may not be the answer to this problem. If you have tried such treatments before without good results, perhaps you can try a simple home treatment.

Several Easy Steps on How to Remove Your Acne Scars Naturally

After experiencing acne, having acne scars will be a problem for you because the process of removing them will spend lots of time especially if you take the wrong method. In fact, the presence of these scars is caused by an infected pore so you must be careful to heal them effectively. If you would like to remove them naturally, it is important for you to check this article out that gives better information on how to solve the problems of acne scars naturally.

1. Wash your face. To remove acne scars, it is advised to wash your face with the use of gentle exfoliating cleanser. In this case, you are advised to use warm water and soft cloth to help you in removing them. Also, you will need the use of circular motions on the scarred areas so you can do the process easier at your home.

2. Use Vitamin E oil. It is advised to rub the oil into the scarred areas because this kind of product is proven as the best healer for acne scars. The use of this oil will help you to grow new skin so you can make the healing process run faster. In the usage of this oil, it is advised for you to use it twice a day. It must be used in the morning when you will use your cosmetic and in the night when you will sleep.

3. Moisturize your skin. If you would like to moisturize your skin, it is important for you to do it twice a day. It is advised for you to choose the product that has rich moisturizer and it must be done in the morning and night. Before you apply this product, it is important for you to be sure that the vitamin E oil has already absorbed completely.

4. Protect the scarred areas from sunlight. Sunlight which has UVA and UVB is seen as an important cause to make your scars indelible and darker. In this case, it is better if you apply sunscreen before going out so you can give the best protection for your skin and you can remove the acne scars naturally.

After getting the proper information above, it is your time to do the right thing for your skin so you can take the benefits from the instructions provided. In this case, the presence of the instructions can be said as the right help to make your condition better.

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Acne Scar Effects and Resulting Acne Scar Treatment

Once acne begins to heal, in minor cases, it in noticed that the area where the acne once was has a color, which is red. With the continuation of the healing process this coloration gradually darkens initially and within the next six months lightens slowly and vanishes to have an unmarked and clear skin. These scars are minor acne scars and using products such as Retinol or any other hydroxyl acid will help in fast healing of the area.

Unlike the minor out break scars, scars due to nodular or cystic acne are very deep and more discolored. In this case what should be the best plan of action? The treatment in this case very much depends upon a number of factors. These are the severity of the outbreak, type of skin, condition of skin and finally the dermatologists finding and suggestions.

Chemical peels:

Chemical peels happen to be the most viable and effective treatment for minor acne outbreak cases. In this treatment method, chemicals are applied on the skin. These chemicals injure the skin around the dried acne temporarily and help in the growth and regeneration of new skin. This procedure needs to be repeated a number of times to obtain favorable results. The successive treatments sessions need to be spaced such that the skin has gets sufficient time to heal itself.

Dermabrasion and Laser Resurfacing:

Dermabrasion and laser Resurfacing are very effective treatments for acne scars that are light or shallow. In dermabrasion, the skin layers are removed which helps in the development of a new skin layer free of blemishes. The scar marks are thus removed with the old skin and the new skin will grow blemish less. Dermabrasion is most effective when there is no acne as well as no other skin infection. There are various types of dermabrasion, superficial and deep dermabrasions are important among them. Deep dermabrasion removes the epidermis layer from the skin and reaches the dermis layer. This type of dermabrasion requires a longer healing time because the skin has to now generate a whole new protective epidermis layer.

A high beam of light with CO2 is used to burn off the top most layer (epidermis) of the skin in laser resurfacing. This layer has most of the scars, so removing this layer removes the majority of scars when a new top layer is formed. Laser resurfacing is a very effective method but the person undergoing this treatment needs care during recovery, as the risk of infection is very high.

Surgical Method:

The deep scars left by acne are deep ice pick, box scar or rolling acne scar. There are various surgical methods for treatment for such kinds of scars. A punch tool is used to extract the skin inside a deep scar and sew it. This creates a level surface on the skin. This method is called punch excision. Often bands of fibrous tissues are formed under the skin due to deep acne scarring. It is important to break this band. This is done by minute subcutaneous incisions. After healing, this treatment has great effect in reducing or completely doing away with the rippled skin caused by the deep acne scars.

Every acne scar treatment has its own positive and negative point. Consult your doctor and dermatologist for the right advice. Beside the above-mentioned measures, there are many other treatments that are known to effectively help the problem of acne. Each case is unique in its own way. The treatment depends upon the type of scar you have.

Jeremy Thompson is the author of this interesting article on acne scar treatment and acne treatment.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Lava Soap to Remove Acne Scars

So, are you looking for lava soap to remove acne scars? There are people who claim this product is very beneficial to get rid of marks. Lava soap is a facial clean based on pumice and it seems that it brings great results. This is a soap that is also used to remove skin oil, and provides excellent cleansing results.

Lava soap can be found in the form of bars or as liquid soap, this soap was first introduced back in the year 1983 by the Walyke Company of St Louis, nowadays it is produced by WD-40. This soap is perfect for exfoliation, and exfoliation is an important step to improve our skin's condition. This type of soap is also used in microdermabrasion acne scar treatment to clean the face first.

Does it work? As an exfoliator, it has the power to improve the looks of the skin, since it removes the dead cells on the top layers of the skin, letting then our body, re-grow the area with new healthy cells that translates in healthier skin. The best about lava soap is that it isn't costly and anyone can use it. You can find this soap for around $5 in common drugstores.

If you are ready to try lava soap, use it regularly and better consult a doctor first to check your skin. While this type of "remedy" can serve for patients with light acne scars, it may be not so helpful for patients with deep acne scars who can benefit greatly from other treatments such as laser resurfacing and surgery.

You can get rid of acne scars! Learn all about Acne Scars Treatments at a site where you will find info on newest treatments, products and more.

Acne Free Skin

Most of the people especially the adolescent girls and boys dread getting acne in their faces. It is an extremely sensitive subject for these people and they get worked up due to the fact that acne will leave behind scars on the face.

People may not be as bothered about the acne or the blackheads as much as they are bothered about the scars on their face.

In some cases acne sufferers have even resorted to plastic surgery to remove any old acne scars. Given the high cost of such treatment, this shows just how important it is to take the appropriate action as soon as the symptoms appear. Getting to grips with the problem straight away can help to reduce, or alleviate, any long-term damage.

Doctors advise us to drink plenty of water and liquid to keep the skin moist as well as for the overall health and system of the body. Sufficient amount of water is important for the skin.

Water keeps the skin well hydrated and retains the softness of the skin. Old tissues and dead skins are flushed out and soft new tissues replace the old ones. Water helps remove the toxic waste and clear the skin of all abnormalities besides providing a shining skin. Eating fruits and limejuice is very highly beneficial for it provides required vitamin C and brings a glow to the skin. This is the reason why most of the skin products tend to be based on citrus essence

The other product that is widely used as skin conditioner and moisturizer is the aloe Vera plant extract which is available in original form of gel or liquid and is used to clear the skin off any impurities as well as retain the moisture level and improve the skin tone and quality.

Daily skin care and healthy habits can prevent acne to a large extend. Besides it helps to start treatment as soon as you see the symptoms without loosing time. Steel entry doors and skylight blinds give your home the elegance you need, without spending too much.

Treatment Methods For Acne Scarring

There are many people all over the world who are looking for acne scarring treatment that deals effectively with scars on their face. These scars have been caused due to acne. There are many people who would have had to suffer from acne during their adolescent years. Later they manage to get the acne treated successfully, and they would have found ugly looking scars, which are still remaining on their face. Some people would have had a very severe attack of acne while some others would have picking and pinching the acne that was present on their face. This was during a time when no kind of acne scarring treatment was available.

Acne is a hereditary problem in some families and such people would have been suffering from acne for very long periods of time. But today there are many different forms of treatment available for the acne scarring treatment. These treatments will help in refreshing the skin and making it soft and smooth once again.

Laser treatment and light therapy are two of the most common forms of acne scarring treatment. Every kind of treatment for acne scarring has its own advantages as well as disadvantages and it is difficult to decide which kind of treatment is better.

Blue light therapy - This is a more advanced form of light therapy treatment for acne scars. This is very effective in the removal of acne scars. The skin is exposed to a kind of blue light, which helps in destroying the bacteria, which are responsible for the formation of acne. This process is not at all painful and the treated part of the skin will stay red for a short period of time.

Pulsed light and heat energy - pulsed light as well as heat energy is used in the form of a combination which will help in destroying all the oil glands which are present on the surface of the skin. The oil glands in the skin are the main reasons for the occurrence of acne. Once these glands have been removed, then the amount of acne, which is produced, will be much less. This method is also useful in the acne scarring treatment, which are relatively mild.

Diode laser treatment - In this form of treatment for acne scars, a laser will directly penetrate and reach the middle layers of the skin without involving the outer layers. This will directly act on the cause of the acne. This is a very effective method of acne scarring treatment.

Laser treatment and light therapy are usually the best method of acne scarring treatment since they will destroy the front layer of the skin and make way for new and fresh skin which will take the place of the old skin. This is very useful since the scars, which are caused due to acne, can sometimes be very deep.

Acne scar is not a lot of fun. Stop wasting your time being fooled by false information. Visit the Get rid of scars blog and you can find out helpful tips about Acne Scar Treatment.

The End Result of Acne Treatments Are Acne Scars - Learn How to Treat Your Acne and Your Scars

There are many forms of acne treatments and they vary depending on the severity of your acne The first stage of acne is called mild acne and it is characterized by about three dozen comedones or blackheads and scattered papules which are small pimples without the pus. You won't be able to notice some of the symptoms unless you take a closer look. Acne treatments recommended by dermatologists for this acne stage include washing the affected areas twice a day with a mild cleanser and applying topical oil free, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic gels, solutions, creams, and lotions.

The second stage is the moderate acne and it is characterized by inflamed red lesions, numerous comedones or blackheads, as well as numerous pustules which are pimples filled with pus. Acne treatments recommended by dermatologists include prescription oral drugs such as minocyline, tetracyline, doxycyline, erythromycin, ibuprofen, and isotretinion. These acne treatments can also be partnered with application of topical medications and other anti- acne products.

Severe acne is the worst stage among the three because it is characterized with numerous blackheads, large pus-filled pustules, highly inflamed lesions, cystic acne and large interconnected nodules that are very painful. This skin condition should be treated immediately to avoid further complications. The acne treatments recommended will be combinations of oral medications such as anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. Topical anti- acne products will no longer be as effective to severe acne cases. You should bear in mind that oral medication is the only effective means of treatment for this severe acne stage.

Our problems regarding our skin don't stop when the acne is treated. It's just the beginning of a new chapter in our fight against the remains of acne the acne scars. There are typically two kinds of acne scars, one is the hypertrophic scars and the other one is the deep craters on the skin surface.

Hypertrophic scars are sometimes called keloids and they are characterized by their thick elevation above the normal skin surface. The craters on the skin surface come in three shapes, the ice-pick, box-car, and the rolling scar. Ice-pick acne scars are the most common and they're shaped like deep pits in the skin. Box-car acne scars are somewhat similar to the chicken pox scars and they may either run deep within or just superficial on the skin surface. The rolling acne scars are not as deep as the other crater acne scars and they just form a wave-like appearance on the skin.

There are many acne treatments for removing scars. You can use commercially prepared exfoliating products to peel off the skin surface and reveal the fresher skin underneath. However, if your scars really run deep, you might need to undergo a dermatologist's acne scar treatments. You can choose from punch techniques, laser resurfacing or laser treatment, dermabrasion, and chemical peeling.

The punch techniques aim to join together the loopholes of your skin by scarring your face once more. This is a painful process that needs a longer time period to heal but it is very effective in acne scar craters. Laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and chemical peeling methods aim to remove the skin surface that manifests the acne scars using different materials and technology. However, these are not one-time treatments because you will need to undergo several sessions in order to achieve the desired results.

Julia Elorriaga -

For more Acne Articles visit

For more information about Acne Treatments visit Acne Treatments -

Dermabrasion for Acne Scars

Development of acne usually occurs during the teenage life on an individual, but this doesn't mean that it will end there as well. It may affect people at a young age, perhaps disappear for a while but can occur again in during early adulthood which may become a lifelong problem. However, there are some individuals who are lucky enough just to get the lesions, while some continue to suffer with acne scars and disfiguration of the skin. Acne scarring is common, that's why there are a lot of treatments developed to handle this problem, and one of which is dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion is a medical procedure that removes the top layer of the skin including the dead skin cells, excess oil along with other unnecessary build ups. Since the procedure can remove the impurities, you are expected to achieve a healthy looking skin through regular dermabrasion. The procedure works in removing the build up of collagen fibers that causes acne scarring. This is similar to using a bulldozer that tries to level off the land, while the procedure tries to removing the topmost layer of the skin.

This procedure is considered to be effective in improving acne scars, yet it can not be confirmed as a miracle cure. For each treatment, there will be 20% to 40% improvement in your acne scars. This signifies that you need to undergo multiple treatments to get your desired results. But you should know that there are scars that cannot be removed even after multiple sessions.

The procedure will be performed in a doctor's clinic or in a hospital. Each procedure takes about a few minutes to an hour. You don't need to be admitted since you can go home after the procedure. You may experience some discomfort and facial swelling that can last for a week. Some doctors may prescribe you pain medications good for 3 to 7 days. After the procedure, you need to clean daily your face for 7 to 10 days together with applying medication until the skin is completely healed.

However, the procedure as well comes with certain disadvantage primarily with its cost of about $1,500 to $4,000 plus the fact that you'll need several treatments just to get the desired results. Rarely, it may also cause side effects like ice pick scars, fibrotic scars, hypertrophic scars and keloidal scars. It may also cause irregularities in the skin pigment of people with darker colored skin.

If you're interested in more information about dermabrasion for acne scars, then make sure to visit our web site. We provide honest ratings, reviews, and comparisons on the top acne for acne scars and much more.

7 Ways To Remove Acne Scars

Acne scars can be treated in a few ways. If you go through the process of having recurring acne, you will most likely have some acne scars left on your face. These marks seem to stay forever and take a long time to go away.

Acne scars can be treated using cost effective natural based products or expensive dermatological procedures. The treatment largely depends on the severity of the scar. Here are some methods to remove acne scars naturally:

1.Vitamin E - You can break the vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly to the affected area. Another way is to take it orally. Vitamin E helps in cell renewal and many people have used this method with success.

2.Rosehip oil is another option that is effective in removing acne scars. This oil helps to regenerate the skin and heal scars. Apply topically to the affected area twice daily.

3. Reduce caffeine. Although there is no direct cause between acne scars and caffeine, the consumption of it can reduce the effectiveness of other vitamins and nutrients needed to speed up the healing process.

4. Drink lots of water every day. Keeping your skin hydrated is one of the best methods to treat acne and acne scars. By drinking more water, you will speed up the skin regeneration process.

5. Apply AHA based products. These solutions are derived from fruits, milk or sugar cane. They have been found to be very effective in removing acne scars as well as preventing new acne from forming.

Apart from the above acne scar natural treatments, there are also hi-tech dermatological treatments available. These treatments may yield faster results but the cost and risk are much greater as well.

6. Laser resurfacing. This procedure uses high-energy laser beams to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

7. Dermabrasion. This involves using a machine to "sand" off the top layer of the skin. This procedure may leave the face red and sun sensitive.

You may consider using one of the above options to treat acne scars. However, if you want a safer choice, go for acne scar natural treatments.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

How Acne Occurs on Our Body

If you have heard about blackheads and whiteheads you must have heard all about about the irritating condition known as acne. It itches and irritates as the inflammation intensifies, it affects the sebaceous gland and inflames the hair follicle within the skin. Acne usually occurs on the chest, around the neck, back and on the face.

What follows are little known facts about the phenomenon called acne. The old adage is that knowledge is power, and never a truer word was said regarding this condition.

1. You will be hard pressed to find acne on the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet. That is because sebaceous glands (microscopic glands in the skin which secrete an oily matter, sebum, in the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair) are found throughout the skin except the palms and soles. They are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp.

2. During the teenage years sebum production is at its peak. Gradually sebum production lessens and is therefore less likely to cause problems.

3. There is always an abundance of bacteria on our skin. Bacteria and sebum make a bad mix and will begin to cause skin breakouts. Sebum needs to be removed so wash twice daily, but not with harsh soaps. Use a product that is medicated with at least 2% Salicylic acid which will also aid in the removal of plugged pores and gentle exfoliation.

4. When the sebaceous glands produce sebum, it fills up the follicle then secretes onto the skin, resulting in an oily look. In normal circumstances the process is healthy as the skin gets moisturized but there are serious problems when there is an obstruction within the follicle and the sebum gets trapped inside...blackheads and whiteheads form.

5. Acne leaves scars and it is difficult to completely remove any marks after the damage to the dermis. The skin will always try to repair itself by producing collagen fibers, but it doesn't give back completely clear skin.

6. Never scrub or try to forcibly deflate the inflammation as it can lead to serious infection.

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How to Choose the Best Acne Scar Removal Treatment

The demand for acne scar removal treatments have been increasing lately. After all, acne is indeed a common condition that affects a huge number of people around the world. Getting rid of the condition did not really mean that the battle was over. There was the aftermath to clean after - and that included scars, marks and hyper pigmentation.

In the past, people were content to live a life marked by scars caused by these pustules, pimples and the like. But this was bound to change. Having plenty of scars leads to loss of self esteem on the part of the person who had the acne scars. Add the fact that the media has been stressing the importance of a flawless skin in order to be beautiful.

With that, there has been a huge clamor for acne scar removal treatments in the past few years. Skin care companies have also been quick to respond to this demand by making a wide variety of scar erasers and reducers out in the market. There are creams, lotions, soaps, oils and the like that promise blemish free skin in a specified span of time.

Not all products work as well as the others, so sometimes looking for the best product to eliminate acne scars can involve guesswork. To save time and money, why not use a tried and tested remedy for the scars?

Zenmed Scar Treatment is a product that promises to give you a clear and beautiful face free of scars, marks and hyper pigmentation. It is effective, safe and easy to use. There are numerous Zenmed Scar Treatment Reviews that attest to the safety and effectiveness of this product.

So if you are suffering from the embarrassment of acne scars, and you need a good acne scar removal product - read up on Zenmed Scar Treatment reviews today to know how the product can be perfect for you.

Tips For Getting Rid of Acne Scars

Although it may seem impossible I would like to talk about tips for getting rid of acne scars. Most people talk on and on about how to handle the zit when it gets there, but what do you do if it's gone and it leaves a scar just as bad as the acne? Well I'm going to answer this for you, since no else has very many tips for getting rid of acne scars. Bare in mind some scarring is worse than others but regardless you will see noticeable changes if you adhere to my tips for getting rid of acne scars.

Tip # 1 - Stop Acne At The Root

The first tip for getting rid of acne scars is stopping acne before it gets out of control. Most people want to stop scarring but then they have lots of acne still. Well before you can really get rid of those scars you must stop pimples before there arrival. This does not mean popping all your pimples. Popping pimples or rubbing your face or touching your acne makes it more severe. Bacteria from your hands feed the acne and popping the pimple is what causes the scar. If your acne is mild or moderate than pursue treatment immediately and aggressively before it gets worse.

Tip # 2 - Try Natural Treatments

Many times people are unaware that chemical acne products help in the short term but are a failure in the long run. These over the counter products have way too much benzoyl peroxide(if you notice the best acne treatments have lower benzoyl peroxide) and they usually leave your skin dry and you'll have to put a facial lotion on that usually blocks pores even further. If your having no success with chemicals try increasing your Vitamin A and E. These vitamins help skin to heal. Honey facials are good and running cold water on your face after you wash will open your pores allowing them to "breathe." Exercise helps blood pump everywhere and promotes healing all over the body. Most people notice a considerable decrease in acne scarring once they start an exercise regime.

Tip # 3 - The Six Treatments

The third tip for getting rid of acne scars is for the small percentages where none of the other tips work. It is only for severe cases and a dermatologist should be consulted first. These are used together more than they are separately and they include:


*Laser Resurfacing

*Chemical Peel

*Punch Technique



These are much pricier and riskier. I personally recommend natural treatments as these methods can be a waste of time and money. Collagen is injected in your face if you choose augmentation for "crater" like scarring. It raises the impact from the scar and requires repeated treatments because it is only temporary. Dermabrasion and Laser Surfacing are as dangerous as they sound because they don't always work and will leave you homeless with the price it cost. Chemical peels seem to work in the short run but constantly putting chemicals on your face will make the treatment less effective over time. Which means you will need chemical peels all the time.

Asking your Dermatologist whether one of those treatments is necessary is very important. This is a good tip for getting rid of acne scars because a dermatologist will tell you specifically what type of scarring you have. Most doctors recommend natural treatment however, because many natural products contain plant extracts that are designed to heal scarring and repair facial skin. There are also no side effects. Proactiv, Acnezine, and Revitol are the best natural products but they should be combined with healthy skin care. The Overnight Acne Cure GUARANTEES that your acne will be gone in 1 night and scarring reduced. This guide teaches you all the "forgotten" secrets that the Japanese Geisha girls used to use. You may never have to buy an acne product again with this guide because they use ingredients found in your kitchen. So remember avoid the chemicals, your acne is a natural part of your body so use a natural substance to have it removed. It only makes sense.

For more information on getting rid of acne and the Famous Overnight Acne Cure that GUARANTEES no more acne in one night, than stop by The Art Of Healthy Living [] acne section. You will find everything you need to know about eliminating acne and living healthy.

Remove Acne Scars - Surefire Tips To Treat Acne Scars For The Beautiful Complexion You Deserve

Are you plagued by acne scars? Have you gotten your acne breakouts under control but still suffer from the ugly acne scars that are left behind? The question of how to remove acne scars is one that millions of people are facing. Fortunately, there are a lot of sources on the different ways to treat acne scars you can try.

The following methods of scar treatments are most effective for light scars. For scars of a more serious nature, it would be best to ask your dermatologist about the best treatment plan. For mild scarring, you still have to keep in mind the type of skin you have and the type of scars.

Using an essential oil blend is one solution to help remove acne scars. The great thing about mixing essential oils is the fact that the oils are from flowers and plants. Thus, they are all natural and one hundred percent pure. But, you have to remember to dilute essential oils in carrier oils before using it in your face. This is the logic behind the title of a blend of essential oils.

When it comes to carrier oils, jojoba oil actually makes an excellent choice for acne prone skin. But why jojoba oil in particular? This is simply due to the fact that jojoba oil is light in nature. Thus, jojoba oil can give you the needed moisture without the greasy or heavy effect on your skin.

When it comes to essential oils, you really have quite a variety to choose from. This includes a blend of geranium, lavender and tea tree oil. Another mixture that you can use would consist of bergamot, lemon grass and ylang ylang. Just a few drops of essential oil is needed for the mixture. By applying this, you can actually choose to rub the oil mixture on your face and leave it there for the rest of the night, or use the mixture as the cleansing oil.

Dietary changes and the consumption of supplements also help remove acne scars. Incorporate fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Omega oils, such as those found in salmon can also help in the treatment of the scars from acne.

Before starting any treatment plan to remove acne scars it is important to ensure that it is right for you. You may want to consult with your dermatologist before starting treatment to see what they recommend based on your particular situation.

If you are ready to Remove Acne Scars for the sexy, beautiful complexion you deserve, Click Here now to find out how to get started.

Acne Scars - Acne and its Physical Impact

Aside from the emotional impact, apparently there are physical ramifications from having acne breakouts. Besides the pimple itself, it is the after effect that really poses a problem. Acne scars pose the greatest physical effect on a person's acne-infested face.

While the pimples may come and go, scars can be permanent, and one needs to make sure that she deals with her acne problem the right way unless she wants to have scars all over her face and body.

Acne scarring depends on how pimples were cleared out from the face as well as its healing process. But not all remnants of a pimple can be considered a scar. Acne scars are formed simple because after the tissue has been damaged, the body normally heals the small wound, but as the new construction sets on that damaged area, it will not necessarily be similar-looking with the rest of the skin. This makes a scar.

The intensity of the scar, however, depends on different unconfirmed factors. It could be because the acne was so severe, or the person did something drastic to remove it. On the other hand, some people are just more susceptible to acne scarring, which may be hereditary. Acne scars differ from each other. There are scars that change little in a lifetime and there are scars that fade out over time.

So, how can you actually prevent scarring? To be safe, it's better to avoid acne in the first place. It is best to treat the acne in its early stages. The less inflamed it is, the less scarring possible. Also, picking out the pimple will increase the possibility of scarring incredibly. Taking good care of your skin can help you out in preventing acne scarring. So put on some sun block and treat your skin right with proper diet and avoid things that can make the skin suffer from premature aging such as smoking.

There are many types of acne. There are soft acne scars, which are small, soft to the touch and merge with the skin. There is also the ice pick scar, which is small but deep and usually found on the cheek. An ice pick scar that is quite big however, is considered as depressed fibrotic acne scar. Scars differ not only in size or depth, but also in color. This means some races are more prone to certain types of scars than others.

But what is irritating about these acne scars is that they aren't easy to remove. People who try to wait it out may be frustrated because some are there to stay for a lifetime. But fret not, for there is a way to treat acne scars. Bleaching agents are available for certain scars. There are also topical resurfacing agents for scars.

Microdermabrasion or dermatological surgery can also be a solution. But whatever treatment you use, there is no certainty that your face will have that pre-scar skin again, even if the treatment works. If scarring does have a profound effect on your life, the best way is to ask the help of a dermatologist.

Wong Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne and Acne Treatment. Related article Get Rid of Acne - How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally.

Acne Hyperpigmentation

People in growing numbers are just beginning to realize that the journey to cure acne can be long and full of surprises. With the prevalence of the disorder at an all time high, more and more people are learning that commitment to the right regimen eventually pays off in the form of clear skin. One phase of treatment that can oftentimes be discouraging occurs when no more active lesions are present on the skin. This is when hyperpigmentation, or patches of skin discoloration become evident. It is not so much their presence that incites a degree of frustration, but rather the fact that they heal at a glacial pace. Many can take as long as six months to heal. Before you make any drastic decisions, here are some suggestions to help you eliminate hyperpigmentation.

As indicated above, skin discoloration typically gets resolved on its own. However, there is no telling exactly how long your discolored spots will take to disappear. For some it may be three months, for others six. Sun exposure can definitely help blend discolored patches in with existing skin. If you have time to spare, let your skin do its own thing without interfering. You will eventually have an even skin tone.

If you want to become more involved in the process, you can use some natural remedies or store-bought products to aid you. As far as natural remedies are concerned, lemons have become a popular choice for skin lightening. You will have to determine how many applications per week are best for your skin. Over the counter bleaching creams that contain hyroquinone are another option. They can tremendously speed up the healing process by controlling melanin production. Your specific results may vary however.

If you are in dire need of a perfect complexion and have some money to invest, professional solutions such as a dermabraison or laser treatment are the answer. These treatments are designed to remove the upper layer of the skin and allow it to regenerate. In the process, scars and discolorations are left behind. Recovery times can vary, however, any patient should plan to be home-bound in the days following the procedure as the skin will be extremely sensitive. Sunscreen must be worn diligently for several weeks to ensure that no complications arise. Such an invasive course of treatment for skin discoloration is often no recommended, unless acne scars and other abnormalities are present. You and your doctor will have to decide what path to pursue.

Learn about laser treatments for acne [] and scars from back acne [] through our site.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Acne Scar Removal Creams - Are They Worth Using?

When it comes to removing acne scars, you'll find out that there are many treatments and products promising to give you the results you expect. Inside the group the options available, you have the so-called acne scar removal creams and topical lotions that you rub on your scars to make them go away. In this article we'll talk about such scar treatments, and explore in what cases they are good for. Read on to find out more.

Acne scar removal creams are found in drugstores, there are many of these products that are over-the-counter creams, so you don't need a prescription from your doctor. In some cases, though, after discussing your options with your dermatologist, you may need a prescription cream or lotion to help you deal with acne scarring. In this sense, I'd like to add that talking with your dermatologist is of extreme importance prior to applying any type of cream. Sometimes people are worried about spots that don't need any kind of treatment, as they will fade over time.

Are Acne Scar Removal Creams Helpful in All Cases?

This option for removing scars can prove pretty effective when we have to deal with minor, shallow scars. It is also much more affordable than other modern treatments to remove acne scars; however, if we are talking about ice pick-shaped, deep acne scars, we should be aware that an acne scar removal cream won't be effective. In these types of cases there are better options that will give you great results, such as laser acne scar removal or microdermabrasion. Unfortunately many people ignore this fact, and buy creams in hopes of a miraculous cure.

Topical medications have in its composition 2% of a bleaching agent, called hydroquinone. In the case of prescription creams, we can find they have other agents in the formula including Retin-A (tretinoin), or even a combination of tretinoin, hydroquinone and cortisone cream. But well, they are prescribed from a reason, so you should discuss with the acne doctor about the risks of these components.

In some cases, creams won't work, even on light cases of acne scarring. Although we may tend to that that generally creams don't work, the truth is that not all brands are made the same. Like it happens in all popular markets, there are many products that make false claims and lure customers with them and the promise of a huge saving over other options.

When buying an acne scar removal cream you need to take into account the opinion of other people and from your doctor; some of the most effective topical medications may be more expensive, but they do work in improving the state of your skin.

It is also important to follow the directions of how to apply the cream literally and religiously. If the cream says it needs to be applied daily, well don't skip any day! As they say: half-assed efforts will only bring halfway results - if any result in the case of creams!

Popular Acne Scar Removal Cream Options

Let's talk now a little about the popular creams out there in the market. Please notice that here I am not recommending any of these creams particularly, but this information can prove to be invaluable when starting your quest for the best acne scarring cream and to have some knowledge about your choices when discussing them with the dermatologist.

Mederma. This is a gel that has been marketed as the number one doctor and pharmacist recommended brand to get rid of acne scars. Although I haven't been able to confirm that claim, I know a few people who have used this gel and are now seeing great results. Not fast results but strong ones. You need to apply this gel 3-4 times a day for weeks. As I said before, follow directions religiously.

Scarguard ScarCare. This is another popular option, also marketed as the number one choice for dermatologists (see why you can't always believe in marketers?), but unlike false products, many people have found success with this one in treating acne scars. Its formula contains vitamin E, an important vitamin for our skin's health and it proves in old and new scars.

ZENMED Scar treatment Kit. The formula of this cream has proven to be effective against scars and dark spots generated by acne. Unlike other options that need to be applied several times daily, ZENMED's formula only needs to be applied 2-3 times a week.

These are some of the top options for acne scar removal creams. There are more, but I have not included them here, since I don't have a personal experience with them. However with all options, discuss its use first with your doctor to see if you are truly making the right choice.

As you can see, nowadays there is no need of keep living with acne scarring. Topical medications can be of great help when it comes to dealing with light scarring, but they won't be of much use when used for deep acne scars. Luckily, there are treatments for different cases, including laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion and even plastic surgery. It is just a matter of deciding on the right treatment to get the best results you can expect!

If you are interested in more acne scar removal options, I invite you to visit Acne Scar Removal products and learn more about erasing acne scars.

How to Get Rid of Acne Marks - The Best Treatments Available

Have you been suffering from acne and have tried various means to get rid of it, but to no avail. Some of the treatments available for acne scar removal are discussed here.

Laser treatment of acne scars is expensive. The affected skin is removed and a new skin forms. Treatment is done after local anesthesia is given. Another variation is CO2 laser which is more powerful and so a better result is achieved. Both methods of treatment need to be redone after 6 months.

Needle treatment involves puncturing the skin and remodeling collagen. A 30 gauge needle or a needle roller is used for this. Comparatively cheaper than laser but still on the higher side, it starts showing results after 2 or three sessions.

In chemical peels, a solution of Alpha Hydroxy Acid or Beta Hydroxy Acid is applied using cotton swabs. It is washed off after a while. Exfoliation takes place and the surface layer of the skin is removed, letting a new layer to form. This method is called Light.

Medium Chemical peels is where Tricolor Acetic Acid is applied and left up to 10 minutes. The top layer of the skin is removed. Some times, a higher concentration than 10% to 40% used. This may not be as effective in larger marks as in smaller ones. Sun light is to be avoided for some months to follow.

At around $2500 and upwards, deep chemical peel should be considered prohibitively high by most people but it is very effective. Phenol or TCA is applied to the skin under constant supervision by qualified medical personnel. This may affect kidneys and one needs to be cautious. Since skin is likely to acquire a light coloration, dark skinned people should think twice before undergoing this treatment.

Steroid given by injections seep into the skin under the raised scars and interrupt inflammation. The scars lose their coloration and the scars are barely visible.

In Augmentation, fillers like bovine collagen or silicone are injected into the atrophic scar. However, the most apt and effective filler is yet to be formulated.

But before you waste another dollar on any acne treatment products like I did some months back, I would advise you visit my Get Rid of Acne Marks Blog where I shared my experiences battling acne and how I finally got a breakthrough that finally crowned my efforts towards Removing Acne Scar.

Check it out here

Herbal Remedies For Acne - Some Truths You Must Know!

It would be nice to have a single treatment for acne that works for everyone, but there isn't. However, there are a number of herbal remedies for acne that can help you clear up the embarrassing effects of acne.

Many medical treatments for acne such as drugstore creams, gels and washes can be harsh for those with sensitive skin. This is why many choose an herbal remedy for acne or herbal remedies for acne scars.

Over the counter treatments on remove the dirt and oil from your skin which leaves it dry. This can lead to further breakouts and if the pores close again you will still have the bacteria, oil and dirt located deep down in your skin. Herbal remedies for acne are much gentler on your skin.

It isn't that difficult to find an herbal remedy for acne. The difficult part is to find herbal remedies for acne that work with your specific skin type and is a truly natural treatment. However, don't get discouraged. Keep searching and you will find herbal remedies for acne scars as well as acne.

There are several herbal remedies for acne and they aren't that difficult to use. A wash of lime and milk is one example of a treatment for blackheads. Just bring the milk to a gentle boil and add the juice from a lime. Use this to wash your face after it cools down and you have a quick and easy herbal solution to your acne problems.

However, keep in mind that herbal acne treatments can leave your skin a little dry. So have using an herbal treatment be sure to re-hydrate your skin using almond oil or jojoba oil.

If over the counter or other harsh medical treatments haven't worked for you then consider herbal remedies for acne. You are sure to find a treatment that will work for you.

However, here is one of the best ACNE success stories you will ever read. It is about a lady called Elizabeth Stanton: Read how she battle serious acne on her face, body and many years of social depression. Here is the good news: Elizabeth overcame and now enjoys shinning skin, admirable beauty and excellent career. Read her captivating story now.

3 Ways to Save Money on Acne Scar Removal

How much will removing your acne scars cost? That depends on several factors like,

how severe is your scarring is; how deep on the scars are and will do you the scar correction yourself or pay a skin care professional. Regardless of how your get rid of your scars, you can save big money by using these three simple tips.

Tip 1: Get active acne under control first

Would you start investing your hard money on a wood deck if you knew that you had an out of control termite problem? Of course not, because those termites would get eat away your money and ruin a perfect deck. The same reasoning applies to acne scar removal. Before you spend a nickel on pricey skin treatments like lasers, chemical peels and microdermabrasion, make sure that you at least have your acne outbreaks under control.

If your acne is not under control, you may only get to enjoy your flawless skin a few weeks as new pimple arrive and leave behind marks. A good sign that your skin is transitioning from active to more controlled is that you experience less cystic or nodular acne. Another indication that your acne situation is improving is that your pimples develop more superficially as opposed in the deeper tissues of the skin and the lesions are less painful.

Once your acne outbreaks are less frequent and the lesion count drops, then it is time to seriously consider acne scar removal.

Tip 2: Make your skin healthier to speed the repair process

Another way to save big money on removing scars is to speed up your skin's repair time. You can do this with common liquids. For starters, reduce your alcohol intake because laboratories studies have demonstrated that having consumed alcohol impairs the skin ability to grow new skin cells and blood cells after an injury, like a popped pimple.

Moreover, a report from Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research found that alcohol consumption reduces the inflammatory response after receiving wounds.

Proper wound repair involves a series of steps and inflammation typically happens once the skin has been compromised by a cut, gash, or in the case of acne scarring, excessive squeezing.

Just replace your alcohol consumption with water because even the slightest degree of dehydration can slow down wound healing. Additionally, dehydration reduces blood flow and increases in chances of a wound infection.

Tip 3: Use home remedies to reduce acne scarring

You can reduce the severity of your acne scarring by giving yourself a few at-home cosmetic treatments. For instance, if your acne scars are dark, you can use lemon juice to lighten them. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse. Use caution with lemon juice because it can make your skin photosensitive. So be certain to use a sunscreen on any area you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.

Next, you can polish the look of your skin with a down-home microdermabrasion. Often times a version of baking soda is used in cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments. You can give yourself a mini microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scars for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

You can start taking simple steps today to reverse all the signs of acne scarring. And when you do decide to seek professional help to remove your acne marks, you will have saved yourself a lot of money.


Fitzgerald, Daniel J, Katherine A Radek, Mitchell Chaar, Douglas E Faunce, Luisa A DiPietro, Elizabeth J Kovacs. Effects of acute ethanol exposure on the early inflammatory response after excisional injury. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research; February 2007, vol 31, no 2, pp 317-323.

Wipke-Tevis, Deidre D & Donna A Williams. Effect of oral hydration on skin microcirculation in healthy young and midlife and older adults. Wound Repair and Regeneration; March-April 2007, vol 15, no 2, pp 174-185.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars [] on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring [] can find custom, clinically proven solutions at []

Removing a Scar From Your Body

People get scars from acne, injuries or stretch marks. They make you feel self conscious and embarrassed in public. People with scars will shy away from the beach and spend too much time in front of the mirror. Wearing more clothes than normal is another problem and in some cases people will sop from leaving their homes altogether.

There are some very expensive ways to treat scarring including plastic and laser surgery. There are some extremely costly creams and gels available too which promise the earth but often show very minor results. It is important to remember that scars are not permanent. Treatment can be effective and inexpensive as long as you know what to do and stick to it.

It is always best to start treatment as soon as a scar heals. Aged marks on the skin will of course be harder to remove because the skin has settled. They will eventually fade but treating the area when fresh will give the most effective results. Knowing how to act is important and is the key to felling good about your body as quickly as possible.

Cheap products available in many stores are effective as are certain massage techniques. Persistently applying the correct methods is essential. If you consistently put the effort in early on, you will feel normal again in no time. Feeling normal is the goal in scar treatment

The vital thing to remember is that scars are not just physical. They effect us mentally and we usually underestimate the impact it will have on our lives. Hiding away from the world, covering your body up too much and losing self esteem are all likely symptoms of scarring. Finding out which products and massage techniques are effective is very important for all sufferers. Scar Treatment is a blog dedicated to providing good scar treatment information.

Preventive Acne Measures - Five Ways in Getting Rid of It

Acne is a normal occurrence to people growing up. Yes, this is normal but it does give an unwanted feeling to someone experiencing it. When you have acne, especially on your face you will find it hard to deal with it, most especially to be out in the crowd and face people. You will notice that most of the teenagers take this too seriously or even the adult ones. Once this appears to them they easily look for ways to remove it or cure it, if possible at once. Since, you cannot remove acne immediately considering preventive measures or preventive acne treatment is the best way to go.

See the list below for you to know the five preventive measures for acne problems:

You will see that most people are used of doing this, which is pressing their acne using their hands. This is not a good habit in dealing with acne for it may make the infectious material within the acne to spread out on other parts of your skin or body. Thus, in the end it may end to pimples or cane. In connection to this, never use any things to pop your pimples for it may worsen the condition, particularly those unsterile things or materials. This is just one of the five preventive acne treatment, you still have four measures to go.

Make a good hygiene your habit. When it comes to your face, wash it with water together with a mild soap. This help also to prevent acne to worsen. Since acne do appears in other parts of the body, it is best to take a bath daily. You can also use disinfectant when you take a bath. Most people are suggested to use herbal soap for it aids in treating acne and not harsh to the skin as well as to the acne.

You must also avoid putting yourself on direct sunlight. It may also be an aggravating factor for your acne. In this matter, you can use hats or other coverings to shade yourself from sunlight.

Taking vitamin C and E are also great preventive acne treatment. These two kinds or vitamins are excellent antioxidants that have the capability to rejuvenate your skin. Another thing is that vitamin E prevents also scar formation and get rid old acne scars. In connection to this, you must also incorporate a well-balanced diet for more good result.

The last preventive measure that you can have is to avoid becoming stressed. It is known that stress is another factor that makes the acne become worse. Acne can possibly flare up when you're into emotional and physical strain. The best thing you can make is to have a positive, happy, and healthy lifestyle. You can also have a right sleeping pattern for it can help to prevent acne to flare up more.

When you follow these five preventive measures to your acne problems you will see that it will have better and satisfying results. Using these preventive measures as your acne treatment is the best way for you to have a pimple-free face or skin and to have self-confidence to be seen in the crowd.

Related Articles Clear Pores Review Preventing Acne

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tips On Acne Scar Treatment - How To Treat Acne Scars Naturally

Most of us have experienced acne at some point of our lives. However, for some people, acne is something that they have to deal with on a daily basis. If not treated properly, acne can remain persistent and leave ugly marks whenever the old ones are healed. Let us take a look at some basic skincare regimen that will help to keep acne at bay.

The most basic skincare regimen one can do is to cleanse the face well. However that does not mean using harsh products that strip off all the natural oils on your skin. Cleansing is a very important part of skincare and you should choose a cleanser that is suitable for your skin type while at the same time cleanses thoroughly and is gentle on the skin.

After cleansing, you should also exfoliate your skin at least once a week. Exfoliation aids in removing dead skin cells and helps to promote skin cell renewal. You can choose to use scrubs or lotion as exfoliates.

Next is to use a cream or lotion that is specifically for the acne. Some treatments contain very harsh ingredients. You can try to start with acne products that are more natural. An acne system like the Zenmed acne treatment kit produces excellent results for treating acne while at the same time remains gentle enough to the skin. This system is also one of the best for natural treatment.

After you have applied your acne products, you will still need to apply moisturizer. Many people make the mistake of not using moisturizer because they think it causes acne. Applying moisturizer is one of the most important things in your skincare regimen. It helps to heal and promote healthy skin. The point is to choose the right moisturizer that is suitable for your acne skin.

Treating acne does not need to be abrasive. As a matter of fact, with the advancement of technology and skincare products, using natural acne treatment is the best way to treat it.

Are you plague by acne woes? Learn to remove ugly marks with acne scar natural treatment methods. Click Here To Find Out More You can also read more on this article:

Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion, skincare and lifestyle. She runs a website on natural acne cure at

Scar Removal Products - The Best Products For Removing Acne Scar

The treatment of acne is not the end of your problems. Because after the lesions have healed, you are usually left with scars, that are just as unsightly as the acne lesions. Although there are medical procedures that you can avail of in order to remove these scars, these surgeries may be too expensive for your budget so you have to find other ways.

Good thing there are several scar removal products available in the market from which you can choose from. From creams, lotions, and gels to home made remedies, you have different options on how to attack the problem.

If you choose to go with home made remedies, all you have to do is look in your kitchen for the things you will need. Lemon juice is one of the best things you can use to removes acne scars. Just squeeze out some lemon juice, mix it with water, then apply this mixture to your scars. This gets better results when done after exfoliation. However if you feel like you need to try out other ways to remove your scars, head out to a beauty and health store and grab a face cream that is rich in pure coco butter.

Apply this daily and your face will surely benefit from its ability not only to hydrate, but to stimulate collagen production. Topical preparations with Tretinoin and Glycolic Acid can also do the same thing for your scars, so you might want to check those out to.

These are simple and inexpensive ways to remove your facial scars, but with the dedication in applying them they can give you the best results.

Do you want to quickly get rid of all your ugly scars? If yes, then I recommend you use the techniques recommended in this great scar removal guide: The Scar Solution, to completely treat your scars and have a smooth skin tone!

Click here ==> Scar Solution Review, to read more about this Natural Scar Removal Guide.

Learn the Easy Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars

There is absolutely no doubt that modern technology has made our lives much easier and comfortable. One of such advancement which is possible with the help of the modern technology is in the field of skin care. With the help of the modern technology, we now have acne scar removal treatment.

It is possible to see the expected visible results of acne scar removal treatment within 2 to 3 weeks time. By just spending few hundred dollars for the treatment you can get the clear and attracted skin which you always desired for. At times, you may be required to spend some extra dollars, but then by this you get assured of your safety, an effective and a fast treatment method.

One of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of scars is by using Laser Resurfacing. The Laser Resurfacing is only done by licensed, professional dermatologists and is advisable for people who have deep pockmarks and dark spots. In this medical treatment, the skin area infected by scar is exposed to a light beam. This light beam gradually removes the scar infected skin thus leaving a new skin layer. It usually takes about 3 days for the skin to heal; the middle layer tightens up by then, leaving a smoother skin.

Apart from Laser Resurfacing, another way to get rid of scars is by Dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is the scar removal method in which either the spinning diamonds or a wire brush is used to remove the first or the upper layer of skin. Although the disadvantage of this method is that the skin takes longer time to heal than in case of laser resurfacing. It usually takes about ten days for the skin to heal but with this method the skin heals into a much smoother layer.

The latest and the newest treatment to get rid of scars are through Fractional Laser Therapy. In a Fractional Laser Therapy the skin is exposed to lasers, however it is not same as a laser resurfacing, it is one level up than the dermabrasion or the laser resurfacing methods. The skin usually heals within few hours with the fractional laser therapy. This technique is the most cost efficient treatment option to get rid of scars.

Before choosing any of the treatment to get rid of scars always keep in mind the side effects it may have. Consult a good dermatologist to see which treatment method suits you the best.

Prashant T Verma works as a technical writer and has an overall writing experience of 4 years. Please click for one stop solution to all your content related needs and queries.

All About Acne Scar Remedies

Are you looking for acne scar remedies that work? Are you tired of trying endless products and ending up with no results? Trying products is one thing. Trying to make it work is another. There are certain products that work for one person but would not work on another. There are some products that work with whatever condition your skin may have. People use some products and end up being frustrated. These frustrations root from a lot of different reasons. They may come from the products that did not work, from the scars that never fade and from having these scars in the first place. Do you want to try a product that will guarantee amazing results? There is a product that is recommended for this. This is called Miracle Duo. This is a product that is aimed at beautifying your skin and releasing that inner glow that you have always wanted.

Acne in the simplest sense is a disease that causes pimples. Pimples can develop when hair follicles under your skin are congested. The parts most commonly affected are the face, skin and back. Sometimes, it affects the shoulder and the chest. Until now, the causes of acne are still unknown. Although there are studies that point to hormonal changes because it is commonly found in adolescents.

Acne scars spare no one. It can affect anyone at anytime. It is but unavoidable once you get acne. When the acne heals, it leaves you a mark that will remind you of that acne: scars. These are the ones that never heal. It gives you more trouble than the acne itself. So when looking for acne scar remedies, you should look for the product that will not do any damage to your face while doing its job to remove your scar. Most products contain chemicals that could harm the skin while removing the scar. Therefore, it poses more problems than what you originally have. It is the job of the scar remover to not make it the scars worse and to completely erase any tracks of them on your skin. Therefore, these products should be chosen with extra caution. You should be careful when taking the responsibility of choosing the correct product for you. It is but imperative for you to take in consideration the effects of the product you choose. Miracle Duo simply does it for you. They have formulated a product that will remove scars while assuring the safety of your skin. From different places, there are new innovations when it comes to acne removal. But not all of them give you the results that you expect.

There is a growing popularity of acne scar remedies. There are remedies that will give you the outcome that will satisfy you. Looking for a product that works effectively is not easy. Acne scars are not easily rid of. This fact applies to the long standing ones. They are the most difficult to remove. There are different ways of removing acne. The method you choose can change your perspective. Acne scar remedies that work should not be a problem. You just need to look in the right places.

Are you ready to discover the best acne scar remedies []? Visit [] for more information!

Homemade Natural Scar Removal - Simple Household Items Can Be Powerful Natural Scar Fading Options

Homemade natural scar removal is becoming the choice of many individuals who want to remove the ugly marks from their skin. It is not surprising as compared to other scar removal treatments, homemade scar removal can give the same results but without the cost and the usual side effects.

There are simple household items that you can use as part of a homemade natural scar removal treatment to bring powerful results. From the use of kitchen staples such as apple cider vinegar, olive oil, coconut oil, honey, onions to herbal remedies such as aloe vera and green tea, to juice extracts like those from lemon, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes- these items can easily be found at home.

These household items can easily be transformed into powerful homemade natural scar removal treatment. Here are some examples how to do it:

? You see alpha hydroxyl acid as a component of scar removal medicines. You can get the benefits of this acid, minus the chemical formulation that can cause side effects, from fruit juice extracts such as from lemon. What this acid does is to remove dead skin cells that can erase the ugly marks on your skin.

? Honey is known to contain anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that will prevent infection of the wounds and the deep formation of scars on the skin. Applying it topically on the skin as well as including it in your diet is effective in naturally curing and preventing scars to form on your skin.

Just take a look around your home right now and you will already see some of the items that can help you powerfully remove scars. For anything else you may need, you can search the internet to learn how to benefit the most from homemade natural scar removal.

Do you want to quickly fade your scars and at last have that Scar-Free skin you've always wanted to have? If yes, then I recommend you use the tactics recommended inside the: Scar Solution Book. Click here ==> Scar Solution Book, to read more about this Natural Scar Treatment Program and see how it's been helping thousands of people round the world, to effectively treat all their scars enabling them to have a clear skin tone.

Acne Scar Removal in the 21st Century - Going Beyond Herbal Treatments

Acne scar removal in the older days can be as simple as applying salves made from plant juices on affected areas. Come to think of it, a lot of people in the early era are probably not as worried about scars as we are now. The good thing about living in the 21st century is that almost every kind of skin problem has a solution. Thanks in no small part to technology.

Modern acne scar removal techniques are now available to eradicate the marks left by severe zits with just but a few sessions. Arguably, the most popular method of removing scars nowadays is with the use of laser. Laser therapy is not only for scar eradication but is now also being employed to cure acne before it can cause scarring.

One of the procedures of scar removal using laser is the localized type. This involves a hand-piece laser which looks like a pen. The doctor uses this device to burn away the damaged part of the skin to give it a chance to regenerate and replace the burned part with a fresh, smoother surface. The advantage of this procedure is that it has a higher level of precision. The handheld device can zero-in on affected areas without much risk of damaging the surrounding skin.

Another way of using laser to remove scars is through nonablative method. In contrast to the handheld technique, this method works underneath the scar with the aim of stimulating skin tissues to produce collagen to replace the scarred or damaged part. This procedure, though, is more sensitive than the handheld laser and must not be done unless the doctor is absolutely sure that this is the treatment that a particular condition requires.

In some cases, more than one procedure is required to eliminate the scars. One commonly used combination is excision/grafting. The first step is removing the subcutaneous fat layer of the scarred area surgically. This is called punch excision. This method can leave a hole on the skin where the scarred part has been removed. The hole is then filled up or repaired by skin grafting; a method that uses fresh, healthy skin to close the hole caused by the excision.

There are types of scars, keloids in particular, that do not respond well to surgical procedures. Surgery is not highly recommended to keloidal people since any type of surgery will likely create another mark on the skin and leave a different form of scar. For keloids, one option that is often considered by skin specialists is steroids. Steroidal drugs are injected directly to the scar to lessen its appearance. However, most doctors are worried about the effects of procedures on keloidal scars and often suggest that the patient just leave it alone.

Acne scar removal is far easier now than it was, say, 20 or 50 years ago. However, we really should not let the condition reaches this stage. Early pimple prevention is still needed so that we don't need to go through these expensive, worrying procedures. provides you with information on a wide range of acne related issues, such as acne scar removal and much more. Wanna find out? Go to now!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Get Rid of Scars

Have scars? Want to get rid of them? It does not matter whether the scar is caused because of acne or is a leftover from surgery, getting rid of them is something which takes time and cannot happen overnight. However the good news is that with proper treatment and care you can gradually fade scars as far as possible.

Some of the most commonly used methods to get rid of scars are creams, ointments and scar sheets. These are few of the practical methods of removing scar, but if you are well off you can even go in for surgical procedures and get rid of scars as removing scars from creams and ointment is a time consuming. It takes time for the old skin to shed away and the new clean skin to replace it, so if you are well off then you can probably go in for various surgeries, to get rid of scars.

Few of the methods which you can adopt and get rid of scars are listed below:

o Visit a dermatologist: To get rid of scars visit nearest dermatologists and get access to latest and newer medications. More over if you want to opt for a surgical means of scar removal your dermatologist can even refer you to a good surgeon.

o Scar sheets made from silicone: You can try and use the silicon based scar sheets to get rid of scars. However for effective results these silicon based scar sheets are required to be used for around 8 weeks or so. You are required to wear each scar sheet for at least 12 hours a day, replacing each scar sheet after every 3 to 4 days of use. If your think your scar does not get cleared up even after using such scar sheets for about 8 to 10 weeks, there may be a chance that such scars may not go away any time soon.

o Try Mederma gel: Mederma gel is made up of scentless onion extract that can help you to get rid of scars. However Mederma is mostly used in treatment of acne scars.

o Use Alpha hydroxy: Treat your scars with the Alpha Hydrox. Alpha Hydrox is a commercial brand name for alpha hydroxy acid, which can exfoliates any skin type and hence fade away scars. As scars are made up of strong and fibrous dermal layer, such exfoliating creams may take good amount of time to remove scar tissues.

Does the thought of how to get rid of acne scars make your head spin? Well it doesn't need to anymore, visit the get rid of scars blog and get the tips on how to get rid of scars.

Acne Scars Cure - Is it Really Possible to Cure Acne Scarring?

Often, those who want significant reduction in the appearance of acne scars (or an acne scars cure altogether) will not be pleased with simple home treatments. For these folks, it is important to get the highest level of improvement, instead of simply reducing the appearance of their scars by a small margin. That's why it may be advisable to use more advanced procedures to really stick it to those acne scars. These are a few of the treatment methods that can help you leave your scars behind for good.

Surgical Methods

Punch excision is a surgical method that is seen by many as an acne scars cure. This is a type of treatment that works well with deep, severe scars such as ice pick or boxcar scars. The treatment itself utilizes a punch tool that excises the cars. Then, the edges of the surrounding skin area are sutured. A new mark will result, but this one will heal up and leave you with clear, scar-free skin. The procedure itself is pretty minor, although a local anesthetic will be used for the patient's comfort.

A different way to finish off punch excision treatment is to use a skin graft replacement. With a skin graft replacement, skin is taken from a different area and grafted in to remove the "dent" that is left after the punch excision. This is usually a bit better of a method, although it may result in the "filled in" areas looking slightly different from the rest of your face. This will only be the case for a month or so, however. Then, resurfacing treatments will have helped the skin to blend in correctly.

Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion

For those with acne scars that are not as deep, dermabrasion is a popular way to treat nagging blemishes caused by the acne scars. A high-speed brush is used to carefully remove some of the skin on the surface of your face, which will help to either reduce the appearance of your scars or even to remove them completely. A microdermabrasion is similar, but uses a vacuum tube to pass aluminum oxide crystals to take care of the procedure. If you have darker skin, you may not want to use these methods, as a follow-up procedure will be required because of possible changes to your pigmentation as a result.

The possibility of an acne scars cure is a very good one, with these treatment methods and others that are available. The only way to really move forward with your plan is to get together to talk with your dermatologist, who can help you find the next step to curing those acne scars for good.

There's no reason you should sit there and be embarrassed about your acne scars any longer when you can opt for an acne scars cure to zap those scars once and for all and take back your beautiful, clear skin. And for more tips, advice and reviews of products to get rid of your acne scars fast, visit: and be sure to download your FREE copy of my "Ultimate Acne Scar Guide.

Can Aloe Vera Gel Help Remove Acne Scars

Aloe Vera has various medical properties that are very effective in the removal of acne scars. It helps remove acne scars by acting as an immune booster and an anti-inflammatory agent. It is also used to reduce infections to regenerate skin and is thus able to rebuild scarred areas. Aloe Vera can be purchased either as a cream, gel, soap, or liquid or can also be bought in the raw form, such as a plant. These plants do not need much care, they can practically grow anywhere and they are not bothered by the sun. Some people have attested that it is the best solution for the treatment of acne scars they have ever used.

By using soaps or gel based aloe vera products you will drastically reduce the risk of infection and inflammation to the affected areas, although it may not be cleared up all together but it will certainly remove symptoms such as flaky skin, redness or swelling. It can also be used in liquid form by cutting off a piece of the pulp from the plant and applying it directly to the affected area in order to absorb more oil. After using this liquid you should wash your face with an herbal based soap and after this you can apply an aloe vera cream to the acne, this method gives you the benefit of all the medical elements of the aloe vera making your skin look healthier and free from further breakout,

Gels when applied to the face forms a thin mask that helps protect the skin from dust and other natural elements that may be harmful to the skin. It can be used either day or night, although some people prefer to apply it at night and wash it off early in the morning. This method makes it act as a toner, to tighten the skin, making it look fresh and giving it a younger appearance when used on a regular basis.

There are various conflicting articles on the topic "does aloe vera help remove acne scars", so it really depends on which site you visit you will definitely not get the same answer. Some say that it does not cure acne but just helps reduce the intensity of the scarring, by regenerating the skin and making it possible to rebuild the skin tissues which would give you the result of a younger, smoother looking skin.

For more helpful tips and resources on acne visit Ashe Skin Care a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne problems, how to get rid of acne scars, aloe vera, and more.

5 Secrets Natural Acne Treatment For Scar Removal

There are several natural acne treatments for acne and acne scar removal. The acne normally outbreaks during puberty; as at this time body produces hormone more actively. These hyperactive hormones cause excessive sebum in the skin. This haunting skin condition passes out but what it leaves behind are permanent and subtle acne scars. Scar removal can be carried out naturally through inexpensive procedures and at dermatologist's clinic that cost a lot.

Below are given some natural acne treatments for treating acne scars.

-- Water is a best natural treatment for removing acne scars and preventing further acne breakouts. Drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water daily helps the skin in shedding off unwanted and dead skin cells.

-- Vitamin E capsules are also strongly recommended. These can be applied topically to affected area or taken orally.

-- Another effective remedy for treating acne scar is rosehip seed oil. It contains an anti wrinkling and anti-aging agent that aid the skin to regenerate.

-- Taking a balanced diet also helps in acne scar removal. More nutritious food a person includes in his skin, the faster his skin heals. It also aids in building the cells of the skin thus giving a healthy glow.

-- Mix sandalwood and rose water and apply it on acne spot. Leave it overnight and then wash it off the next morning.

The above are given 5 secret natural treatments for acne scar removal. All of them are equally effective and efficient in treating acne scars. You just have to hit and try to choose one or more acne treatments according to your skin type and severity of acne.

With all the available choices of Acne Scar Removal you are not left with the choice of complaining that why these scars are still obvious. Find more efficient and effective Acne Natural Remedies to have a spotless, glowing skin.

Cure For Acne - Is it Really Possible?

Mike Walden is the person, who, over the past seven years, has developed a cure for acne. Through a long process of experimentation and trial-and-error that is a 100% guaranteed, sure-fire, and clinically researched system that has been backed by more than 30,000 hours of expertise in the nutritional field to remove acne for good.  Very few people even know that this system actually exists.

After countless of useless treatments, desperate research and agony and disappointments, I found that a very simple holistic system was able to open the door to my brighter and new acne free life.  Mike began to test his program on other people who suffered from acne beside himself.  In less than one month on average seventeen people who participated in Mike's experiment, all seventeen people were able to experience an acne cure!

You will also be shown how to use a method that has a unique step-by-step process that no one else will share with you.  A noted nutritionist, medical researcher and health consultant as well as someone who suffered from acne will teach you the acne cure that will have you:

Deliver a permanent acne cure within two months
Eliminate excessive oiliness, blackheads and redness
Feel and look better and regain your self-esteem
End constant breakouts and see results in your cure for acne in less than seven days!
You will be able to remove most kinds of acne marks and scars
You will receive fully illustrated guides that can be followed step-by-step
You will get instructional videos that you can follow step-by-step

So when people ask, Is It Really Possible To Cure Your Acne?, my answer is Yes.

If you are tired of those endless trips to the dermatologist and of trying every over the counter remedy that has claimed to work only to find that you still suffer from acne, then you definitely need to find more about Cure For Acne.

What have you got to lose except the acne? All you have to do is Click Here.