Monday, September 9, 2013

Worried About Your Ugly Scars? Go For A Chemical Treatment For Acne Scars!

The scars caused due to cystic acne can be entirely removed and a wide variety of methods is available for the chemical treatment for acne scars. A scar is developed when acne is scratched or forcibly pricked. This is a common mistake committed by teenagers due to lack of knowledge. They are much worried about their appearance and they try to prick and squeeze it out to get rid of it. They end up with ugly scars on their face. It is always rightly said that "prevention is better that cure". By avoiding scratching or squeezing in the initial stages, you can prevent the scar formation. When you squeeze a pustule, the infected substance gets deeper into the skin that causes more inflammation and scarring.

Types Of Chemical Treatments For Acne Scars

Many types of treatments are available for the removal of acne scars and you can choose the one that is suitable to you with the help of a dermatologist. These are some of the ways you can approach your chemical treatment for acne scars.

Dermabrasion is a method used to scrape out the damaged skin. It is suitable and best works on shallow scars. A machine with diamond edged rotating wheels is used for scraping which replaces the traditional way of sandpaper scraping.

If you want to go for a newer technique then Laser resurfacing is an option available for you. The effects are same, as in case of Dermabrasion but with the help of laser the penetration is made deeper into the skin.

There is also another method called Punch technique available to treat deep acne scars. This method involves cutting the scar loose so that it floats up to the level of the skin surface. It is a best treatment for pitted scars.

Subscision is a similar type of treatment in which the scar tissue is broken under the surface of the skin. A pool of blood is formed at that place and the blood clot helps to level the surface by forming connective tissues under the scar.

A method known as Dermal fillers is also used to treat deep scars. This method is not long lasting and it lasts only for about six months. Injections like a collagen or fat is injected under the scar for the leveling of the skin surface.

All the above methods can effectively treat deep and severe acne scars. If yours are lighter ones then chemical peels are available for light cases. Different types of acids are applied to the skin to remove the top outer layer and the surface becomes smooth with the disappearance of the scars.

Disadvantages Of An Acne Scar Treatment

Even though all types of scars are entirely treatable, an acne scar treatment also carries some side effects. The actual treatment will be done within a short period but the recovery may take a longer period. Most of the cases it lasts for many months. You may face some post treatment effects like swelling, dryness, redness, uneven skin etc. Moreover, an acne scar treatment is a costly affair and it may cost around $50 to $3000.

It would be most advisable to consult an expert dermatologist before going for any type of acne treatment. It will be better to choose the right treatment initially to avoid further remedies to correct the previous one. After all, it is your precious skin and you cannot afford to experiment on it!

To discover many helpful tips, secrets and articles on topics such as acne problems and how to choose effective acne creams, please go to:

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