Body acne is typically part of the process that results in the facial variety. Sebaceous glands in the skin are the oil-producing glands that release oil to help the skin supple and moist. The skin is continually shedding and renewing cells on the top layer and if the sebaceous glands are clogged, they become prone to bacteria. The combination of clogged pores, bacteria and too much oil results to acne.
Acne vulgaris is common to teens who are also prone to facial acne. This is due to the hormonal changes in the puberty age, which causes different changes in the skin such as increase in the production of oil. This change happens in the face, back, chest and other parts of the body. Most of the time, this skin ailment continues to appear even after puberty and adults in their twenties, thirties and even older can still get facial and body acne.
A body acne treatment is necessary to eliminate body acne and regain self-confidence. These treatments are available over the counter or from a cosmetic dermatologist. Cleansing your face with water and mild soap is a natural body treatment to remove dead skin cells and oils. In addition, using benzoyl peroxide can help in the treatment of of this skin problem.
Though most topical or oral prescription body acne treatments take some weeks to take effect, it is necessary to continue the treatments to avoid the development of acne scars. Salicylic acid is available in different shower gels. These products are easy to use on the back, chest and other affected parts. However, over the counter body cures may not be enough in some types. For instance, cystic acne is hard to treat without the help of a dermatologist.
Cystic acne is the type that is large and pus-filled. It is inflamed and painful that is formed beneath the skin. Visiting a doctor is recommended in order to have the right kind of acne medication such as retinoid cream, antibiotic cream or benzoyl peroxide.
If you want to reduce the development of body acne avoid wearing clothes that holds moisture because when sweat cannot evaporate, it can get worse. Cotton and other breathable fabrics are best to wear. Moreover, do not use make-ups and moisturizers that contain too much oil. Make sure not to scrub your face too hard and avoid using rough cloths or harsh brushes in your skin.
One of the simplest ways to help your condition is to avoid squeezing the pimples because this will only lead to scarring or infection. Washing your face with gentle facial wash two times a day is essential. Laser skin rejuvenation is also an effective treatment for body acne. This treatment can kill bacteria that cause acne through targeting sebaceous glands beneath the skin. Dermabrasion is an old and effective way to treat scars that uses high-speed brush in removing dead skin cells and let new skin to grow.
In addition, chemical peels can also help in treating this condition, which use acid treatments to achieve smoother and younger skin. Another treatment possibility is a sulfur acne treatment []. For more information be sure to visit []
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