The acne problem may happen to the persons of the age ranging 10-40 years. The acne is in the form of pimples, black or white heads, pustule or a cyst. One terrible thing about the acne is that, it left a pock after pop out.
Causes: The excess oil inside the skin is clogged up in the pores and builds up acne. While reaching the age of puberty, the hormones in the skin begin to re balance for new ones to take place. Diet is considered as the makeup of the acne in the skin. The excessive use of oil in the food, for example in the frying of food, the use of fats, all is the major reasons to cause acne.
Another major reason for the acne problem is the accentuation of the hormones. This happens when the feelings are overwhelmed on the minds of the people. This punctuates the hormones of the nervous system to pretend.
Cure and Treatment: For the proper cure of the acne is, first having a good skin care neaten system. Using a well working medication for the cure, but there should be a proper advice with the relative skin specialist doctors for the proper indication of the medicines. The experienced nutritionists should also be met for a good treatment of the problem. The attention to the acne is essential because once the scar take its place on the face, it may not be removed for years, hence cause of embarrassment in the future. The prone area on the skin with acne, is supposed to well wash with a valuable soap or face cleaning liquids.
There are number of products that claim to cure the best treatment to the acne, but the results are not compulsory to every individual. There are different skin natures for different people, some have different environment of living and working, some have different activities, and therefore the reliability of the result is different for different people.
Removal: The terrible thing that the acne does with the skin is the pock that it gives to the skin for a long time; rather the short reddish spot version of the acne is not a great problem. Mostly, the scars on the face due to acne pretend its existence while someone removed the acne with his/her hands. Now, the question is what are the ways to cure the scar, which is happened because of the acne? First thing to be understood is that, the acne scar is not easily removed. Yes there are various ways to get rid of these scars; the one that is largely adopted is the laser treatment. The laser treatment is expensive to approach for different people, but in most of the times it is effective. The laser treatment is now famous in this field of skin care, but there is also present a possibility of negative results, there are present some cases, in which laser had effected the skin, hence making dark spots. Taking treatment from a well qualified skin specialists is a very much recommended in this acne case.
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