Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Doctors Treatment For Acne

Nowadays, people are putting in more effort to create a better self image. Having the perfect complexion can boost ones confidence tremendously. The problem of acne usually leaves one with a face which one does not wish to have. It is never a pleasant sight. Due to the importance of looks and image, there is a trend to gain that flawless complexion. Currently, there are a number of procedures which can be done in a doctor's office to treat acne. These procedures include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, laser and laser-like procedures, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen and surgery to remove scars. Most of these procedures are considered to be cosmetic meaning that they are not covered under most insurance plans.

The treatment that is most suitable for individual's acne will depend on the skin type, how much scarring, how active the acne is and how much money is available to spend on these acne treatments. Most of the acne treatments listed need to be done several times to get proper results and maintenance treatments are necessary to have lasting improvement to the skin condition over time. The procedures are safe if done properly and can be done along with a topical or oral regimen to maximize results. Skin doctors will be the best person to determine the appropriate regimen to be used.

Chemical peels are an increasingly popular treatment to treat acne and to minimize scarring from acne. There are several different solutions available for chemical peels and each solution has their own advantages and disadvantages. The appropriate chemical peel to use will depend a lot on the skin condition and seriousness of the acne problem.

The number of treatment sessions required to achieve results depends on the system used and the severity of acne at the start of treatment. For most treatments, there will be maintenance treatments that are required to minimize acne flare-ups.

?Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.

For more information on acne.best-health-remedy.com/Articles/Acne_Treatment.php Acne Treatment, Acne Skin Care or acne.best-health-remedy.com/Articles/Acne_Skin_Care.php Acne Remedies, you can visit this site: acne.best-health-remedy.com All You Need to Know About Acne

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