Sunday, November 3, 2013

Face Facts & Acne Treatment

The perfect complexion of childhood never stays that way once your age is into double figures. That's a fact to be faced. But your aim should be to keep your complexion as perfect as possible. How? By thorough cleansing night and morning. Wash thoroughly, using the product designed for your skin type. Don't tell yourself that one missed cleansing won't make a difference. It will. You'll really be back at square one if you cut out a single a.m./p.m. cleanup. And square one can mean pimples, clogged pores, and the continuing embarrassment of acne.

Simple soap and water cleansing may not be adequate care for skin already suffering from acne. Instead, the skin must first be washed with cleansers, and then a lotion, cream, or gel containing sulfur, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide is applied. Ask your pharmacist for help in finding the right preparation. This treatment degreases, peels, and degerms the skin.

Acne is a skin condition associated with adolescence and the physical maturation of young adults. You'll perhaps be told that acne is something that will go away as you grow older. Although considered by many a mild disease, acne, if untreated, may result in considerable disfigurement and psychological distress. Why wait? Products are now available to counteract this problem. See your doctor about these.

If you experiment with over-the-counter preparations (and many of them are extremely good), then give them a fair trial. No product can work a miracle overnight. Allow at least three months for good results to show, and don't go switching from one preparation to another, it will only confuse your skin! Meanwhile, remember that troublesome skin can be caused by lack of exercise, ill-health, or using the wrong cleansing agents.

Although now relegated to a less important role, one approach to controlling acne has been through diet When certain foods such as chocolate, ice cream, cheese, and nuts seem to be related to flare-ups of acne, your physician may suggest eliminating them from your diet. Your doctor may also suggest that your intake of other fatty foods, milk, eggs, and butter or those highly spiced or fried be limited.

Regarding cleansing agents in general, normal to dry skins need a mild soap or milky cleanser. Once the cleanser is rinsed away, a splash of cold water will be sufficient to tone the skin. If it's not, then look for a product with the word toner on it. Sprinkle toner on a water-moistened cotton pad and pat this over face and neck after cleansing. Oily skins will benefit from those preparations marked astringent; but, again, they need to be applied on a water-moistened cotton pad or they might prove too strong and too drying for your skin. The aim of any toner/astringent is to remove surplus skin cleanser and to tighten the pores so they are ready for the next step.

And for many, this is to moisturize. The skin loses natural moisture through the pores all the time. This moisture needs to be replaced, or your skin will complain by wrinkling. Wrinkling isn't just a problem of the aged either. Replenish natural moisture loss by using a cream or lotion moisturizer. There are plenty of these on the market. Pick one that is light and quickly absorbed by the skin. It will act as a protective film between your skin and environmental hazards like sun, wind, rain, or dry air common in many homes.

No need to smear your face with a thick cream at night. This will probably do more harm than good. Instead, wash and tone thoroughly and then smooth just a little moisturizer over your skin to protect it while you sleep. Health and Beauty Tips:
A guide to Beauty, Fashion & Health. Skin care, makeup tips, fashion tips, dieting, deodorants, hair care, lips, cosmetics, hairstyles and eyebrows.

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