Friday, December 28, 2012

Genital Acne - Is This Stuff For Real?

Perhaps you have noticed some strange bumps on your genital region that look like acne.

Now you are wondering what to do about this problem. Should you use a standard acne treatment? Is it really even acne?

What appears to be genital acne is really a medical problem called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. This condition appears much like acne; hence the confusion about which of the two conditions is present.

What is The Difference?

Acne involves the sebaceous glands. Hidradenitis Suppurativa involves the apocrine glands, a completely different set of glands. The apocrine glands are under the arms, around the nipples, and in the groin area.

Just like acne can clog a sebaceous gland, the apocrine gland can become blocked. But, the cause is not oil; perspiration is what clogs these glands. In some cases, the apocrine glands may not have developed completely, making it especially easy for them to become clogged.

When matter gets trapped in an apocrine grand located in the genital area, it is forced into the surrounding tissues which can result in a painful inflammation and infection. In some cases, a lesion will appear on the skin that looks almost exactly like acne blemishes.

Other types of irritation than perspiration can result in outbreaks in the groin area and cause apocrine gland blockage. Tight clothing is on culprit.

Constant rubbing of clothing against the tender skin of the genital area or irritating laundry products may be at fault. Even using a body soap that irritates your skin can result in this problem.

You should try changing body care products, including lotions and soaps. Change laundry detergent and see if that helps. Sometimes, however, the problem just doesn't seem to go away or become worse over time.

Should I See a Doctor?

If the problem does not go away quickly, or if you have frequent outbreaks, you should consult your physician. If you see any lesions on the genitals, you must see a doctor because this could indicate a serious medical problem.

Do not assume that a lesion in the genital area is genital acne or Hidradenitis Suppurativa because it could possibly be a much more serious sexually transmitted disease which is not caused by blocked glands. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), an easily treated virus which can result in uterine cancer later in life is one possibility but there is a vaccine for this problem. Another possibility is that the lesion could be genital herpes.

Do not be embarrassed about talking to your doctor about possible genital acne. It is important to get the right diagnosis and treatment. It is easier to treat a mild case of Hidradenitis Suppurativa, so acting when the problem first appears is important.

Wear loose clothing which does not rub the effected genital area. Practice careful hygiene to prevent infection. If there is a pus-like discharge or redness surrounding the area, infection may be present and you will need to obtain prescription medication from your doctor.

In severe cases, the doctor may need to open and drain serious lesions. Do not try this treatment at home; only a doctor can perform this type of procedure properly.

After getting the outbreak under control, practice good hygiene to prevent recurrences. Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and prevent gland blockage. Use a mild soap or cleanser that is hypoallergenic. Continue to avoid tight, irritating clothing.

If you notice a problem in the genital area that looks like acne, it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Too often, people refuse to seek help for problems of this nature. If the solutions outlined here do not help, you should speak frankly with your doctor or nurse practitioner.

Next Step: If you suffer from acne there's no reason you have to any longer. People everywhere are curing their acne and doing it fast. Find out all the secrets at:

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