Saturday, June 1, 2013

Acne Scars Remover - Cure Acne Scars With These Four Home Remedies

Acne scars can be a headache. It can ruin your appearance and affect your self-confidence badly. But here is a solution. Here are four remedies to remove acne scars.


It is a known fact that cucumber can reduce swelling. In fact, it has been a practice of putting cucumber slices under the eyes to reduce the swelling. But another property of cucumber is that it can also be sued to minimize the scarring. Make a cucumber paste and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for one night to smooth out the imperfections.

Sandalwood with Rosewater

Rosewater has an exfoliating effect while sandalwood has a soothing effect. You just need to mix a few drops of rosewater with some sandalwood. Apply it to the scar and feel the cooling effect of the mixture.

Egg Whites

Egg whites can be used to reduce the acne scars. With its high protein content, egg whites can promote skin regeneration. Just apply egg white on the scarred area and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, Rinse well with gentle soap and warm water.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another home remedy for acne scars. With its vitamins and minerals content, it can help heal damaged skin. Apply Aloe Vera gel to the skin directly. Leave it there for 15 minutes and rinse it off thoroughly with only water. It will not only fade the scar but will also keep the skin moisturized and smooth. Aloe Vera gel is also effective for burns and infections. The gel can supply the necessary building blocks to allow skin regeneration. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Never allow acne scars to ruin your face. Try these four remedies and see their positive effects for yourself.

Paul De Vizard has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website which reviews and lists Information on all types of Thermal Binding Covers.

Fade Acne Scars Fast - Natural Ways To Get Rid of Acne Marks

Severe acne leaves behind some ugly looking scars that may last a life time. They actually get more prominent as you age. You would do well to get rid of them fast. Fast healing begs for very effective ways to treat them. Acne scars go by the nomenclatures of Hypertrophic and Keloid. It is quite possible that your parents or grandparents had them too, they being most common to all the members of a genus. Both the increase in tissue formation as well as tissue loss can cause scars.

Collagen injection makes the scar disappear fast but it is for your dermatologist to decide if it is apt for you. This treatment is usually repeated every six months or so. And, as time goes by, the scars go away completely and you can stop the treatment. Some other treatments include microdermabrasion and the use of laser. Skin surgery and skin grafting are also fast but could be on the heavier side financially.

Power of water is unbelievable in many applications and it is very much powerful in removing the acne scars fast. Water has the capacity to remove the toxins from the body and hydrate the skin. Water also causes the body to shed the dead cells at a faster rate. The replacement cells are smoother too. If drinking plain water all the time is not a very attractive proposition to you, you can always eat some juicy fruits like from the family of citrus fruits. They, in addition to providing you with water quotient, they give you some very vital vitamins that aid in developing and maintaining a healthy skin.

Aloe Vera is growing in popularity by the day. It is not without reason. Its lotion or liquid form can cleanse the skin to a high degree thereby causing the scars disappear.

Before you waste another dollar on any acne treatment products like I did some months back, I would advise you visit Fade Acne Scars Fast Blog where I shared my experiences battling acne and how I finally got a breakthrough in a short time.

Check it out here

Acne Scars Treatment and Prevention

When you think about acne scars and the treatment available today you might think about laser treatments or some other expensive acne scar removal procedure. While laser treatments do work in most cases, you also have other options for treating and preventing acne scars. It is recommended to seek the help of a professional dermatologist for these suggested ways to clear your skin. The cost savings can be big over laser treatments and may be well worth your time to talk to your doctor about them.

Your dermatologist is your first line of defense in your fight to keep your skin clear and acne free. They deal with cases that range from mild to severe. It is always better to see your doctor soon after you start to get acne rather than later. They can prescribe medicines, both pills and topical ointments, plus give you ways to safely remove blackheads and whiteheads. It is especially helpful to have them guide you with a daily regimen for cleansing and taking care of the excess oil that builds up on your face.

Acne is a disease that is primarily brought on by bacteria that causes an infection to show up on the face or body. You need to continually treat this bacterial build up on a daily basis to keep your skin acne free. Prevention of acne is the best way by far to avoid acne scars. Here are the most common things that your doctor will prescribe for you.

As a guard against internal bacteria build up, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic like tetracycline for you to take on a daily basis. This is normal because it will attack the harmful bacteria in your body and give you more relief from worse breakouts. Just be sure to continue taking these pills on a daily basis as prescribed. The helpful effect of the medicine will diminish fast if you quit taking them.

Another useful prescription that can usually be bought in drugstores over the counter is a solution to apply to your face that contains a 5% mixture of benzoyl peroxide. This does the same thing as the antibiotic only it kills the bacteria that builds up on your face. You also apply this twice daily after you wash your face with a mild cleanser and rinse.

Dermatologists will also instruct you on the safe way to remove blackheads and whiteheads. This can be done using a special pimple tool to safely extract the pus or blackhead. You may have to look around for this instrument, but be sure to ask your dermatologist about how to get one and how to properly use it. After you extract the pus or blackheads you simply apply an astringent to your face to help it heal faster. Alcohol works well for this purpose. This method will allow you to prevent acne scars from forming in the first place. You will help your skin be clear and acne free at a much lower cost than waiting to have to go through laser treatments.

Marc Entz's blog, Acne Skin Solutions gives you important information on how to eliminate acne and stay acne free. Also get related help on acne scars treatment.

Light and Laser Acne Treatments: The Latest in Acne and Acne Scar Removal

Acne Causes

Acne vulgaris typically becomes a problem during adolescence when the body undergoes puberty. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands is one of the many changes that occur because of puberty. This leads to the secretion of excess sebum, a natural oil that, in normal quantities, moistens and protects the skin. If sebum cannot flow smoothly to the skin surface (due to excess production or follicle blockage), the dermis is injured. This damage to the dermis activates an inflammatory response that causes the lesions and redness associated with acne. If the canals have been clogged, this sebum backup also becomes a rich feeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

When acne is severe, the resulting demanding infections drain the natural components and structures of the skin. Areas affected by frequent acne infections develop deficiencies in essential skin components, making it difficult for the body to properly defend itself as well as heal.

Acne, due to the resulting inflammatory and immune response of the body, damages collagen and elastin proteins, severs the microvascular system and further destroys other important skin cells. If this response is not controlled or injury occurs deep within the dermal layer, it can cause scarring.

Acne typically causes two types of scarring. Atrophic scarring refers to those caused by a loss of tissue, appearing as divots or depressions in the skin. Since acne tends to damage and destroy skin components, atrophic scarring is more common than the second type. Although not as common, hypertrophic and keloid scars can also occur due to acne. Keloid and hypertrophic scars are characterized by an excess of connective tissue. This rapidly constructed connective tissue consists mainly of collagen. In both types of scarring, the normal functional tissue (skin) is replaced by connective tissue (scar) to close the wound.

New Acne Treatments

Light Therapy

Light therapy for acne (also known as phototherapy) works to reduce acne by removing the bacteria that causes acne - Propionibacterium acnes. High intensity blue light and pulsed light and head energy (LHE) are the two types of phototherapy currently being used to treat acne. Furthermore, LHE therapy shrinks sebaceous gland size, minimizing the amount of sebum produced.

Laser Acne Treatments

Even though lasers have been used in the medical field for more than 50 years now, they are just now being used for acne skin care. Now, there are two general types of laser acne treatments. One type is targeted at treating acne that kills the bacteria P. acnes and is proving successful in reducing sebum gland size, similar to light therapy. The second therapy is focused on removing the scars caused by it.

Laser skin resurfacing, the latter, eliminates skin layer by layer, effectively removing the topmost portion of scars. This controlled removal of skin also stimulates the body's healing processes and helps replace damaged skin with healthy, functional tissue. Additionally, the heat from the laser also tightens the skin, helping to smooth out scars. The lasers typically used in this type of treatment are the carbon dioxide laser or the Erbium: YAG.

Laser resurfacing works well on shallow scars as well as those that need to be smoothed out or tightened. For this reason, it often follows surgical scar procedures. Together, healing and final results usually take one year and a half.

If you are looking for a natural therapy for acne and scars, you have found your answer. Like light and laser acne treatments, this natural acne treatment kills the acne-causing bacteria P. acnes and controls sebaceous gland activity but it does not stop there. BIO SKIN FORTE's natural ingredients, led by the skin rejuvenating serum of the Helix Aspersa Muller, stops acne bacteria and sebaceous gland hyperactivity, while also removing extra skin, stimulating new skin repair and managing the body's overzealous immune response, making it the best treatment for scars sold. So much more than just a hormonal acne or adult acne treatment, BIO SKIN FORTE is the only natural scar removal cream that successfully stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin to repair that damaged by acne. Solve both problems at the same time.

How To Treat Acne Scars

Acne scars will generally reflect the severity of your acne. More severe acne will mean more severe scars. Acne can often disappear only to leave a discolored or raised mark where it once was, or even small craters in severe cases. This redness often fades in a matter of months or in a year but in some cases these acne scars can be permanent. Luckily, you can take steps to reduce this scarring or even make it disappear.

The Benefits Of Sunscreen

You will probably know that wearing sunscreen protects your skin from sun damage, but it does more than that. Exposure to the sun's harmful rays not only causes further damage to your skin but can prevent previous damage such as acne scars form healing. Scars will take longer to heal with sun exposure, or they may not heal at all.

Wearing sunscreen helps to allow the skin to complete its own natural healing process. You may not have known it, but by skipping the sunscreen and staying out in the sun for hours you have been keeping those scars where they are.

Surgical Options

If your acne scars are serious enough then they can be surgically removed. This may seem counterintuitive because everyone knows that you get scars from surgery. Wouldn't this be a case of trading one scar in for another? Actually, it can improve your skin's appearance. A doctor can remove the acne scar and then suture the skin around it together. This can serve to dramatically reduce the appearance of acne scarring or can remove these acne scars completely.

It is, of course, not the first option I would choose and it certainly isn't the cheapest. But for some it may be the best option, or at least the fastest.

Laser Treatments

The process known as laser resurfacing is another answer to more serious acne scarring, and works much in the same way as microdermabrasion. In this case, lasers are used to remove the top few layers of the skin. Then the skin simply heals as normal, and the scar is totally removed. Of course, the laser process will have to remove enough skin to remove the scars so the depth of skin removed will depend wholly on the severity and depth of the acne scars.

The complete removal of scars sounds wonderful and indeed it is, but this process can be painful. You are, after all, burning off layers of skin on your face. Extreme care will have to be taken after the surgery because the skin will be more vulnerable to damage without the protective top layers of the skin.

Obviously, you will have to avoid the sun during your recuperation, and you may want to avoid public settings in general until your face has had a chance to heal. On the plus side, as long as you do not experience more acne that causes more scars your scars will be gone forever, but it would certainly be best to wait until your acne clears up before using this method of scar removal.

Treating acne scars can be as simple as letting your skin heal itself or can be complicated enough to require surgical procedures or laser treatments. The positive note in all this is that acne scars can be treated. At the very least, they can be improved and you may even be able to remove them entirely.

George Cleanthous suffered from acne for over 10 years. He researched and investigated acne and acne treatments for over 2 years and he now writes a blog on acne causes, acne treatments, acne symptoms, acne medicine, and general information on how to deal with acne. For the most effective research on acne, visit Acne.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Using Different Methods

People who suffer from moderate to severe acne are not solely tortured by their current condition, but also by the worry of having scars left behind. Sometimes, the scars are not that serious and will fade or completely disappear after some time. However, there are stubborn scars that will continue to stay there no matter what you choose to do about it.

A question that many acne sufferers will have is, "Is there anything that I can do to prevent scarring or to treat them once they occur?"

Well, there are definitely ways to prevent or treat scarring. Unfortunately, some scars may be unavoidable and too stubborn to be removed no matter what a person does.

Having said that, most scars may be unsightly initially. However, given time, the scars will usually fade such that it is no longer obvious, even though you may not be able to remove it completely. If there are some stubborn scars around, you may want to consider the following option:

1) Laser treatment

This is usually performed by trained and licensed dermatologists. What happens is that the top layer of the skin is being removed, revealing a smoother and un-scarred skin. It may take a quite a while to heal and may not be effective for all types of scars.

2) Dermabrasion

Just like laser treatment, the top layer of the skin is also removed. The removal of the top layer of skin is done by a rotating instrument. The procedure itself can take quite some time. You may need to wait for 3 weeks for the effects to minimize.

3) Surgery

Plastic surgeries can be another option. How successful it will be depends on the severity, as well as the type of scars.

4) Chemical peels

This is something that can be done in a salon. It is always good to make sure that the person is trained to perform chemical peels. Just like laser treatment and dermabrasion, the top layer of the skin is also removed. However, instead of using an instrument, chemicals are being used instead. How To Treat Acne Naturally?

Learn how to get rid of acne naturally and safely in 3 to 10 days. Get Rid of Pimples

Friday, May 31, 2013

The 6 Best Acne Scar Treatments Revealed

Acne scars don't have to be a problem anymore. Advancements in technology have led to the development of procedures for effectively removing acne scars.

Note that these acne scar removal procedures are different from each other. Be sure to consult your dermatologist on the right procedure for you as well as related costs.

Recommended Acne Scar Treatments

Below are some of the most popular and effective procedures for acne scar removal.


In this procedure, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon uses an electrical device to remove the external layer of the skin. Dead skin cells are removed, resulting in the skin feeling smooth.

Collagen Injection.

This procedure involves the injection of collagen into the skin. A patient has to undergo this procedure several times, particularly every three to six months.

Laser treatment.

This procedure uses laser technology to 'burn away' damaged skin surfaces. A single session of this treatment may be enough to get permanent results.

Autologous fat transfer.

In this procedure, fat is taken from a body part. This fat is injected into the scarred area, particularly under the skin surface, in order to flatten the depressed scars. It takes some time for the body to absorb the transferred fat, which necessitates a patient to undergo more treatment sessions after 6 to 18 months.


In this procedure, aluminum oxide crystals are used to remove the outer layer of the skin. Several sessions of this treatment may be required.

Acnessential -- 4% Niacinamide (Nicotinamide) Topical cream.

If cosmetic procedures are too expensive for you and if you're worried about side effects then try Acnessential. It is an acne scar cream, made from a vitamin b3 derivative, that you can easily apply on the scarred area of your skin. It is affordable, and you are assured of not getting any side effects.

Acnessential is actually for treating acne. At the same time, however, it takes care of your skin, ensuring that your skin is left smooth and clear after the acne is treated.

· It reduces irritation and dryness.

· It treats pimples.

· It removes blemishes.

· It soothes the skin.

· It diminishes acne scars.

Of course the best way of dealing with acne scars is to avoid them in the first place. Millions of acne sufferers around the world never do anything to treat their acne...and as a result end up with scarring that could have been avoided in the first place. Remember that if you are treating acne scars, don't forget to keep any new outbreaks of acne under control.

So there you have it. Six effective acne scar treatments to choose from. Select the best one that suits your budget and your own unique situation.

Richard Hargreaves is a former MR AUSTRALIA and publisher of On his website he provides a FREE 70 page Acne Skincare Treatment eBook and information on Acne Scar Removal and Acne Scar Creams.

Getting Rid of Scarring Acne

Every person at some time in their life has had an experience with acne. Depending on how severe and at what point in your life it may have caused low self esteem. Some severe cases of acne may have even caused scarring areas. Do you want to know how to prevent this from happening to you?

Unfortunately for some, the scarring and dark spots left behind remind us of the embarrassing time in our lives. These scarring acne marks are a result of tissue that has been damaged. Tissue, once damaged reacts by repairing itself to protect it from infection. The body will naturally send collagen to the area. In some cases the body will produce too much collagen. This over production of collagen results in fibrous mass with irregular shapes (scarring).

Scarring acne comes in many different shapes. Some of the most common shapes are:

-Depressed scars

-Atrophic macules

-Soft scars

-Ice pick scars

Scars tend to be visible right away during the healing process. For this reason, it is advised to treat the scarring acne before it can form into a problem.

It is recommended to treat the scars immediately for best results. Consult a dermatologist on the best methods for your skin type. There are many treatments that can help your acne scars to diminish. Some treatments include collagen injections, laser treatment, radiotherapy, dermabrasion and chemical peels.

It is important to note that some scars will remain visible even after undergoing treatments. The most popular form of treatments are dermabrasion and laser treatments. There are different types of lasers that are used. Please consult your physician prior to undergoing any treatment.

For fast removals of scarring acne, procedures can be extremely effective. Remember to keep in mind that treatments can be costly. Treatments can also have future implications that can be painful. Remember to avoid scarring acne altogether you should always keep your face clean, eat a well balanced diet and drink water.

Jason Rossi is an expert in the field of acne. For more great FREE acne tips visit Jason at []

How to Clear Acne Effectively

If you need to find out how to clear Acne conditions the chances are you aren't alone. There are over 60 million people in the US alone who suffer from Acne, and let's face it, no one would ever want to keep their Acne.

Each sufferer can typically spend thousands of dollars in their search for the ultimate Acne treatment. If you do the math, you can see why Acne products are a lucrative and hugely successful market. So before you start throwing your money at cosmetic companies, there are a few small things you could try first that don't cost you anything extra.

Firstly, try not to touch your face too much, Acne can be quite irritating and it's all too easy to give in to the urge to touch. We do everything with our hands so it stands to reason there will be a high bacterial content on them, especially if they are unwashed. Touching your face transports bacteria from your hands. As bacteria are the main cause of Acne it is important to keep your bacteria levels down, so resist that urge!

Do not 'Pick and Pop' existing Acne spots. Doing so significantly increases your chances of developing scars, some of which may never heal. Treating Acne scars can be trickier then healing Acne.

Another important step in how to clear Acne is changing your pillow case. Bacteria and dirt from your face can accumulate on your pillow and transfer back to your face at night. Make sure you wash before bed, and change your pillow case regularly.

Tie back your hair or use a headband to keep your fringe or other hair strands away from your face, especially if you use products in your hair. Styling products can irritate the skin and transfer grease to your face. Try not to use these at all, keep your hair clean and use gentle shampoos.

For those who wear make-up, remember to remove it before you go to sleep. Use a deep cleansing gentle make-up remover, such as a hypoallergenic fragrance free cleanser, ensuring you remove all the make-up thoroughly.

If you shave, remember to do so 'with the grain'. This decreases the chance of hairs growing inwards after shaving which blocks skin pores and causes irritation.

Drink enough water, not doing so will dehydrate you, which lowers your immunity and stops the body from being able to properly cleanse itself of toxins that can help cause Acne and are also harmful to your body.

Don't forget to get eight hours of sleep. Not getting enough sleep overworks your body causing stress and fatigue. This lowers your immunity, preventing your body from tackling the bacteria that cause Acne.

And finally, the easiest and simplest method for how to clear acne is to wash your face 2-3 times a day. Any more or less can be counter productive to tackling Acne so make sure you build this into your daily routine.

A final tip is to stop wasting your time and money. It is best to get Acne Treatment Reviews before you start any acne treatment to achieve fast and effective results.

Learn How To Clear Acne by using the right products and treatments.

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Acne Scars

Scarring is an inevitable outcome of significant skin inflammation. The deeper the scars, the longer it takes to completely remove them. Acne scars are caused by either increased tissue formation or loss of tissue. The best possible means for prevention of acne scars can be its early and complete treatment.

The selection of the method for acne scar treatment depends mainly on the morphology of the scar. Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, punch excision, subcision, skin grafting, dermal filler, and chemical peels are the commonly used scar treatment methods.

Dermabrasion involves the cutting down of the normal skin with a power-driven hand piece to make the scar look less pitted. Its use has decreased because of the associated risk of blood-borne diseases with it. Also, it fails as a therapy for all kinds of scars. Microdermabrasion is a new technique which achieves surface skin removal for acne treatment by making use of aluminum oxide crystals passing through a vacuum tube. This option for acne treatment holds the advantage of causing no additional wounds.

The technique of laser resurfacing holds the benefit of being more precise, safer, controlled and less operator dependent than dermabrasion technique. Lasers of various wavelength and intensity may be used depending upon the desired results. The carbon dioxide laser that emits light at a wavelength of 10,600 nanometer (nm) may be used to actually remove the tissue. The laser treatment has the requirement of a local or general anesthetic and potential of causing both bacterial and viral infection. The other disadvantages are its possible inability to remove very-deep scarring and causing further scarring (rare). This procedure cannot be used for hypertrophic and keloid scars.

The punch excision method makes use of a punch tool to excise the scar and thereby remove ice-pick scars. The procedure of subcision makes use of a surgical probe to detach the scar from deeper tissues and thereby elevate a depressed scar.

The method of skin grafting which implants a small piece of skin into the scar site helps treat pitted scar. Dermal fillers, a non-surgical procedure, are a means of supplementing the skin's collagen to help treat scars.

During the chemical peel procedure, the top layers of the skin are treated with a chemical solution, most commonly alpha-hydroxy acids, such as glycolic, salicylic, or lactic acid. Chemical peel solutions help to unblock the pores, open the blackheads and whiteheads, and stimulate dermal regeneration. Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products [].

How To Remove Your Acne Scar

An acne scar, just like any scar, is the unsightly result of a healed wound, or in this case, acne. Depending on the severity of your acne, the scars can be quite difficult to remove. Luckily, there are several procedures you can choose from for removing acne scars.

Types of Acne Scar

First of all, note that there are two types of scars, namely the following.

Hypertropic scars. These scars are thick and discolored. They can be seen above the normal surface of the skin.

Keloid scars. These scars are discolored and can be seen below or at skin level. Just like stretch marks, these scars grow outward from the wound or injury.

Procedures for Removing Acne Scars

Below are the procedures that can be employed for removing acne scars. All of these treatments are proven to be effective. However, ensure that you first consult your dermatologist and that you choose the right treatment.

Topical solutions. These are ointments applied to the scarred area. These aim to hydrate the skin and remove dead skin cells, resulting in rejuvenated skin and diminished scars. 4% niacinamide topical cream, such as Acnessential, has been shown in university studies to effectively fade has the added bonus that it prevents more acne from forming (preventing future scarring).

Silicone sheets. Although it is not known for certain how these work, studies show that they are effective for diminishing and removing acne scars.

Microdermabrasion. This is a procedure where a dermatologist removes the outer layer of the scarred skin. This results in the growth of healthier and more elastic skin, which, in turn, leads to the reduction or elimination of scars.

Chemical peeling. This is a procedure for removing acne scar using solutions of Trichloroacetic Acid, Phenol, and Alphahydroxy acid. The solution removes the outer layers of the damaged skin. In this procedure, the removed damaged skin cells are replaced with new skin cells. This, in effect, results in diminished acne scars.

Laser resurfacing. This procedure is performed by a cosmetic surgeon. In this procedure, a concentrated laser beam targets the area to be treated. The laser energy penetrates the skin and vaporizes water, as well as the top layer of the skin, while leaving the deeper layers untouched. This procedure helps restore the skin's elasticity through the shortening of the collagen fibers contained in the skin layers.

Richard Hargreaves is a former MR AUSTRALIA and publisher of On his website he provides a FREE 70 page Acne Blemish Treatments eBook and information on the best acne scar treatments to remove acne scar.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatments Ideal for Removing Acne Scars?

Do you always get what you pay for when it comes to skin care? Let's hope not. While cutting-edge lasers have proven themselves effective at removing acne scars, the premium price for laser treatments may not appeal to everyone. Happily, another more economical option for correcting facial scarring includes intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments.

Intense pulse light treatments are typically more affordable than laser treatments for cosmetics corrections because the machines usually cost less than lasers. Moreover, unlike most lasers treatments- that are typically exclusively performed by physicians- estheticians can perform IPL facials, which brings the price down substantially.

Several medical journals have published reports on the effectiveness of IPL treatments for treating scars. For instance, a study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology examined how well IPL improved raised, inflamed and small scars and concluded that this method did show definite improvements in scarred skin.

Similarly, the Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy featured a study that reviewed how well IPL treatments promote new collagen growth. New collagen growth is essential for filling acne scar indentations and smoothing damaged skin.

Five volunteers took part in the study. First, researchers took samples from the patient's skin in order to measure changes in the skin's collagen levels. Next, each of the participants received four IPL sessions. Once the volunteers completed a series of IPL treatments, examiners took another skin sample from each subject.

After reviewing the before and after skin samples, every patient showed evidence of new collagen growth.

Since IPL treatments can help correct acne scarring, the next question is how long will the skin retain the improvements delivered by this type of phototherapy. An investigation that appeared in Dermatologic Surgery and that spanned five years answered this question.

In the study, eighty patients of various skin tones received IPL treatments to combat the signs of aging. Investigators took photos of the participants and measured the patients self-perceived improvements in skin texture and hypopigmentation after the IPL treatments. The volunteers had received an average of three IPL treatments.

Four years after the treatments, 83% of the participants could still see an improvement in skin smoothness while 79% were witnessed an improvement in hyperpigmentation clearing.

While studies suggest that IPL treatments can prove ideal for acne scarring, there are several factors to consider before opting for an IPL treatment to correct scars. The first is, how many treatments will you need to get the results you desire. In most studies, patients only received three IPL sessions to correct skin imperfections and skin discolorations.

Before your IPL treatment, explain to your physician or esthetician how you expect your skin to look after the IPL treatments. This way, you will get realistic numbers for how many treatments you will need and what improvements you can expect to see with your acne scars after you complete the IPL sessions.


Cartier, H. Use of intense pulsed light in the treatment of scars. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology; January 2005, vol 4, no 1, pp. 34-40.

Goldberg, David J. New collagen formation after dermal remodeling with an intense pulsed light source. Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy; June 2000, vol 2, no 2, pp 59-61.

Robert A. Weiss, Margaret A. Weiss, Karen L. Beasley. Rejuvenation of photoaged skin: 5 Years results with intense pulsed light of the face, neck, and chest. Dermatologic Surgery; December 2002, vol 28, no 12, pp 1115-1119.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars [] on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring [] can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Existing With Chronic Cystic Acne

The care and treatment of acne is a huge business, this can be frustrating for people who suffer from severe chronic cystic acne. The cure that might work for the average person may not work for an individual with chronic cystic acne. Physiological acne scars run much deeper than the surface of the skin. Chronic acne tends to batters your self-esteem and greatly alters the way other people respond to you.

Acne care for people with mild to moderate acne is not usually a terrible enigma. Acne care for people with cystic acne, which is considered the worst type of acne, can be very difficult at times. For individuals that develop acne lesions consistently or have lesions that do not go away, over-the-counter acne medications for the most part, have little effect. The help of a dermatologist is required usually, in this type of acne event.

Dermatologists have a wide variety of acne care options to control cystic acne and some to even remove acne scars. The options selected by a dermatologist will depend on how oily your skin is your complexion, the severity of your acne. Oral medications are the common type of treatment prescribed for severe acne, but these medications can be very harsh and have undesirable side effects. You should always inquire to the side effects and possible alternatives if a dermatologist does suggest an oral acne medication.

Lasers are becoming another commonly prescribed treatment for severe acne care. Lasers, when used properly, are able to remove acne scars. However, an inexperienced laser operator can cause permanent scarring of your skin.

There are two types of lasers commonly used to treat acne. They are called ablative and non-ablative lasers. The oldest type of laser and the most potentially dangerous is called an Ablative laser. Both types of lasers shrink the oil gland, slowing oil production and reducing the frequency of acne breakouts. Ablative lasers tend to destroy the outermost layer of your skin. The area treated by ablative lasers is generally very red, sensitive, and painful. At least until the skin fully heals. Because the scar tissue is already destroyed, the skin that grows in its place will lack acne scars or wrinkles.

Non-ablative lasers do not harm the outer layer of skin. These lasers get rid of acne scars by stimulating the growth of collagen. The gentler non-ablative lasers, usually require multiple treatments, while ablative lasers which can do far more skin damage require only a single treatment.

In conclusion:

If chronic cystic acne cannot be kept under control, a dermatologist is the best option you have. Acne care for severe acne can be extremely difficult, the risk of acne scarring raises the stakes as well. It is far easier and more cost effective to deal with severe acne early on, rather than trying to repair acne scarring later.

© 2007 George Brandt. All rights reserved.

George Brandt is a successful webmaster, online marketer, and enjoys a profitable freelance writing career, frequently using video to pre-qualify prospective buyers, like to learn more? For Easy Acne Treatment Ideas visit acne resource tool

An Affordable Alternative to Silicone Scar Treatments

Silicone has fast become the starchild of scar removal products. Silcone is made from the combining of oxygen and silcon atoms. This ingredient retains moisture and creates a protective barrier. The Food and Drug Administration has approved silicone in over-the-counter drugs as an antimicrobial, antifungal, pain relieving and skin protecting ingredient.

Notwithstanding, many OTC scar treatments contain 5% silicone as the "active ingredient". The problem with these OTC drugs is that a mere half ounce of this treatment can cost between $20 to $35US.

Other forms of silicone include common cosmetic ingredients like cyclomethicone. Cyclomethicone is used in high concentrations in hair care products like hair glossers and frizz reducing serums. But unlike pricey vials of scar serum, hair glossers may cost a reasonable $0.50 to $2.00 per ounce.

Alternative silicones at a reasonable price

Products that contain high amounts of silicones include hair glossers made by Proclaim, ic (Inter Cellular) and John Freida. What's more, almost every hair care product manufacturer has released a generic frizz reducing gloss whose primary ingredient is a member of the silicone family.

These products are easy to spot because the ingredients list will start with items like cyclomethicone or dimethicone. Most silicone derived ingredients will have the "one" ending.

How to get the most from silicone as a scar removing agent

While silicone is a superb skin protectant, some scientists have contested it's claim to fame as a scar removing agent. Bad results from using a silicone based product to reduce the appearance of scars most likely comes from using silicone in unproven ways.

For example, most silicone studies are done on new wounds or recent burns. In other instances, the silicone is used beneath band-aids. So, if you want to use silicone on a two, four or five year old scar, you probably will not like the results because your scar is hidden from the silicone by layers of dead skin cells.

How silicone reduces the appearance of scars

Here's the issue- wounded skin, burned skin and band-aids allow silicone to better penetrate and moisturize the skin. In fact, one theory goes that silicone is an ideal scar reducer simply because it "hyper-moisturizes" the skin.

Using hair glossers for scar removal

So, if you are going to use a silicone-family based hair glosser to treat your scars, here's how to do it right.

For scars on the face

1. Cleanse your face

2. Smooth a glycolic acid toner over your skin. You can find such toners in drug stores now for less than $8US. This step is key because the glycolic acid will mildly "burn" the upper layers of the skin. This step will allow the silicone to better penetrate the skin, hyper-moisturize it and thus diminish the appearance of the scar(s).

3. Apply an almond-sized amount of silicone to your entire face. Reapply the silicon-based moisturizer twice daily. Ideally, you would use a facial mist on your skin before applying the silicone to boost the moisture level of your skin.

4. Repeat steps one through three twice daily, once in the morning and once at night to reduce the scar's appearance.

Silicon-based hair glossers typically will not leave you skin oily or clog your pores. In fact, the hair glosser should be so readily absorbed by your skin that with within 15 minutes of application, there are no visible traces of the moisturizer.

For scars on the body

1. Repeat steps one and two from above. Use the glycolic toner only on the scar.

2. Apply the hair glosser to the entire scar.

3. Now place a band-aid over the scar.

4. Repeat steps one through three daily until the scar has diminished to your liking.

You can also use hair glossers as a therapeutic moisturizer to significantly reduce your skin's healing time after deep facial peels and improve the overall cosmetic results of the treatment.

Naweko San-Joyz helps people look better. You can get started by using her natural beauty recipes [] located at []

Laser Skin Resurfacing - When Acne Scars Need that Extra Push

Most people suffer from acne at some point in their lives, and it's no secret that the experience can be fairly miserable. Recent advances in research have led to a whole new slew of skin care products to help clear skin up...but what about the scars left behind? There are a number of over-the-counter products aimed at reducing the appearance of acne scars, including ingredients like silicone, cortisone, vitamin A and vitamin C. These products have great results helping both minor hypertrophic and slightly depressed scars, but sometimes a stronger method of treatment is needed to get the desired effect. This is when laser skin resurfacing may become a consideration.

Laser skin resurfacing uses a beam of laser energy to remove the top few layers of skin, taking away the damaged skin so that new and healthy skin can replace it. There are several advantages that laser resurfacing may have over other types of superficial scar treatment. First, this treatment is quite quick, and can often be performed in a surgeon's or dermatologist's office. It's also been reported that there are fewer scars and less bleeding and bruising than experienced with chemical peels and dermabrasion. Generally speaking, with laser resurfacing only local anesthesia is required, although treatment of larger areas of the face may require intravenous sedation. Finally, many doctors claim that lasers allow much greater precision in the number of skin layers removed in the treatment, especially since the physician can observe the effects on acne scars as the treatment progresses.

This said, laser skin resurfacing might not be the best form of acne scar treatment for everyone. It is recommended primarily for those with fair complexions whose skin doesn't have a tendency towards allergic rashes. Those with darker skin tones, or who tan easily may experience discolouration or markings on the treated areas. Also, while the recovery time is much shorter than for other procedures, healing isn't instantaneous. Patients report weeping of their skin for a few days after laser resurfacing, an expected reaction as collagen forms to rebuild the skin layers. Following a few days of weeping, the skin frequently crusts over, and needs to be kept moist in order to protect the recovering skin. New skin should cover the treated area soon after, and redness should have faded significantly within a month or so, but it has been reported that some patients have had to wait up to 12 or even 18 months before their skin has finally improved to its full potential.

There are several different types of lasers used for skin resurfacing, and each with their own results. Ultra pulsed CO2 lasers can have the most dramatic effects of the group, removing the top layer of skin but also tightening and smoothing the lower skin layers through stimulating collagen production. This means that even deep acne scars can be reduced with this laser. The CO2 lasers, while highly effective, are also associated with the highest level of discomfort during the procedure and the most persistent redness afterwards. The Erbium Yag laser is thought to be a more moderate acne scar treatment than the CO2 laser. Its energy wavelength can be absorbed by water in the cells, which minimizes the heat damage to surrounding skin. Since it is more gentle, it can be less effective on acne scars than the CO2 laser, but patients seem to report a much quicker recovery time and less overall redness in the first few weeks after treatment. Finally, non-ablative lasers are one of the least invasive skin resurfacing treatments for acne scars. They stimulate collagen growth under the skin without removing the top layer of skin, so that there is almost no recovery time at all. The down side to non-ablative lasers is that the effects are only minimal for severe acne scarring.

These are only a few of the more common methods of laser skin resurfacing, so it's well worth your time to do the extra research. Some lasers are intended for specific types of acne scars (either hypertrophic or depressed scars), so you'll want to be sure that you're pursuing the right course of treatment for your skin. A dermatologist could easily advise you on this. Furthermore, laser skin resurfacing isn't a non-invasive process, so the amount of time you're willing to spend recovering from the procedure may also play a role in deciding the treatment type best suited for you. Acne itself can be quite a traumatic experience, and the scars left behind may be just as devastating. If over-the-counter acne scar treatments haven't had the effect you're looking for, talk to your dermatologist for information about more serious scar treatment methods, including laser skin resurfacing.

Author C. L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that?s not the case! You'll find much more information on this topic at the author's website

How to Finally Get Rid of Acne Scars Once and For All - Best Acne Scar Treatments For Adults

As the number of adults with acne continues to increase, it's logical for people to seek ways to improve their appearance by removing the embarrassing scars acne leaves as it's calling card. The scarring left behind by acne causes great dismay, but there are solutions. This article briefly looks at the best acne scar treatments so you can determine which makes the most sense for you.

The most effective approach depends on the type of scarring you have (boxcar, ice pick or rolling acne scars), it's severity and how sensitive your skin is to the treatments.

Let's look at the top 4 treatments for getting rid of stubborn acne scars.

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure offered in day spas and by dermatologists. The procedure uses a special tool that blasts a focuses stream of very fine particles that lightly abrades the skin to remove dead skin cells. The process requires no anesthetic and is not particularly painful. Microdermabrasion is best used to for removal when the scarring is raised above the skin's surface. This method may have to be repeated to be effective.

Chemical peels use a chemical solution, usually, trichloroacetic acid, phenol and alpha-hydroxy acid, applied to the skin. The solution reacts with the skin over several days and causes it to blister and peel. Fresh, new skin takes the place of the chemically exfoliated layer. The end result is a reduction of the way scars and blemishes appear. Peels are best used if you have superficial scarring. Dermatologist recommend that pregnant or breastfeeding women not use this approach to treat acne.

Laser treatments focus a powerful pinpoint of intense energy on acne eruptions. The laser literally vaporizes the acne without severely damaging surrounding skin. New skin can grow in it's place. Most adult acne sufferers require multiple laser treatments to fully handle their acne condition. After the procedure, you may experience very sensitive, tender skin for several weeks. Lasering should only be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. If you have a history of very sensitive skin, laser treatments may not be right for you. Check with your doctor.

Dermabrasion uses a rapidly spinning burr made with a rough edged diamond wheel or a wire brush to remove the upper layers of skin. It requires anesthesia, requires a fairly long recovery time and must be performed by a plastic surgeon in a sterile environment because of the risk of infection. Dermabrasion reaches deeper layers of skin than microdermabrasion, chemical peels or acne laser treatments and is best used for deeper scars.

Acne is the number one skin problem in America. With more adults seeking a permanent solution to acne, it's no wonder is becoming so popular. Discover today's top adult acne remedies and learn how to cure for acne in adults. Visit there today.

Everything You Need to Know About Acne Scars

Acne scars are actually results of our body's responses to our acne problem. When we struggle to remove this material in our body, the end result is scarring. It is a result of a wound produced by acne and most of the times it leaves us with nothing but loss of self-esteem and other psychological problems.

Several questions you need to consider when you have acne scars are: What are the types of acne scars? How could you prevent acne scars? How could the scars be removed?

Types of acne scars

Knowing the type of acne scar leads you to the right treatment for the blemish. It is best to identify which of the four common types of acne scars you have. The type includes:

· Ice pick. This is characterized by deep scars on the surface and the most common among the types of acne scars.

· Rolling. These scars create a large ripple appearance usually compared to that of a wave. The surface of the skin becomes wide though shallow.

· Boxcar. These scars are usually found on the cheek and is characterized by well-defined angles and edges. They are compared to scars left by chicken pox.

· Keloids. These are scars caused by overgrowth in the skin tissues and are found beyond the wound. It is itchy and rubbery and oftentimes they appear larger than the original scar.

Preventing acne scars

Preventing acne scars is like killing a germ from its source. It should be done once you experience having acne on the face. Some of the things to be considered in acne scar prevention are:

· Treat acne immediately. Once you get to have acne on the face, you must consider getting treatment at once. This will help you ease the burden of having skin blemishes.

· Stop squeezing your pimples. Do not make it a habit that every time a pimple appears on your skin, you pick or pinch the pimple until the pus comes out. That would only aggravate your situation and will definitely lead to scarring.

· Choose the products you use. Go for mild and gentle skin products that would not cause any irritation on the skin. The products you use affects the end-result of acne.

Removal of acne scars

Removal of acne scars may take some treatments both natural and dermatological. Results may vary for both treatments but you would appreciate taking some help. Some of the recommended methods to remove scars are:

· Skin regeneration. Rehabilitation of the skin inflicted with acne scars may be done by means of non-ablative laser treatments. This kind of acne scar removal are highly effective and does not cause many risks as compared to ablative treatments.

· Topical treatments. This is used in order to improve the skin texture while removing some of the superficial layers of the skin. Examples of topical treatments include Retin-A, AHA and glycolic acids.

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How You Can Achieve Acne Control By Cleansing Your Skin

In the worlds of so many adolescents and young adults there is a deep fear of being afflicted by the dreaded skin condition called acne. So many teenagers who have no pimples on their faces fear that they may prop up due to its popularity on more than 85% of teenagers and young adults.

If you are afflicted with acne, it may seem that the amount of pimples on your face increases at the wrong times. My examples are like two days before my school's annual dinner where my face got covered with pimples, a day before a date and two days before the presentation of my year project. I guess by now you know that this annoying skin problem shows no mercy or respect to anyone. It does not matter who you are or how healthy you may think you are, pimples (zits) can appear on your face at any time. Instead of following your natural instinct of "popping" the pus-filled acne pimple, which could cause severe acne scarring, you can do something else to avoid its occurrence, which is proper acne control.

The most annoying thing about acne is that although the main causes of acne has to do with hormonal and chemical imbalances in the body, there are about a dozen factors that could worsen your acne situation. A pimple is formed when there is an inflammation in the hair pore, which is caused by a blockage that prevents oil (commonly know as sebum) from reaching the skin surface.

A few of the factors that worsen your acne problem include:

Your biological history
Side effects from the use of some drugs
Picking at or squeezing at the pimples
Scrubbing your skin harshly
Cosmetic products that are oil based
Stress, illness or exhaustion
Heat and moisture
Inappropriate diet
In women pregnancy, menstruation and menopause .

It may seem quite depressing to know this skin problem could be worsened by so many factors. But not to worry, there are a number of things that could help you in your fight against those "monsters". As you already know by now, the hair pores are where these lesions start from, so the first step in achieving acne control is ensuring that your hair pores are kept clean.

How does cleansing the Skin result in Acne Control?

As you must have been taught in biology class that the skin is the largest organ of your body. It is also the outermost layer of the body and it is your body's protection against a number of elements. The skin covers almost 19 square feet, which is quite enough room to become dirty with the amount of pollution around us. Your face which is usually the major area of the skin that most concerns all of us is more prone to acne. This definitely means that you should take better care of your face by ensuring it is clean, smooth and acne free. One way of doing that is ensuring that you stick to a good skin regimen.

The only skin regimen that ensures that your acne is kept well under control includes the following steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Following these three skin care steps are guaranteed to result in an improvement in your skin condition and ensures you have a smoother skin texture. If you are serious about achieving acne control then you should consider doing this skin regimen twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Follow these Skin Care Guide to Ensure Proper Cleansing

1. Always remove your makeup before you wash your face.

When your face is completely wet cleansers work better and are more helpful in clearing up your pores. Most oily make ups prevent water and cleansers from forming a good lather. Try rubbing cotton balls soaked in baby oil or makeup remover softly on your face.

2. Only use lukewarm water or room-temperature water in washing your face.

Do not wash your face with water that is either to hot or too cold. Using hot water or ice cold water in washing your face can dry out your skin and worsen your acne condition.

3. Only use a quality anti-acne cleanser that is suitable for your particular skin type.

If your have oily skin, then you should try a cleanser that is specially formulated for that skin type. While if your skin is very sensitive then you should go for a cleanser that is mild. A very good cleanser that is suitable for any skin type is the deep cleansing facial and body wash included in the Clear pores acne system.

4. Rub a little quantity of cleanser on your face.

In view of the fact that most cleansers are strong, applying too much can dry your skin out. Mixture with water makes it ingredients active and allows it to be spread uniformly on your face.

Always endeavor to use a quality cleanser on your face. Cleansers like those of the Clear pores and the Healthy pores acne systems have antibacterial agents that scrub your skin removing dirt and dead cells. Also the ingredients contained in these cleansers penetrate deep in your skin and improves your complexion. When using cleansers you should avoid scrubbing your face hard, the cleansers should do the scrubbing for you.

5. Rinse your face totally and dry with a non-abrasive towel

After massaging your face with the cleanser, you should rinse your face with warm running water thoroughly. Always wash every trace of the cleanser from your skin so that your pores do not become blocked as result of the residue cleanser. Use a soft, clean towel to dry your face. Do not rub the towel on your face instead pat your face till it dries.

A quality skin care system like the clear pores acne system contains a special toner and moisturizer to guarantee you complete acne control. When opting for a toner and a moisturizer, you should go for ones that match your skin type and the cleanser you use. Skin care systems like clear pores and healthy pores give you no problems when it comes to compatibility.

You now know how to properly cleanse your face and you also know of skin care products to ensure total acne control, definitely you now have one less thing to worry about when it comes to being beautiful - having a lovely skin.

For more information, tips and reviews on how you can achieve total acne control, visit adult acne treatment Now!

Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his. Visit his blog where he discusses more on the monster called "Acne".

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Acne Treatmet - How Acne Scars Form?

Acne leaves scars like any other injury to the skin. Severe cystic and nodular acne always leaves a scar while in some people mild inflamed acne also leaves scars. The scarring depends upon the individual's response to an injury. As we age, these scars become more visible because of loss of collagen in the skin. Scars look ugly and need to be prevented and treated. Let us find out more about acne scars.

When acne resolves, a dark spot forms on the skin. Most often it is PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation). This dark color of skin is the result of natural body repair. PIH fades away in about a year. If PIH does not resolve during that period, you may have an acne scar that will need treatment.

Raised acne scars-

Acne scars can be either depressed or raised. Raised acne scars are formed in those people who develop keloids. Keloid is a growth of tissues at the site of injury. It is not easy to remove keloids by surgery. That may result into more new keloids. Keloids are treated differently.

Depressed acne scars-

Luckily the majority gets depressed acne scars. The depressed acne scars form as a result of loss of tissue at the acne site. The tissue is lost when the acne spreads inside the skin. Some collagen is lost in this process. After acne heals, the depression remains and new skin grows over the depression. That is a depressed acne scar.

These depressed acne scars may be classified into - ice pick, boxcar or rolling scars. Such acne scars do not fade away with time. Depressed acne scars are removed with surgical and physical procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, surgery, soft tissue filling, laser, etc. Some topical formulations are also available that reduce the intensity of acne scar and lighten it.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about skin care to make your skin blemish-free and young, please visit- doctorgoodskin. To learn all about how to treat your acne, visit Acne Treatment The author C.D.Mohatta also consults with myspace websites. If you are a myspace user or user of other social network websites, please click here for- Myspace Comments such as Compliments, Cool Comments, Cute Comments, Flirty Comments, Funky Comments, Funny Comments, Hot Comments, Love Comments,Picture Comments, Profile Comments, Sexy Comments, Sweet Comments and Thanks For The Add comments.

Managing Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars With Silicone Sheets

A scar is simply where the skin has had to heal after being injured in particular way. The skin cannot heal back to its original state and therefore creates fibrous tissue in the place of the wound. As a result of this, a scar forms. Scar treatment is often called for.

There are many ways that people can get scarred. Some scarring always happens from certain surgery, such as with breast cancer surgery. Acne can cause the face and other parts of the body to be scarred. Different types of injuries can also create scarring on the skin.

When a hypertrophic scar forms, it stays within the immediate area of the wound. These scars can be treated with a variety of treatments successfully. Keloid scars on the other hand spread past the area and often have a tumor-like appearance. Keloid scars can become so severe that surgery is merited.

There are types of scar treatment available today from rubbing creams and oils on these scars to having surgery done on them. Some of the creams and oils work well and some don't do the job at all. Scars are seldom removed completely even through plastic surgery; their appearance can be minimized, though.

Laser treatments are often done on scars today. This does have certain side effects though. The skin will stay red for several days following treatment. Women can hide this redness through using makeup, but men can't so this might be an issue.

One of the best treatments today is the use of silicone sheets on the scars. Wearing a sheet of silicone over a scar stimulates the skin to heal itself, therefore the scar's appearance is not as pronounced. This usually takes several weeks to accomplish maximum results. This scar treatment can be used on scars that are old too. The older scars can be successfully minimized.

The regimen is usually to start out wearing the silicone sheets for about 30 minutes a day. Then the person should gradually increases the length the sheet is worn until they are wearing it all day. The sheets are worn until the maximum results are reached. At that time, the scar will be minimized as much as it can be. The silicone sheets produce amazing results on most scars.

The silicone sheets usually have to have some tape applied over them to allow them to be secure on the skin. They should only be worn during the day; the skin should be allowed to breathe at night. These sheets can work on hypertrophic and keloid scars both. The best results will be seen on the hypertrophic scars though.

If one suffers from scarring of any kind, they should try these silicone sheets first before other kinds of treatments. They may find that no other kind of scar treatment is necessary. It would be better than having to have surgery done on the scars. Most people are very satisfied after using the sheets of silicone to remove or minimize their scars.

If you, or someone you know has a Hypertrophic Scar or a Keloid Scar, there are solutions to removing the scar. For more information about Scar Removal, visit The leading authority on Scar Treatment.

What Are the Various Ways to Treat Acne Scars?

There are great treatments to get rid of acne scars. The definition of acne states that it is a 'localized skin inflammation as a result of over activity of the oil glands at the base of hair follicles'. Having acne can produce a variety of scars. For instance, there are reddish, flat marks that are the final stage of a breakout called macules. Another type of scar are Ice pick scars, which are deep, narrow marks. The case of boxcar scars is a little bit different because even though they are also depressed scars, they are wider than an ice pick scar. Hypertrophic scars are the result of an over production of collagen due to a lesion, and they can also be developed when there is acne. Nonetheless, there are procedures and tips that you can take into consideration to eliminate those unwanted scars.

Our Treatment Tips

The first suggestion that we have for you to eliminate scars is to keep your acne under control. Although you might feel like this doesn't really help you get rid of scars, it does, because you might be doing treatment to erase scars but might be developing new ones because you are not keeping acne under control. It is essential that you find the best acne treatment for you in order to prevent new breakouts. Also, keep in mind that there are treatments that are not recommended if you still have breakouts, like microdermabrasion, since they can cause a worse scar if it comes in contact with a fresh breakout. A tip to maintain acne controlled is to drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated while also helping your body to get rid of toxins. Also, find a cleanser that suits your skin. This helps your pores stay unclogged, which is a wonderful way to prevent new breakouts. If you have an acne formation already and are already getting a scar, try to stay away from the sun, because doing so could make your scar darker. Under no circumstance you should pop a breakout. If you do, you will most likely develop a scar. And also, if you already have a breakout and it gets infected, be sure to treat the wound carefully.

Using vitamin E within an acne scar removal cream is a treatment that a lot of people are doing. Certain investigations have shown that using Vitamin E can reduce and even erase acne scars. You can use vitamin E applying its oil on your scars and massaging the oil into your skin as you would with a moisturizing cream. What some people also do is to open a vitamin E gel caplet and apply the gel on the affected area. Of course, taking it orally also helps, though the process can be slower.

Using microdermabrasion can be a great assistant in getting rid of scars. Microdermabrasion can be defined as a 'procedure where tiny particles "sand" or "polish" the skin and gradually remove scarred or discolored epidermal tissue'. Please, keep in mind that this treatment cannot be used if you still have acne breakouts. Otherwise, it can make scars even worse because you would be making the wound of the breakout even worse. If your case of scars is minor, then a home microdermabrasion could, in time, help you get rid of them. Keep in mind that there is no procedure that will work overnight to remove acne scars, at least the ones that do not harm your skin. If your skin is badly scarred, there are spas that offer this type of treatment. Again, be sure to ask for a recommendation from your dermatologist.

Acne scars have many different tips to them as to how to best remove them, but the right acne scar cream is harder to pin down. The skin care cream BIOSKINCARE is the solution to this problem. It is an acne scar tissue removal cream that regenerates the skin by way of its ingredient snail serum.

Microdermabrasion - The Best Treatment For Acne Scars

Both men and women suffer from daily discomfort and distressing remembrance of acne usually sustained during teenage years. Medical treatment such as topical ointments, vitamins and oral medications are abound in the market today. Although some potent oral medications and topical ointments prove to alleviate small and recent wounds due to acne, the search for a more effective means to remove old scars is more challenging.

Some go for laser treatment such as diode laser or blue light therapy. Laser and light-based therapies reach the deeper layers of skin, helping improve the skin's texture and lessening the appearance of scars. Laser therapies were concerned effective to some, the damage it brings to the skin's sebaceous glands resulting for drier skin and ultimately results to premature wrinkles. Moreover, laser therapy can be very costly and is thus unattainable for many acne sufferers.

Microdermabrasion is now becoming a very popular and effective method of treating acne scars. It is alot less expensive than laser treatments and delivers successful non-invasive treatment for scars due to acne. Microdermabrasion, with the use of a wand which blows microscopic crystals or even diamonds to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin and evens the skin surface. After the gentle abrasion, all the dead skin cells and dirt which clogged the pores and one of the major causes of acne will be vacuumed with the use of a suction. To achieve more supple. smoother and renewed skin, vitamin enriched emulsions is used. Skin lightening and diminishing dark pigmentation is also achieved in microdermabrasion treatment.

Depending on the microdermabrasion machine used by the dermatologist or licensed aesthetician, the process and combination of treatment can vary. Most acne scars are treated 3-4 sessions for optimal results. Although there are home microdermabrasion machines in the market today, a commercial duty microdermabrasion machine used in clinics will deliver more powerful dermabrasion and suction. Some of clinical microdermabrasion machines are equipped with multi-function uses like ultrasound and skin scrubber.

Among the two technologies, Diamond Microdermabrasion machine has become the more prevalent and preferred treatment. The crystal type leaves a crystal residue that can become irritating, and can even get in the clients eyes, nose and mouth. Used as a main treatment for facials which results to a much younger, smoother and healthier look, microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion not only alleviates wrinkles and scars, it also removes dirt, dark pigmentation, dead skin cells and it also improves circulation of the blood and strengthens skin tissue metabolism. Microdermabrasion has become a very popular treatment for treating acne scars and a variety of skin problems. Diamond microdermabrasion seems to be superior in many ways to other microdermabrasion systems.

Say Goodbye to Acne Scars, Forever

Say goodbye to the old acne scar treatments that does nothing but make one's skin ultra-sensitive to sunlight, dry, flaky, red and even burnt. There is now hope to those who spent years hiding or covering up unwanted scars caused by acne, and constantly praying for the ultimate acne scar solution to be finally discovered. The constant development of newer technologies paved way to fusing laser technology into dermatological treatments. And now, the laser acne scar removal techniques are without doubt, the best and most accurate compared to all other dermatological procedures and acne treatments of today.

Though more expensive than other procedures and products combined, the effectiveness of laser as well as its advantages over other treatment forms is outstanding. Not only it removes the topmost skin layer to somewhat sand out the surface and make deep scars appear less deep, but it also stimulates collagen growth on the damaged area. With both, uneven skin surfaces due to lesions would even out and skin would appear even smoother, tighter and healthier looking. Most lasers of today do not have downtime and patients could resume normal activities right after each session. For certain kinds of lasers though, those required for deeper lesions, there is slight discomfort during treatment and extra caution should be observed for a few days. There could be downtimes too, seldomly, but never anything like you get from exfoliants that burns one's skin to death and there is no other choice but hide, not just from direct sunlight, but from other people as well until all the irritation, and maybe infection, would heal.

Since topmost skin is vaporized and deeper surfaces are penetrated by controlled laser beams, the procedure is still considered invasive. CO2 and YAG lasers are the two most commonly used in treating acne scars. Both have varying claims as to which is more effective, but has been found that erbium works best for finer lines and scarring while CO2 is widely used in eliminating deeper lesions. Results may not be instant, yet obvious changes are noticeable a few days after the first session. As treatment will run for a few months since healing time is observed in between, progress is noted time after time and most doctors take snapshots of affected areas every visit. In a year's time, or much less, and after completing the required number of sessions, expected results are achieved.

Many people who have been scarred most of their lives desire to enjoy flawless, beautiful, healthy skin needless to be hidden from view, but more a source of confidence and even attractiveness.

The laser acne scar removal is sure a blessing for those who have hoped for this brilliant solution all their lives. The thousands of laser acne scar removal before and after photos are the living proofs of the many who have had newfound beautiful skin, newfound confidence and lives even.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Acne Scar Treatment - All Possible Acne Scar Treatments

Acne scar treatment may be natural as well as surgical and non-surgical. But if your scars have come to a bad shape, it's better to opt one of the following.


Dermabrasion is a process that involves sanding or abrasion to remove scars. The skins that get damaged owing to sun, dark spots and lessen marks of scars get removed with this cosmetic medical procedure. It's a very painful method of acne scar treatment and requires general anesthetic or twilight anesthesia.


Microdermabrasion is again based upon dermabrasion, yet it is gentle and more of a natural therapy that involves exfoliation, that is a lesser invasive technology on the skin. Microdermabrasion's aim is to eliminate epidermis, which nothing else but a thin layer over the skin which is actually superficial.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is comparatively expensive method of acne scar treatment. It uses microscopic pulses of light to wound the skin. Over the microthermal wounds, the skin regenerates, softening the scars. The lasers that are used for this purpose are Fraxel Laser, Pixel Laser and Affirm Laser.

Laser therapy is preferred by many owing to its fast treatment time and recovery period as compared to its counterparts.

Chemical therapy

The texture of the facial skin gets improved and smoothed using chemical therapy. It involves chemical solution enabling the skin to blister and later the skin peels off. Indeed the skin that is regenerated is smooth than the older one.

Surgical therapy

Subcision is a surgical therapy that results in ceasing deep scars and is done as the last option. It separates the skin tissues that have got affected with acne from rest of the tissues first thereby giving the blood a passage to pool under the area that is unaffected. Slowly, the unleveled scars get to the level of the original skin. Now that the skin has got back its level and correct shape, any other treatment may be used to smooth the scars.

Acne treatments are many and hence you get confused? Get to know which Acne Scar Treatment is best for you.
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Skin Treatment For Scars Review

The skin is one of the biggest organs of our body just like our liver, kidneys and so on. The majority think more or less the skin as simply a cover for the body and do not have a tendency to link it with the rest of the system. As with all the other organs in our body, the skin has a number of highly specialised routines to meet. While there could be conditions in which the skin is particularly concerned, it plays its part in every type of illness.

The skin is the truly protective layer and is thicker in parts where protection is most required, for example on the undersides of the feet. Our skin being one o the most important organs of the body, depends for its health on our full internal system running good. However, to try to realize the true function of the skin and so take care of it, we must acknowledge the indisputable fact that it is nearly related to the nutrition of the complete body. It is obviously clear, that the maintenance of a good skin is firmly and highly limited on the dieting habits of an individual. If we don't eat a nutritious diet and our diet is terribly lop sided, then this may lead to issues that may be shown on our skin.

Avoid processed sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. A couple of times a week you must also use an exfoliator to little by little remove battered skin and unplug pores. Also be aware that your skin has strong systems that remove scars and blemishes. In children, these systems work well and skin scars and blemishes are quickly remove. But as we age, the ability of the skin to get rid of damage lessens and skin lesions can remain for decades. The trick is to find ways to help the skin remove such damage. The removal or reduction of scars, lesions, and stretch marks from the skin depends on a process called "skin remodeling".

The skin is designed to mend wounds rapidly to prevent blood loss and infection. In perfect skin healing, the injured skin is rapidly closed, then the healed area is slowly restored to remove the residual collagen scars and blend the skin area into nearby skin. Scar collagen is removed and replaced with a mixture of skin cells and invisible collagen fibers. This skin remodeling may stay in a skin area for 10 years. In children the remodeling rate is high and scars are usually rapidly removed from injured skin areas. One way to speed up remodeling is to induce a small amount of controlled skin damage with a needle, laser, or other means, and then let the body repair processes rebuild the skin area.

Many of us form deeper scars compared to others who form mild scars for similar injury. You have to therefore talk to your doctor about your scars and the treatment. Chemical peeling, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, surgical excision, are few of the techniques that are used to treat scars. Most scars get smaller over time and some finally disappear completely over time so there is not much to worry about.

The use of aloe vera is widely known in healing scars after they have been formed. An important factor to remember the next time you get a wound is that scars can also be reduced and probably prevented by cleaning of the wound properly and taking the necessary steps to ensure proper healing. You've got to talk to your physician about your scars and the treatment.

Skin treatment for scars may follow many procedures. If the scar is superficial, it can be treated with microdermabrasion or medium chemical peel, while a deeper scar will need more intensive treatments such as laser resurfacing or deep chemical peel. But you must not be worried as a number of scar treatments are available out there too. Nevertheless, all treatments are great and the end result is always enchanting, but you need to select the one which suits your skin the best, constantly try a method or product before starting its use in excess. But they have to be treatments with just the right ingredients.

The problem lies in the fact that most people rely only on the treatments. If they are raised scars, they are not flat with the rest of your skin, then you may need to go to a dermatologist who does laser treatments. If the scar is superficial it can be treated with microdermabrasion or medium chemical peel while a deeper scar will need more intensive treatments such as laser resurfacing or deep chemical peel. In a medical spa, you can enjoy one of the regular skin treatments such as an invigorating and refreshing deep facial or discuss a customized skin care plan that is tailor-make to give you the results that you have been dreaming about. Skin care has come a long ways and there's a lot of treatments out there.

People choose surgeries and other skin abrasion methods to remove growths but lasers do not stimulate new skin development which is essential when considering about skin renewal. Surgical methods of scar tissue removal run a high chance of side effects. People dormant to keloid scars need to be highly protective when using scouring methods for scar removal. Old acne scar removal methods can be classified into two main categories; resurfacing and filling. These are surgical methods in which a plastic surgeon sheds or "sands" the skin with a rotating scouring tool. Before trying any treatment, please consult your doctor to ensure that you are doing the right thing.

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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars - Simple Treatment

Often, acne leaves scars on the face, and other regions it affects. Acne is a health condition that needs immediate treatment and it's recommended for people with too many acne scars to consult a dermatologist. If the scar is not deep, then one can consider some natural treatments to make skin glow healthier and shinier.

The first important thing is to drink adequate water as water is an amazing rejuvenating and cleansing agent. The dead cells are removed quicker when the body is loaded with enough water, and also new skin grows smoother and faster with the well hydrated body. It is highly recommended to take at least 10 glasses of water every day. By drinking this extra amount of water you will rid the body of toxins and feel much better. It really is the most effective thing you can do to get rid of acne scars.

One should prefer more vegetables and fruits as it contains lots of minerals and vitamins to restore the skin shine and health. Also, the juices in the fruits keep the body hydrated. One should drink lots of lemon juice to get rid of acne as well as its scars. Drinking lemon juice daily can help to shed dead cells faster and facilitates the growth of new healthier skin. Also, lemon juice adds more elasticity to the skin and makes the skin look younger.

The acne scar can be naturally healed by following nutritious and well-balanced diet. Also, eating healthy foods provide the necessary nutrients to fight other skin infections and health conditions that may complicate the scars. One should include fish, chicken, soy, and tofu in their diet as it contains protein that helps in maintaining the healthy skin.

One of the good home remedies is the rosehip seed oil as this oil is full of anti-aging properties that decreases wrinkles and regenerates skin. This oil should be applied at least two times a day to get expected results. Today, this oil is also used in many cosmetic products as a healing agent.

Aloe vera juice is also an effective remedy to reduce acne scar and make skin smoother. There are different products available in the market today. It is good to buy one after carefully reading the review. One must use it according to the instructions printed on the label. If none of the natural treatments work well, then it is better to consult a doctor.

To get rid of acne scars you need to take care of your body. You find out that people who are acne free treat their bodies with more care than people prone to breakouts.

How Adult Acne Medicine Antibiotics Function

Acne is synonymous with teenagers and almost everybody has some sort of experience with getting acne breakouts. For teenagers that suffer severe acne condition, not only do they have to deal with the acne problems but may have to face social pressure that can lead to depression. With technological advancement in the field of medicine treatment for certain problems can be instantaneous, but skin results are gradual and can take up to two months to show an improvement.

Waiting is hard for those with acne conditions but that is the only thing you can do as there are no fast solution to acne problems. Persevere and patience is all good, but during this time you must make some kind of effort to get your acne to be treated.

Acne pustule and acne papule may look the same but they have very different traits and characteristics. In comparison, acne pustule contains pus and the inflammation is more severe than acne papule. Acne pustule can be seen as having very red surrounding skin and a whitish center. The sebum reacts with the skin chemically and some of the effect may include the inflammation of the skin.

The problem with acne is not just confined to teen as even adult cannot fully escape the problems. Countless of treatments are available nowadays and the tricky part is choosing which type of these treatments best suited for your conditions.

Hormonal changes can cause the oil-producing sebaceous glands to enlarge. Since the sebaceous glands produce sebum, this increase in their size leads to an overproduction of this substance. Sebum in excess will cause the hair follicles to be blocked and this condition will be a very fertile ground for bacteria breeding. Acne is caused by the bacteria and the sebum provides ample feeding ground for these bacteria to live on. Since this is all triggered by hormonal changes, this helps explain why we often see acne start to develop in our teenage years. Some of the bodily changes triggers by hormone level will also trigger acne breakouts and this will cause a rapid increase in acne breakouts.

In your eagerness to remove any type of acne scarring, there are certain things that you must observe and follow. You must at all cost avoid giving in the temptation of popping the pimple as it is a sure way of developing an acne scarring. Even if you resist the temptation of popping that irresistible pimple, there are no guarantees that the scarring won't happen either. This is especially true in more severe types of acne where the lesion are on the skin for longer periods of time than in milder forms. It can sometimes takes months for cystic acne sufferer to completely heal and due to this fact the scarring can be very much visible.

Jeffry Rosenthal offers more at no cost and tremendously beneficial information in his content rich 10 Acne Truths And Myths You Need To Know Home Page. To seek out through other beneficial articles on the online page, look into- Treatment For Cystic Acne Sitemap. For More information related to the topic please also see this site: for more information

Acne Scars Treatments - How to Treat Your Acne Scars Easily

Acne is scary, but the scars left by acne is more scary. Acne won't let go on its own. Treat acne as soon as possible since acne can transform from mild to severe form. If you have very severe scars, there is nothing you can do except go to your dermatologist and ask him/her about using laser resurfacing. But, if you only have mild (hopefully) or moderate scars, you can try some acne scars treatments below.

Acne Scars Treatment-How To Prevent Scars:

Here are some steps you can try to prevent scars on your face:

a. Drink enough water
This is the easiest natural way to prevent scars from getting worse. Drinking enough water is good to get rid toxic out of your body and make your skin healthy.

b. Avoid bad diet.

c. Eat a lot vegetables and fruits.
Nutrition in vegetables and fruits will help you heal your skin and your scars.

d. Wash your face regularly with mild soap.

Acne Scars Treatments-Home Remedies

Here are some remedies you can try to cure your scars:

a. Aloe vera
Apply aloe vera to the scars area. Aloe vera is good because its healing properties.

b. lemon.
You can use lemon to lighten the dark scar on face.

c. Honey
Take honey orally. It is good to remove acne scars and also make your face look younger.

d. Olives.
Olives have moisturizing nutrients which are good to moisture your skin.

Acne Scars Treatments-Warning And Tips:

a. Don't do anything that can irritate your face skin such as using harsh skincare product.

b. Don't squeeze or pop pimples as they can leave permanent scar to your face.

c. Never put bandage or ointment to your scars.

d. You can exfoliate once after your skin has been completely healed. Remember to exfoliate your skin very gently.

e. Apply Vitamin E oil to scars area. Do this every night if the damaged area has healed.

Thanks for reading my article about acne scars treatments. I hope it's useful for you. See you next time. Click here to visit my blog: Fast Acne Cure

How to Remove Acne Scars With the Home Made Natural Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Acne is a general form of skin disease. Sometime they appear to be very malignant in their proliferation. In those cases, surgery and medical treatment are the only ways for getting rid of acne marks. However, when acne is very benign then one can use natural products to relive them from Acne and its scars. Every adolescent is facing a strong trouble in acne scar removal. Apart from adolescents, other age people who suffer from Acne too worry about how to remove acne scars. In this article, we will see some of the natural products that could be used in scar removal.

Removal 1: How to Remove Acne Scars with Fruits

Collagen is considered one of the best products to build vitamin C in your skin. Collagen helps in repairing your skin at a faster rate and which means restoring the damaged skin in the acne region easily. Apart from intake of fresh fruits collagen can be acquired by smearing fruits smash over your skin for a very gentle acid-exfoliation. This gives a very simple to answer to everyone who wonders on how to remove acne scars. Just smash a few pieces of pineapple to an amount that you can use to smooth on your skin. With this smoothing, leave your skin to rest for about 15 minutes. The ascorbic present in the pineapple will help in face brightening and it will fade acne scars.

Removal 2: How to Remove Acne Scars with Water

Water is a universal solvent and every living being in this world needs it. Every part of our body relies on water for survival and hence our skin too. The more water you give to your body the better it stays healthy. Repairing tissues and replacing them with the healthy tissues is possible only with the water content in our body. Drinking more water will help your skin build new tissues and replace the scars ion them. Water intake should be more than 80 ounces a day giving a healthier skin.

Apart from these two using natural fruits or homemade acne paste, would prove effective only if you apply them daily. Acne scars are formed by layering I damaged cells and you have to apply the fruits smash daily to remove every layer every day. This would yield better and faster results.

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WARNING: This product is intended especially meant for serious people who wants to get rid of acne in fast way!

Monday, May 27, 2013

5 Secrets to Removing Acne Scars

Many people suffer with scars from acne. Most often people do not realize that there are things they can do to remove them. Below is a list of the top 5 secrets to removing acne scars.

Be sure to check with your doctor prior to starting any type of procedure on your own. He or she can help guide you and can provide you with information relative to the one that will help you the best.

1. Take the juice from one lemon and mix it with an equal amount of rosewater. Apply this to your face daily, leaving it on for at least half an hour. Wash your face with fresh water and continue to do this routine for about 15 days. This has been shown to help cure acne as well as reduce blemishes and scaring.

2. To help reduce scarring and heal acne lesions faster you can apply aloe vera juice twice a day directly to the troubled areas.

3. Vitamin E oil comes in either capsules or in a bottle of oil by itself. Vitamin E oil has been proven time and time again to help reduce scarring when applied daily.

4. Another home remedy that that has shown proven results over a period of time would be to use potato slices. Directly rub potato slices over the face. Let dry on the face for 30 minutes and then wash off.

5. Some people have gone for laser resurfacing to help remove acne scarring. This removes the upper layer of the skin which is damaged, furthermore it also helps to tighten the central layer which will improve your complexion by resulting in smooth skin.

This type or procedure can take as little as a few minutes up to an hour. This is generally done right in the doctor's office with a local anesthetic. Healing time is generally three to 10 days.

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Acne Scar Removal - Getting Rid Of Scars Left By Acne

Acne scar removal, are techniques which most people who have had acne are very interested to know about and to see how affective the methods are. Though prevention would have been better than cure, if there is a positive method of acne scar removal, it would be very encouraging for most people who have scars left from acne.

The scars that are caused by acne vary from one to the other and some are deep while others have only superficial scarring. Acne scar removal will depend mainly on how deep they are. There are many different ways of removing the scars caused by acne. Some of the methods are discussed here;

The scars are usually deep pits that are formed in the region of the pimples and collagen injections help to fill these pits out so that the skin is stretched and smoothened out. This method can only be used for soft and superficial scars as a acne scar removal and not for the deeper ones. Another problem with collagen treatment is that it has to be repeated after a few months.

For deeper scars autogous fat transfer is a method where the fat is taken from another part of one's own body and injected into the scarred tissue. Here again as the fat will get absorbed into the skin after a year or so the procedure has to be repeated.

One of the most effective ways of treating scars is dermabrasion. The skin is removed with a high speed brush under localized anesthetic in the area. However this cannot be used for ice pick scars and for persons with a dark skin as they will show changes in the pigmentation of the area. Something similar to dermabrasion is microdermabrasion which again removes the skin on the surface but not with high speed brushes but with aluminum oxide crystals. This is not very effective in removing scars unless they are very shallow.

Recon-touring the scar with laser treatment is another method for removing acne scars. An invasive method of removing scars is skin surgery. In this method the scars are removed individually and the skin sutured or grafted to heal the holes that are caused when the scar is removed. Skin grafting and surgical removal of keloids is the most extensive method of treatment for scars caused by acne.

However, once a person realizes that they are suffering with acne they should start immediate treatment and preventive methods instead of allowing the scars to be deep and disfiguring. This way there are more chances of healing the scars completely with much simpler methods. If however, the scars have become very deep then it is always better to seek the help of a dermatologist instead of treating it with home remedies. The sooner the treatment is started the more effective will it be. So the moment you suspect that you might have acne get started on getting it cleared and do not wait for it to become a chronic condition of the skin. This way it will be much easier to deal with acne scar removal.

Get clear skin now with 10 free tips provided by, a popular acne fighting website that provides tips, advice and resources to include information on acne scar removal procedures that really work to relieve your skin blemishes.