Saturday, June 8, 2013

Acne Scars - New Developments For Reducing the Impact

An acne scar in the past was an almost unavoidable result of an acne lesion. The person suffering from acne is repeatedly warned in the literature and by well-meaning family and friends to keep their hands off the blackheads or whiteheads. In particular, the individual is cautioned to never squeeze a zit or blackhead, since that can drive the bacteria causing the swelling and pain deeper under the surface of the skin. The larger the skin eruption and the more effort that is made to squeeze the residue from the follicle, the more likely you are to see permanent scarring at the site.

Understanding the Cause

Understanding the cause of acne can help to prevent the formation of an acne scar in many types. There are many different types of acne that have been identified. Some have identified cures or have responded well to active treatment. Other types of acne have no cure, but the symptoms can be managed or controlled. The knowledge of what type of acne is involved is key to determining how to alleviate the symptoms without over medicating. For extensive scarring due to most types of acne, the assistance of a cosmetic surgeon may be required. Modern techniques have made treatment possible and successful in most cases.

Early Treatment

To avoid the formation of acne scar tissue, early treatment is a key factor. Don't wait around for your adolescent to outgrow the symptoms. While home remedies or natural remedies can be quite effective, it is important to visit a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Usually mild or sporadic outbreaks can be treated with topical antibiotics, while more significant outbreaks may require more radical oral treatment or other type of remedies. By treating early, the symptoms may be caught in time to prevent escalation of the condition.

Professional Assistance

Professional assistance to treat a recent or old acne scar is critical. There are many reasons why treatment should be sought for removal of scars from the skin due to acne lesions. For those people who have careers where appearance is critical to success, a scar detracts from the chances of success in the chosen field. Getting rid of the blemish is often a relatively simple procedure with new techniques making it possible to quickly and easily correct the problem. Other people who benefit from professional assistance to remove the scars include those individuals with low self esteem.

Self Esteem

Self esteem, particularly in those adolescents suffering from acne can be significantly reduced by even one acne scar on the face. Accordingly, the treatment of scars can be an important part of the total treatment for the symptoms of acne. It is perhaps more important that scars can be prevented in many cases through prompt and proactive treatment. By treating the symptoms to prevent the formation of blackheads, whiteheads and lesions, and by reducing the severity and frequency of the outbreaks, many opportunities for negative blemishes will be eliminated. Combining various treatments including psychological counseling if needed will help to restore a positive self image.

An Acne Scars on the face of a young person who has acne affects their self esteem through many years. The latest in causes, treatments and hope can be found at

Acne Scar Remover - What Type of Acne Scar Treatment Really Works?

Acne is a difficult problem to deal with. Other than acne, what can be even more difficult and embarrassing to people who have it; is the scar that it leaves behind. No one would ever want to have a face scarred by acne. The good thing is you can benefit from an acne scar remover product to get rid of the marks, so you would have a smooth face.

You have basically two options to deal with your acne scars. You can choose and buy the best products for removing these spots/marks caused by acne. These products are readily available on the market. You can also create your own mixture of natural ingredients to help treat your scars naturally.

If your scars are severe, it is best to visit a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Your dermatologist may provide you the most appropriate acne scar treatment. For mild to moderate scarring, you can choose the scar removers that fits your needs. Choosing a product to treat your scars might also depend in the deepness of the given scar.

If in case you are running on a tight budget, then there are alternative scar removers that you can prepare on your own at home. You can create your own mixture of natural ingredients and use. Some of these ingredients are usually found right in your kitchen such as tomatoes, lime, garlic etc.

The best acne scar treatment is to start with natural methods, then reinforced by dermatologist recommended procedures as the need arises. Subsequently, you have to maintain a proper hygiene and cleanliness on your face and body so as to prevent any further skin problems.

Do you want to quickly get rid of all your ugly scars? If yes, then I recommend you use the techniques recommended in this great scar removal guide: The Scar Solution, to completely treat your scars and have a smooth skin tone!

Click here ==> Scar Solution Review, to read more about this Natural Scar Removal Guide.

Acne Scars Treatment - Effective Tips To Prevent And Heal Acne Scars

Acne scars are easily recognized by the red skin of an area formerly occupied by a pimple. The initial form, while not actually a scar, will lead to one in some cases. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure that it is a scar is if the red skin persists for longer than 6-12 months. It is often better, therefor, to treat all acne lesions as potential scars.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne scars are caused by an overabundance of the connective tissues your body uses to heal itself. These tissues work to provide a temporary framework for your skin cells to regrow on. But if there is too much of this connective tissue, it is not broken down when the healing is complete, but rather stays permanently. This causes a discolored or unpigmented section of skin to form.

Avoiding Acne Scars

Since the root cause of acne scarring is acne, preventing acne in the first place is the best way to avoid scars. But even if you already have acne, it is still possible to prevent acne scars from forming. The way this is done is by speeding the healing process as much as possible. The faster your acne lesion heals, the less time the connective tissue framework has to overgrow and leave scars.

Speeding the Healing Process

There are 2 main treatments dermatologists use to facilitate the rapid healing of acne lesions. The first is Tretinoin, an acid derivative of Vitamin A, also known as all-trans retinoic acid. This chemical speeds the skin's healing, reducing inflammation and preventing acne scars from forming.

The second method involves the use of various Alpha- and Beta-Hydroxy acids, which perform much the same function as Tretoinin, speeding healing and reducing the chance of scarring.

Helping Yourself

Even if you don't or can't see a dermatologist, there are several different things you can do yourself that can help prevent acne scars from forming. The biggest thing is to treat your skin well. Avoid over-exposure to the sun, as sunburns can dramatically slow the healing process. Always wear sunscreen when going out in the sun. Don't pop your pimples, and if there are scabs from lesions, do not pick at them. Picking at any wound as it heals causes more damage, extending healing times and increasing the likelihood of scar tissue forming.

Removing Existing Acne Scars

Even with the best of care, scarring still sometimes occurs. But even if a scar does form, there are several options available that can reduce or eliminate your visible scarring.

Dermal Fillers

Fillers such as collagen can be injected into the site of an acne scar, raising the skin surface to reduce the appearance of pockmarks. These are not permanent treatments, however, and will require re-injection every 3-6 months.

Laser Resurfacing

An extremely popular and fast treatment for acne scars, laser resurfacing works by burning a precisely measured upper layer of skin. New skin then grows over the wound, leaving mostly unscarred skin visible. But as with the initial acne healing process, care must be taken to insure that this new skin does not scar as well.

Punch Excision

This procedure is only effective on certain types of scars. A surgical punch is made to precisely the dimensions of the scar to be removed. The scar is then punched out, similar to a cookie cutter, and the wound sewn together. If there is any scarring left after the wound heals, it can be more easily treated with laser resurfacing than the original larger scar.

Abhishek is a Skincare expert and he has got some great Acne Prevention Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 115 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Acne!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Home Remedies For Curing Acne - Do You Want to Get Rid of Acne?

More often, acne treatment products are not the best solution for treating acne. They cost a lot of money and sometimes give unsatisfactory results. In extreme cases, acne treatment products if used abusively can cause more irritation and inflammation on the skin.

As of today, the best way to start treating acne is to apply home remedies. Natural home made remedies are much cheaper than topical synthetic treatment and medication. An example is tea tree oil. It can eradicate bacteria on the skin and dry the skin up to slow down secretion of oil. The result is long term and so cost is reduced.

Green tea can also be used as a home remedy. It has a detoxification effect and it can clear up the skin from different causes of acne such as grime and dirt. In addition, it revitalizes the skin and provides a refreshing effect. To treat acne with green tea, wash the affected area with warm green tea mixture and rinse it with cool clean water.

The symptoms of acne can also be alleviated using garlic and oatmeal. Using oatmeal as a home remedy for acne is one of the best methods to treat acne. Application of oatmeal mask will result to softer skin and dirt free skin. Oatmeal should be cooked prior to application. It should be place on the skin for at least ten minutes to remove acne and even acne scar.

To use garlic gloves as a home remedy for acne, scrub it on the affected area and let it stay while during the night. As an alternative, mixture of avocado paste and water is a good option.

Proper diet and good hygiene can also remove any traces of acne. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin A, B, C or E is effective to cure acne. Cleansing the skin more often also helps unclogging the skin pores from dirt, oil and even bacteria.

In addition, lavender, cucumber and lemon juice are best solutions for inflamed pimples. Toothpaste can also help and alleviate symptoms of acne but it should be used only on the affected area.

For unsatisfactory results, ask a dermatologist for more options to treat acne. However, always prefer natural treatments because they give less or no side effects. Get Rid of Acne.

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

To get more information about the different types of acne and the various options available for you, visit the site below. Get Rid of Zits.

Top 10 Methods to Remove Scars Naturally

When an injury such as a cut, scrape, or gash heals, a scar is usually left behind. Scars are ugly and draw unwanted attention, but no one wants to risk getting them surgically removed. Here is a list of the top ten methods to remove scars naturally.

The first method is to use Aloe Vera. The product from the plant acts as a natural bleach, and when applied to a scar helps reduce its appearance. Over time, it can make a scar completely disappear.

Cucumbers are used to help reduce swelling of the eyes, but they can also majorly help in reducing scars. But instead of putting a slice of cucumber onto that scar, be sure to crush it into a paste first. Then, by directly applying it to the scar, and letting it sit overnight, the scar will fade.

The Indian Gooseberry, known otherwise as the amalaki, is used before the scar is formed. It actually helps prevent cuts from becoming scars, even after the wound is healed. This proactive method will help make sure that a scar won't form that'll need to be removed later on.

Everyone has heard of the use of vitamins. But vitamins aren't used only to keep you healthy. By taking vitamin E supplements or eating a lot of foods with high vitamin E levels, your wounds will heal faster and your scars will start to fade.

Another common vitamin to help scars is vitamin C. Like vitamin E, it helps heal wounds faster by clotting the blood. Without clotting, there would be no healing. In order to use the vitamin C, you'll have to either take it like vitamin E, in the foods, or find a topical cream for scar treatment.

The sixth best way to heal scars is to use another thing that might be in your house already. Honey, when smeared over the scar and left overnight, will heal the scar completely. This will need to be completed quite frequently, though, in order to make it disappear.

Another method you can use by rubbing tea tree oil onto the scar several times a day the scar will vanish in days.

Green tea, the delicious drink. Take blanched green tea, and using a cotton ball or swap massage the tea directly onto the scar.

Rub olive oil into your scar, and you've got another quick fix that'll make that scar disappear in a few days. This, like the tea tree oil, needs to be done several times a day.

The last method is using garlic. This is another preventative method to keep the scars away. By slicing a clove of garlic, any size, in half and rubbing it on acne no scars will appear.

Each of these methods is useful, safe, and natural. So whether you need the scar gone in a hurry, or want to prevent a scar from forming, there's a natural scar treatment method for everyone.

Author: If you want more information about health please visit this site right now.

Dos and Don'ts With Pimples Or Acne

It is every person's worst nightmare - having acne, that is. Getting up the day before a special occasion only to find out that you have a big, red pimple on your face. But don't fret, this is quite normal, and we have special basic tips for you to read on what to do, and NOT to do with a pimple.

Do not pick, squeeze, or pinch a pimple, as this will only cause to become more red, in worse, inflamed. Any heroic attempt to get rid if acne this way is a no-no, because you are giving oil and bacteria the vast opportunity to spread themselves to other parts of your face, and of course, you wouldn't want scars from picking acne, do you?

To reduce inflammation, it helps to apply an ice pack and hold it to where the inflamed acne is for about two minutes. Cold compress helps reduce redness, swelling, and pain caused by stubborn acne.

Use a concealer for protection if you are going out of the house. Concealers help mask skin flaws and blemishes, including acne, and be sure that your concealer has sunscreen protection as well.

Clean your skin two to three times a day with a scientifically -proven skin cleanser. Now that you have stubborn acne on your face, choose a cleanser that helps remove stubborn oils and dirt to lessen their chances of getting clogged.

Scrubbing the skin with a washcloth or exfoliating pad will work too. Rubbing too hard, however, will take out the skin's natural oils which help to combat buildup naturally.

Oil-free makeup is best used when you have acne. This kind of makeup does not cause clogging of oil inside your pores. When removing makeup, cleansing your face with a skin cleanser made to remove acne is best advised. Applying anti-acne cream can be beneficial too.

Use a cream specially made for acne. Benzoyl peroxide is usually recommended to fight acne, but this product does not do real well with other patients because of its certain ingredients. When choosing a cream to treat acne, choose one that is safe, and gentle on the skin.

There are mild cases of acne in people that don't come back for a long time (some don't ever come back anymore]. In severe acne, don't just use other treatments such as birth control pills, antibiotics, and other medications without consulting your doctor first.

Our site has been in the Business world of Fitness and Health for a long time. We deliver and publish impartial reviews of effectiveness of our products for the benefits of our beloved customers. For more information about acne scars, please visit our web site. We also provide several body acne treatment.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Acne Scars: Finding the Right Treatment to Get Rid of Them

What more can be annoying than acne scars? When you're done dealing with the primary problem of getting rid of the acne itself comes another problem of getting rid of acne scars. If you're financially lucky and willing, there are lots of cosmetic procedures that can be done out there to permanently erase the remnants of your acne and here are some of them:

1. Chemical Peel - This is probably the most popular procedure to get rid of acne scars. The topmost layer of the skin is removed with the aid of chemicals, revealing a new skin underneath. It aims to lighten the discoloration of the scars. However, when opting for this treatment, one should consider the type of peeling appropriate because excessive peeling can burn the skin and can lead to irritation.

2. Dermabrasion - This treatment also involved the shedding of the topmost layer of the skin like chemical peel but with the use of a rotating brush revealing a younger and smoother skin. The downside of dermabrasion is that it may take several sessions before the changes to be noticed.

3. Laser Treatment - Laser Treatment aims to heal the damaged skin underneath the surface of the skin and recent studies has been done and this might also have the capacity to prevent future formations of acne.

4. Soft Tissue Augmentation - For severe scars, this non-surgical treatment is advised. Fillers such as fat are injected to the area, filling out the hallowed parts. Results may also take a while because of the healing period.

These medical treatments, although suggested by most doctors are not yet proven to provide 100% desirable results. As with any other surgery, it is set to have drawbacks such as pain and infection for the patient.

As for the price range, treatments of course are a case-to-case basis depending on the doctor and severity of the patient's situation.

It is equally important to discuss the long-term effects as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure with your doctor. Do not hesitate to ask questions and clarifications before undergoing a procedure to ensure the safety and successfulness of the method and think thoroughly before making any decisions.

There is actually a much more cost-efficient way to prevent scarring and it is by treating the acne problem ahead of time. I have found a great product that does just that. It is a comprehensive acne treatment system which believes that curing the inside is as important as curing the outside.

End you acne problem today and Buy Acne Products Now! For more information with regards to this powerful acne treating system, visit Clear Skin Max Review Reward yourself with great skin. Do not let acne keep you from enjoying your life.

Acen Scar Treatment - 3 Popular Home Remedies To Remove Acne Scar

If you're looking to remove your acne without using surgery, then this is for you. You will find out some of the best home remedies you can use at home to remove your acne scar in less than a month. Just know that each remedies is unique, so find one that works best for you and then keep applying it.

Below are 3 home remedies that many find very effective and safe to use. You can use them without spending a lot of money and they works.

1. Eat more raw egg. As terrible as that may sound, eating egg in its raw state is best. Egg has almost all the nutrients you need to live. Egg also makes your skin feel healthier and younger. Just eat more raw and organic egg to make sure you avoid any bad bacteria. I know that this work excellently because I have done just that.

2. Sleep better. Going to sleep very late is not only bad for your health, but will also cause more stress. Stress creates acne and acne create acne scar. Going to sleep before 10:30 pm is highly recommended and wake up at 5 am is good too.

3. Use ice cube. This is a great remedy for short term effect and if you're in an emergency. Just rub ice onto your acne scar for 5 minutes and you should see it less noticeable immediately. Doing this each day does helps in making it less noticeable though.

So there you have it, 3 of the best home remedies you can use to remove your acne scar. Apply it consistently and you will see result in 2-3 weeks.

If you're looking to never get acne scar again, then the best thing to do is to never get acne. You can learn all about getting rid of acne and being acne free for life below. Click here: to download a copy of "Acne Free in 3 Days" if you need to get rid of your acne fast and naturally.

Early Acne Scar Treatment

Treatment for acne scars is the most grueling of all! The reason for scars is the constant picking or scratching at the acne boils, with time it leaves almost indelible marks on the skin. Removal of acne scars is a combination of medicines and in extreme cases, it may lead to surgical procedures. While numerous ointments and natural remedies are available in the market, only few ever work. Here you will see details about early acne scar treatments, either through acne products or natural herbs.

Acne scars are caused after the formation of lesions. When the lesions subside, they leave behind marks but the scars do not remain if the skin undergoes unobstructed remodeling process, which may require a minimum of a year. Any hindrance in the remodeling process increases the chances of scars.

To prevent formation of skin acne scars and accelerate the natural healing process, certain medications and practices will help such as wearing good sunscreen lotion before going out in the sunlight, the use of correct concentrations of skin remodeling formula that will contain AHA and BHA (these have appropriate pH levels), never pick the scabs that forms on the skin during the healing process as they disrupt skin remodeling, and finally the use of products containing tretinoin, which helps in skin healing after the anti-inflammatory process.

Vitamin E is one of the useful acne treatment home remedies. It helps the skin to rejuvenate by protecting the skin from the attack of free radicals. During scar treatment, avoid consuming fattening or oily foods as the oil disrupts the skin remodeling process and increases the chance of acne formation at the same place.

Acne Scar Treatments to Get that Flawless, Youthful Look

You might have suffered from a mild case to a severe case of acne as a teen, or even now as an adult. Aside from being a cause of insecurity, a severe case of acne can cause your skin to develop scars on the face which may not prove to be attractive to look at.

Men and women alike would want to have a flawless, scar-free complexion, especially on the face - but what can you do if you suffered acne during your teenage years and there are just unsightly spots and scars that you cannot get rid of?

There is always a solution to this relatively common skin condition. The key is to understand how you can take care of your skin better and to keep an open mind about the options that you have to get rid of acne scars to achieve a flawless and glowing look.

'Acne: Cause and Effect'

Acne is basically a common skin condition wherein the surface of the skin - which can be the face, back, neck or arms - breaks out. This is due to the fact that the skin follicles are blocked, causing bacteria and dirt to be trapped on the surface of the skin. Acne is the resulting skin condition, which comes in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples.

Acne will disappear in time, but there are marks and permanent visible scars that will result from having acne, thus making the skin look 'spotty'.

There are two types of scars that will result from having acne:

- Keloids

Keloid is basically raised tissue on the superficial layer of the skin which is the effect of a wound that healed. An acne scar that is keloidal will look like an uneven, thickened layer of the skin. This occurs on the skin of people who are susceptible to wound scars.

- Deep Scars

On the other hand, the other type of scar that may emerge from having acne is a deep-seated layer of skin that will look like a 'hollow' spot.

These scars are unsightly and may cause a person to have a lack of self-confidence and feel insecure.

'Acne Scar Treatments'

Rather than the scar being a cause of embarrassment, most people who are affected with acne choose to have their skin treated by a dermatologist. This will lessen the effect of deep-seated or raised acne scars to have a fairly flawless complexion, especially if the area affected is the face.

The key to preventing scars from developing is early treatment of acne. Having a healthy lifestyle as well as a strict skin regimen is also recommended.

Here are some methods on how you can get rid of acne scars:

1. Chemical Peel

A light chemical peel is a minor cosmetic surgery that will remove or 'peel off' the superficial skin layer. If the acne scars are not deeply embedded, then a chemical peel will most likely remove acne scars.

2. Laser Treatment

A laser treatment can also remove unsightly facial scars caused by acne. This option most often produces the desired permanent results.

3. Collagen Injection

Here, collagen is used to fill out the affected part of the skin where the scar tissue is located. This treatment, however, does not produce permanent results and repeat procedure is necessary after about three months or so.

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist to determine which of the options available is best suited for the degree of acne scar that you have.

Furthermore, it pays to treat acne the earliest time possible to prevent scarring.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Skin Care. For more information regarding Acne Scar Treatment [] please drop by at []

Skin Scars and Lasers

Laser is commonly used now days to resurface the facial problems. Problems such as- wrinkles, blotches, age spots, fine lines and scar marks are very easily treated with lasers. Other surgical procedures such as chemical peeling and dermabrasion are also used to remove the blemishes from the skin, but laser is becoming more popular because of reasons such as-

1. Laser resurfacing is a bloodless process

2. Doctors can control the resurfacing more accurately with lasers.

3. The risk of infection is also low with this procedure.

New types of lasers are being developed regularly and are revolutionizing the procedure of facial resurfacing. Laser treatment is not always performed alone. Sometimes this procedure is combined with other procedures such as face lifting etc to give a total shape to the facial skin and make it look new. The main effort is to remove blemishes with as little discomfort as possible and get the best results in short time. To know more about how laser surfacing is done, let us first know more about lasers.

What are lasers?

Laser is focused high energy light. The scientific name of laser is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Ordinary light emits photons in all the directions and consists many wavelengths. Unlike that laser emits photons in a single direction and consists of a single wavelength. Laser therefore has very high energy and can be focused on any object or in any direction.

Effects Of laser resurfacing- in laser skin resurfacing; the laser burns away the unwanted skin tissues bloodlessly and gives a new shape with precise control. Laser removes the skin layer by layer and is used to improve- scars including acne scars, uneven pigmentation, blotchy spots, wrinkles and fine lines, smoker's lines, crows' feet and other skin blemishes.


Laser resurfacing does not hurt as it is performed under local or general anesthesia. Healing takes place over about two weeks depending upon the area treated and the depth of treatment. Your doctor will give you ointment to occlude the treated part and skin may remain red for long time. Sun protection is a must after treatment. After laser resurfacing, you will find your skin has more even tone and looks brighter.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit- This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking good find out more about the acne that causes damage to our skin. To treat acne scars please visit

Looking For The Best Treatment for Acne Scars?

Are you looking for the best treatment for acne scars like l was? We all know the devastating effect of acne on people around the world. It is estimated that about 80% of people across the world experience acne in one form or the other. Some of those sufferers have to bear the scars acne left behind for the rest of their lives. But all that is changing nowadays, more and more reliable and effective acne treatment products are coming into the market that is proven to be lifeline for acne sufferers globally. Below, l will try as much as l can to discus some of the methods for curing acne scars.

Some of the best treatments for acne scars are:

1. Skin resurfacing treatments

2. Surgical procedures

3. And skin care products

Prior to choosing any of the above treatment methods, you should carefully examine your level of scar so as to get the best result and value for your money.

The Methods:

- Generally, medications and tropical products are effective for curing only scars that are in early stages. They are quite good in rebuilding your collagen fibers very quickly.

- While on the other hand, acne scars that have on the skin shallow depressions can only be treated with skin resurfacing treatments such dermabrasion and dermal fillers. The procedure is carried out by injecting derma fillers into the affected areas to raise the skin surface to give it a smoother look.

- Lastly, surgical procedures are known to be effective in treating deep scars. This can be done through either punch laser resurfacing or excision. These methods are quite interesting but expensive. The laser resurfacing burns the upper layer of the skin to facilitate quick healing and better looking skin, while punch excision removes the scar to sutures the skin.

Although the above methods are quite effective without doubts, however, l recently discover a new treatment for acne scars called acnezine that is dermatologists approved, very effective, affordable, can be use at home without doctor's approval.

To find out more, visit:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to Find Your Best Treatment For Acne

If you are wondering how to find the best treatment for acne, then this article can provide you with some helpful advice. Those who suffer from acne do so in varying degrees and each many have different triggers to their acne, therfore it is advisable to know about the various successful treatments for acne so that you can find the best treatment for you. There are various types of treatments for acne such as spot creams and lotions, nutritional handlings, natural treatments, medication and even surgical treatments for acne scarring. After reading this article you will have a general understanding of each and be able to choose the best treatment for you.

A large percentage of people suffer from acne at one point in their life and many people turn to the various acne lotions and creams which are widely available. Some of these creams and lotions are effective - especially for the milder forms of acne. However, it is important to bear in mind that these creams and lotions are simply handling the problem on the surface and are not correcting the main cause of the problem. Also, the price of the product does not necessarily match it's effectiveness! Avoid buying expensive products if you can unless you know of someone for whom they have been effective. If you choose to try one of the many skin care products available it is also advisable that you see a nutritionist and maybe a dermatologist also to help locate and handle underlying causes. There are also some helpful information products on treating acne available if you do not want to splash out money on seeing a specialist.

The next type of common treatment for acne is medication from your doctor. There are various medications available from your doctor but these are usually limited to the more serious forms of acne due to the side effects of the medication. Some of the common acne medications include: antibiotics, the oral contraceptive pill, Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide. Antibiotics can be effective but the body can only take short periods on antibiotics and so this may not be a long term solution. The Oral contraceptive can prove helpful for women who are suffering from acne due to a hormonal imbalance. Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide are medications often used by doctors for acne but Isotretinoin can have negative side effects ranging from peeling skin to severe depression and so are reserved for the treatment of more serious acne. Medication can play a role in handling acne but is usually used in more serious cases. It is advisable to attempt to handle acne without medications if possible through the use of proper nutrition, skin care and maintaining good skin hygiene.

There are also surgical procedures available for the handling of acne scaring such as dermabrasion and chemical peels. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic medical procedure whereby the surface of the skin is removed by abrasion and it can be used to lessen scars. It is very painful and is usually done under a general anesthetic. Chemical peels can improve the texture of the skin by using a chemical solution that causes the skin to blister and peel off. Acne scarring can get worse if left for a long time and so it is best to try and treat it as soon as possible - prevention really is the best cure! If you have acne and fear you may have some scarring, it is best to source out some natural treatments first before you resort to surgical procedures. Many natural treatments are effective and surgical procedures should be turned to as a last resort.

Finding the best treatment for acne for you depends a great deal on how severe your acne is and upon which particular factors could be causing and aggravating it for you. Many people benefit from skin care products but these do not get to the bottom of the problem and provide a temporary solution only. Medications and surgical treatments can be effective but are generally only advised for the more serious cases. If you are a woman and think you may have a hormonal imbalance, the oral contraceptive may be of help but most women do not have a hormonal imbalance. Due to the side effects of medication, it is advised that you attempt to find a natural solution first. Again, medications often only offer a temporary solution and do not get the root of the problem. My advice is to seek a natural solution to acne if possible as handling nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, intolerances and allergies as well as finding out about life style changes you can make to avoid possible acne triggers can go a long way in handling your acne for good without the use of harsh chemicals or medications!

Susan Brown is an expert in the field of acne treatments and recommends a natural approach if possible.

Click here [] to see what program she recommends as the best treatment for acne.

Removing Acne Scars - Get Rid of Them For Good

Scars from acne aren't the most embarrassing skin condition to have. However, it can still be very uncomfortable to have them. Can you imagine going to a job interview and be as sharp as a tack, only to have the interviewer staring at your ugly scars? We need to do something about them, and for good. Let's talk about removing acne scars from your skin and your life.

When it comes to removing acne scars there are a myriad of topical treatments out there that can do the job. Depending on your skin sensitivity and your beliefs you may want to go with something that is doctor recommended that you can find over-the-counter, or a treatment that is more natural for the skin.

The biggest problem with most topical treatments and even oral ones are that even though some may be great in removing acne scars, they aren't guaranteed to prevent future breakouts. That means you can be in the same scenario that you were in before. Another issue that you face is that your skin may possibly build up immunity to the solutions and therefore may be ineffective later.

A lasting solution to getting rid of the scars is to go to your dermatologist for laser removal treatment. Laser treatment can be quite costly for some, however, it is an excellent way to banish those unsightly scars and defeat the problem once and for all. Keep in mind that you will only have to go this far if topical solutions just don't cut it.

What's the best method of removing acne scars? Find out by expanding your knowledge on acne scar remedies

Acne Scarring? Yes, There Are Treatments Easily Accessible!

Local treatments against scars

Only 5% of former acne patients are left without scars. Most teenagers need time before they start treating their acne, which unfortunately makes it more likely that they will remain scarred to some variable degree.

Millions of dollars are made each year by pharmaceutical companies selling acne scarring treatments. Of course: a majority of teenagers do have acne.

One solution calls for surgery, but even if people want to look good and remove imperfections from their faces, they often prefer a less drastic measure. So, they first try to remove acne scars thanks to local treatments.

There are two types of acne scarring treatments/remedies: one type contains medicine, the other uses only nature-based ingredients.

Not all scars can be treated in the same way:

Pigmented scars, dark red in colour, are nothing but a sign that the skin is healing. They are completely normal and usually disappear without treatment, but the healing process is slow.

As adolescents are usually not big on patience, we could suggest using an aloe vera and / or vitamin E- based cream to help the skin heal itself.

Atrophic scars result from a loss of tissue that creates a 'hole' in the skin.

Here we strongly recommend using a collagen cream: it will help level the skin in and out of the hole. A Vitamin A-based cream, or Retinol taken orally (it is the same substance), renews the epidermis and thus can also be a great help in fighting atrophic scars.

Keloidal scars are caused by the capacity your body has to create new cells. Scar tissue then appears also on the outskirts of the original acne spot. Topical acne scarring treatments do not work so well on them.

Yet, silicone-based local creams may help your body reabsorb the keloids.

Scientists do not exactly know how silicone really works, but believe that it acts in the same way as your skin does, creating a natural barrier so that the fibers in the scar tissue, which are composed of collagen, eventually realign, thus eliminating the scar.

Another treatment for acne scarring is a steroid/cortisone cream. There tends to be an excess of collagen in healing tissues, which steroids can reduce, thus reducing scarring.

Do not forget that some of these treatments can be injected, and that some have also proved more efficient in monitored trial. However, this article only deals with local treatments and does not take these into consideration.

The efficiency of topical treatments is directly related to the level of damage the skin has suffered. However, there is always a topical treatment that can help you get rid of acne scars.

Yes, there are a great number of efficient and elegant treatments for acne scarring!

Visit acne scarring treatment.

Joshua Mc Alister offers his unique expertise to millions of acne patients. Visit his website

Avoiding Acne Scars - It Can Be Done If You Know How

Did you know that small acne can cause a scar in the long run? That is, if you don't treat your acne nicely. Yes, we know all those acne treatments and how they change someone else's life but this doesn't always apply to everybody. And some just need expensive treatments badly to completely remove those ugly scars.

But you can always avoid scars-by avoiding acne to grow. How? Proper cleaning of your face with some help of proven products can be a way for a scar-free life.

The way we see acne building up is because we don't wash our face regularly. It could be one of the reasons, yes, but not always. This is because there acne which are hereditary-passed on to generations after generations. Facial cleansers won't work here.

In this condition, acne will stay for weeks and even months, resulting to scars after the long time it stayed on your face. And since it is hereditary, your children also have the possibility to build up annoying acne as well.

We suffer from acne from a lot of reasons. One, as mentioned is hereditary. The other is the way we prick the acne. I know it is as frustrating and as unhygienic as it looks but fortitude is the key to a good skin. Never try to remove your acne in our own way. This will cause infection afterwards and even scars. And that's quite scary.

The after effect on our sense of worth can be pretty demolishing. Acne will be gone after years of battling with it but there are just things that can't be remove no matter how expensive our treatments are. Scars, for one, are perhaps the worse you can get. But certain advancements in the technology have made scars removal a possibility.

The most classic way for removing scars would be applying lotions specifically design for this type of problem. This type of treatment does not promises a totally free scar skin, instead, it will lighten up your scar after continuous of using. But of course, checking the authenticity of your chosen product must also be practice.

The most popular and effective type of scar removal would e the use of lasers. The process is that it will burn the infected part or the scarred skin for the new skin to reappear, removing the part where tour scar used to be. But this can be costly depending on how big or how many your scars are.

Better be sure in choosing such treatments. The danger of jumping off into some treatments could be dangerous especially if you don't know much about it. How to Stop Acne

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

To get more information about the different types of acne and the various options available for you, visit the site below.

Heal Acne Scars Faster in 4 Simple Steps

Whenever I have a problem, I want it solved as fast as possible. This is especially true when the problem is obvious like a saucer-size acne lesion that has left a scar. Kindly enough, Nature gave humankind ways to expedite the healing process. And so, in four simple steps, you can harness Nature's wisdom to rush your acne scars to a healthy mending.

Step 1: Don't drink alcohol

Everyone is telling us to do this. Mother's Against Drunk Driving and the local police warn us to leave the booze alone. Now, your scars have joined the chorus.

Here's why. Laboratories studies revealed that having consumed alcohol impairs the skin ability to grow new skin cells and blood cells after an injury, like a popped pimple. Additionally, a report from Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research found that alcohol consumption reduces the inflammatory response after receiving wounds.

Proper wound repair involves a series of steps and inflammation typically happens once the skin has been compromised by a cut, gash, or in the case of acne scarring, excessive squeezing.

While this inflammation takes place, the wound is cleansed and new cells arrive to suture the injury. However, if the inflammation process is slowed by circulating alcohol in the blood, so is the healing process. Instead of downing whiskey shots, down some water instead.

Step 2: Drink more water

Two minutes ago, I just gulped down a huge glass of water because even the slightest degree of dehydration can slow down wound healing. Moreover, dehydration reduces blood flow and increases in chances of a wound infection. As you drink that water, relax and de-stress yourself.

Step 3: Reduce your stress level

Do you want your acne scars to heal ten days faster than normal? Try stress reduction. A study in the Lancet found that stressed women heal slower than women with less stress heal. In the investigation, researchers from Ohio State University College of Medicine tested the wound healing rates of women who cared for relatives with dementia to the wound healing rates of age and income matched women who did not tend to relatives.

One average, the women not watching relatives healed 10 days faster than their more stressed counterparts. Also, examiners found that the caregiver volunteers produced less interleukin-beta than the non-caregivers. After injuries, interleukin-beta contributes to rebuilding the skin's tissue matrix.

Step 4: Apply zinc

You want to have the mineral zinc around when you have wound. Zinc helps facilitate skin rebuilding steps like creating keratinocytes. Keratinocyte cells manufacture the protein keratin which helps create the skin. Moreover, zinc's antioxidant properties help remove free radicals and bacterial from wounds to expedite healing.

Additionally, according to a recent review of medicinal uses of zinc that appeared in Wound Repair and Regeneration, topical application of zinc should be considered for enhancing wound healing rates. To create your own zinc infused wound healing paste, just crush a zinc supplement and mix it with a teaspoon of a basic moisturizer. Next, smooth the mixture over your freshly cleansed acne scar to quicken its healing time.

Now, just one question remains: How fast is your acne scarring going to disappear know that you know how to make it happen?


Fitzgerald, Daniel J, Katherine A Radek, Mitchell Chaar, Douglas E Faunce, Luisa A DiPietro, Elizabeth J Kovacs. Effects of acute ethanol exposure on the early inflammatory response after excisional injury. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research; February 2007, vol 31, no 2, pp 317-323.

Lansdown, Alan BG, Ursula Mirastschijski, Nicky Stubbs, Elizabeth Scanlon, Magnus S

Ågren. Zinc in wound healing: Theoretical, experimental, and clinical aspects. Wound Repair and Regeneration; January-February 2007, vol 15, no 1, pp 2-16.

Marucha PT, JK Kiecolt-Glaser, WB Malarkey, AM Mercado & R.Glaser. Slowing of wound healing by psychological stress. Lancet; November 4, 1995, vol 346, pp 1194-1196.

Wipke-Tevis, Deidre D & Donna A Williams. Effect of oral hydration on skin microcirculation in healthy young and midlife and older adults. Wound Repair and Regeneration; March-April 2007, vol 15, no 2, pp 174-185.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars [] on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring [] can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

Benefits of Using Revitol Scar Removal Cream

Scars, especially caused by acne can be really embarrassing. Acne is inevitable; as both adults and teenagers suffer from it. However it is possible to avoid scars by not pinching acne, or pimples. Consequently, it is also possible to remove acne using a product called Revitol scar removal cream. Revitol cream is one of various skin cream products Revitol has to offer.

Though there are various other acne scar removal creams available on the market, Revitol acne cream is a better option because of the many benefits it offers. First of all, this is a product that contains only natural ingredients, that ensures the safe and unlimited use of the cream for removing acne scars.

No side effects

This means that Revitol acne cream can be applied regularly, without the worry of any side effects. Of course, like any other new product you try on your skin, there is a chance of some minor skin irritation like a mild rash occurring. This is however not something to worry about.

Moreover, using the cream to remove unsightly scars is a very safe and non-invasive mode of scar removal. There is no need of undergoing any surgery or take any steroid injections to remove scars.

A much cheaper option

Moreover, though surgery may provide faster results in removing scars, there is always a chance of the surgery itself causing new scars. This is why Revitol scar removal cream is a better option for removing scars. Surgeries should be used only as a last resort.

If costs are compared, you will find that Revitol?s cream is a much cheaper option for removing scars when compared to surgery or any other treatment option you undergo at a dermatologist's. Of course, using tubes of other scar removal creams can be a waste of money as they don't work effectively.

However this is not the case with Revitol. Not only is the cream itself a revolutionary one that can effectively remove scars, the company guarantees this. In fact, the company is so sure of the cream, that it offers an unconditional 90 days money back guarantee in the rare case that the cream does not remove your scars.

Of course, you cannot expect all of the scars to disappear; this is not possible even with scar removal surgery. However with some patience, and a few months of applying Revitol scar removal cream, most of your scars will start disappearing.

Acne treatment products that help to help treat mild and severe pimple outbreaks learn what products work best on different types of acne.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's An Acne Scar And How Can It Be Treated?

The most serious scarring is usually caused by the more severe forms of acne. These have nodules which are more likely to leave a permanent acne scar than most other types of acne. The best way to deal with acne is to get treatment soon after the acne has appeared in order to prevent severe acne and acne scarring. So if you find you have nodules then visit your doctor or dermatologist and they will prescribe a course of treatment for you.

But if you happen to have serious acne scarring from previous outbreaks then there are some things that you can do.

One such form of treatment is laser resurfacing which can either be carried out at your doctor's or dermatologist's clinic. This form of treatment removes the damaged top layer of skin and then tightens the middle layer which leaves the skin smoother. Such treatment can take anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour to complete. Prior to the treatment the doctor will numb your skin first with a local anesthetic in order to lessen any pain you may feel. Normally it takes between 3 to 10 days for the skin to heal completely after this treatment.

Another way of treating acne scarring is by dermabrasion which uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument that wears down the surface of the person's skin. Then as the skin heals after this treatment a new smoother layer of skin replaces the abraded one. However you may find that it takes longer for your skin to heal after this type of treatment and it can take from 10 days to 3 weeks for it to heal completely.

It is important to remember that both these forms of treatment for dealing with an acne scar will turn the skin red and this redness may last for several months. Also these treatment can only be given to a person when their acne is not active.

However some doctors or dermatologists may suggest a more mild chemical peel or microdermabrasion instead (it all depends on the severity of your scars) and these can be done right away in their offices and will help to improve the appearance of any acne scar that you have. But your doctor may suggest surgery where the scars are deeply indented.

If you want to find out more about removing acne scars, click over to Jo's site at Claim your 3 Free Reports about acne from

Acne Scaring - Are Cosmetic Facial Fillers the Answer?

Acne scars and other depressed scars and deficiencies can often greatly benefit from hyaluronic fillers like Restylane and Perlane. Filling depressed scars is an effective treatment that is nonsurgical, minimally invasive, and gives benefits that can easily last six months to a year, and in some cases, longer.

Can fillers improve scars?

You may have an indentation from acne scars, a surgery, a cut from a sports injury, or for a number of other reasons. This deficiency can stand out in your appearance and detract from your facial aesthetics. For some, scars can even be painful reminders of past problems. Fillers like Perlane and Restylane are often the best option for diminishing the visibility of scars on the face by eliminating skin irregularities and restoring the skin to its natural texture and shape. By filling in the deficiencies that are responsible for these indented scars, you may find that your scars are no longer noticeable. Facial fillers are safe and minimally invasive treatments that require little to no recovery time. This, combined with their effectiveness, make them the leading choice for acne scar treatment without the prolonged recover associated with surgery.

Can Laser Resurfacing to treat scars?

Laser treatment at first seemed like a promising technology, but it has never reliably delivered great results, and it is associated with many complications, including permanent disfigurement. Laser resurfacing for acne often yields no results, or - worse - it can make things worse. An erbium laser generally provides only minimal improvement, while something like CO2 laser resurfacing is so aggressive that it can damage your natural pigmentation. Fractional CO2 skin treatment are often big disappointment and very expensive. It is almost always much safer and more effective to choose acne scar fillers than laser treatment.

How to Find a Facial Fillers Expert

Treating facial scars is both a medical procedure and an art that should be performed by a doctor who specializes in treatment with facial fillers. Your doctor, whether a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon, should also possess the great artistic skill needed to precisely place the filler for the best aesthetic results possible. It can be tough to know where to begin when trying to assess your potential treatment provider's ability, experience, expertise, artistic ability, specialization, and so on, but with some careful research you can find someone well-qualified to give you great results. When seeking someone to help you remove acne scars, always find out whether the doctor will personally perform the procedure or instead use an assistant to administer your treatment. Only choose a doctor who will personally treat you; after all, you don't know anything about the assistant's ability, and your results will be much better when the most qualified doctor performs them, rather than a non-physician in training.

An assistant may cost less, but your results will likely not be as good. Carefully study your potential doctor's scar removal before and after photos, noting any changes in camera angles or lighting conditions. If you don't like what you see in the example photos, you probably won't like what you see in the mirror later either. Make sure that your doctor has a lot of experience in filling scars on the face. Choose a doctor who specializes in facial fillers. Every doctor has special areas of talent and experience. Just as you wouldn't go to the same doctor for brain surgery and heart surgery, even if both are leading surgeons, you need to choose a doctor who makes fillers and facial cosmetic treatments a focus of their practice. Finally, evaluate how well you get along with your potential doctor at your initial consultation. You should feel comfortable around your doctor and confident in his or her ability to help you. Sometimes for reasons beyond explanation a doctor and patient don't "click" together, in which case it's okay to move on.

Consult with an Expert in Facial Fillers, Dr. Kenneth D. Steinsapir, M.D., providing treatment with facial fillers in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles as a major focus of his practice. Medicis, Inc. - the distributer of leading fillers Restylane and Perlane - has recognized Dr. Steinsapir for his expertise in fillers. Dr. Steinsapir understands how to correct the focal loss of fat often seen underneath acne scars and other types of scars because of his extensive education, fellowships, and practical treatment experience. He will personally administer your treatment with the precise skill required to create natural results. Please contact us today for a filler consultation to find out how Dr. Steinsapir can give you immediate scar treatment results.

Solutions For Acne - Remedies For Cystic Zits and Pimple Scars

Choosing solutions for acne would depend on the level of severity and in the condition of the patient. One formula might work for you, but might not work on others. Each person's body and skin react differently to drugs and skin care products that selecting the best for your condition will not be as easy as picking out the one that catches your fancy.

Mild to moderate acne

For acne that is mild, a simple topical treatment that contains benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid or salicylic acid can be recommended by a dermatologist. These solutions can be easily applied to the affected areas to cure the zits. Natural cures, like tomatoes, lemon and vinegar with water are also sometimes use to cure mild to moderate pimples. The key to taking care of the problem is to address it as soon as it starts and not wait until the condition has gotten worse and more advanced remedies are needed.

Cystic acne

This type of acne is also known as nodular pimples. Cystic zits usually contain pus and can appear on the face, shoulders, back and other parts of the body. This type entails a stronger formula since it is way beyond the mild or moderate condition. The most common drug prescribed for this condition is Accutane or isotretinoin. This oral medication can be taken twice a day to help minimize the skin's production of sebum. However, this drug is not recommended to pregnant women since it has been suspected of causing birth defects and, worse, miscarriage. Before opting for this oral treatment, have a talk with a dermatologist or a physician first.

Acne scars

Once a person suffering from pimples, particularly severe ones, decided not to do anything about it, then he or she is most likely to suffer from acne scars. Severe acne often leaves its mark. And by then, the treatment method would be different, probably more advanced and would likely be expensive. Treatment of scars caused by severe acne would also depend on how bad the scar is. Faint marks can be eradicated by topical ointments like retinoids. However, pit-like scars or keloids will likely require a more advanced technique; such as laser resurfacing, chemical peeling and dermabrasion. If you are already at this advanced acne condition, then talk to a dermatologist and discuss with him or her the best treatment method for your condition. Again, procedures for removing scars can be complicated and expensive, so it is better to address acne problems at the onset and not wait until it is on the advanced level of severity so that you don't need to worry about scars and expensive solutions.

Solutions for acne, be it mild or severe or pimple scars, can be easily found. However, the expense and trouble that you might have to go through will likely take their toll; so make sure that you address the problem immediately as soon as it starts.

Are you looking for suitable acne solutions that work and clear up acne fast? Visit where you will find lots of useful information including natural acne solutions.

Acne Scar Removal Treatment

There are many different ways of acne scar removal treatment and all these methods are easily available over the counter, and in any pharmacy or drugstore. There are two primary choices that can be taken into consideration while purchasing over-the-counter products for the removal of acne scars.

The first option is the usage of chemical treatments, which contain ingredients like salycic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Otherwise you can opt for a more natural form of acne scar removal treatment, which consists of more natural products like tea tree oil, aloe Vera as well as Vitamin E.

But it is very difficult to decide the best option from all available options. There are some people who would prefer a form of natural acne scar removal treatment while others would like to resort to the chemical form of treatment.

Some of these acne scar removal treatments might not prove to be effective at all times and it is better to try out many different products before you make a decision as to which is the best product for the removal of acne scars.

It is always better to consult your dermatologist or physician before you decide which is the right product for the acne scar removal treatment on your skin. Your physician or dermatologist will be able to prescribe a form of medication, which can be made available only on showing a prescription. But such prescription treatments have proved to be more effective when compared to the over the counter products, which are available in pharmacies and drug stores for the removal of acne, scars.

There are certain points, which need to be kept in mind while purchasing over the counter products for the acne scar removal treatment. You should properly determine your skin type as to whether you have dry skin, oily skin, normal skin or sensitive skin. Once you have the correct definition of your skin you can easily find a product that is suitable to the removal of acne scars on your skin. You can get the right kind of product, which matches the right kind of skin type.

Make sure that you get the opinion of your pharmacist before you purchase a specific product for the acne scar removal treatment and do not blindly follow the advice, which has been given by the marketing person. He will know about which products are most effective in the removal of acne scars on the skin.

You should also be aware of what products have already been tried out by you on an earlier basis for the acne scar removal treatment and how your skin has reacted to them in the past. You should keep a close watch on any allergic reactions, which have previously taken place. This will help you to stay away from products, which have proved to be hazardous to your skin in the past.

Acne scars are not a lot of fun. Stop wasting your time being fooled by false information. Visit the Get rid of scars blog and you can find out helpful tips about Acne Scar Removal.

Prevention and Treatment for Acne Scars

While it may sound elementary, the first place to start with acne scar treatment is prevention.

Most people cannot predict when they will have an acne outbreak or how severe that outbreak will be. If you suffer from acne outbreaks, having a good preventive treatment regiment is a proactive way to keep acne minimized, reducing the risk of scarring in the first place. It is as washing your hands to help prevent spreading germs.

Among all of the factors that can contribute to acne outbreaks, heredity is part of the mix. Additionally, heredity plays a factor in the amount of scarring you will receive from acne, or in other words, your ability to heal.

Almost all acne sufferers will develop some form of scarring, from mild to severe. The earlier in life that acne treatment is initiated, the more likely scarring will be minimized.

Acne scarring is the end result of the body's healing process. The decrease of elastic fibers in the skin combined with thickened collagen groups that grow excessively contribute to scar tissue.

There are two types of scar:

Hypertropic Scars are the thick and discolored scars that show above the normal surface of the skin.

Keloid scars are discolored scars at the skin level or below and grow outward from the initial injury similar to a stretch mark.

There are several treatment options available to help reduce or eliminate the visible signs of scarring from acne.

Topical Solutions - Several topical solutions are available. These ointments are applied to the damaged area and are designed to hydrate the skin and remove dead skin cells, which allows for skin cell rejuvenation and replenishment, reducing or eliminating the appearance of scars.

Silicone Sheets - Modern research has shown that silicone is an effective treatment in scar removal. While the science of how it works is not completely understood, several companies manufacture silicone sheets and silicone based treatments that are designed to minimize or eliminate the appearance of acne scars.

Microdermabrasion - In microdermabrasion, a dermatologist uses a hand held buffing wheel and a special abrasive cream to remove the surface layer of the skin. When the new skin grows in, it is healthier and has more elasticity than the old skin, reducing or eliminating the visible signs of scarring.

Chemical Peels - A chemical peel uses a chemical solution of Phenol, Trichloroacetic Acid, and Alphahydroxy acids to remove the outer layers of damaged skin. Similar to microdermabraision and laser resurfacing, new skin cells replace the removed damaged cells, reducing or eliminating the visible signs of scarring.

Laser Resurfacing - Performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, a concentrated laser beam is targeted on the treatment area. As the laser energy penetrates the skin, it vaporizes the water and the surface layer of skin, leaving the deeper layers untouched. Laser resurfacing also helps to restore the elasticity of the skin by shortening the collagen fibers that are contained in the skin layers, reducing or eliminating the visible signs of scarring.

Always be sure to consult a dermatologist before undergoing and treatment for scarring. However, all of these treatments have been proven to be effective, so once you find the right one, it is just a matter of time before the scarring is reduced or eliminated!

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website,

Acne Scars and Skin Care

Most people will get some form of acne or skin irritation at some point in their lives. Acne outbreaks are more common amongst young teenagers but having said that, any form of hormone imbalance is also capable of triggering a bout of acne inflammation. Pregnant women get them, so do adults who are under enormous stress, develop a skin reaction or are allergic to some chemicals.

Poor diet could also cause an acne outbreak. Depending on the severity of the acne infliction, if it is not given the appropriate treatment in a timely manner, acne scars could be left behind. Acne scars can be psychologically depressing and embarrassing to an individual. Left untreated, often these unsightly scars could impede a person's ability to have a normal social life. Moreover it could dent a person sense of confidence and self-esteem.

There are many forms of acne scars. Some are pitted in appearance, some are flat but visible and others are known as keloid scars which are scars that are visibly bumpy or lumpy. Different types of acne scars respond well to different forms of skin treatment. For example, for pitted scars, patients notice the most difference in treatment when they undergo dermabrasion, or laser resurfacing to smooth out the skin appearance.

Sometimes soft tissue augmentation technique is used by injecting collagen or fat implants into the skin to create a much smoother skin surface. Collagen is normally recommended as our body does not consider it as a foreign substance hence minimising the risk of rejection when injected. The only downside to collagen injection is that it gets absorbed into the body overtime and you will need to top up the filler once in a while. Therefore this is not a procedure with a permanent result as you need to maintain the top up doses.

For the more common infliction of lumpy acne scars, they can be removed surgically or ask your dermatologist for cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is a procedure that treats the affected skin area by freezing the surface of the skin lesion. This treatment method does create a stinging sensation which can feel uncomfortable to a lot of patients. Therefore when this treatment method is applied you could feel a burning pain during and shortly after treatment, it's normally called a freeze burn. This process uses liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide snow, dimethyl ether or propane. Once applied directly onto the skin, you may notice immediate swelling or redness on your skin.

To reduce the redness and burning sensation, you can apply topical steroid or by taking some aspirin orally can help reduce the stinging pain and minimise any type of inflammation. Erbium YAG and long pulsed erbium is another method which uses the power of light at different intensity levels to remove acne scars. How it works is that the laser light removes the first layer of the skin by burning it to a specific depth. The removed skin is then replaced and replenished by a new layer of healthy skin.

This treatment option is effective especially for patients with deep scarring. If you are interested in finding the right treatment for your acne scars, consult your doctor or a specialist dermatologist. There are specialist skin clinics which offer different treatment methods at different prices. The dearest does not necessarily mean the best, make sure you research their treatment records beforehand.

For more information on acne scar skin care or more specifically on acne scarring, please visit our website at

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Vitamin E For Acne Scars?

There has been the common notion that Vitamin E is good for the skin. What about the case of acne scars? Will Vitamin E be effective in diminishing acne scars? Of course there are other options for acne scars treatment such as chemical peels, Fraxel laser and dermabrasion. They seem to be proven methods of removing acne scars. But then again, one important matter should be put into consideration - the cost. Vitamin E ointment just may be a solution if you want something affordable and economical. But is it really effective? Researchers in Dermatologic Surgery did an investigation on the efficacy of applying Vitamin E on acne scars.

The verdict: application of this vitamin to healing wounds can actually hinder the skin's repair process, therefore, topical Vitamin E for acne scars treatment should be eliminated from your list. Fifteen subjects were involved in the study, each of them having undergone skin cancer removal surgery. The subjects were given two types of ointment: Ointment A whose components are that of common moisturizing agents, and ointment B which has the same ingredients but only with added Vitamin E. During weeks one, four and twelve of the study, the patients and the doctors observed the effects of the ointments on the scars.

The results of this study showed that for 90% of the subjects, topical Vitamin E either wasn't effective or actually worsened the appearance of the scars. Thirty-three percent of the subjects also acquired contact dermatitis from the application containing the vitamin. According to the result of this study and contrary to held beliefs, topical Vitamin E is discouraged in the treatment. While the topical form of this vitamin was proven to be ineffective in diminishing acne scars, consumption of Vitamin E in the diet, however, can actually have positive results for the skin. Ingesting this vitamin nutrient may aid in the skin's healing process, such as that of acne scars.

This has been proven in a study reported by the International Journal of Experimental Pathology. This study investigated and found that wound healing is slowed down if the body has a deficiency of antioxidants such as Vitamin E. It's efficacy in acne scars healing is proven especially if adequate amounts of this fat soluble nutrient is consumed. It means a daily RDA intake of 30 International Units (IU). For adults, intake level of this vitamin could go up to as far as 1,500 IU daily. Sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil wheat, almonds, hazel nut and germ oil are rich sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of this nutrient. Vitamin E is usually sold in a form of alpha-tocopherol that preserves its antioxidant ability. The synthetic sort of this vitamin sold in pharmacies are labeled "D, L", and the natural form "D". Its synthetic form, however, is only half as effective as its natural form. To better state it, healing of acne scars can be hastened by both Vitamin E creams and a Vitamin E-rich diet.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

The Truth About Acne Medicine

Not all people are created equal. We have so many differences not only in the way we behave and think but most importantly we see these differences more on the physical aspect. Just like the usual dilemma, we tend to hide from people whenever we see imperfections on ourselves especially when we have acnes. As a start, we panic to find an acne medicine that could quickly lessen or remove acne, which is actually a bad idea because the most important initial step to get rid of acne is by understanding acne and then finding the right acne medicine that suits our need.

Acne medicine covers the process of treating acne from the very start until the end of removing the scars. Finding an expert on skin problems would be the best idea to get rid of acne. Dermatologists has an expertise of knowing your skin problems even at a first glance as they are the ones who can give you advice on the proper way of treating your acne, prescribing you the best acne medicine that will suit your skin type. The effectiveness of an acne medicine depends on the skin type of a person. Some may work for you and some do not. Some of these will lighten your skin but some of these acne medicines can also bring you harm as it can develop skin irritation leading to more skin acnes and scars, so beware!

Skin experts have provided acne facts and tips to broaden our knowledge about acnes. For this, it's important to understand this kind of common inflammatory skin disease as there are also unbelievable things that could change our perspective about acnes. Acne medicine has different acne treatments that anybody with acne problems could use as long as it matches their skin type. Available acne medicine treatments aside from visiting a dermatologist are the home remedies we have known for years, physical treatments such as peeling and surgical extractions, over-the-counter treatments that one could easily buy, and prescription treatments from any acne treatment expertise.

Research is needed for treating acne problems because we usually indulge ourselves in buying an acne medicine without knowing its effectiveness. Since our hormones cause acnes, the best thing we can do is to prevent it by keeping ourselves happy and washing our face with non-comedogenic products at least twice a week. Just remember that getting rid of acne like picking it or squeezing it out is a no-no as it will definitely makes your acnes worse.

Milos Pesic is a professional dermatologist and an expert in the field of Acne Treatment []. He has helped thousands of acne sufferers remove acne, blemishes and acne scars. For more articles and resources on acne treatment, acne scar removal, natural skin care products and much more visit his site at: []

Treating Acne Blemishes - How to Do it Successfully

Acne, which can produce skin issues that range from mild blemishes to permanent scarring, is usually experienced by adolescents during their pubescent years. The grand majority of individuals who have acne would love to find a way to successfully treat this problem. Fortunately, there are several different ways that acne blemishes can be treated effectively.

Laser Therapy

One procedure that can help you to treat your acne blemishes effectively is called laser resurfacing. The procedure will actually break apart the molecules in your skin and make it reform. Your skin can be stimulated by a laser and thus made to produce more new skin cells. This stimulation occurs when the laser emits light pulses into the skin that actually wound it slightly. This treatment can help get rid of acne scarring because it can make the body form new skin over scarred areas.

Surgical Therapy

Subcision is another name for the surgical therapy procedure that removes acne blemishes. This technique for getting rid of scarring separates the scarred skin tissue beneath the surface from the surface tissue. This causes blood to collect in the space between and eventually levels off the areas where the scars were.

In order to make this procedure turn out well, the patient needs to return to their doctor many times for consultations and other matters after the subcision is conducted. Surgical therapy for acne blemishes can be a little painful and is moderately expensive.


Scarred or otherwise damaged skin is removed so that fresh skin beneath can show by means of dermabrasion. Darker marks or scars will require more than one dermabrasion session to remove and this procedure is only effective for superficial skin markings. This procedure is potentially uncomfortable for the patient. Both subcision and laser acne treatments are more expensive than dermabrasion, but you may need to undergo a number of dermabrasion sessions to get the results you want.

While there are various methods for treating acne blemishes, there's no single best option for everyone. It will depend on your skin, how serious your acne is and a number of other factors. Make sure you discuss it with your dermatologist or doctor - they will be able to help you determine the best course of treatment for your particular case.

Knowing what options are available to you is helpful when talking to them, however, since you'll be better informed about what they're talking about. It's always a good idea to do some research before visiting your doctor, so you can at least have some idea of what he or she might suggest.

Richard McLagan has been writing online for over 10 years. His latest website project is about buying a quiet portable generator and other topics related to gas powered generators

A Good Scar Fade Cream Can Help to Reduce the Appearance of Scars

When you receive an injury or a wound to your body, there is a process that your body goes through in order to stimulate the regeneration of tissue and repair the physical barrier which protects your body against infection. The healing of wounds is a vital body process that generally leaves a scar after completion. Scar tissue appearance is different than that of normal skin because both skin cells and connective tissue are produced by your body to repair the wound and if the ratio of these cells is not right, you may end up with a prominent keloid scar or hypertrophic scar which makes your skin appear red and raised in the area of the scar. The purpose of the scar is to restore functionality to that part of your skin. In the ideal skin healing process, the wounded skin is rapidly closed and the healing area is slowly reconstructed. The healing process of a wound may take up to ten years to complete.

Scars can be a badge of honour, proof of a past traumatic experience, or they may be embarrassing and painful, something that you want to hide or remove. While most scars are permanent, their appearance can be minimized up to 90% with the right treatment.

There are many treatment options available today, and it is sometimes difficult to determine what the best scar treatment is. One of the main considerations for many people is cost. While laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peels, the "punch" technique, subscision, augmentation and saline injections are all great, effective options for the treatment of scars and Keloid scar treatment, many people cannot afford these options and must look at other ways to treat scars, such as a good scar fade cream. There are literally thousands of scar fade creams on the market today, but many of them are not effective and different treatments work for different people. You may spend an equal amount of money to some of the more expensive options in looking for the right cream that works for you. 

In other words, the best scar treatment is one that works for you. Expensive treatments may work for some people, while they are not only unaffordable for most, but don't make much difference in the appearance of their scars. Oftentimes, the appearance of a scar can be drastically reduced, with repeated treatments. The Scar Solution is an inexpensive and complete system to help you how to eliminate or reduce any scar with some basic and simple ingredients that can be found in almost any grocery store for a fraction of the price of most scar removal creams. The Scar Solution is an affordable and effective treatment to reduce the appearance of scars.

Clearing Up Your Face With an Acne Scar Laser Treatment

Some people have gone so hopeless on how they can be able to get rid of acne scars. There are some people who have been trying all the creams and natural treatments that they thought would help them to get rid of acne and most of all, acne scars. Thus, one way that they see hope in removing this is through a laser treatment for acne scar. However, let us remember that the best laser treatment for acne scars is the one with the aid of those professionals and not just from those who would have to take advantage of our needs.

By using a laser treatment to deal with the scars, the laser actually cuts the bacteria that are the root cause why there are appearances of acne scars. If there are no impressions of acne, then there would also be no scars that it can create. In the use of laser, you do not have to worry too much about the laser since it would not be likely to affect the skin surrounding the area that will be treated by laser.

After the medication has taken place, you will see that there is a rapid and drastic alteration in the scar or the area where the laser was used. Of course, you will notice that the scar has lost its dark color, which makes it somewhat lighter. In addition, you will also see that there is a change to the feel of your skin. It would surely be smoother than it was before the laser treatment. Now, you can flaunt your face without the scars that have been a very bad omen for your beauty.

More so, you will not be confronted with the habit of putting concealing creams in your scars. You can even go out and let other people see how fair your skin is. This happens too because the very first thing that is being attacked by the laser is the sebaceous glands which secrete oils to our skin and cause to the formation of acne as well.

Actually, there are many other benefits that we can get from acne scar laser treatments. Here are just some of the most profound and very essential advantages that you will surely find very enlivening and fulfilling after the laser treatment. Now, all you have to do is face the mirror and tell yourself how you have become fair and thankful because of the laser treatments that you have undergone to do away acne scars all at once.

Maxine Smith is a committed acne scar removal cream researcher and an internationally recognized and respected skin care specialist. Discover how you can enjoy a dynamic, healthy, acne and pimple free skin using the most innovative Acne Laser Treatments which is proven to be safe and effective.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scarring

Did you know, that just in America alone, over 15 million people have some form of acne scars.  That count is staggering, but not unbelievable.  Acne scars happen easily, even in cases of mild acne.  Usually acne scars occur when cystic acne forms, and some people are more prone to scarring than others.

Why scars form from acne is not hard to  to understand.  think of it this way.  Acne how ever you look at it, is both and infection and inflammation.  The body deals with it in the best way it can, by fighting the infection, however, in the process of healing scar tissue is formed instead of healthy tissue.

So, not only do we have to content with acne, we are also left with the scarring.  It is not a pleasant outlook. Especially when it is on the face. It is a source of embarrassment, ridicule and can be psychologically damaging.

Happily how to get rid of acne scarring can be easily dealt with medical intervention.  There are many types of treatments from dermabrasion, chemical peels, derma fillers, surgery, and the most effective, laser therapy.

That leads us to look at how to get rid of acne scarring with laser therapy.

Acne scar therapy has come leaps and bounds in the last years.  Modern medical advancements have now made laser therapy the number one choice for those seeking acne scar treatment. Unlike 1st generation laser therapy, lasers now do not remove the top layers of skin. There is a lot less risk and  they are far more effective.

There are more that a few types of lasers available for acne scars. The most popular are pulsed-dye laser and fractionated laser. 

One of the benefits of the pulsed-dye laser is takes  the redness out of the acne scars. Since often acne scars often take the form of discoloration,  pulse-dye laser  can very quickly  improve the appearance of acne scar redness tremendously.

The other type of popular laser acne treatment is fractionated laser. It is called such because it only does a fraction of the skin at a time.  The best way to understand how fractional resurfacing works is to think of a lawn being aerated, except with skin it is on a  microscopic scale. The fractional laser creates tiny "microthermal" zones  deep into the skin which the skin repairs by pushing out the scar tissue replacing it with new skin. For each square centimeter, about 1000-2000 holes are created.  This prompts the body's healing mechanism to produce collagen and new skin cells.

Of course as mentioned above there are other methods to treat acne scarring.  Dermabrasion, chemical peels, surgery are still available for use.  Which method is used is decided by jointly by you and your doctor.  In some instances your doctor may recommend a combination of laser and another method.  What ever the method, laser therapy is still the method for acne scar removal that is the most popular. There is less down time, less chance of side effects  and less chance for infections. All in all, laser therapy is the best choice for acne scar treatment.

Find out how you can get rid of your acne through my easy to follow course. Find out more on how to get rid of acne. Mary-Ann Eastman runs a site on rid acne scarring.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Acne Treatment and Acne Products With Aloe Vera

Studies have shown that astringent properties of Aloe Vera gel counteract acne infection and help cure pimples with little or no acne scars occurring.

Aloe Vera has a pH factor similar to that of the skin. The pH of skin varies from pH4 to pH6. Aloes natural pH is about 4.3, depending on weather and soil conditions, so it is very close to that of human skin. Acne products with Aloe help to restore the skin to its natural pH, making it an effective and natural Acne Treatment Product.

Aloe Vera is a mild anaesthetic, with antibacterial and antifungal properties, containing anti-inflammatory fatty acids all essential for acne treatment and acne prevention. Six antiseptics naturally contained in this natural wonder plant soothe inflammation from pimples and irritated skin and reduce the chance of acne infection by deeply cleansing and moisturising your skin. These components have shown to relieving itching, swelling, redness and pain from acne and conditions like eczema alike. Aloe is a proven, natural moisturiser, fragrance, colour and oil free.

Aloe helps to keep facial pores unclogged and gives skin a healthy glow because enzymatic activity speeds up blood circulation and removes dead skin, clearing acne and pimples. Aloe penetrates rapidly and deeply and is able to re-hydrate, heal and encourage skin renewal, which prevents and reduces Acne scars. Aloe coats the skin with a protective layer which minimises the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, further preventing Acne and pimples.

Aloe Vera is cooling, soothing and moisturising, and it stimulates the growth of new skin cells and tissue with natural steroids, enzymes and amino acids. A formidable natural Acne treatment product which is pure and affordable.

As with any acne treatment, Aloe Vera users must be patient. Some people plagued with acne and pimples report that before their skin condition improves, they get worse because impurities are made to surface, but when they follow a regular skin care routine (cleanse, tone, and moisturise) using aloe Vera skin care products, their acne and skin tone improves. Please refer to our skin care routine for full instructions.

Treat yourself to 100% reliable and affordable acne treatment products and skin care products without fillers, toxins, artificial fragrances or chemicals...Non-irritant and gentle enough for sufferers of allergy, hay fever or asthma.

Treat yourself to 100% reliable and affordable [] acne treatment products and natural skin care products without fillers, toxins, artificial fragrances or chemicals...

Fiona McColl founded Natural Skin and Beauty to introduce Natural Skin Care and Hair Care Products with Organic Aloe Vera [] and Mineral Makeup to clients worldwide and to raise awareness of the chemical content in commercial skin care products.

Our psyche, what we eat, what we do and our skin are inter-related. Love the skin you're in!

Acne Laser Treatment Cost: Why It's Worth Every Penny

Acne, as one of the most humiliating skin condition is not only visibly ugly; it also causes distress in a living. There are various medications in the market but these cannot answer the acne condition in later stages, so laser surgery comes to the rescue.

Acne laser surgery cost is the most luxurious treatments offered today. It can cost you thousands of dollars before you can complete the treatment. However, it is still the preferred treatment in removing acne scars and blemishes. Acne laser surgery not only removes dark spot, it also prevents the causing bacteria from coming back. Despite these costly procedure, most patient still value the quality of treatment that the acne laser surgery provides. Thus, acne laser surgery remains a popular choice among acne treatments. It is a painless procedure.

There are several types of acne surgery, first is the Carbon dioxide wherein lasers vaporize the tissues to eliminate those acne scars. Another type is the Erbium laser that treats mild to moderate acne. A nonablative laser is next which goes deep into the skin eliminate blemishes. There are evident side effects but not major factor to consider. Acne laser treatment cost depends on various factors like geographical location, expertise of the surgeon, types of laser to be used in operation and the number of session required. Geographical location decides a lot in the laser cost as the living cost in that location concludes other consideration. That is also the reason why clinics and hospitals in low cost of living areas charge less compare to those in expensive areas.

The caliber and experience of the medical experts is another factor in the treatment cost. Those who have achieved most are paid high by the hospitals. Lastly, the duration and number of sessions is depending on the severity of the condition.

It is always illustrated in any form of budget that people tend to overlook prices if it is for vanity and the quality of effectiveness of a certain treatment or product. Laser surgery treatment is very expensive and you must be aware of yourself to the pros and cons of this treatment. Mentally, physically, and monetarily preparedness is needed in this kind of acne treatment method.

Want to know more about Acne Laser Surgery Cost? Visit Michael Harrah's site at

Need Help With Acne Scar Removal?

All over the world people are looking for effective acne scar removal methods to treat the scars on their faces and/or bodies. Before many people start seeking a method of treatment they experience years or scarring and breakouts caused from acne and want scar removal to help them restore themselves back to their previous appearance. The multimillion dollar acne scar removal industry has been continuing to grow year and year. More and more treatments are available to the more and more people who feel the need to purchase acne scar removal treatments. Several different treatments are available from several different manufacturers for removing scars. Scar removal methods range from containing medication, to all natural, to a topical solution, all of which will help modify how the facial skin cures acne scars. Types of treatments depend on individual preference, symptom severity, and damage level acne has caused. The cost could also play a role in choosing acne scar removal methods, some methods are more pricey than others.

Topical solutions for acne scars are placed directly on the scarred areas They target more specific locations and repair, moisturize and include properties that prevent the recurrence of acne in that specific area. Many of the different acne scar removal treatments are effective, but not necessarily for everyone. Acne scar removal methods that are natural contain herbs and minerals found in nature that help regenerate skin. These options aren't quite as strong as medications, but they do reduce the risk of side effects and are believed to be safe for more moderate or mild scar removals. Natural methods for removing scars can be found at stores with natural products, grocery stores, pharmacies, or even online.

Typically the acne scar removal method used today is a medication that stimulates regeneration of skin in scarred ares. These medications are purchased at pharmacies, convenience stores or grocery stores over the counter. Stronger medications must be prescribed, at certain times, to avoid overuse or abuse. Most people will choose not to use a scar removing treatment that isn't natural because they contain high chemical content which will damage skin worsening the problem.

Understanding how you get acne, and acne scars is really important when deciding how to get rid of either. The most important, effective, and easiest way to get rid of acne or scarring is to prevent it from occurring at all. It is important to learn about all the options of preventing, and all the options of treatments. This way you can determine what is the best option for YOU personally. Not all options work for everyone, certain kinds will worsen the conditions for some, but end up being very effective for others. To prevent scarring, we must first prevent the acne. If you already have had scars occur, than it is still important to understand how to effectively prevent more scars from ever occurring. If you DO already have scars occurring, than your current method is obviously not doing its job. Thats when understand comes in, taking the time to do research is going to HIGHLY benefit you.

Want to learn more about acne scar removal?
Want to read a review on a highly recommended product for acne scar removal?