Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cheap and Effective Home Remedies to Treat Acne Scars

It's human nature that when they regularly indulge in unhealthy lifestyle practices such as excessive food or alcohol that they tend to ignore their sleep and consequently suffer from health-related problems. Don't be surprised when you wake-up one morning to find red spots on your face...

Basically Acne is a result of not allowing your skin to recover from these extreme punishments that you put it through on a daily basis. That is why taking a regular nap 5 to 8 hours a day, regular exercise and putting aside some time for fun is fundamental to treating Acne. If you are afraid to try out different types of Acne scar treatment, lotion or spending considerable money for a dermatologist or skin care center, then you should consider natural medication. Here are some quick, easy, effective and best Acne scar treatments that can be done from your kitchen.

- Take a cup and mix a spoon of sandalwood along with milk and rose water. Mask your face, particularly on the affected area. When the paste dries on your face, rinse it with chill water. Doing this regularly will combat Acne and as well as moisture your skin to help eliminate those scars.

- Vegetables and fruits are the perfect treatment for Acne scars. Tomato, cucumber, potato, apricot are your best choice. Smash it and apply as a facemask, it removes Acne and the scars as well.

- Aloe Vera has powerful healing properties! Wash your face with plain water and apply Aloe Vera gel on the affected area before going to bed. By doing so, your scars will start to diminish and fade away in a couple of days.

- "Nightly rituals" are important! One effective way to treat Acne is through spending some times for "nightly rituals". These rituals are essentially, washing your face as clean as possible, using facials for your skin, and using gentle night cream for your skin conditions. After that drink one or two glasses of mineral water before you sleep. By doing this on a regular basis, you can control Acne and as well treat the scars.

Some skin types are sensitive to whitening formula. This usually happens when you start using it, or after a while, once your skin can no longer adapt to the whitening formula. If this happens, you need to consult a dermatologist as he/she can easily advice you on the best treatment to deal with your Acne scars.

If the scars are too deep or penetrating, the dermatologist may even recommend you to consider surgery as an option to remove the scars.

However, there may be an alternative. Check this free report out on secret home remedies used to treat acne scars.

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