Monday, November 26, 2012

What Do I Do About My Acne Scars?

Just about everyone gets acne at one time or another, especially in their adolescent or teenage years. What many are unaware of, is that there are many effective acne treatments available, and so, they do not bother with early treatment believing it will clear up on its own. Early treatment can prevent scarring and keep acne from developing into a moderate or severe case which can cause more severe acne scars.

For those that believe acne will go away on its own, they are correct if it is left alone and the causes of it corrected however, this seldom happens, most of the time it just keeps getting worse and progresses to a moderate or severe case. When the acne reaches the point where cysts and nodules begin developing, the possibility of scarring becomes greater.

There are over-the-counter treatments on the market that are aimed at removing scars caused by acne however, some scars will be permanent and may require regular treatment to keep them hidden. This is why it is important to seek early treatment when the acne outbreak first occurs.

Getting back to "What do I do about my acne scars?" Have you heard the saying "an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" If you haven't you have now so, to prevent further scarring, get control of your acne breakouts now. See a dermatologist if you have to and once again, if you get control of it now, you can prevent further scarring which can make it easier to take care of the scars that you already have.

Just as all acne cases are unique in that what works to control acne in one person may not work for another, every case of acne scars is unique as well in the same way. Every case of scarring is treated on a case by case basis and some cases may require more than one treatment method. This is because there are different types and degrees of scarring.

Some of the treatments for acne scars include, laser resurfacing, augmentation, chemical peels, punch techniques, dermabrasion and cosmetic surgery. All of these treatments very in price and effectiveness, and the most expensive does not mean the most effective. When looking into these treatment options do not let price and emotion cloud your judgment. Discuss the options with your doctor as they are more knowledgeable in what treatments will be successful for your type scarring. If your scarring is not severe, some over-the-counter treatments may be all you need.

To discover some acne scar treatment's as well acne treatments to control your acne, click here. All you have to lose is two minutes of your time and maybe some acne.

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