Thursday, November 29, 2012

Acne Scar Treatments - 3 Options For You

Acne scars can be very traumatizing for those who have them. Many people just want to know, "How do I get rid of my Acne scars?" Well, hopefully this article can help.

Most who suffer from severe scars think that the only thing people notice when they look at them are the scars, and their self-esteem can take a real hit. However, there are quite a few options today for acne scar treatment, most of which are effective, affordable and relatively painless.

Most acne scar treatment options are done in a dermatologists' office and can be done on an outpatient basis. Typically there is only a day or two of discomfort if any at all; the majority of patients that get these types of treatment are able to head back to work as soon as the next day.

Acne Scar Treatment #1 - Microdermabrasion

A Few years back, dermatologists used what was called dermabrasion as an acne scar treatment. They used a small tool that had a wire brush at the end of it. That brush would spin around incredibly fast; then the wire brush was run across the face to scrape off a top layer of skin to let the healthier skin underneath show. If you think this sounds painful, it was and is.

Many who tried it got decent results but felt pain and discomfort for many weeks afterward. Dermatologists have since worked to improve this procedure. They now use technique known as microdermabrasion. This is a much gentler method which works by a brushing of very tiny crystals across the face to remove that upper layer of skin.

These micro crystals cause much less pain than the wire brush and yield good results with just a little discomfort for 1-2 days. Most patients who use this as an acne scar treatment are pleased with the results and can have the process repeated after a few months for even better results.

Acne Scar Treatment #2 - Light and Laser

It seems like lights and lasers are every where these days. Now very controlled lasers can even be used as an acne scar treatment in much the same way that micro crystals do. The laser treatment removes a very thin outer layer of skin so that new skin underneath is exposed.

So, for acne scar sufferers, this means that scars get removed too. There are also certain lights that when applied to the skin can help it to heal. This is achieved by the light stimulating the collagen underneath and allowing the skin to heal itself more quickly.

Acne Scar Treatment #3 - Collagen Injections

You've stared at your acne scars long enough to tell that they look a lot like deep inroads in the skin. These scars were caused when the skin from a broken pimple did not heal properly; usually broken skin joins together as it heals, but when it doesn't, a scar appears.

Collagen injections work as an acne scar treatment because the collagen forces skin to plump back up and it also can lessen the redness of the scar. Unfortunately, this is not a permanent solution and usually needs to be repeated a few times each week. However, most who try them report being very happy with the results and they find that collagen injections are the least painful of all the treatments.

Bottom Line

If your acne scars are consuming your thoughts and keeping you form living the life you should be living, there are options. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages but at least there are good viable options. We've mentioned just 3 acne scar treatments here but there are more. Do your homework and find out the facts before you decide which option is best for you.

Sean McCool is Publisher and founder of "PrestoBango! - Information To Transform Your Life!" He researches the latest information from around the web and around the world to put together resources and information to transform lives in a positive way. For more in-depth information on Acne treatmnts, check out Sean's latest resource at []

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