Thursday, January 2, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Scars From Acne - A Quick Guide

Acne is a very common dermatological complaint and sadly the trouble does not end when the skin lesions heal. That's because acne lesions tend to leave the skin scarred. The scarring is a long-term effect which persists for many years and can be the source of a great deal of anguish. The patient's face and upper body are usually affected, meaning that the scarred skin is largely on display. This can cause the patient considerable distress.

So we set out to discover how to get rid of scars from acne and this is what we found. There are indeed some treatments worth trying and they may really help in improving the appearance of scarred skin. In turn, the self-consciousness and embarrassment that so often accompanies a severely scarred person can be addressed.

First, a very quick reminder of what causes scarring. This helps us to understand how to get rid of scars from acne. The biological functions that lead to acne scarring have been investigated and, whilst there is still some doubt as to why some people get acne and others don't, we at least know how it develops. Inflammation within the skin results in collagen over-production during the healing process. The result is skin thickening and localised permanent skin deformation, notably the characteristic depressed areas which are indented acne scars. These are sometimes described as ice-pick scars due to their shape and appearance.

Scarring of the skin is not a trivial matter. It represents the presence of permanent abnormal skin tissues which the body is unlikely to take any further action against. If you have worrisome acne scars then we recommend that you consult a dermatologist or your physician for expert guidance regarding how to get rid of scars from acne. Although we are covering as much as we can here, every person is different and it is not appropriate to make a clinical diagnosis or commence treatment based on this information alone.

For severe and persistent acne scars, your medial practitioner may well tell you about techniques such as micro-dermabrasion or laser therapy. These are used to strip off the outermost layer of skin and can eventually improve its appearance. The effectiveness of micro-dermabrasion for treating acne scars is somewhat reduced by the sunken characteristics of deep scar tissue. The procedure can be very painful and in the case of dermabrasion in particular leads to surface bleeding. The abraded skin may take many months to heal completely. The idea is that freshly grown skin will appear and have a smoother, more healthy appearance that the old scarred skin. Remember that abrasion treatments are classified as invasive procedures. During these, you should be given an anaesthetic to aid your comfort. The procedure should be carried out in an hygienic clinical setting by a properly trained and qualified dermatological clinician.

Laser therapy differs from micro-dermabrasion because it is a non-contact treatment. A powerful laser is shone onto the target areas to induce skin surface renewal, with the same intended outcome as in dermabrasion. Laser treatment does not produce the surface bleeding that is certainly one of dermabrasion's less appealing effects. Multiple treatments of laser therapy may be needed in order to produce a satisfactory improvement.

Sometimes, there are individual scars that are especially disfiguring. These can be removed surgically by individual excision. Other treatments to improve the appearance of individual scars involve the use of filling agents such as collagen.

Don McRandall provides expert tips on proven ways to clear acne. For more great information on how to get rid of scars from acne and a free step-by-step mini-course that will teach you what you need to know today about acne and its treatment, visit:

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