Monday, June 10, 2013

Didn't She Used to Have Acne Before?

Most guys would not go out with a girl if her face is covered with acne. Actually some guys would go on a date with a girl with heavy makeup (hiding acne) but they may not get to kiss the girl at the end of the night. The girl who is covering her acne with heavy makeup has become an expert at that. The thing is she will not allow her secret to be discovered because she knows that once people know that she has acne or pimples, she will be stigmatized for life. People will start saying things like, didn't she used to have acne before?


Nobody should be ashamed of themselves if they have acne, pimples or zits on their face and body. Acne is caused by hormonal imbalance that can happen before a woman menstrual period or it can also happen during the beginning of puberty of both man an woman.  Pregnant women may develop acne and women going through menopause can show signs of acne as well. The high level of hormones that causes acne can also cause weight gain, but on a more positive note,  the high level of hormone can promote hair growth too.

A woman who is using oral contraceptive, taking anti-depression or anti-anxiety medications in many cases will suffer from acne. The use of makeup can also contribute to acne, specially if you are allergic to one or some of the products in the makeup. That is why, you should be careful in selecting your makeup and make sure that it is appropriate for your skin type. Common sense should be used as well. Simple things such as good hygiene, regular daily washing and scrubbing should keep your skin clean of bacteria and clean of acne in many cases.

Treatments for acne are various. They can vary from the least invasive cream, antibiotic creams to costly laser therapy. You should always try to get rid of acne first with an over the counter mild antibiotic cream. You may need a prescription from your doctor for some of the stronger creams. If you are concerned about existing acne scars, you may want to ask your doctor to refer you to a good specialist who may perform dermabrasion in order to remove the shallow scars that you may have. Make sure to have good reference from your doctor before you proceed.

If you are sick and tired of no results after trying all the products out there, you can visit our site where we promise to work with you til your acne disappear and you regain the beautiful skin that you had before the acne breakouts. Acne treatment!

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