Thursday, April 4, 2013

Removing Acne Scars Successfully

There is nothing pleasant about acne while it is happening. Acne causes mental and emotional distress particularly among teenagers. But most teenagers outgrow acne. By the time they are in their early 20s, the acne is gone along with the mental and emotional pain of having acne. It is all in the past. Unfortunately, acne scars often remain to keep reminding the former acne sufferer of the pain, and the scars continue to put a blight on his or her appearance. Instead of clear, smooth, youthful skin, every time they look in a mirror they see the reflection of acne past.

There is hope. Acne scars can be removed. Basically there are two procedures that are used to remove those ugly scars left over from teenage or young adult acne.

Of the two choices, laser resurfacing is the least expensive. Hospitalization isn't required. Laser resurfacing can be done in the dermatologist's office so it is far less expensive. The dermatologist uses a laser to remove the top layer of skin and also to tighten the middle layer of skin. He or she will use only a local anesthetic to help reduce the pain of the procedure. It usually takes several days for the skin to heal after a laser resurfacing procedure is done, and often multiple treatments are required to achieve the desired results.

The other procedure that is often used to remove acne scars is called "dermabrasion." In dermabrasion, a rotating wire brush is used to remove the top layer of skin. After a layer of skin is removed, the body produces new skin and it is smoother than the layer that was removed. It usually takes between 10 days and three weeks for skin to heal after a dermabrasion treatment and, like laser resurfacing, multiple treatments are usually required.

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