Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Physical and Emotional Effects of Acne

Just as with all other types of illnesses and conditions, acne is a condition that entails a number of negative ramifications on an individual's body and mind. When you are afflicted with this skin condition you are at a higher risk of experiencing other types of disturbances such as:

o Lowered self esteem - This occurs in adults and even more so in teenagers. People who have acne are most likely to avoid any type of social interaction due to fear of being ridiculed or discriminated against. Social awkwardness can be expected especially for teenagers who have peers at school that might not have acne.

o Depression - Because of the significantly reduced participation in social conventions, a person with acne is also likely to fall into depression and severe anxiety. This can become very dangerous because such condition can eventually lead to dysfunctional behaviour.

o Compulsion for maintaining a sterile environment - In rare cases, acne patients develop a compulsive behaviour that is tied to the obsession with keeping themselves as well as their surroundings very clean all the time. Although this psychological condition occurs in less than 1% of people with acne, it still warrants a caveat.

As far as the effects of acne on the body are concerned, the most prevalent effect happens to be scarring. Most people who have acne are afraid that they might end up having a face that looks like a map. Although there are many kinds of treatments available to reduce or entirely eliminate acne scars, the best thing is still to prevent their onset in the first place.

Popular acne scar treatments

o Non-ablative laser therapy - This procedure basically aims to damage the sebaceous glands to keep them from overproducing sebum. It is by far one of the most revolutionary techniques in treating acne as well as acne scars and comes highly recommended by top dermatologists.

o Micro dermabrasion - This process involves the removal of dead skin cells that cause discoloration.

o Chemical peel - Works quite similarly to dermabrasion except that it uses chemicals to peel of the damaged layer of the skin.

o Scar removing serums - These are topical formulas that are applied to the affected area. How you take care of your skin and your body as a whole after getting rid of acne is far more important than how you do while getting treatment for acne. It is essential that you take up a healthier lifestyle, one where you eat right, sleep enough, and exercise regularly.

There might not be an absolute way of avoiding acne but there sure are many ways of keeping your system healthy enough to fight off its causes.

Karan has been involved with internet marketing for nearly 4 years and is an avid writer who writes on various subjects. Come visit his latest website at which helps restaurant owners find and review the best Restaurant Juicer at the best prices.

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