Friday, November 23, 2012

How to Avoid Acne Scars in the First Place

When you are living with acne you always worry about acne scarring. The acne is bad enough, but it can lead to permanent scars on your face if you do not treat your skin with ultimate care. To be proactive is the best way to avoid acne scars in the first place. The best treatments for your skin are cleansing on a daily basis, using proper topical medicines, and in some cases using antibiotics.

You never want to squeeze a pimple or break the surface of your skin. If you damage the epidermis you will end up with a scar for life. There are many ways to deal with pimples so you will not have to hurt your skin. For a complete list and demonstration you will have to see a dermatologist.

To avoid the possibility of getting a scar from mistreating your acne, here are some of the better ways to minimize the breakouts in the first place.

1. Always wash your face twice daily with a mild acne cleanser. Be consistent and do this every day or your acne will come back. Acne is basically an infection in the pores of your skin, so you have to keep the bacteria off your face. For mild to medium cases of acne, some doctors tell patients to use a benzoyl peroxide cream to control bacteria build up also. Use a 5% solution to start with because the stronger ones can dry your skin too much. You can get this over the counter at any major drugstore.

2. Drink two more glasses a water a day than you are now. Water will help remove unwanted toxins from your bloodstream. This is a simple yet effective way to ensure that you will get rid of some of the bacteria inside of you.

3. Consult with a nutritional counselor for advice on the best foods to eat. There are many specific fruits and vegetables that lend support to skin care. The amino acids can help to keep acne from forming.

4. Exfoliate your skin twice to three times a week. Use a product that contains salicylic acid for the best results. This will remove the dead skin cells and allow for healthier skin to replace it.

Remember that if you do have scars from acne already that there are ways to treat them. The latest way is with laser acne scar removal. It is costly and it is always better to prevent the problem before it happens. Discuss this option with your dermatologist if you think you need it.

If you follow a good daily regimen with your skin, you will be able to avoid acne scars. The best way is to be proactive with your skin care and consistent. You will be able to live acne free and have a clear complexion for life.

For more information on how to avoid acne scars visit the Acne Skin solutions blog. There you will find great advice and products on natural acne removal. Learn the best ways on how to avoid acne scars today.

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