Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Find Out What To Expect From Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Acne is a distressing complaint and so often occurs at that most sensitive time of life, adolescence. Most youngsters are luck enough to grow out of it eventually. For some, the outcome is not so fortunate: Many of those with severe acne will suffer the further indignity of permanent scarring. The unsightly consequences of acne scarring can affect a person's self-esteem for life. It can have wide-reaching psychological and social consequences, diminishing for example the capacity for finding a partner and diluting success in business. Studies have shown that certain types of scarring change the beholder's opinion of how trustworthy a person is. Most sufferers feel their appearance would be greatly improved by being able to remove the scars.

Help is at hand. There are very effective laser and other treatments to make those unsightly scars vanish.To understand scar removal, first of all, it is important to know how they were formed in the first place. Scars will not form from mild acne, nor usually from moderate cases where the formation of papules (pimples) and pustules is prevalent. The privilege is usually reserved for severe cases, where nodules, or cysts under the skin, are formed. Prevention is better than cure, and at the first onset of nodules the sufferer should immediately consult medical advice.

A low-key form of surgery is laser resurfacing, carried out in the doctor or dermatologists office under local anesthetic. The top layer of skin is removed by laser and the underlying dermis tightened to leave the skin smooth. The mini-operation takes up to an hour and healing takes place within ten days.

A slightly more invasive method is dermabrasion, which is a little like sanding down the skin. A rotating wire brush or diamond-tipped instrument is used to wear down the top layers of the epidermis. In time this a new layer will be grown, free of the acne scars. This takes a bit longer, taking up to 3 weeks to heal.

The latest treatment for acne scarring is fractional laser therapy, which works at a deeper level than the other techniques, without causing injury to the top layer. For this reason, healing is quicker. However, it is a costly procedure and most insurances will not cover it, yet.

For milder cases, the dermatologist may suggest chemical peeling or a microdermabrasion. In the case of very deep scarring, individual scars may be treated by injecting collagen under the skin, or by localized surgery. In all cases, before undergoing treatment the acne must be under control, to avoid the risk of infection.

There are sera and gels for home use. The gels contain natural ingredients such as yeast extract, vitamin E and rosehip oil and liposomes, which are aids to wound healing, along with Panthenol Panthenol, or provitamin B5, otherwise known as the "beautifying vitamin". Sera are then applied to keep the product in place while it works, and to cosmetically improve the appearance of the skin. This form of treatment is particularly effective in mild cases of scarring, to diminish discoloration. The redness of such scars would take about a year to fade if left to themselves. Read more at

Scar removal cannot completely restore skin to its former glory, but it can significantly improve its appearance and with it the self-esteem of the sufferer. This can have invaluable social benefits.

Kelly Hunter operates and writes about Acne Scar Removal.

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