Sunday, March 2, 2014

Acne Scars - How To deal with Acne To Avoid Permanent Scarring

A lot of people suffering from acne are familiar with the dilemma of acne scars. While acne is a sufficient amount of problem's on its own, the issue of more or less permanent scars makes all even more complicated. Pimples are a tempting target for squeezing or picking open in what may be seen as a futile attempt to get rid of them. However, squeezing and picking is one of the worst possible ideas because it will only make everything worse. This is a job for a doctor and to be performed only if he deems it necessary. The main reason is that a pimple that has been squeezed or picked open is practically an invitation to every bacteria around to enter your body and cause an infection through the tiny opening in your skin. If you think the danger is insignificant, you're wrong.

Probably you have heard this advice a million times, but do try to keep your hands away from your face. For one thing, your hands have a lot of germs and bacteria, mostly because the hands are the most exposed part of the body, the limbs with which you grab and use all manner of not very clean objects. This means that bringing your hands in contact with your face skin is guaranteed to transfer a load of germs and bacteria from the hand to the face. Worse, all these germs and bacteria are transferred exactly in the area where your squeezing is opening a breach in the skin. In other words, you are bringing the enemy right to the gate.

Depending on the type of acne you are suffering from and on your face skin type, pimples that have been picked or squeezed open can turn to scars, leaving an unpleasantly looking skin behind. While squeezing pimples is not a good idea, but tolerable within certain bounds, you should absolutely refrain from trying to remove scars yourself. This is without doubt a job for a trained doctor who uses the right tools for the job. Tampering with scars will make matters worse. If you feel you cannot live with them, then make an appointment with a dermatologist and have them removed.

Believe me, you don't want to spend the rest of your life with the scars of past acne flare-ups crisscrossing your face. This is why it's very important to deal with acne in a decisive manner and prevent the emergence of pimples. The best way of taking care of your problem is to use an acne treatment that can really help your body put an end to basic cause of acne: widespread clogging of pores.

More info about Acne treatments can be found in Face Your Acne - a website dedicated on advice, information and Acne solution reviews

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