Friday, January 17, 2014

5 Homemade Tips on How to Remove Pimples

Nothing good can ever come out from having acne, although it can be considered as a natural occurrence, especially to those in their teen years, having acne can cause all sorts of problems physically and emotionally. Do you want to know how to remove pimples through homemade remedies? Then here are 5 tips that might just help you out.

Always keep your body hydrated

One of the most important things that you need to do to keep yourself hydrated. By drinking the recommended amount of water each day, you'll be helping your body flush out all the toxins that may be aggravating your skin condition.

Eat a healthy diet

You should also make it a point to eat a healthier diet if you want to know how to prevent pimples from appearing in the first place. Want to have clearer skin? Then reach out for vegetable and fruit snacks next time you're feeling hungry.

Vitamin E

If you're looking for ways on how to remove acne scars, you can start by applying the oil from a vitamin E supplement on the marks. The vitamin E not only helps heal the scars, but nourishes the skin as well.

Rose water and sandalwood paste

If you can get access to rose water and sandalwood paste, combine these 2 ingredients and apply it to your scars. Your acne scars will gradually fade with continuous use.

Rosehip seed oil

Because of its effective anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties, you should try to include rosehip seed oil in your daily beauty routine. Massage it on the affected area twice a day and you'll see a change in no time.

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