Friday, June 21, 2013

Top 10 Home Remedies For Acne Scars

If you do not want expensive surgical treatment for your acne scars, then there are several home remedies for acne scars.

Acne scars are produced when the acne gets inflamed with deep breakouts and bacterial infection. More the inflammation more will be the chance of scarring.

Although there are several allopathic antibiotics available to treat acne scars, but these medicines have side effects. Surgical options are expensive, often beyond the reach of a common man.

However, to help the common people here are some of the home remedies for acne scars -

1) Lemon juice is helpful in improving dark acne scars / pigmentation scars. Squeeze a lemon and strain the juice onto a cotton ball and apply to your skin directly. You can leave the lemon juice for a while before washing it with water.

2) Take eight to ten cloves of fresh garlic and chop it into very fine pieces. Apply the finely chopped garlic to your scarred skin and leave for 15 minutes before washing off.

3) Amongst the home remedies for acne scars, sandalwood rose water paste would be high in the list. Mix sandalwood powder with few drops of rose water and create a paste. Apply this paste to scarred skin and leave it overnight. Wash off the paste with water in the morning.

4) A good home remedy for acne scar, especially for oily skin is the oatmeal paste. To create the paste mix oatmeal with water. Apply this paste to your acne scars and leave it for thirty minuets before washing it with cold water.

5) Tomato, which has vitamin A, is one more of the home remedies for acne scars. Vitamin A controls the production of excess sebum. Vitamin A is also an excellent antioxidant. Slice tomato and apply slices directly to skin.

6) One more way to treat acne scars the natural way is to use a face mask made from cucumber and tomatoes. This combination improves the scar and also tightens the pores on your skin.

7) Honey is an excellent moisturizer and can help in treating acne scars. Heat a small amount of honey and apply to the acne scars by gently massaging. After thirty minutes wash with lukewarm water to remove honey completely.

8) A list of home remedies for acne scars would also definitely have Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is considered to be very good for skin in general, with excellent healing properties. Apply Aloe Vera direly from the plant itself or use a gel available in the market.

9) Another good home remedy for acne scar is fenugreek. Apply a paste made from fenugreek leaves directly on your face and leave it for sometime before you wash. Fenugreek seeds can be boiled in water and the water can be used to treat acne scars.

10) Last in this list of home remedies for acne scars is egg white. Egg is an excellent conditioner for skin. Egg white can be direly applied to acne scars. Wash off the egg white after 30 minutes.

To get rid of acne permanently the natural way in 72 hours you will have to follow a proven and tested Technique. To know about this technique visit

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