Thursday, April 25, 2013

Treatment For Acne Scars - 5 Procedural Acne Scar Treatments

It can be quite distressing to finally get rid of your Acne only to discover your skin is now scarred. However, there is help available for this too, and you may wish to consider a dermatological procedure if the scarring is extensive.

When considering this line of action please be aware that success is not guaranteed and scarring may still be present after the procedure even though the overall skin appearance has been enhanced.

Speak to a dermatologist to discuss your options and what treatment is considered to be the most suitable for you. To help introduce you to the selection of treatments available, here are a few examples your dermatologist will want to discuss with you.

1. Laser Treatment

Laser treatment really does come in a variety of sizes and strengths which are utilized accordingly for each individual job. A vascular laser reduces redness or other discoloring. Carbon dioxide lasers flatten the scar by removing layers of skin.

2. Collagen Injection

Collagen is a protein used naturally by your body to repair wounds. In this treatment, Collagen is injected underneath the scarred skin to plump it up raising it to your normal skin level. Unfortunately, the effects of this treatment are only temporary and last approximately three to six months. In order to get this treatment you will require enough money to get regular Collagen injections. If you do choose this option, be warned that bovine collagen may cause allergic reactions in some individuals so it may not be the best choice for you.

3. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a procedure that removes layers of your skin with a machine. It is carried out under a local anesthetic and uses a high velocity rotating wire brush to take off damaged layers of skin to reveal the new smoother layer underneath. This may actually cause bleeding and injury to the skin the idea being it gives the skin a second chance to heal correctly and produce new skin on top. This treatment may also result in skin pigmentation changes so further treatment may be required to address these. This is generally not a recommended treatment for Acne scars.

4. Autologous Fat Transfer / Micropilo injection

This procedure removes fat from the subject's body and injects it under the skin to raise sunken scars. Think of it as a fat relocation program! This kind of procedure needs to be regularly repeated as the fat will not be absorbed into the skin right away. It can take up to eighteen months for the skin to accept the fat sample fully.

5. Skin Grafting

Skin grafting is a direct surgical technique. A layer of skin is removed from an area such as your thigh, and carefully grafted onto the scarred section. This procedure is only used in essential situations such as for defective sinus tracts. This kind of damage can be caused by dermabrasion treatment.

If you prefer a more non evasive treatment for acne scars, you should consider using some top acne products that contain healing properties.

To find out which acne product is best for you, CLICK HERE

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