Monday, April 22, 2013

The Best Treatment For Acne Scars

Dealing with acne is never easy. After that, you will have to deal with the scars. When it comes to this, what is really the best treatment for acne scars?

Before we dish the different ways to get rid of acne scars, find out more first about the different types of acne so you can understand how the scarring process goes.

Acne happens when our pores become plugged with excess oil from the sebaceuous gland and traps dirt or dead skin cells inside. This is the best environment for bacteria to grow and flourish. This will then cause red bumps and sometimes pus-filled bumps known as pimples.

Acne differs in severity from person to person. Mild to severe acne can be experienced by many. The most serious acne scarring is usually caused by the severe form of this condition. The nodules leave a more permanent scar than any other types of acne.

The best way to get rid of the scars is to get treatment as soon as the acne subsides or heals. Fresh scars are easier to treat than old, stubborn ones.

Commonly, the brown or red-colored marks left by acne will eventually lighten even without treatment. However, some of these scars maybe permanent when these were squeezed and picked. This pushes the inflammation deeper and causes deeper damage to the skin tissues.

Depending on the severity of the scars, your dermatologist can perform many treatments such as chemical treatment or microdermabrasion. These methods will help remove dead skin cells that have accumulated on the surface of the skin. This can significantly reduce the appearance of scars.

Laser resurfacing can also be done to reduce the scarring. The laser gets rid of the top layer of the skin (which is usually the damaged one) and tightens up the middle layer leaving a smoother skin. This method can take days before the skin is completely healed.

Sometimes doctors use an injection to fill out the pitted scars and raise it to the same level with the normal skin. Cosmetic surgery can also be used for severe cases. Many people consider any of these methods as the best treatment for acne scars.

However, most of these treatments are very costly. This is why people also turn to the use of herbal and home remedies which are also effective. You can try any of these methods:

1. Squeeze the lemon or lime and get the juice. Dip a cotton ball into the juice and gently massage the juice on your face. Let it sit for a few minutes and wash it off afterwards.

2. The mixture of sandalwood and rosewater is very beneficial. You can mix both of these up to make a past and apply it on your face as a facial mask. You can wash it off after an hour or leave it on overnight.

3. Slice tomatoes and leave it on your face. Tomato is a rich source of Vitamin. Vitamin A can inhibit the production of scars and can also reduce the overproduction of sebum.

4. Try massaging olive oil on the scars. It softens the skin and at the same time reduces scarring.

You can also try a natural product that can promote better skin functioning. Try a natural product called ClearSkin Skin Wash.

This is a product that you can use to help you clean your face carefully without overdrying. This supports the integrity of skin tissues and can help reduce scarring by maintaining great skin circulation.

This product incorporates the most natural herbal ingredients such as Burdock, Lavender, Neem and Tea tree oil. All of these herbs are the preferred ingredients of many cosmetic products. You can use this together with home remedies to reduce the scars rapidly.

Best treatment for acne scars is not only through the use of expensive surgeries. You can also achieve great results with these home remedies and with ClearSkin Skin Wash. Try these and you can see great results.

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