Acne does not usually cause scar formation when it is left alone to run its natural course. Acne scars occur when the infection does not heal properly, like when a pimple is forcefully ruptured, and they are visible reminders of injury and tissue repair. Acne scar revision is usually accomplished by using surgical procedures but there are also natural ways that can be used for scar treatment, ones that can even be made at your own home.
The treatment of scars is based on the idea of continuous removal of the most superficial layer of your skin. Selection of natural ingredients to be used should then be based on its ability to exfoliate or its abrasive property. Facial exfoliates rely on a mixture of coarse and moist ingredients, combined to make a rough paste, and here are two popular recipes that can be used to aid scar treatment.
Oatmeal facial scrub makes use of oatmeal, which has healing and soothing properties, and honey, which also has healing and soothing capabilities, as well as moisture retention. Mix half a cup of oatmeal, left as it is or ground up for finer scrub, with a tablespoon of honey, to form a paste. Use it to massage into your face and neck, to be left for about 15 minutes before rinsing.
Olive oil and sugar scrub makes use of olive oil, which has soothing and moisturizing capabilities and is rich in antioxidants, plus sugar to provide gentle scrubbing. Mix 1 tablespoon sugar for every few drops of oil until a considerable amount of paste is formed. Gently massage it into your skin and then rinse it with warm water.
The goal of scar treatment is to provide the skin a more acceptable physical appearance as total restoration of the skin to the way it looked before the scar, is sometimes not possible especially if the scar is too deep. But still, using natural ingredients for acne scar revision can improve the appearance of your skin. It is just prudent to try your hand at natural ways first before considering surgical procedures which are invasive, and therefore has more potential to cause harm than benefit.
These tips helped me get rid of my severe acne and breakouts and I'm sure they'll help you as well. But honestly, there's 1 more secret that I haven't mentioned yet that got rid of my acne permanently and naturally. It also helped me vanish my pimple scars for good (my friends kept asking me how I did it). To know my #1 secret, visit
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