Monday, April 1, 2013

Acne Scars and Treatment

The use of different treatments for treating acne often leaves scars on the skin. Most of the time the scars are not as bad as the acne themselves but the acne scars are still ugly. There are treatments which take care of the aces and the scars at the same time and there are treatments that don't leave any scar at all but treatments like surgery and some strong medicines leaves ugly scars behind. Popping the pimples without any medication will also cause these scars to occur.

There are as many medicines for removing acne scars as there are for treating acnes. These medicines come from different companies and contain different chemicals and other ingredients. One has to be as careful in choosing the acne scar removing treatments as one is while choosing acne removing treatment.

We have surgical acne scar treatments and natural scar removing treatments. We will first look at the former. Surgical acne scar removing treatment includes microdermabrasion, photorejuvenation, scar revision, laser skin resurfacing and pulsed dye laser. These treatments are very popular among those who can afford them and their results are mostly positive too. But they also involve a lot of side effects that are dangerous sometimes. The most popular among these treatments is acne scar laser treatment. These treatments take less time and cause less discomfort to the patient.

Other than these surgical scar removing treatments we also have natural acne scar treatments. In some cases the scars heals and disappears on their own but when they don't one can always try the natural way of removing them. The reason behind the popularity of natural acne scar treatment is that there are o side effects involved. Here also we have lots of options to choose from. Natural ingredients are used for these treatments. They can be bought from the market or prepared at home using the traditional natural methods. The readymade products are creams, scrubs, gel, masks, etc. Here are some easy home acne scar treatments.

o Make a paste with sandalwood and rosewater and apply to the face. Let it dry completely and the wash it off with water.

o One can also rub ice packs against the scars for 10-15 minutes every day.

o Apply cucumber juice or cut tomato on the scars. You can use them separately or grind them together into paste. These are very effective.

o Avoid using creams and other products that have very strong chemicals in them. Also try to minimize make up. These can only make the scars more visible.

o Applying honey on the skin is also a helpful simple method.

o Apply egg whites on the scars and leave them overnight.

These are some cheap and effective ways of clearing the acne scars without going for expensive treatments that have further side effects. In case of stubborn scars medical help is advisable.

Acne Skin Guide provides quality and accurate information about acne products including Rosacea, teenage and adult acne and much more.

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