Thursday, April 4, 2013

Acne Scars and the Psychological Effects and How to Stop It

No matter how old, or young, you are, no one likes to deal with acne scars. Whether you have one or a lot, acne and its aftermath can leave devastating reminders on skin that follow you around for a lifetime.

Acne is a common problem that is typically dealt with by teens and young adults, most often caused by hormones, mainly androgen, which increases the amount of skin oils, and may affect the face, neck and back, though the face is usually the most common site for acne. Millions of people suffer from acne, and while most cases are mild to moderate, thousands of people are affected by severe acne that leaves scars.

The skin is a living, breathing organ, and when it's damaged it may take years for it to recover. With acne, the severity of scarring will depend on how bad your case of acne is, or was, as well as your ethnicity, age, and even whether you're female or male. For those who suffer mild or occasional cases of acne, scaring will be minimal. Severe cases of acne often leave scars behind which may appear deeply pitted or as more angular or asymmetrical in appearance, and acne scar treatment depends on the type of scar you have.

Believe it or not, there are different classes of acne scars, which help dermatologists to suggest certain type of treatment depending on the type of scar tissue is present. For example, there are ice pick acne scars, which can be described as narrow, dented scars. These scars are generally less than 2 millimeters in depth and extend into subcutaneous tissues. Such treatments as dermabrasion or resurfacing usually don't work on these types of scars.

Rolling acne scars join healthy tissue with scar tissue, which creates a gently rolling skin surface, and this of type acne scar is dealt with by breaking up those skin cells that join the two together. Boxcar acne scars appear as rounded depressions in the skin and are easier to treat with laser skin resurfacing methods.

For most people, over-the-counter creams, ointments and gels may suffice in rejuvenating skin cell growth, and in time, most acne scars will disappear. For those with sever acne scars, a dermatologist would be the best person to seek medical advise from, as there are several different methods to reducing the amount of scarring left from acne. Such treatments may range from dermabrasion or laser surgery, but in many cases, those are not feasible options for young people.

No matter which type of acne scars you are suffering from, your dermatologist will be able to suggest various treatments for eradicating some if not most of those scars. Before you make an appointment with a dermatologist, however, you may want to check with your medical insurance company to find out if they will cover such treatment. Removing acne scars may be an expensive endeavor, but when it comes to confidence and self-esteem in teens and young adults, such treatment is literally priceless.

Discover an effective new skin care treatment for oily skin acne, melasma, scars, scarring, age spots, freckles HERE

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