Thursday, April 4, 2013

6 Ways to Remove Acne Scars

Acne scars affect a large proportion of the world's population. Some people recover from Acne without any lasting effects, however, some people suffer permanent scarring.

Milder scarring, or hyper-pigmentation, is a red or dark marking on the skin which occurs naturally during healing. If no further Acne affects that area it can heal normally but if it is still present after a year it is considered to be a scar.

Scarring is your skins response to Acne; this can result in either an increase of tissue formation or a tissue loss. Scars that cause an increase of tissue formation are known as Keloids. Keloids form within pre-existing scar tissue when collagen, which is used to heal wounds, is produced in excess. Keloids are usually genetic but scars that create tissue loss are the most common acne scars.

What can help?

Tretinoin is the acidic form of Vitamin A which can help heal scars. Many commercial products contain Tretinoin such as age defying and anti wrinkle creams. It increases the production of collagen helping to plump up the scarred skin; it can also help with the restoration of your natural skin color.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) are carboxylic acids with an extra hydroxyl chain on the opposing carbon. They can either be naturally occurring or synthetic and are common within cosmetic products. They are reported to reduce the signs of aging and improve the skin in general. Skin irritation and flaking can occur if not used in the correct dosage and concentration of the acid.

Discuss these methods with your dermatologist before starting any treatments. It is important to know what option is the most suitable for you, as it can differ from person to person. Here are six different ways in which your dermatologist might progress your skin rejuvenation plan to reduce Acne scars.

6 methods to consider with your Dermatologist:

1. Chemical Peels.

These can be used to treat small or large scars and are primarily used for blackheads and whiteheads. Repeat use is known to improve more extensive scarring.

2. Laser Treatment.

This is a relevantly new method of treatment but for some patients it is the only effective method. It can be used to treat more complex scarring.

3. Dermabrasion.

This is designed to be able to reach the deeper layers of skin, as opposed to a chemical peel.

4. Excision Surgery.

This removes the affected area entirely and is usually used to treat Ice Pick scarring. It requires anesthetic and hospitalization.

5. Soft-tissue Augmentation.

This treats scars that have suffered tissue loss. The scars are injected just underneath them with collagen which naturally heals wounds in the skin. This plumps your skin tissue making sunken scars rise to the natural skin surface.

6. Intra-lesional Steroid Injection.

This treatment is used for Keloids and can be used in conjunction with surgery to reduce the size of the scars. This involves a direct injection into the Keloid growth and can only be carried out by a specialist dermatological surgeon.

Treating Acne Scars take time and discipline. You should also consider investing in a good acne product to prevent more acne scars and help to heal the existing ones.

To find the right products, read up on Acne Treatment Reviews before you start any treatment.

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