Thursday, February 14, 2013

Is Laser the Most Effective Acne Skin Treatment?

There are tons and tons of treatments designed to help teens and adults fight acne and keep it at bay. No matter what your age, chances are that you would rather do without the presence of acne and may have even tried several methods of getting rid of it. Washes, scrubs, creams, pills, etc. may have provided you with varying degrees of success, but if they are still not working to your expectations, exploring laser treatment alternatives may be a worthwhile cause.

Of course, speak with your doctor or dermatologist before using, taking or undergoing any treatment to make sure that it is safe to do so and that you are a good candidate for the treatment. This can be an important step in treatment, as certain treatments may not be for everybody, especially those with certain medical conditions or women who are pregnant.

As far as which treatment is best, well that's something you'll have to talk to your doctor about. It is safe to say, however, that lasers have been used more and more throughout the years in the medical and cosmetic industries for their safety and precision. The technology surrounding laser treatments has been advanced and refined since they were first used in the medical field decades ago.

Whether laser treatment or another option is your best bet may also depend on the severity of your acne. If you have mild acne, you may get by with a simple cleanser or cream, while more severe cases may require prescription treatment. Other forms of acne treatment include chemical peels, microdermabrasion and light therapy. The effectiveness of these treatments, as well as laser therapy for acne, is still being studied, although results have shown that they may be suitable treatments for some individuals. Again, these treatments are not for everybody and may depend on your individual needs and goals, so discuss the matter with your dermatologist first.

To prevent acne, make sure that you wash twice daily, but avoid over-washing, as this may increase sebum production, which can make acne worse. Do not pick or press pimples either, as this too will often result in increased sebum production. Drink a lot of water, as this may help to flush out toxins and keeps you hydrated. Drinking water can be a great way to maintain healthy skin.

To reiterate, inquire with your dermatologist about laser acne treatment, but also keep an open mind to other possible options. What works for one individual may not work for another depending on several factors.

Justin recommends visiting an Aesthetic Skin Treatment clinic for " Affirm Laser Treatment " procedures, set-up a consultation ask questions and get answers from Dr. Navarro on Acne Scar Removal and prevention in Florida

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