Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Acne Scar Removal - 3 Ways to Get Rid of Your Unsightly Scars

If you wonder how and whether you can treat acne scars I have good news for you. They can be removed, though some types of scar can be hardly treated.

It would not be smart to look for a plain acne treatment recipe to get rid of your unsightly scars. Today experts suggest a number of treatments some of which have been proven to work, when other methods seem too radical. So it is important to determine what treatment is most suitable for you, in order to successfully solve the problem. It would be better to go to a dermatologist and act according to the individual acne scarremoval program she/he will give you. Otherwise, you may harm your skin.

Below you will find 3 proven ways to get rid of your unsightly acne scars:

Method # 1

Retin A - this remedy is very helpful in the treatment of various skin conditions, including scarring.

Attention: This method of acne scar removal may have some side effects, therefore first consult a specialist.

Method # 2

Dermabrasion or laser resurfacing

This isanother type of scar treatment. This increasingly popular solution usually involves the removal of the top layer of the skin with a high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond stone. The success of laser treatment mostly depends on the types of scars the patient has. It is rare when the sufferer gets rid of acne scars in 1-2 sessions. Sometimes even more than one session may be required for each scar. As for the result of this solution, dermabrasion may not always work for 100% removal of scars. However, after several sessions you will be able to make them less noticeable.

Method # 3

Collagen Injections - this method may be effective for some types of scars. How doCollagen Injections work? - Being a temporary treatment, the injection fills out the problem area of the face, and as a result, scars become less noticeable.

The only negative side of collagen injections is that all the achieved results are temporary. Therefore you will have to repeat the procedure anywhere from 2 to 4 times a year.

Do not select any of the above mentioned treatments on your own. It is very important to find out the type of your acne scars, as one solution may work better, while the other methods may even worsen your condition.

In a word, before starting scar healing, you should certainly consider:

the type of acne scars

the severity of scarring

your budget to spend.

Of course, today you may easily find multiple solutions for acne scar removal: from natural to medical. But preventive action is always the best way to avoid any health problem, including acne scars.

So it means to avoid acne scars, you should properly care about your skin. A balanced diet and life without stress is the main key to acne free skin. No acne, no scar!

Manfred Grundhoefer can help you find ways to www.getridofacneeasy.com Get Rid of Acne Easy. Check out his blog and see the difference.

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