Are you dealing with old acne scars or do you find that you are worried that a current crop of acne is going to scar up? If so, you will find that you need to look into how you can treat your acne scars. Acne is a condition that is embarrassing enough on its own, and after it is over, you never want to deal with it again. However, this can be tough if you are dealing with acne scars, so take a moment to learn about what you can do about acne scars, new or old.
The first and best treatment for acne scars is when the acne is still new. When you are dealing with acne, remember that you should not touch it. The oils and grit that end up on your hands are something that can make the acne more inflamed and more problematic, and so it is in your best interest to make sure that the marks heal up as clean as possible. This can prevent it from scarring up at all so make sure that you avoid touching your face as much as possible. Similarly, make sure that you do not use soap that is too harsh. Soap that is too harsh can also inflame your skin through drying it out, so consider what you are using to wash your face.
When you have very new acne scars, your goal is to get them to heal as completely and as thoroughly as they can. This means that you should start by drinking more water, which will give your skin a much better chance of repairing itself, and that you should make sure to eat well and to get more sleep. Similarly, you should look into rubbing vitamin E oil into the scars or in taking vitamin E supplements, which will help your skin repair itself as well.
The thing about acne scars that you should keep in mind is that acne scars can take upwards of six months to a year to disappear. They will do this naturally, and they will do this on their own, but it can be a very long wait. In the meantime, you should keep your face clean without drying it out. However, you should also keep in mind the fact that there are professional procedures that can help you as well.
For instance, Dermabrasion is essentially the mechanical resurfacing of your skin. Dermabrasion essentially uses abrasive tools, like a motorized brush or a diamond cylinder, to remove the scarred and stubborn skin. You can find both superficial and deep abrasion available to you, and you should speak with a dermatologist over which one will serve you well. On the other hand, laser resurfacing will destroy the scar tissue using a high-energy beam of light.
Take some time and think about what acne scarring you may have, and what you can do about it. There are many different alternatives open to you, and the more you learn about them, the more informed your choice could be.
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