Having acne is like having back-to-back punishment. First you worry about the unsightly pimples ransacking your beautiful face and then once they are gone, they leave awful marks that you would have to deal with for the rest of your life. If you were living a hundred years ago, you would have given up on life and would never fully recover from the serious blows of acne occurrence.
You have to be thankful you are living at a time when modern breakthroughs in science make it possible for you to go on through life scar-free after a harrowing acne episode. The techniques on how to get rid of acne scars are now dime a dozen. And they are completely backed by science! Check out these cool treatments that might just solve your scar problems.
1. Gelatin implants. This involves injecting collagen and implanting gelatin on the scars. Using a sterile needle, collagen elevates the scars to level it off with the surrounding areas. This is totally safe and natural. Collage is derived from tissues around the body that contains high amounts of protein. In the absence of collage, your attending dermatologist may get fat tissues instead.
This procedure can only be done by licensed professionals. Don't risk going to clinics that have no permit because you might suffer from serious side effects especially if you have an allergy towards collagen. After the procedure, you may notice small bumps around your faces but these are normal. After a few days, they will all be leveled until the scars can hardly be seen.
2. Dermaplaning. From the name itself, you can say that this procedure smoothes the plane of your face. It also goes by the popular name called dermabrasion. In this procedure, the dermatologist will gently scrape away the topmost layers of your facial skin using a very small brush. This has been compared to sandpaper, although you should not, in under any circumstances, use a sandpaper to smoothen your face!
The small instrument being used has passed the regulations of medical governing bodies in the United States and it is completely safe to use as long as the doctor using it has acquired a license. Before the process, your face will be injected with anesthesia so you won't feel a thing while the doctor is brushing away your skin.
3. Chemabrasion. Chemabrasion, or more popularly known as chemical peel, has been around for a number of years. Scientists have experimented with various chemical solutions that would peel away minute portions of the skin without compromising safety.
And they came up with chemical solutions such as glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid which are not harmful to the user. From the trials performed in laboratories, they had proven that these solutions on how to get rid of acne scars can be commercialized and sold in public.
If you want to get rid of acne for good then you certainly can. I was a former sufferer of acne and has gotten rid of my acne using an all cure-acne-fast.com/myacnestory.htm natural acne solution. To get the same solution that has helped me to be acne free for more than 6 months now, you can cure-acne-fast.com/myacnestory.htm visit my website to get immediate access and start feeling confident about the way you look when you stare in the mirror! Finally you can be happy and acne free.
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