Friday, January 31, 2014

How Long For Acne Scars to Fade - Is Time the Best Healer?

More than the acne itself, it is the persistent acne scars that people fear the most. Some acne scars can look very ungainly on the face and some of them might persist for years on end. Simple scars such as those left behind by whiteheads will vanish in a week or two but the same cannot be said of cystic acne scars, which might take ages to heal. Just as different kinds of acne influence the healing process, different types of skin also have an influence. People who get acne want to know how long it takes for acne scars to heal. They might use various cosmetic methods to hide these scars as long as they exist on their face.

Acne Scars - Why do they happen at all?

One of the main reasons why acne scars happen is because of the body's tendency to ward off any external attacks, including inflammations, which happen in it. When an outbreak happens, the body releases white blood corpuscles, which are often called as the soldiers of the body, as a defense mechanism. However, the acne inflammations subside soon enough but the scar that was formed due to the repair process remains behind.

How Long for Acne Scars to fade?

It is not easy to say how long an acne scar will take to fade away completely because this is pegged on several factors. The type of acne that the person has is an important factor. If the acne is merely zits or whiteheads, the scars will be very insignificant, even if they are present. However, there are conditions in which the acne outbreak can be drastic. These scars will take a long time to heal too. The nature of the person's skin is also an important factor here. Some skin types are prone to retain acne scars for longer periods of times than others.

Certain home-based methods for reducing the acne scars include placing lemon peels on the scars directly and allowing them to be there for a while. Cucumber can also be used in the form of slices. Tea tree oil rubbed on the scars also has a therapeutic effect. Some professional methods for scar removal also exist, such as using laser treatments and collagen injections.

Copyright (c) 2009 Buddy Shearer

Do not put up with acne any longer, learn about How Long For Acne Scars To Fade or and be on your way to clear, healthy skin.

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