Monday, September 30, 2013

4 Tips to Remove Acne Scars

Deciding on the best course of removing acne scars can be a tough call. Natural solutions are often cheap, quick, and easy to administer, while chemical treatments are often expensive and complex. Below are a list of treatments that will assist in determining which form of treatment is right for you.


For people who posses a minimal degree of acne scarring superficial chemical peels may be of assistance. These often contain a mix of alpha hydroxy acids such as those found in fruit, and glycolic acids which can be found in sugar cane.


For more serious cases of acne scarring, some may wish to look towards deep chemical peels. These commonly consist of a combination of beta hydroxy acids that are oil soluble, and trichloroacetic acids that penetrate deeper into the skin.

In either case treatments require a series of chemical peeling sessions whereby acid is painted onto the skin, burning the top layers. After a period of over a week or so the burnt skin breaks off allowing for the re-growth of new skin. Chemical peels also require the use of prescribed creams for preparing the skin for the peel and for ongoing maintenance, which can last months.

With all such treatments one must be aware of the side effects, which are greatly amplifiedthe deeper the chemical peel. These include:

- The flaring of acne or cold sores - An inflammation of the tissue around the mouth (peri-oral dermatitis) - Peeled skin may also inflame resulting in unsightly scarring - Increased pigmentation such as transient spots of hyper or hypopigmentation - Complete avoidance of direct UV rays - Lengthy recovery and maintenance procedures - All of which may last for months


Rose Hip Oil is a natural derivative of Retinol a common anti-acne ingredient, and a significantly safer solution than chemical peels. It's favored position revolves on its ability to absorb into the body, due to its compatibility with skin cell structure. This treatment enhances the skin by increasing its elasticity and flattening out scarring, while improving the color of acne scars and surrounding skin.


One of the most effective treatment methods of involves the use of a natural microdermabrasion and a acne treatment cream that includes Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates, a biological compound found inside the cells of snails.

The natural microdermabrasion gently buffers away undesired acne scars in a much more subtle means than chemical treatments. Working side-by-side, the Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates speeds up the regeneration process by replacing the scar collagen with a mixture of skin cells and invisible collagen fibers.

Bioskinexfol is a perfect example of such a natural skin repair treatment cream and exfoliate. Its effectiveness lies in its mixture of 100% natural ingredients that are completely side-effect free, making it a much safer scar removal cream than chemical peels. The results Bioskinexfol produces renders all other acne scars treatment obsolete.

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