Friday, June 28, 2013

Which Is the Best Acne Scar Removal Procedure for You? Making the Wise Choice

Acne scare removal is much easier now than it was 20 years ago. Modern medical equipment, improved knowledge about skin conditions and increased attention given to acne and its resulting marks have contributed to the emergence of various procedures that could help people eradicate unsightly marks on their skin.

Acne scar removal procedures are quite expensive and a bit more complicated than mere acne treatments. These procedures often entail multiple sessions, and in some cases, maintenance procedures that can go on long before the offending skin mark has been removed.

Faint scars

For faint scars, or those that do not have height as keloids do or marks that do not have a crater-like appearance, topical cures are often enough. Medications like retinoids and AHA ointments are just some of the cures that people can use to erase the blemishes caused by severe acne. These treatments can be bought over the counter, although the opinion of a dermatologist should be sought first before using any of them.

Superficial scars

One particular option that has been proven to be effective in eliminating superficial scars (marks that have no depth or height and have the appearance of irregular color) is chemical peel. The procedure involves the use of a medication designed to remove the top layer of the skin or the part where abnormal pigmentation has occurred. After the damaged skin has peeled, the area will regenerate and will replace the damaged part with a fresh, smooth skin.

Small scars

Like chemical peeling procedures, dermabrasion also acts by removing the top layer of the skin. This procedure, though, makes use of a machine instead of a chemical. This is more advanced than mere peeling, but the purpose is the same, to remove the damaged part and allow the skin to regenerate and replace the removed patch. This procedure is good enough for small scars that do not go beyond one centimeter in diameter.


To remove keloids or scars with height a number of procedures can be used including crysosurgery, laser treatment and radiation therapy. These procedures are designed to burn away the bump that resulted from acne scarring. Procedures for removing keloids are often combined with other treatment modalities to replace the excised skin.

Crater-like marks

Scars that have left depressions on the skin can be cured by autologous fat transfer or collagen treatments. Fat transfer involves taking fat from another part of the body to fill in the depressed part. Meanwhile, collagen treatment involves the injection of collagen to elevate the depressed area and create a smooth surface. Both procedures usually require follow-up and maintenance treatments.

Knowing the various acne scar removal procedures can help you make a wise decision on how to go about removing the blemishes on your skin left by severe acne. And to make sure that you are making the right choice, talk to your dermatologist about it and ask his or her guidance on what treatment would suit you best.

You are embaressed to go out at times, we know. But acne can be kept under control, if not cured. For acne solutions, visit

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