Thursday, June 27, 2013

Understanding Ways Of Getting Rid Of Acne Scars

Getting rid of acne scars is on the top priority of many young men and women. But before we talk about getting rid of them, let's take a look at how they form in the first place!

Sometimes the sebaceous glands under the skin can get contaminated with oily toxic materials like dirt, dead skin, and bacteria. Normally the sebaceous glands secrete oil which is let out through the pores of the skin. The skin thereby remains moist and is kept lubricated. If these pores are blocked or do not open, it results in accumulation of the toxic substances resulting in eruptions or pimples. These eruptions are termed as Acne. These bumps can appear on the face, neck, back, chest and even the upper arms. It can affect adults in their 20s and also sometimes in their 40s and at times getting rid of acne scars is very difficult. Acne can also be caused by indigestion of food, toxic colon, weak liver and other conditions which increase the toxicity in the body.

Any skin infection leaves a scar behind. Acne scars can be a sign of reminder of your infection. It is important to get adequate information on getting rid of acne scars or reduce the intensity to feel close to your old good looks.

A lesion is a physical change in the body tissue caused by disease or injury. It may be external resulting in acne, skin cancer or internal causing lung cancer, atherosclerosis. It can vary in intensity from comedones (blackheads or whitehead), papule, pustule, macule to nodules and cysts.

Types Of Acne Scars

There are two types of scars- one that is caused by increased tissue formation and the other by the loss of tissue. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Ice pick- As the name indicates, these are thin, sharp scars. The scars are narrow but can extend deep into the subcutaneous layer.

Boxcar- These are rounded scars with sharp vertical edges.

Rolling- These scars have a rolling or undulated texture. They result due to folds in the skin to the subcutaneous tissue.

Available Treatments

Dermal Fillers - Fillers like fat, collagen, polyethyl methacrylate microspheres with collagen are injected into the scars to raise the surface and give a smooth look. This is however only a temporary solution.

Punch Excision - Deep scars like ice pick and box car can be treated using this procedure. Local anesthesia is given to remove the scar tissue using a punch biopsy tool and the edges are sutured together. Skin grafting can also be done.

Punch elevation - It is similar to punch excision. In this, however, the base of the scar is excised leaving the walls of the scar intact. The excised base is then sutured to the surface of the skin.

Subcutaneous Incision - This method can treat rolling scars where the fibrous bands causing the skin to roll up are broken. A needle is inserted which cuts the bands. Slight bruises may appear which will fade in a week's time.

Laser Resurfacing - It is a popular method to treat many skin infections using carbon dioxide and YAG lasers. The top layer of the skin is burned to a precise depth with the laser. The skin then heals being replaced with the new skin.


Getting rid of acne scars is difficult but you can prevent scars. Never squeeze or try to break acne. This can cause the infection to spread and can result in the development of more scars. There are several prevention methods like using herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper and bergamot dandelion root to reduce toxicity, improve the skin condition and cure acne. Avoid sun exposure as it can dry out acne and aggravate the problem later.

I hope you found this article helpful! To discover some unusual home remedies for acne scars, and to uncover some shocking facts about acne cream treatment, please go to:

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